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A double parallel-connection (DPC) Lorenz system is developed by performing spectrum truncation of the Galerkin series expansion of the two-dimensional Rayleigh-Benard convection equation. Analyses of the equilibrium states indicate that a convective roll stems from a flow with a given wavenumber first losing its stability for a particular aspect ratio β after a stable laminar flow gets unstable; when β has the value βc able to deprive synchronously two flows with different wavenumbers of stability, occurrences of convective rolls with different wavenumbers depend entirely on the initial conditions, in good agreement with the relevant experimental results. The calculations of the unstablized rolls show that, with a smaller β (as compared with βc), the DPC Lorenz system has the same bifurcation properties as the ordinary Lorenz system; for a moderate β, the system has very complicated periodic, quasi-periodic and phase-locking motions; for a larger β, it results in intermittent chaos and causes mean flows with different numbers of vortices to occur alternately with time. All these indicate that β has substantial effect on the two Lorenz systems coupled through parallel connection in their interaction and the results.  相似文献   
詹道江  邹进上 《气象学报》1986,44(4):473-481
我国的暴雨洪水大、人口众、土坝多。为了保障人民生命财产和工农业的安全,许多大型、重要的中小型水库多采用可能最大暴雨洪水作为设计、校核的标准。在水文与气象人员的协作下,我国近十年来的可能最大暴雨与洪水计算方法得到一定的发展,提出了具有中国特色的方法、论文和一些专著,并开始了国际交流。本文综述这方面的进展并提出了几点看法。  相似文献   
Based on the meteorological data of 105 aerological stations during the period of 1960-1969, the monthly average water vapor content (WVC) in air column over the mainland of China is calculated. Charts showing the distribution of mean WVC for January and July and its seasonal variation associated with the atmos-pheric circulation in the lower troposphere over East Asia are also presented. Results obtained from this anal-ysis will contribute to the assessment of water resources, as well as the studies of the formation of rainfall and climate.  相似文献   
GPS/MET水汽反演中T_m模型的本地化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用江西省南昌和赣州两探空站12年(1999—2010年)每日2次(08时和20时)的探空资料,运用最小二乘法建立了江西地区的加权平均温度Tm模型(江西本地化Tm模型)。基于探空资料计算得到的Tm值,对比分析了江西本地化Tm模型、武汉本地化Tm模型和GAMIT默认Tm模型的模拟结果,发现江西本地化Tm模型的模拟效果最好,武汉本地化Tm模型相对较差。利用GAMIT软件,分别采用江西本地化Tm模型、武汉本地化Tm模型和GAMIT默认Tm模型,对2010年1月至2010年12月南昌、赣州等地的GPS大气可降水量进行了解算,并与探空计算的大气可降水量作了对比分析,结果发现采用江西本地化Tm模型后解算得到的GPS大气可降水量精度最高,而采用GAMIT默认Tm模型的精度相对较差。  相似文献   
2019年6月8—10日江西出现了一次持续的大暴雨天气过程.使用常规观测资料、FY-2G卫星TBB资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,在天气尺度环流背景和中尺度系统分析的基础上,利用WRF模式对大暴雨过程进行数值模拟,分析罗霄山脉地形对此次持续暴雨过程的影响.结果表明:此次暴雨过程发生在稳定维持的"两槽一脊"环流形势下,高空西风气流、低空西南急流、沿海大槽、上游移来短波槽和近地面辐合线是大暴雨过程形成的主要天气系统.中尺度云团不断生成于江西省西北部的罗霄山脉北支和中支的迎风坡附近,受沿海大槽阻挡而缓慢东移,与系统性云团合并从而导致江西省西北部地区出现持续性强降水.湘、赣两省交界处的罗霄山脉北支和中支地形对暴雨强度有实质性的影响,去除相应罗霄山脉地形的数值试验模拟的降水量明显减少.罗霄山脉附近持续长时间的辐合线是引发此次大暴雨过程的直接中尺度天气系统,其生成与低层风场辐合、低空急流和地形均有关.受地形抬升作用,对流天气系统在地形迎风坡附近不断生成并持续向东移过江西省西北部,是造成暴雨持续的重要原因.  相似文献   
对NASA的TOMS臭氧资料进行分析后指出:冬季在北极的斯堪的那维亚地区存在一个明显的臭氧亏损区,亏损区的中心值达-50 DU,相当于该区域平均值的 15%。对臭氧亏损和北大西洋海温的东西向差异作相关分析得到:其季节变化的相关系数为-0.96,逐月( 168个月)变化的相关系数为-0.70。同样对臭氧亏损与地面加热进行相关分析后指出:斯堪的那维亚地区的臭氧亏损和该地区地面的热通量关系极其密切,其相关系数均在-0.87以上。由此我们认为:北大西洋暖流向北输送能量,引起斯堪的纳维亚地区地面加热,由此造成了冬季该地区的臭氧亏损。  相似文献   
In four seasons of 1982 measurements of atmospheric water vapor profiles and total precipitable water were made by a ground-based microwave radiometer operating at 1.35 cm wavelength. All data were processed by using Monte Carlo method. The statistical results of more than seventy cases show that the relative error compared to the radiosonde observations is 5.3% for the total precipitable water vapor and less than 20% for humidity profiles in the lower atmosphere below 750 mb. In addition, the relationship between the weather background and both the humidity profiles and the total precipitable water vapor were analyzed.  相似文献   
Pb isotopic geochemical exploration intersecting mineralization zones have been well developed in the light of the eigenvaluesV 1 andV 2 of three-dimensional topological projection of Pb isotopic data. The newly developed theoretical model forecasting concealed deposits has been verified in the evaluation of Longbohe copper deposit in Jinping, Yunnan Province, which is consistent with the observed law of depth variation for Pb isotopes. The forecasting results show that the depth of buried major orebody should occur at about -50 to -400 m and deeper within the eastern and western mineralization belts of Longbohe copper deposit.  相似文献   
随着经济的发展,我国对高层建筑,以及智能建筑物的防雷很重视,具体的防雷措施也做的很到位.但相对于一些古建筑物来说,特别是砖木,砖石结构建筑,在防雷方面却没有引起足够的重视,现阶段能够大量保存的砖木、砖石结构建筑大部分都是具有重要历史、艺术、科学价值的革命遗址、纪念建筑物、古文化遗址、古城址、古窑址、古墓葬、古建筑、石窟寺、古民居、石刻等文物,因此对这些建筑的防雷措施应该更加重视.本文做了关于砖木、砖石结构建筑闪电分流系数研究,仅供参考,希望对砖木、砖石建筑物雷电防护工作起到一定的作用.  相似文献   
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