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本文分析了2002年9月10日Cluster四颗卫星穿越南极和北极极隙区期间的观测资料。这两次穿越是在弱而稳定的南向行星际磁场(IMF)条件下发生的。数据显示极隙区中的场向电流(FACs)引起了大的磁场扰动。本文采用了一种基于卫星多点测量来计算扰动界面方向和运动速度的方法。结果显示界面与磁力线大致平行,而它们的速度在卫星穿越南极极隙区时几乎朝向晨侧,在穿越北极极隙区时几乎朝向昏侧,并且其运动速度与相应卫星的速度相比其值很小。  相似文献   
极隙区Pc3频段脉动的传播特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南极中山站和戴维斯站 (不变磁纬 74.5°S)白天中午位于磁层极隙区 ,夜间位于极盖区或极光带的极向边沿。两站均安装了完全相同的感应式磁力计。选择两站 1 997年 3月和 1 996年 6、9、1 2月的数据 ,运用快速傅立叶变换和波形检查方法选择 Pc3频段脉动事件 ,然后用信号互谱技术进行统计分析 ,结果如下 :在中山站 -戴维斯站 ,Pc3频段脉动主要出现于白天中午 /磁中午和磁午夜附近 ;白天 ,Pc3频段脉动振幅、出现率和出现的时间范围均有一定的季节变化 ,冬季最小 ,但在夜间 ,Pc3频段脉动没有这种变化 ;夜间 ,Pc3频段脉动振幅比在白天大许多 ;Pc3频段脉动传播方向 ,白天主要向西 ,夜间不太规则。这些可能反映了电离层电导率和日侧电离层电流系统对 Pc3频段脉动的影响。  相似文献   
本文利用2001-2003年南极中山站175天全天空摄像机观测,对午后多重极光弧的出现率及其与Kp指数的关系进行了统计分析,结果表明午后多重极光弧出现率呈一单峰分布,最大发生率出现在1445UT(1645MLT),其位置在1500MLT极光热点(1300-1700MLT)近夜侧的部分。与地磁活动指数Kp的相关统计分析表明,Kp值为2-3之间时多重极光弧有较大的出现率,这说明中等地磁活动情形下午后多重极光弧有较高的出现率。事件分析表明多重极光弧的强度变化与地磁Pc5脉动具有较高的相关性,并且有类似的频谱特征,这说明午后多重极光弧可能与同时出现的Pc5地磁脉动有关。  相似文献   
极隙区Pc 3脉动特性的短基线研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南极中山站和戴维斯站(不变磁纬74.5°)白天中午位于磁层极隙区,两站均安装了完全相同的感应式磁力计,选择1997年3月和1996年6、9、12月两站的数据,运用快速傅里叶变换和波形检查方法选择Pc3脉动事件,然后用信号互谱技术进行统计分析.结果如下:在中山站-戴维斯站,Pc3脉动主要出现于白天,尤其是中午/磁中午附近;Pc3脉动振幅及发生率均在6月份最小,在其他月份大些;Pc3脉动传播方向,白天主要向西.这些可能反映了电离层电导率和日侧电离层电流系统对Pc3脉动的影响.  相似文献   
Based on data of Digisonde Portable Sounder-4 (DPS-4 ) in 1995 -1997. we have analyzed the seasonal variations of F region at Zhongshan Station (69. 4°S,76. 4°E ). During the summer of Zhongshan Station, F region ionization is mainly controlled by the solar ultraviolet radiation. Similar to the phenomena in mid-latitude area, the value f0F2 is changed with local time. During equinox scasons, soft electron precipitation from the cusp/cleft region seems significant, f0F2 is changed with rnagnetic local time, and shows the magnetic noon phenomenon. In winter. the effect of the solar radiation on the F region is less than that of summer. Instead, F region is affected by particle precipitation from cusp/cleft region as well as polar plasma convection, there fore, the diurnal variation of f0F2 is more complex and shows two peaks. F region occurs all day in summer. and seldom appears at midnight in equinox.In winter, F region shows two minimums, one is at midnight and the other is at afternoon cusp. Further analysis of the F region spread indicates that in winter the aurora oval passes over the Zhongshan Station is at 1100 UT - 1500 UT.  相似文献   
利用南极中山站和戴维斯站观测的感应式磁力计数据,运用互谱分析方法统计分析了2004年3、6、9、12月的Pc1-2波事件,研究了Pc1-2波出现频次、中心频率和振幅对季节和磁地方时的分布。结果共获得有效Pc1-2波事件2932件,其中,出现在3、9月较多,分别占51.4%和26.1%,12月次之,占18.6%,6月最少,占3.8%。两站的Pc1-2波事件有59.8%出现在磁中午(0800—1000 UT)附近,且在午后靠近磁中午的时候Pc1-2波的中心频率比在午前靠近磁中午的时候大,振幅则在0800 UT时出现最大值;此外,在6月,Pc1-2波的平均中心频率最大,而平均振幅则最小。这些结果表明,极隙区纬度Pc1-2波的传播在很大程度上受电离层电导率的影响。  相似文献   
A series of solar flare and coronal mass ejection (CME) event occurred in July 2000, particularly the largest flare (X5.7/3B) with CME on 14th of July since 1989, which stimulated a great geomagnetic storm with Dst index reaching -300 nT. A number of data have been obtained from the Chinese Antarctic Zhongshan Station (ZHS, INT Lat. 74.5°, L≈14), which is located at cusp latitude, and from the ACE satellite. After analyzing these data we have got the results as follows: a lot of solar high energy particles penetrated into the polar ionosphere and ionized it, which significantly increased the cosmic noise absorption (CNA) and blanked the DPS-4 data for more than two days. The magnetic pulsation in Pc 3/5 frequency band on the ground has a high relation with the fluctuation of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) Bz, which shows the contribution of interplanetary magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) waves to the Pc 3/5 pulsation on the ground. The Pc 3/5 pulsation was intensified much during the great magnetic storm. The H component of the magnetic field at ZHS varied with the southern value of IMF Bz but lagged behind for about 8 10 h. While Dst index responded to the variation of the IMF Bz very quickly, which suggested that the magnetic storm occurred at low latitude firstly and then effected the ionospheric current at high latitude.  相似文献   
2000年7月重大太阳事件的极隙区纬度观测研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
20 0 0年 7月 ,太阳表面发生了一系列的耀斑与日冕物质抛射事件 ,最大耀斑能级达X5 .7/3 B。地球表面发生相应特大磁暴 ,Dst指数最大负偏达 - 3 0 0 n T。中国南极中山站地处极隙区纬度 ,白天位于磁层极隙区 ,夜间位于极盖区 ,以多种高空大气物理观测设备详细记录了该磁暴过程。对有关数据的分析表明 ,高能粒子引起电离层吸收急剧增加 ,测高仪数据两天多信号空白 ,宇宙噪声吸收显著增加 ;地磁 Pc3 /5脉动增加与行星际磁场南向分量密切对应 ,显示行星际磁流体波对激发磁层脉动的贡献 ;磁暴主相期间 ,Pc3 /5脉动大幅度增加 ;极区地磁水平分量随南向行星际磁场变化 ,但滞后近 8小时 ;Dst指数与南向行星际磁场密切相关 ,磁暴受控于高度负偏的南向行星际磁场  相似文献   
1IntroductionZhongshanStation(76°22′E,69°22′S)ofAntarcticaislocatedinanideaplaceforobservingsolar-terestrialphenomena.AtZhong...  相似文献   
In the paper the high latitude ionospheric absorption events, monitored by an imaging riometer at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica, are examined during magnetic storms in early May, 1998. The storm absorption at ~0639 UT on May 2 was mainly an equatorward progressing absorption event, which were associated with a strong negative bay of the magnetic H component and with a large Pc3 range pulsation. There was a time lag of about 1. 5 hours between the onset of the ionospheric disturbance and the IMF southward turning in the solar wind. The event at 2222 UT on May 2 was a typical midnight absorption spike event. The absorption region took the form of an elongated strip with the length of 100 - 150 km and the width of 30 - 40 km. The absorption during 0830 - 1200 UT on May 6 was a polar cap absorption (PCA) event,caused by intense precipitation of high-energy protons erupted after a large solar flare explosion.  相似文献   
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