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A fully nonlinear numerical model based on a time-domain higher-order boundary element method (HOBEM) is founded to simulate the kinematics of extreme waves. In the model, the fully nonlinear free surface boundary conditions are satisfied and a semi-mixed Euler-Lagrange method is used to track free surface; a fourth-order Runga-Kutta technique is adopted to refresh the wave elevation and velocity potential on the free surface at each time step; an image Green function is used in the numerical wave tank so that the integrations on the lateral surfaces and bottom are excluded. The extreme waves are generated by the method of wave focusing. The physical experiments are carried out in a wave flume. On the horizontal velocity of the measured point, numerical solutions agree well with experimental results. The characteristics of the nonlinear extreme-wave kinematics and the velocity distribution are studied here.  相似文献   
胆矾为一种含水硫酸盐矿物,晶体美丽,色泽鲜艳,但易风化,本文从分析影响胆矾稳定的环境、湿度等条件入手,通过实验确定常温下胆矾风化主要是受湿度影响,胆矾稳定定的相对湿度上限为65%.下限为45%。对胆矾矿物的保护,可选用液态湿度缓冲剂,采用湿源密封环境.控制胆矾矿物保存环境湿度。  相似文献   
Geochemical samples from part of Lake Geneva were analyzed for 29oxides and trace elements. The variables and samples were subjected to R- and Q-mode analyses. The following techniques were applied in sequence: data transformation (normalization and standardization), data reduction (principal component and factor analysis), and automatic classification (dendrograph). The data were treated using various combinations of these techniques, and the resulting classifications evaluated by means of several criteria. The best classification of the samples is given by a cluster analysis performed on four principal components computed from standardized variables. The discriminatory power of the variables also was measured and determined to depend on their degree of intercorrelation. As a final result, the 29original variables were reduced to four components and the sediment samples classified into four facies, leading to easily interpretable geochemical maps.  相似文献   
郑春子  王光奇 《地质论评》1999,45(6):632-639
吉林晚石炭世要期石头口门裂陷槽位于长春东50km。该裂陷槽以海底火山沉积--硅质岩沉积为主。早期以含锰结核的碎屑岩和泥岩、硅质岩为主,并有少量的凝灰碉和玄武岩;中期以海底火山喷发的高钠质细碧岩、角地为主,并伴有规模不大的蛇纹岩;晚期以硅质岩、长石杂砂岩、泥岩、生物碎屑灰岩为主,在生物碎屑灰岩中首次发现Fusulina lanceolata F.sp.、Pseudostaffella khotune  相似文献   
有机硫是海洋沉积物中重要的硫形态,其中成岩有机硫对有机质保存和微量元素形态具有重要影响。利用化学提取及硫稳定同位素研究了胶州湾沉积物中碱可提取的腐殖酸硫(HA-S)、富里酸硫(FA-S)以及铬不可还原有机硫(non-CROS)的垂直分布、来源及形成机制。结果表明,non-CROS、HA-S以及FA-S的含量范围分别为19.1~52.6、3.35~7.82和27.3~38.6μmol/g,均处于其他许多近海沉积物中含量的低值区,且3者均为海洋生物有机硫和成岩有机硫的混合物。HA-S和nonCROS以海洋生物有机硫为主,其份数分别为65%~68%和67%~77%,而FA-S则以成岩有机硫为主(54%~73%)。相对于生物有机硫,成岩有机硫更易被碱和酸性Cr(Ⅱ)溶液提取,因此腐殖质硫和non-CROS都不能全面反映沉积物中有机硫的组成和来源。黄铁矿和腐殖质中成岩有机硫含量随深度的同步增加表明黄铁矿形成并未明显地竞争性抑制有机质硫化。  相似文献   
高利娥  曾令森  刘静  谢克家 《岩石学报》2009,25(9):2289-2302
藏南也拉香波穹隆位于近东西向展布的北喜马拉雅片麻岩穹隆(NHGD)最东端,主要由石榴角闪岩、石榴石云母片麻岩、二云母花岗岩和淡色花岗岩组成.SHRIMP锆石U/Pb定年结果表明也拉淡色花岗岩的结晶年龄为35.3±1.1Ma,明显老于位于该穹隆以西类似的淡色花岗岩(年龄普遍<25Ma).全岩元素和Sr-Nd同位素测试结果揭示:(1)也拉香波淡色花岗岩为过铝质富钠花岗岩;(2)与片麻岩相似,也拉香波淡色花岗岩富集大离子亲石元素(LILE,如K,Sr,Rb和Ba),但亏损Ti,Y,Yb,Sc和Cr;(3)和片麻岩或角闪岩相比,也拉香波淡色花岗岩同时亏损LREE和HREE,但与HREE相比,LREE相对富集;(4)在Sr-Nd同位素系统特征上.淡色花岗岩初始Sr同位素比值与角闪岩的相当,在0.711949~0.719344之间;但远小于片麻岩.而Nd同位素组成在片麻岩和角闪岩之间,在-8.9~-15.0之间.以石榴角闪岩和片麻岩为端元,简单混合计算表明:由石榴角闪岩为主和片麻岩为辅组成的混合源区发生部分熔融作用,各自产生的熔体进行不同程度的混合,可形成类似于也拉香波淡色花岗岩成分的岩浆,其中角闪岩的部分熔融起主要作用.使用Zr在岩浆中的饱和浓度温度计得出岩浆的平均温度为673℃,在此温度下,变泥质片麻岩在高压(~10kbar)条件下的水致部分熔融和角闪岩部分熔融都可形成也拉过铝质富钠淡色花岗岩,但角闪岩的脱水部分熔融起主导作用.在地壳增厚条件下,下地壳角闪岩的部分熔融可能是导致喜玛拉雅造山带从缩短增厚向伸展垮塌转换的主要因素之一.  相似文献   
通过对四川省地质构造后期演化及其变形特征的综合研究,结合主要含煤岩系分布及聚煤特征,将四川省赋煤构造单元划分为川南-黔北、华蓥山、米苍山-大巴山、龙门山、川中、大凉山-攀枝花、盐源、巴颜喀拉、西秦岭9个二级赋煤构造带。以构造研究为主线,根据主要含煤岩系和煤层赋存特征与构造形态之间的关系,结合野外实地调查、煤田地质勘查资料以及典型控煤构造特征分析,研究区控煤构造可划分为5大类14种类型,虽然构造样式丰富,类型多样,但主要以挤压构造样式的褶皱断裂组合和逆冲断裂组合为主,其它各类构造样式虽有发育,但数量较少,规模一般也不大。  相似文献   
In this paper, the numerical modelling of the tidal level and current in the Bohai Sea was carried out with ADI method, by taking the sum of four main tidal components M2,S2K2,O1 as the open boundary condition. The calculated values were consistent with the predicted ones (the observed values in the case of calm) in the Tidal Table. On the basis of the modelling of the tide, the sea level and current fields under the effects of strong wind were simulated. The calculated results were also quite satisfactory.  相似文献   
骆嘉成  樊帅 《探矿工程》2013,40(5):69-71
水下混凝土灌注是钻孔灌注桩施工中最关键工序之一,超深孔水下混凝土灌注的导管偶尔会出现爆管与瘪管现象。通过对导管受力分析,从理论上分析了造成爆管和瘪管现象的直接原因,从实践中罗列出可能导致爆管与瘪管的各种因素,并提出预防措施,有利于超深孔水下混凝土灌注质量的控制。  相似文献   
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