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塔北隆起的轮西地区具有以裂缝、溶蚀裂缝和溶洞为主的下奥陶统潜山储集体,且继承型古隆起一直成为油气运移和聚集的指向区,因此具有较为优选的成藏地质条件。海西晚期是轮西地区稠油藏的主要成藏期,海西末期石炭-二叠系地层遭受强烈剥蚀使海西晚期聚集的奥陶系潜山原油降解,成为重质稠油油藏,并不受印支晚期至喜马拉雅期运动的影响。印支晚期之后Ⅰ级断裂活动停滞,使轮西地区奥陶系潜山以稠油为主的油藏基本上未受晚期油气充注的影响。对轮西奥陶系潜山油藏研究得到的重要启示是:应加强塔里木盆地克拉通地区早期成藏勘探潜力的认识。  相似文献   
以琼海市预报服务平台为例,阐述delphi语言在气象业务中的具体应用.  相似文献   
Green tides have occurred every year from 2007 to 2014 in the Yellow Sea. Ulva prolifera(Müller) J. Agardh has been identified as the bloom-forming alga,co-occurring with U. intestinalis. We observed distinct strategies for both algal species during green tides. U. prolifera exhibited a high abundance initially and then decreased dramatically,while U. intestinalis persisted throughout. The antioxidant system responses of these two macroalgae were compared in the late phase of a green tide(in-situ) and after laboratory acclimation. Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system responses differed significantly between the two. Malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide contents increased significantly in-situ in U. prolifera,but not in U. intestinalis. In U. prolifera,we observed a significant decrease in total antioxidant ability(T-AOC),antioxidant enzymes(SOD and Apx),and non-enzyme antioxidants(GSH and As A) in-situ. U. intestinalis showed the same pattern of T-AOC and SOD,but its Gpx,Apx,and GSH responses did not differ significantly. The results suggest that U. prolifera was more susceptible than U. intestinalis to the harsh environmental changes during the late phase of a Yellow Sea green tide. The boom and bust strategy exhibited by U. prolifera and the persistence of U. intestinalis can be explained by differences in enzyme activity and antioxidant systems.  相似文献   
双棘黄姑鱼血清性类固醇激素的周年变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用放射免疫法(RIA)测定双棘黄姑鱼(Nibea diacanthus)血清性类固醇激素的周年变化。结果表明:雌鱼血清雌二醇(Estadiol-17β)浓度一年出现两次峰值,均在成熟产卵前一个月,即4月[(338±59)pg/mL]和9月[(296±48)pg/mL];血清睾酮(T)浓度在卵黄发生期急剧上升,并在卵巢成熟期达到最高值,分别是5月(2.506±0.262 ng/mL)和10月份(2.268±0.243 ng/mL),分别在血清雌二醇浓度两次峰值出现1个月之后,因此,雌鱼的血清雌二醇浓度和血清睾酮浓度均与性腺发育相关。雄鱼血清睾酮浓度的两次峰值均出现在性腺已发育成熟的5月份(2.307±0.792 ng/mL)和10月份(2.286±0.607 ng/mL),与性腺发育有明显的相关性;而血清雌二醇浓度全年维持在一个相对稳定的水平,与雄性性腺发育相关性不明显。  相似文献   
利用工程物探方法对济南市历城区全民健身中心建设项目铁矿采空区进行了勘查工作,结果表明物探电阻率测深法勘查工作,对铁矿采空区反映效果明显,结合磁测资料与现场调查访问,推测出评估区内的2处隐伏采空区影响范围基本与事实一致。  相似文献   
On the basis of extensive survey to the Quatemary paleosols, soils and weathering layers in the vast northern China and the Loess Plateau, we found some unusually special phenomena of chemical components such as unsuccessive illuvium, twin illuviums, unusually thick illuvium and multi-illuviums etc. According to the analysis on the content of CaCO3 and the data of penetrating experiment, a new theory of illuvial depth or removal depth of CaCO3 in weathering and leaching belt was constructed, which indicates that the time of CaCO3 removing to the illuvial depth is very short,and the effect of time factor on illuvial depth can be ignored. The theory can be taken as a credible foundation for studying many geological and geographical problems in weathering and leaching belt.When the illuvial depth of CaCO3 iS bigger than the thickness of developing belt of soil or paleosol, it can be determined that the paleosol has turned into weathering crust. When the illuvial depth of CaCO3 is bigger than the thickness of paleosol, paleosol is leaching moderately acid soil. When two, three layers or unusually thick CaCO3 illuviums exist in the same weathering section or at the bottom of the same paleosol, there were two or more periods forming paleosol and corresponding climatic stages at that time. On the basis of the equation of relationship between mean annual rainfall (y) and illuvial depth of CaCO3 (x) (y = 305.5x 168.5) determined in the paper, mean annual precipitation during the development of paleosol can be calculated.  相似文献   
Autonomous vehicles are being developed to replace the conventional, manned surface vehicles that tow mine hunting towed platforms. While a wide body of work exists that describes numerical models of towed systems, they usually include relatively simple models of the towed bodies and neglect the dynamics of the towing vehicle. For systems in which the mass of the towing vehicle is comparable to that of the towed vehicle, it becomes important to consider the dynamics of both vehicles. In this work, we describe the development of a numerical model that accurately captures the dynamics of these new mine hunting systems. We use a lumped mass approximation for the towcable and couple this model to non-linear numerical models of an autonomous surface vehicle and an actively controlled towfish. Within the dynamics models of the two vehicles, we include non-linear controllers to allow accurate maneuvering of the towed system.  相似文献   
将层序地层学方法应用于岩相古地理研究中,首先建立承德地区石炭一二叠系层序地层格架,然后以四级层序为基本编图单元,编制岩相古地理图。分析了石炭一二叠系的沉积演化特征,讨论了层序地层、岩相古地理与聚煤作用的关系。在研究区识别出2个三级层序、5个四级层序、8个五级层序;揭示了海平面升降变化对成煤沼泽发育的控制,认为层序DS1的海侵或海退最大点处的四级层序Ⅲ控制了研究区两个主采煤层的发育。该结论对该区聚煤规律的研究和煤炭资源预测有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
山西地区的地壳应力场   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
根据近20年山西地区的震源机制结果,得出了山西地壳应力场存在着有别于华北应力场的局部小区域应力场,这种小区域应力场在中部断陷盆地都是以北西—北北西向的水平拉张作用为主,而在东、西两侧隆起区则是以水平挤压作用为主的结论.但如果把上述断层面解中的所有P轴、T轴再分别投影到吴尔夫网上,得到是一个一致性很好的断层面解,由此推断山西地区的平均应力场的主要特征与华北应力场的基本特征完全相同,而山西局部小区域应力场的特征随之消失.  相似文献   
台湾集集大地震及其余震的长周期地震动特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
李春锋  张旸  赵金宝  唐晖 《地震学报》2006,28(4):417-428
用丰富的高质量数字强震记录对台湾集集大地震及余震的长周期地震动特性进行了研究. 本文主要研究了长周期地震动的强度随震级、距离及场地条件的变化情况;同时对近断层的长周期地震动特性进行了分析. 结果表明,集集大地震及余震的长周期地震动反应谱的形状主要受场地条件和震级控制(D+E类场地的反应谱要比B+C类的宽,震级大的反应谱要比震级小的宽),而受距离影响并不显著;近断层长周期地震动明显受断层活动特性影响:上盘的长周期地震动比下盘的强,北部的比南部的强.   相似文献   
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