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There is a great hiatus between Ordovician and Carboniferous strata in the Northeast China and Korean Peninsula. In order to understand geology and tectonic evolution, and to find out the similarities and differences in both regions, two sections in the Western Hill near Beijing in NE China and several sections in the Korean Peninsula were selected to examine their geologic boundaries between Lower and Upper Paleozoic strata to compare their characteristic features. At four sites in the two sections in the Western Hill near Beijing were examined their contact relations. The Hui Yu section is the same horizon where one site is top of a quarry hill and the other of down hill. Mid-Carboniferous Qingshuijian Formation rests on the Ordovician Majiagou Formation. Limestone beds are more commonly intercalated with shale and sandstone at site 2 of the Hui Yu section, while at site 1, conglomerate beds are dominant. Site 1 of the Se Shu Fen section shows eroded and concealed karst topography and conglomerate beds are intercalated within shale beds. Silurian and Devonian strata are absent in these areas. In the Korean Peninsula, most O-C contacts occur between Ordovician limestone formation and Carboniferous strata, although Silurian strata occur beneath the Carboniferous strata in the Jeongseon area and Pyeongnam Basin. Most contact relations are parallel unconformity and angular unconformity is rarely seen. The O-C relations in both regions are similar to each other, and these indicate that the Korean Peninsula was located near or belonged to the Sino-Korean paraplatform during Paleozoic time.  相似文献   
白诗筠 《地质与勘探》2023,59(5):1054-1064
为明确位于新疆北部的布尔津盆地的资源状况,以实际采集数据为基础,采用建场测深法成果剖面研究了该盆地的地层地质结构,并对深层油气及浅部砂岩型铀矿进行评价。通过利用已知测井电阻率曲线模拟计算不同深度的电磁信号频率响应,论证了该方法探测从浅层第三系到深部石炭系的采集参数和工作方案;在数据处理成果的基础上,结合研究区已知地层物性特征,推断沿线的地质结构,揭示了布尔津凹陷的结构及下二叠统卡拉岗组、上石炭统哈尔加乌组、上石炭统恰其海组地层的分布,认为哈尔加乌组是本区有潜力的烃源岩。同时利用电阻率及双频相位属性对研究区浅部第三系砂岩型铀成矿条件进行分析,其结果与附近已知矿点情况吻合。本文提出的方法可为类似地区进行多种矿产资源勘探提供技术参考。  相似文献   
青藏高原具有复杂的构造演化特征,该地区自中、新生代以来的构造隆升和构造演化机制一直是地质研究的热点。为精细刻画青藏高原板块、华北板块和华南板块之间的拼合关系及差异性隆升特征,对位于青藏高原东北端的碧口地块进行了磷灰石和锆石裂变径迹测试,以及热史模拟和岩石冷却速率计算。结果锆石和磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分别在(118±5~265±29)Ma和(29.0±2.7~54.0±7.0)Ma之间;碧口地块东北缘及北缘冷却速率接近,在3.125~3.448 ℃/Ma之间,东缘冷却速率相对较低,为2.041~2.273 ℃/Ma。结果表明,中、新生代以来,碧口地块及其周缘总体上经历了持续隆升过程,但不同地区隆升特征具有差异性:碧口地块北侧在早、中侏罗世(151±7)Ma经历了构造挤压和隆升过程;东部相对较晚,在晚侏罗世(143±11)Ma经历了构造隆升阶段;东北端在早白垩世才与华北板块拼接并进入持续构造隆升阶段。进入古近纪(54.0±7.0)Ma隆升阶段,即始新世早期后,碧口地块东缘在始新世中后期(44 Ma)开始发生构造隆升,北缘自渐新世中晚期(29~32 Ma)开始发生显著的构造隆升。上述区域在10 Ma(中新世晚期)共同进入快速隆升阶段。  相似文献   
SPI-based evaluation of drought events in Xinjiang, China   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Daily precipitation data for 1957?C2009 from 53 stations in the Xinjiang, China, are analyzed, based on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) with the aim to investigate spatio-temporal patterns of droughts. The Mann?CKendall trend test is used to detect the trends in the SPI values of monthly drought series, drought severity and drought duration. The frequencies of moderate, severe and extreme droughts are higher in the North Xinjiang, while mild droughts occur more often in the South Xinjiang. A decreasing frequency of droughts in the North Xinjiang is found in winter, but a drying tendency is detected in the western parts of the North Xinjiang during spring, summer and autumn, which may be harmful for agriculture. The South Xinjiang seems to be getting wetter in summer, while the south parts of the South Xinjiang seem to be getting drier in spring. The middle of the East Xinjiang is identified to be in a slightly dry tendency. The drought severity is decreasing and drought duration is getting shorter in the North Xinjiang, while both of them increase in the southern parts of the South Xinjiang. In addition, droughts in the middle parts of the East Xinjiang are intensifying.  相似文献   
采用硝酸—氢氟酸—高氟酸混合体系,微波消解样品,用ICP-OES法测定煤样中微量元素P、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr、Dd、Ni、Co,快速简便、准确度高。  相似文献   
西藏蛇绿岩中二种合金矿物新变种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在西藏雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带的东部,距拉萨200km的泽当罗莎蛇绿岩的铬铁矿中,发现有种类繁多的合金矿物,铬铁镍矿和依铁镍矿就是其中二种。铬铁镍矿分子式:Ni0.41Fe0.35Cr0.24,为等轴晶系,空间群为Fm3m,晶胞参数a=0.35622(2)nm。铱铁镍矿分子式:Ni0.66Fe0.18Ir0.16,属等轴晶系,空间群Oh^5-Fm3m,晶胞参数a=0.46486(4)mm。  相似文献   
火山岩熔融,结晶,淬火实验及其岩石学意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对我国福建,江西,河南等地某些典型玄武岩和部分安山岩以及意大利威苏维火山的白响岩质碱玄岩进行了实验研究,其中包括熔融,结晶,淬火实验。根据实验结果,分析了熔浆成分对首晶矿物的影响,阐明了晶体形态与结晶温度,生长速度及成核密度的关系,研究了斜长石,白榴石的晶出及其矿物学,岩石学意义,论述了橄榄石,辉石的成分特生上春晶出后熔浆成分的演化趋势,讨论了单斜辉石的淬火效应与压力效应。  相似文献   
自工业革命以来全球大气CH4含量呈快速的增长趋势, 但达索普冰芯记录所显示的北半球中低纬度地区大气CH4增长的启动时间要晚于极地冰芯记录近100 a. 由于受北半球人类活动CH4排放、CH4在大气中的寿命及大气中CH4的传输等过程的影响, 最近150 a以来, 中低纬度大气CH4与南极大气CH4含量在不同的时段表现出不同的净积累量和增长速率, 且20世纪两次世界大战期间达索普冰芯记录明确显示出人类活动排放的减缓使大气CH4呈负增长. 对比研究认为, 到20世纪中叶人类活动的甲烷排放已达到极高值, 中低纬度大气中CH4增长率及年积累逐步趋于平稳且略有降低. 可以认定, 工业革命以来中低纬度地区大气CH4与南极大气CH4含量的变化在不同的时段在受控于人类活动影响的同时, CH4在大气中的行为和传输过程以及东亚中低纬度季风气候的影响决定了两地之间大气CH4含量变化存在显著的差异.  相似文献   
东秦岭商丹地区蛇绿岩中的角闪石研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东秦岭蛇绿岩主要分布在北秦岭南缘、商丹断裂带以北的狭窄地带,断续逶迤呈带状作近东西向展布。分布于商丹地区的蛇绿岩是东秦岭蛇绿岩带的重要组成部分并具有代表性。 本文着重论述了商丹地区蛇绿岩中广泛分布的主要造岩矿物之一,角闪石的主要特征组份、微量元素、晶胞参数、阳离子占位度等成因矿物学特点。并据此说明了该蛇绿岩中的角闪石属于区域正变质的产物;形成的物质来源具有同源性,原岩为超镁铁质-镁铁质的岩浆岩和火山熔岩;形成的热力学条件基本相同,变质程度为绿帘角闪岩相或角闪岩相,变质温度为610℃左右,压力大于5×10~8Pa。 此外,根据商丹地区蛇绿岩中角闪石成因矿物学特征之相同性所提供的信息表明,东秦岭蛇绿岩带是华北和扬子两个板块俯冲、碰撞的构造边界变质带。  相似文献   
Marine manganese nodules and crusts, when processed, yield tailings which may be utilized for environmental and economic benefit. The key to the reasonable and effective utilization of these tailings lies in making a systematic appraisal of their composition and properties. This article gives an introduction to the investigation of manganese tailings properties. The tailings have a high iron and/or manganese content, high surface area, high porosity, and fine grain size. Some tailings have a high rare earth element content which is valuable. They may also have high SO3, arsenic, and uranium contents which are harmful. Depending on the process used to produce the tailings, there will likely be some differences in chemical composition, mineral assemblages, surface area and adsorption capability, pore diameter and volume, density and pH. In assigning potentially beneficial applications for these tailings, these differences should be taken into account to optimize utilization.  相似文献   
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