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One of the key concerns in estuarine and coastal environments is eutrophication, which is known to be closely connected to nutrient enrichment. To control and improve surface water quality, nutrient criteria are recommended in order to provide reference conditions for the environment. However, the current datasets of nutrient criteria in China are either designed for surface water or sea water, and as such these are not suitable for assessing estuarine water quality, especially given the unique ecosystem and dynamic properties of estuaries. To address this issue in current estuarine water management, nutrient criteria have been developed for a local estuary in the southeast of China. Segmentation of the Jiulong River Estuary, China was firstly analysed through field investigations carried out during 2013–2014, which resulted in the delineation of three segments characterized by their distinct properties in relation to salinity, hydrology, ecosystems, etc. Historical records from 1997 to 2014 were then analysed using statistical modelling to develop candidate nutrient criteria for the estuary.This stage of the analysis was undertaken in combination with the study of nutrient status records from the 1980s,which were used to establish a baseline reference condition. The recommended criteria values of dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN) in Segments Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ of the Jiulong River Estuary are 64, 21 and 14 μmol/L,respectively, and the corresponding values for soluble reactive phosphorus(SRP) are 0.89, 0.76 and 0.89 μmol/L,respectively. It should be emphasised that these values are site-dependent, and that different results may be achieved at other locations depending on the physical and biogeochemical characteristics of an estuary, or even a single site within a catchment. It is hoped that by demonstrating a possible methodological approach and methods of nutrient criteria derivation in the Jiulong River Estuary, the current study will offer researchers some fundamental basis from which to begin to develop more complete nutrient criteria indices for the study of nutrient conditions in other estuaries throughout China.  相似文献   
为了分析雅浦海沟中底栖生物群落的食物来源和营养级,本研究分析了雅浦海沟真光层中浮游植物和浮游动物、海底沉积物和巨型底栖生物(海绵、海参、海蛇尾、海星、海葵和钩虾)中的碳、氮稳定同位素组成。研究发现雅浦海沟真光层中的浮游植物和浮游动物δ13C值[(-22.8±0.4)‰和(-21.8±0.8)‰]和δ15N值[(5.4±0.4)‰和(6.8±0.2)‰]与巨型底栖生物的δ13C值(-20.1‰~-16.8‰)和δ15N值(11.9‰~17.9‰)的差异超过了一个营养级,表明作为底栖生物的初始食物来源的浮游植物和浮游动物在向下输送的过程中经历了食物链传递和细菌的降解。巨型底栖生物的δ15N和δ13C值之间无显著的相关性,此外不同物种之间营养级也存在明显差异,表现为海绵的营养级相对较高(3.4~4.7),海参(3.3~3.6)、海蛇尾(3.4~3.5)和海星(3.2~3.7)的营养级较为接近,钩虾(2.9~3.3)和海葵(3.1)的营养级则相对略低,反映了底栖生物不同物种之间食物来源的多样化。  相似文献   
对增长曲线模型中回归矩阵的函数的线性估计进行了研究。在矩阵损失下 ,作者得到了线性估计在一切线性估计类中可容许的充要条件  相似文献   
黑潮通过吕宋海峡入侵南海呈现明显的瞬态特征。以往的研究通常将黑潮在吕宋海峡附近的流态分为几种不同类型。本文基于表层地转流计算得到的有限时间李雅普诺夫指数场(FTLE),展示了拉格朗日视角下的吕宋海峡上层水交换特征。从FTLE场提取的拉格朗日拟序结构(LCSs)很好地识别了吕宋海峡附近的典型流态和旋涡活动。此外,这些LCSs还揭示了吕宋海峡周围复杂的输运路径和流体域,这些特征得到了卫星跟踪浮标轨迹的验证,且从流速场中是无法直接识别的。FTLE场显示,吕宋海峡附近表层水体的输运形态主要可分为四类。其中,黑潮直接向北流动的“跨越”形态和顺时针旋转的“流套”形态的发生频次明显高于直接进入南海的黑潮分支“渗入”形态和南海水流出至太平洋的“外流”形态。本文还进一步分析了黑潮在吕宋海峡处的涡旋脱落事件,突出强调了LCSs在评估涡旋输运方面的重要性。反气旋涡旋的脱落个例表明,这些涡旋主要源自黑潮“流套”,涡旋脱落之前可有效地俘获黑潮水。LCS所指示的输运通道信息有助于预测最终被反气旋涡所挟卷水体在上游的位置。而在气旋涡的形成过程中,LCS的分布特征表明,大部分气旋涡并未与黑潮水的输运路径相连通。因此,气旋涡对从太平洋到南海的上层水交换的贡献较小。  相似文献   
径潮相互作用是感潮河段水动力变化的典型特征,受其影响潮波传播具有明显的洪枯季及沿程变化。本文基于长江感潮河段天生港、江阴、镇江、南京、马鞍山及芜湖6个潮位站2002-2014年连续高低潮位资料及大通站月均流量数据,统计分析长江感潮河段潮波振幅衰减率、潮波传播速度及余水位坡度等传播特征值的洪枯季及沿程变化特征,并探讨这些潮波传播特征的变化规律及其主要影响因素。结果表明,潮波传播特征的洪枯季差异自上游至下游逐渐减小,其分界点位于天生港与江阴之间(其中,天生港和江阴站的多年平均洪枯季潮差差值约为0.01 m和-0.04 m);径流动力对潮波衰减的影响主要位于江阴以上河段,江阴以下河段主要受潮汐动力控制;径流驱动下余水位坡度引起的余水位及水深增加,导致潮波传播的有效摩擦减小,当流量超过某个阈值时潮波振幅衰减反而减弱,特别是上游马鞍山-芜湖段最为明显,统计结果表明该河段流量阈值约为33 000 m3/s。本文分析结果作为前人研究的重要补充,可为长江河口感潮河段径潮相互作用机制研究及河口治理等提供基础参考。  相似文献   
海岛地区地质环境条件相对较复杂,地形起伏较大,地貌类型多样,地热地质条件特殊,选用合适的地热资源勘查定井的方法,对地热资源的勘查开发具有重要意义。以典型海岛−青岛市小管岛的地热资源勘查工作为例,综合分析小管岛地热地质条件,对比分析地热资源勘查物探方法的优缺点,有针对性地采用音频大地电磁测深(AMT)和高精度电磁频谱法(MES)相结合的勘查定井方法进行地热资源勘查。综合2种物探方法解释成果,获取研究区热储概念模型,确定地热井位置,成功施工1500 m地热井1眼,出水量121.2 m3/d,孔底温度39.2 ℃。根据小管岛地热资源勘查实例表明,采用AMT法和MES法在海岛地区进行地热资源勘查是可行的、有效的。  相似文献   
厦门港疏浚弃土吹填造陆物理模型试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐啸  崔峥  毛宁 《台湾海峡》2004,23(3):360-368
通过厦门港潮汐水流整体物理模型试验,掌握了厦门港十万吨级深水航道二期工程疏浚弃土吹填造陆各方案实施前后港池航道水流流态,为规划设计单位和决策部门利用疏浚弃土吹填造陆提供可靠的科学依据,试验结果表明,海沧吹填工程可作为一期吹填方案,鸡屿西吹填造陆工程可作为海沧吹填工程的后续工程,仅从水流角度考虑,象鼻嘴吹填造陆方案1是可行的。  相似文献   
Radio frequency interference (RFI) test observations were carried out at one of the candidate Square Kilometre Array (SKA) sites in Guizhou province, following the “RFI Measurement Protocol for Candidate SKA Sites” (hereafter RFI protocol). All data (raw and calibrated) are preserved in some suitable format, such as that set by the international RFI working group of the Site Evaluation and Selection Committee (SESC). An RFI test in December 2003 was performed according to Mode 1 of the RFI Protocol, in order to identify technical difficulties which might arise during a co-ordinated RFI measurement campaign over a period of 1 year. In this paper we describe the current equipment, observational technique and data presentation. The preliminary results demonstrate that the RFI situation at Dawodang depression in Guizhou province makes it quite a promising location for the proposed SKA. Furthermore, the first session of the RFI monitoring program, which was made in May 2004, showed that a complete RFI measurement including both modes 1 and 2 of the RFI Protocol would take about 2 weeks. The possible ways to minimize some limitations of the current equipment are also discussed, which will enable us to meet the RFI protocol.  相似文献   
通过对北京遥测地震台网近年来记录到的北京及邻区地震的震中分布,地震活动频度及能量释放强度的分析,得到本区地震活动在时间分布上具有“聚堆性”。在年发震频度,地震强度和能释放方面均具有双峰值特征,并且具有较好的一致性和同步性,在空间分布上具有条带特征,且形成北东~南西和北西~南东的两条相互交汇的条带。又通过统计分析得到本区发震概率最大的时间段是每年的10月前后,而地震主要发生在北西~南东带上。  相似文献   
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