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An experimental study of the initial flow field downstream of a step change in surface roughness is presented. The roughness length of the downstream surface was approximately tenfold that of the upstream roughness and, unlike all previous studies, attention was concentrated on the roughness sublayer region beneath the inertial (log-law) region. The experiments were conducted at a boundary layer Reynolds number of about 6 × 104 (based on layer thickness andfree-stream velocity) and around a longitudinal location where the (downstream) roughness length, zo2, was about 1% of the boundary-layer thickness atthe roughness change point.The thickness of the roughness sublayer was found for the two roughness. It was observed that the vertical profiles of mean velocity and turbulence characteristics started to show similarity after about 160z02 downstream of the roughness change. The presence of a shear stress overshoot is shown to depend strongly on the precise location (with respect to the roughness elements) at which the measurements are made and the thickness of the equilibrium layer is shown to be very sensitive to the way it is defined. It is demonstrated that the growing equilibrium layer has first to encompass the roughness sublayer before any thickness of inertial sublayer can be developed. It follows that, in somepractical cases, like flows across some urban environments, the latter(log-law) region may never exist at all. 相似文献
Before optimal linear prediction can be performed on spatial data sets, the variogram is usually estimated at various lags and a parametric model is fitted to those estimates. Apart from possible a priori knowledge about the process and the user's subjectivity, there is no standard methodology for choosing among valid variogram models like the spherical or the exponential ones. This paper discusses the nonparametric estimation of the variogram and its derivative, based on the spectral representation of positive definite functions. The use of the estimated derivative to help choose among valid parametric variogram models is presented. Once a model is selected, its parameters can be estimated—for example, by generalized least squares. A small simulation study is performed that demonstrates the usefulness of estimating the derivative to help model selection and illustrates the issue of aliasing. MATLAB software for nonparametric variogram derivative estimation is available at http://www-math.mit.edu/~gorsich/derivative.html. An application to the Walker Lake data set is also presented. 相似文献
对柴达木盆地西部各油田的151个原油进行了分子地球化学分析,并选取伽马蜡烷/C30藿烷、升藿烷指数、甾烷C27/C29和三环萜烷/C30Hop四个参数作为变量进行SAS聚类分析。结合常规二维散点图法,柴西原油可以分为3个油族7个亚族:油族Ⅰ以强水体分层、强还原环境为特征,主要分布于西端的七个泉、红柳泉地区,该油族可以分为两个亚族,油亚族②相比于油亚族①具有更高的甾烷 C27/C29比值;油族Ⅱ主要分布于狮子沟、花土沟、跃进和南翼山油泉子地区,在七个泉、红柳泉等地区也有分布,以相对较强的水体分层、还原环境为特征;油族Ⅲ主要分布于东(南)部的切克里克、乌南、绿草滩、咸水泉、跃西和跃进Ⅱ号等地区,以水体分层变差、较还原环境为特征,该油族可以分为3个亚族,其中油亚族⑤则具有异常低的三环萜烷/C30Hop 比值,油亚族⑥具有异常高的甾烷 C27/C29比值,油亚族⑦则具有异常高的三环萜烷/C30Hop 比值。油族空间分布特征受下干柴沟组源岩有机相在空间上的变化制约,下干柴沟组源岩发育时期,自西向东地层沉积速率增大,水体的分层变差、还原性降低,导致陆源输入的增加以及有机质保存条件变差。 相似文献
黄土高原半干旱区异常能量闭合率特征分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站(简称SACOL站)4 a的陆面通量数据为基础,利用普通最小二乘法(OLS)和能量平衡比率(EBR)方法,对能量平衡的异常闭合特征及其与相对垂直湍强(RIw)的关系进行了研究,并进行了能量滞后分析。结果表明,能量过闭合和负闭合现象分别主要发生在白天和夜间,大小遵从正态分布;较大异常闭合产生的原因主要是日出日落时净辐射与地表热通量接近以及降水影响造成湍流通量出现异常大值。一般来说,垂直湍流运动越强,异常闭合越少,闭合度越向1收敛,反之亦然。强湍流或极弱湍流都不利于产生异常闭合,过闭合、负闭合的最适相对垂直湍强RIw约为0.11、0.14。另外,能量支出项的相对滞后也是造成包括负闭合在内的异常闭合的原因之一。剔除湍强较弱的点或将地表热通量G0、感热H、潜热LE相位相对净辐射Rn提前30 min后,异常闭合所占比重减少;月平均EBR法过闭合度降低,OLS法闭合度提高。 相似文献
“SZ-4”飞船高度计天线指向角反演方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用2003年2月7到8日“SZ-4”高度计的波形数据,经过波形数据预处理(波形为1 s的平均、去除热噪声和波形归一化)后,对海面回波波形后沿进行拟合,计算出了高度计天线的指向角,结果表明,“SZ-4”飞船高度计天线的指向角几乎全部在0.024°以内,天线指向在计算时间内比较稳定. 相似文献
天山地区SAR数据雪盖制图研究 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
在分析合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像机理及雪盖参数散射特性的基础上,利用航天飞机搭载的成像雷达(SIR-C)获取的天山C波段、多极化SAR数据,进行提取雪盖信息的实验。数据通过预处理、散射系数图像的计算、去噪、入射角改正等处理后,利用BAYES监督分类方法产生该地区的雪盖分类图。实验结果表明,利用多波段、多极化SAR进行雪盖制图是可行的。 相似文献
After two sampling surveys, in 1974–1975 and 1984, and with the use of an Annelid Pollution Index, the existence of a degraded Cystoseira stricta community has been established. The community studied was present on superficial rocky substrates on the French Mediterranean coast in unpolluted or moderately polluted zones although, for the latter, pollution reduction measures had been put into effect. The most polluted station in 1984 was close to the effluent of a coastal village sewage treatment plant. 相似文献
The control of synchronous structures on formation of superlarge stratabound ore deposits is immense. Based on studies of ore deposits in South Qiniing, northern Guangdong, Langshan and other areas, three new ideas in comparison with examples of ore control of synchronous structures both in China and abroad are proposed: (i) multiorder ore control of synchronous structures, which means that synchronous structures of different orders display different controls on ore deposits; (ii) synchronous structures in different stages of basin evolution display different controls on basin fluid system and ore-forming system; (iii) synchronous strurture accompanying hydrothermal mineralization as a preexisting weak surface in earth crust often reactivate in later tcctono-thermal event to be a channelway for magma or thermal fluids which superimposed on and reformed preexisting ore beds to form large or superlarge composite ore deposits. 相似文献
<正>This study focused on the typical Precambrian copperiron-gold-uranium deposits in the southwestern margin of the Yangtze block,such as the Lala in Huili,Dahongshan in Xinping,Yinachang in Wuding,and Chahe in Yuanjiang.Through systematically sampling of rocks,mineral and single mineral samples,this study discussed the continental geodynamics,age of magmatic rocks and metallogenic epoch,coupling relationship between polymetallic elements and ore-forming fluid,and the 相似文献