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Seismicity in ocean ridge-transform systems reveals fundamental processes of mid-ocean ridges, while comparisons of seismicity in different oceans remain rare due to a lack of detection of small events. From 1996 to2003, the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA/PMEL) deployed several hydrophones in the eastern Pacific Ocean and the northern Atlantic Ocean.These hydrophones recorded earthquakes with small magnitudes, providing us with...  相似文献   
全球导航卫星系统反射(Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry,GNSS-R)技术是一种新兴的监测海平面高度变化的技术。本文依据GNSS-R技术中的信噪比分析法的原理,通过分析其分离趋势项和提取振荡频率的过程,建立了新的估测模型以提高反演精度。针对传统模型存在的信号分离不佳的问题,本文提出使用变分模态分解(Variational Mode Decomposition,VMD)算法替换传统的最小二乘拟合法(Least Squares Fitting, LSF)进行趋势项分量的分离。在此基础上,本文引入基于凯塞窗函数改进的LSP(Lomb-Scargle Periodogram)频谱分析法(记为WinLSP)来减弱因频谱泄露带来的反演误差。在瑞典翁萨拉的GTGU站和美国阿拉斯加州的SC02站开展的海平面高度反演实验结果表明,本文建立的估测模型相比于传统模型具有更高的反演精度。基于VMD+WinLSP估测模型得到的GTGU站反演结果的均方根误差(RMSE)、相关系数和反演点数分别为4.70 cm、0.98和5 647。与传统的LSF+LSP估测模型相比,反演精度和GNSS数据利用率分别提高了约29.7%和15.0%。SC02站的RMSE、相关系数和反演点数分别为14.34 cm、0.99和1 785,反演精度和GNSS数据利用率分别提高了约12.3%和9.4%。  相似文献   
We present an alternative scheme for implementing the unconventional geometric two-qubit phase gate and preparing multiqubit entanglement by using a frequency-modulated laser field to simultaneously illuminate all ions. Selecting the index of modulation yields selective mechanisms for coupling and decoupling between the internal and the external states of the ions. By the selective mechanisms, we obtain the unconventional geometric two-qubit phase gate, multiparticle Greenberger--Horne--Zeilinger states and highly entangled cluster states. Our scheme is insensitive to the thermal motion of the ions.  相似文献   
We describe the microfabrication of 85Rb vapour cells using a glass-silicon anodic bonding technique and in situ chemical reaction between rubidium chloride and barium azide to produce Rb. Under controlled conditions, the pure metallic Rb drops and buffer gases were obtained in the cells with a few mm3 internal volumes during the cell sealing process. At an ambient temperature of 90 ℃ the optical absorption resonance of 85Rb D1 transition with proper broadening and the corresponding coherent population trapping (CPT) resonance, with a signal contrast of 1.5% and linewidth of about 1.7 kHz, have been detected. The sealing quality and the stability of the cells have also been demonstrated experimentally by using the helium leaking detection and the after-9-month optoelectronics measurement which shows a similar CPT signal as its original status. In addition, the physics package of chip-scale atomic clock (CSAC) based on the cell was realized. The measured frequency stability of the physics package can reach to 2.1×10-10 at one second when the cell was heated to 100 ℃ which proved that the cell has the quality to be used in portable and battery-operated devices.  相似文献   
DGPS(DifferentialGlobalPositioningSystem)测量技术即差分定位技术,包括实时差分和后处理差分定位技术,正在远海和近海测量中得到广泛应用。后处理差分定位与微波定位及GPS实时差分定位相比,具有作用距离远,不受基准台与船台之问的障碍物影响以及减少基准台等优点。对于近海大比例尺(大于1:1万)测量,可采用实时差分定位的方法,而小于1:1万中小比例尺海底地形图测绘及海上其他工程测量,采用后处理差分定位,既能满足精度要求,又能提高工作效率。本文主要介绍利用DGPS后处理定位方法,在测绘广西沿海1:5万海底地形图中的应用情况。  相似文献   
Due to its unique geological location, the Bering Sea is an ideal place to investigate the water exchange and ecosystem connectivity of the Pacific Ocean–Arctic Ocean and subarctic–Arctic region. Based on a number of summer surveys(July to September, 2010, 2012 and 2014), macrobenthic communities and their spatial-temporal patterns are exhibited for the majority of the Bering Sea(53°59′–64°36′N). The results show that the macrobenthic communities were dominated by northern cold-water species and immigrant eurythermic species, and the communities assumed a dispersed and patchy distribution pattern. Polychaetes(Scoloplos armiger), crustaceans(Ceradocus capensis) and sea urchins(Echinarachnius parma) were the main dominant groups in the shallow shelves; the sea star(Ctenodiscus crispatus) and the brittle star(Ophiura sarsii) were the main dominant groups in the continental slope; whereas small polychaetes(Prionospio malmgreni) dominated the basin area. Sediment type, water depth, and currents were the major factors affecting the structure and spatial distribution of the macrobenthic communities. Compared with other seas, the shallow areas of the Bering Sea showed an extremely high-standing biomass. In particular, the northern shelf area(north of St. Lawrence Islands and west of 170°W),which is primarily controlled by Anadyr Water, is an undersea oasis. In contrast, a deficiency in the downward transport of particulate organic carbon has resulted in a desert-like seabed in the basin area. By comparing our results to previous studies, we found that macrobenthic communities of the Bering Sea have undergone significant structural changes in recent decades, resulting in a decrease in abundance and an increase in biomass.In addition, populations of amphipods and bivalves in the northern shelves have decreased significantly and have been gradually replaced by other species. These changes might be associated with advanced seasonal ice melting,changes in organic carbon input, and global warming, indicating that large-scale ecosystem changes have been occurring in the Bering Sea.  相似文献   
Ferromanganese nodules and crusts contain relatively high concentration of rare earth elements(REE) and yttrium(REY),with a growing interest in exploitation as an alternative to land-based REY resources.On the basis of comprehensive geochemical approach,the abundance and distribution of REY in the ferromanganese nodules from the South China Sea are analyzed.The results indicate that the REY contents in ferromanganese deposits show a clear geographic regularity.Total REY contents range from 69.1×10~(–6) to 2 919.4×10~(–6),with an average value of 1 459.5×10~(–6).Especially,the enrichment rate of Ce content is high,accounting for almost 60% of the total REY.This REE enrichment is controlled mainly by the sorption of ferromanganese oxides and clay minerals in the nodules and crusts.Moreover,the total REY are higher in ferromanganese deposits of hydrogenous origin than of diagenetic origin.Finally,Light REE(LREE) and heavy REE(HREE) oxides of the ferromanganese deposits in the study area can be classified into four grades: non-enriched type,weakly enriched type,enriched type,and extremely enriched type.According to the classification criteria of rare earth resources,the Xisha and Zhongsha platform-central deep basin areas show a great potential for these rare earth metals.  相似文献   
Hydroelastic effect of sloshing is studied through an experimental investigation. Different excitation frequencies are considered with low-fill-depth and large amplitude. Morlet wavelet transform is introduced to analyze the free surface elevations and sloshing pressures. It focuses on variations and distributions of the wavelet energy in elastic tanks. The evolutions of theoretical and experimental wavelet spectra are discussed and the corresponding Fourier spectrums are compared. Afterwards, average values of the wavelet spectra are extracted to do a quantitative study at various points. From the wavelet analysis, sloshing energies are mainly distributed around the external excitation frequency and expanded to high frequencies under violent condition. In resonance, experimental wavelet energy of the elevation in elastic tanks is obviously less than that in the rigid one; for sloshing pressures, the elastic wavelet energy close to the rigid one and conspicuous impulse is observed. It recommends engineers to concern the primary natural frequency and impulsive peak pressures.  相似文献   
苏门答腊弧后裂谷盆地带是印尼乃至东南亚最大的油气产区,由于勘探程度高, 近十年来勘探成效差,盆地油气发现进入瓶颈期。为了指明苏门答腊弧后裂谷盆地带勘探方向,以盆地带构造演化为主线,以构造带为研究对象,在构造特征、构造对成藏模式控制作用等多方面研究的基础上,预测了苏门答腊盆地带有利勘探领域。根据构造特征分析,苏门答腊弧后裂谷盆地带可划分为近岛弧带、中央反转带和远岛弧带3个构造带。近岛弧带以继承性隆起为构造特征,油气主要通过断裂垂向运移,聚集在局部构造高部位生物礁和背斜之中,近岛弧带为旁生侧储型成藏模式,基底潜山圈闭是近岛弧带未来的勘探方向;中央反转带构造样式为挤压反转的半地堑、铲式正断层,中央反转带油气来自底部深凹陷,上部多层系做储层,垂向断层或侧向砂体发育,沟通烃源岩与圈闭,具有近水楼台的优势成藏条件,为下生上储型成藏模式,该带基底潜山圈闭和源内构造—岩性圈闭也具有较好的烃—运—储匹配关系,可能形成好的油气藏;远岛弧带以单斜构造背景为主,局部发育深洼陷,远岛弧带局部洼陷具有一定的生烃能力,该构造带钻井揭示了地层超覆油气藏,但目前勘探程度较低,尚存在较大勘探潜力。  相似文献   
冷水珊瑚也称为深水珊瑚, 在生物多样性、生态资源和科研价值等方面具有重要意义。文章对采自南海北部冷泉区的冷水珊瑚骨骼碎屑进行测定, 鉴定出冷水珊瑚2个种(Crispatotrochus sp.1和Crispatotrochus sp.2), 以及4个属[Balanophyllia (Balanophyllia)、Balanophyllia (Eupsammia)、LochmaeotrochusEnallopsammia]。测定的冷水珊瑚的δ13C为-7.36‰~-1.15‰, δ18O为-1.38‰~3.67‰, 与全球冷水珊瑚碳氧同位素组成相似, 但明显不同于南海暖水珊瑚、冷泉碳酸盐岩及低温热液成因碳酸盐岩的碳氧同位素组成。  相似文献   
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