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北京市奥运期间气象灾害风险承受与控制能力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭虎  熊亚军  扈海波 《气象》2008,34(2):77-82
针对北京市奥运会期间的7种主要气象灾害(雷电、冰雹、大风、高温、暴雨、大雾和霾灾害),建立了气象灾害风险承受能力与风险控制能力评价的指标体系.经过专家评分,获取7种气象灾害的评价指标所对应的分值.利用层次分析法,计算评价指标的权重系数.最后得到7种气象灾害评价指标的加权平均值作为其风险承受能力与风险控制能力系数.利用灾害模数、经济易损模数、生命易损模数3个指标进行北京市奥运期间18个区县空间易损度区划分析.结果表明:北京市奥运会期间,高温灾害和暴雨灾害的风险承受能力与风险控制能力最弱;雷电灾害和大雾灾害的承受与控制能力中等;冰雹灾害和霾灾害较强;大风灾害最强.易损度空间差异分析表明,城区(东城区、西城区、崇文区和宣武区)、朝阳区和海淀区为高易损性区域;丰台区、石景山区、房山区、昌平区、顺义区和大兴区为中易损性区域;门头沟区、通州区、平谷区、怀柔区、密云县和延庆县为低易损性区域.  相似文献   
Based on NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the interdecadal variability of Hadley circulation (HC) and its association with East Asian temperature in winter are investigated. Results indicate that the Northern Hemisphere winter HC underwent apparent change in the 1970s, with transition occurring around 1976/77. Along with interdecadal variability of HC, its linkage to surface air temperature (SAT) in East Asia also varied decadally, from weak relations to strong relations. Such a change may be related to the interaction between HC and the atmospheric circulation system over the Philippines, which is associated with the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). Before the 1970s, the connection between HC and the anticyclonic circulation around the Philippines was insignificant, but after the late 1970s their linkage entered a strong regime. The intensification of this connection may therefore be responsible for the strong relations between HC and East Asian winter temperatures after the late 1970s.  相似文献   
This paper investigates possible warming effects of an E1 Nifio event on the sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) in the northwestern Indian Ocean. Most pure positive Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) events (without an E1 Nifio event co-occurring) have a maximum positive SSTA mainly in the central Indian Ocean south of the equator, while most co-occurrences with an E1 Nifio event exhibit a northwest-southeast typical dipole mode. It is therefore inferred that warming in the northwestern Indian Ocean is closely related to the E1 Nifio event. Based on the atmospheric bridge theory, warming in the northwestern Indian Ocean during co-occurring cases may be primarily caused by relatively less latent heat loss from the ocean due to reduced wind speed. The deepened thermocline also contributes to the warming along the east coast of Africa through the suppressed upwelling of the cold water. Therefore, the E1 Nifio event is suggested to have a modulating effect on the structure of the dipole mode in the tropical Indian Ocean.  相似文献   
珠江三角洲秋季大气边界层温度和风廓线观测研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
根据2004年10月珠江三角洲3个代表性观测点大气边界层观测资料, 分析了珠江三角洲秋季大气边界层温度和风廓线特征。结果表明:珠江三角洲秋季气温递减率较低, 逆温出现频率较高, 强度较弱, 海风使珠江口贴地逆温的出现时间推迟、低空逆温的出现频率增加。珠江三角洲秋季受多种局地环流影响, 边界层内风廓线比较复杂, 晚上城市群与非城市群地区风向有明显差别; 城市群和珠江口多次分别观测到城市热岛环流和海风环流。  相似文献   
利用全国681个站的沙尘天气观测资料分析得出,2004年春季中国北方的沙尘天气明显偏少、偏弱,主要表现在:(1)2004年春季681个站累计的沙尘天气日数2 080 d,相当于历史平均值的46.9%,是近四十余年中第三个偏少年份。沙尘暴的总面积约190万km2,仅为历史平均值的37.3%。(2)危害性较大的沙尘暴和强沙尘暴过程6次,不足2001年的一半。(3)4月和5月沙尘天气明显偏少导致整个春季显著偏少。沙尘天气出现时,PM10浓度相对增加,空气质量恶化,但与历史上较典型的强沙尘暴个例相比,PM10浓度增加的幅度不大。进一步分析表明,2004年春季沙尘天气偏少、偏弱的主要原因是大气动力条件不足,是比较特殊的一个年份。  相似文献   
杭州L波段和59-701高空探测系统资料对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱兰娟  华行祥 《气象科技》2007,35(5):750-754
为比较L波段高空探测系统和59-701高空探测系统的资料异同,采用平均差、均方差比较的方法分析了杭州站平行观测一个月资料的温压湿资料,比较其异同及产生原因,为更好利用高空探测资料、改进L波段高空探测系统提供参考。通过比较发现:L波段高空探测系统比59-701高空探测系统所测的温度、高度资料更稳定、离散率更小,对提高预报准确率有利。两套系统的温度差值在70 hPa层出现明显拐点,其原因有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
借助HS6288系列噪声分析仪,对河南省长垣县城区噪声进行了实地监测。依据国家城市区域环境噪声标准,并结合综合污染指数法和模糊综合评价法对监测结果进行分析评价。结果表明,长垣县城区总体噪声水平为4级(中污染),声环境已出现恶化。在分析长垣县城区噪声污染及其分布的同时,结合实地调查,提出了一些针对小城镇噪声污染防治的对策。  相似文献   
In this study, a coupled atmosphere-surface “climate feedback-response analysis method” (CFRAM) was applied to the slab ocean model version of the NCAR CCSM3.0 to understand the tropospheric warming due to a doubling of CO2 concentration through quantifying the contributions of each climate feedback process. It is shown that the tropospheric warming displays distinct meridional and vertical patterns that are in a good agreement with the multi-model mean projection from the IPCC AR4. In the tropics, the warming in the upper troposphere is stronger than in the lower troposphere, leading to a decrease in temperature lapse rate, whereas in high latitudes the opposite it true. In terms of meridional contrast, the lower tropospheric warming in the tropics is weaker than that in high latitudes, resulting in a weakened meridional temperature gradient. In the upper troposphere the meridional temperature gradient is enhanced due to much stronger warming in the tropics than in high latitudes. Using the CFRAM method, we analyzed both radiative feedbacks, which have been emphasized in previous climate feedback analysis, and non-radiative feedbacks. It is shown that non-radiative (radiative) feedbacks are the major contributors to the temperature lapse rate decrease (increase) in the tropical (polar) region. Atmospheric convection is the leading contributor to temperature lapse rate decrease in the tropics. The cloud feedback also has non-negligible contributions. In the polar region, water vapor feedback is the main contributor to the temperature lapse rate increase, followed by albedo feedback and CO2 forcing. The decrease of meridional temperature gradient in the lower troposphere is mainly due to strong cooling from convection and cloud feedback in the tropics and the strong warming from albedo feedback in the polar region. The strengthening of meridional temperature gradient in the upper troposphere can be attributed to the warming associated with convection and cloud feedback in the tropics. Since convection is the leading contributor to the warming differences between tropical lower and upper troposphere, and between the tropical and polar regions, this study indicates that tropical convection plays a critical role in determining the climate sensitivity. In addition, the CFRAM analysis shows that convective process and water vapor feedback are the two major contributors to the tropical upper troposphere temperature change, indicating that the excessive upper tropospheric warming in the IPCC AR4 models may be due to overestimated warming from convective process or underestimated cooling due to water vapor feedback.  相似文献   
This study documents the variability of surface sensible and latent heat fluxes in five regions of China (Northwest China, the Tibetan Plateau, Northeast China, North China, and Southeast China) using the ERA-40 reanalysis for the years 1960–2000. The surface sensible and latent heat flux variations are remarkably different in Northwest and Southeast China. The seasonal variation of the surface sensible heat fluxes is largest in Northwest China and smallest in Southeast China. In contrast, the seasonal variation in latent heat flux is largest in Southeast China and smallest in Northwest China. The interdecadal variation of surface sensible and surface latent heat fluxes strongly depends on both the region and season. The trends in surface sensible and latent heat fluxes in all four seasons are mainly caused by variations in both the land–air temperature difference and in the specific humidity. There is also a limited contribution of wind speed in some regions, depending on the season.  相似文献   
台风菲特暴雨诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"菲特"台风暴雨具有阶段性特征,包括台风远距离降水、台风倒槽和内螺旋雨带降水、台风外部螺旋雨带降水、台风残留低压环流与冷空气相互作用降水4个阶段。利用地面观测、气象雷达观测、NCEP分析资料,对"菲特"台风暴雨环流形势进行了分析。引导台风东移的高压东西部具有不同热力属性,东部暖性深厚、西部冷性浅薄。浅薄冷高压阻挡登陆台风继续西移,延长台风倒槽和外围螺旋雨带的降水时间。"丹娜丝"台风的靠近,有利于东南风水汽输送的增强。副热带高压的增强,在黄海上空逼近东移高空槽形成稳定的高空急流。文章提出与传统垂直风切变大、高空急流强的冷空气阻挡型不同的侵入型冷空气和台风相互作用形势。侵入型冷空气从低层入侵,影响台风残留低压的外围环流。在低压外围环流的北部形成较强的东北风,并与海上的东风对峙辐合形成海岸锋。冷空气侵入型的空间不对称特征明显:对流有效位能东高西低,垂直风切变西北高东南低。残留低压的中层受冷空气影响较小,沿海地区的东南风持续的时间更长。中层高位涡区与地面海岸锋的互应,为变性的台风残留低压暴雨提供有利条件。  相似文献   
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