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白垩纪末期生物大批死亡引起的环境变化及其演化意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DSDP 524区中生代最晚期和第三纪最早期的沉积物中,保存着白垩纪末期环境变化和生物演化的详细纪录。我们对该孔进行了加密取样,样品间距大致相当于100年或1000年的时间间隔,同时对样品进行了碳酸盐含量、微量元素成分及碳氧同位素分析。我们所得到的数据可以解释为白垩纪末期生物大批死亡的结果,当时大量远洋地区的生物扫地以尽。养料锐减导致部分从河流带来的溶解CO_2转移到大气圈,致使在长达40,000年的时间内,空气中的CO_2剧增。由此产生的温室效应就是氧同位素所揭示的温度升高的原因。 第三纪最早期沉积物中,包括来自“白垩纪生物群”中的化石,有的已经过再沉积作用,有的则是这场灾难的最后幸存者。我们的资料表明,大量远洋生物的灭绝是在第三纪最早期的不利环境中发生的。而这种异常的环境则是生物大批死亡的结果,且持续有几千年之久。恐龙就是因为温度灾难性升高产生的热异常而灭绝的。 大洋中生物大批灭绝的原因,与巨大的天外星体的陨落有关,界线附近的铱异常即其标志,我们的资料与许靖华不久前发表的彗星冲击说是不抵触的。  相似文献   
一、前言农业系统的模拟模式当与适当的资料源相结合时拥有很大的潜力,能使农业研究和发展进入信息技术时代.在农业学科范围内,作物生产涉及作物遗传型、环境和管理措施之间复杂的相互作用,人们对各个部分以及它们之间的一些相互作用已进行了不少研究,但还有许多研究工作有待进行.有些信  相似文献   
在突尼斯的干旱和半干旱地区利用简化的空气动力学方法来测定显热通量(H)并测量地面热红外辐射温度(T_8),结果表明由差值(T_s-T_a)和H之间的简单线性关系可用来估算H,T_a是2m高的气温.同时也指出,在不稳定条件下这种关系式可用在各种粗糙度的地表上.还利用中午H/Rn与H/Rn的日平均值之间的相似来确定实际蒸发率  相似文献   
1.引言长期以来,极地海冰一直被认为是复杂的大气圈-水圈-冰园全球气候系统的一个重要因子.这种重要性是由于它有相当大的时空变化性,以及在限制海气间热量、质量和动量的交换,调整地面反射率和改变海洋底层水团性质方面的效应.已观测到的海冰覆盖  相似文献   
基于1981年以来连续、自动提供温度、气压和湿度测量的6通道微波辐射计的使用经验,提出了地基热力学廓线仪的模块化设计.每个模块由一微波通道对组成,其频率的选择应便于共用射频部件,这样可使硬件费用减少近半.一个系统所含的模块数目可以选择,使之适合具体应用中对高度和准确度的要求.给出了由具有4至18个通道的模拟廓线仪反演出的温度和气压高度的准确度,以说明如何在成本与准确度间进行权衡.  相似文献   
The temperate near-shore reefs of southern Australasia possess diverse assemblages of brown algal macrophytes which underpin major grazing and detrital food chains in medium to high energy coastal habitats. These ‘kelp' communities are at risk from effluent discharge with documented decline of macrophyte stands in areas subject to outfall. Recent studies utilising reproductive endpoints of several Australian species in ecotoxicological assays have highlighted their sensitivity to pollution. Results indicate an acceptable degree of reproducibility for assays with variation in response between taxa presumably related to differing habitat requirements and potential for stress resulting from toxicant/pollution exposure. Species studied are drawn from the orders Laminariales and Fucales, with the latter in particular offering substantial scope for further investigation. The greatest diversity of fucoid algae is found in south-eastern Australia and closely related taxa occur in similar latitudes in both the southern and northern hemispheres. The broad distribution of taxa from both taxonomic groups enables ready comparison of assays from disparate locations and offers the potential for simple, routine toxicological testing and habitat monitoring across broad geographic ranges.  相似文献   
l. IntroductiOnThe parameterizat1on of atmospheric convection is one of the most challenging issues inglobal climate modeling. Since convection interacts strongly with clouds and the large--scalecirculation, its representation in GCMs has a tremendous impact on the slmulation of theglobal climate and its variations. For example, in the National Center for Atmospheric Re-search (NCAR) Community Climate Model Version 2 (CCM2), excessive surface 1atent heatflux in the tropics was simulate…  相似文献   
正1.Introduction Historic instrumental weather observations,made on land or at sea from as early as the 17th century(e.g.,Camuffo et al.,2010),are integral to extending our understanding of the decadal and centennial variations of Earth’s climate and for comparison with paleo-proxy data.The potential of such data is shown to best effect when used in dynamical 4D global  相似文献   
Kyanite is an important and slow-dissolving mineral. Earlier work has measured its dissolution rate at high temperature and acidic pH, but experimental measurements at low temperature and near neutral p H were lacking. The rate equation by Palandri and Kharaka(A compilation of rate parameters of water–mineral interaction kinetics for application to geochemical modeling. US Geological Survey, Open File Report 2004-1068, 2004) indicates that the rate of kyanite dissolution at room temperature and near neutral pH is on the order of 10^-17 mol m^-2 s^-1, orders of magnitudes slower than most common silicate minerals such as albite and quartz. This study used an externallystirred mixed-flow reactor, which allows high solid:solution ratios, to measure the dissolution rate of kyanite at 0–22 ℃ and pH of 3.5–7.5. The measured dissolution rate of kyanite is 4.6–7.6 9 10-13 mol m^-2 s^-1 at 22℃, and the apparent activation energy is 73.5 kJ mol^-1. This dissolution rate is close to the rate of quartz dissolution and four orders of magnitude faster than the prediction by rate equation of Palandri and Kharaka(2004).Based on our new experimental data, we recommend the following rate equation for modeling the dissolution of kyanite at ambient temperatures.r=ke(-Ea)/R(1/T-1/(298.15))where k = 5.08 9 10-13 mol m^-2 s^-1, and Ea= 73.5 kJ mol^-1. Review of literature data(Carroll in The dissolution behavior of corundum, kaolinite, and andalusite: a surface complex reaction model for the dissolution of aluminosilicate minerals in diagenetic and weathering environs. Dissertation, Northwestern University, 1989) led to a recommended rate equation for andalusite as for T = 25℃ and pH = 2–10:r=k1aH+^n1+k2+k3aH^+^n3where k1= 4.04 9 10^-10 mol m^-2 s^-1, k2= 7.95×10^-10 mol m^-2 s^-1, k3= 1.01×10^-17 mol m^-2 s^-1, n1= 1.2 and n3=-0.6.  相似文献   
一、引言磁照图提供了在电离层中电流变动的情况,这种变化可分成两大类,通常把它作为两种太阳的离化辐射的作用。 (1)W(波Wave)辐射。仅仅作用于地球的向阳部分 (2)P(粒子Corpuscular)辐射。主要是作用在极光带,可以达到地球的黑夜部分。 W辐射效应主要与下列现象相联系; 磁静日的日变化;Sq和L。这些日变化由于强烈的太阳喷发后多余的辐射所引起的临时  相似文献   
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