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汶川地震发震构造应力场分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对汶川8级地震区的地震震源机制资料进行分析,得到了该区域内地震震源机制分布及分类特点,讨论了断裂重新滑动型地震的发震构造应力场的校对问题,提出了使用地震学的定标率来区分破裂型地震和滑动型地震的方法,并给出了汶川地震发震构造应力场的分布,结合龙门山断裂带的几何特征,分析了孕育和发生8级地震的构造原因。  相似文献   
Two cores were recovered from raised peat bogs on the tropical northern Leizhou Peninsula, south China. Multiple sediment variables including organic matter (OM) content, the stable carbon isotope signature of OM, low-frequency magnetic susceptibility and degree of humification, indicate that the regional paleoclimate played an important role in determining the nature of peat that accumulated. Based on comparison with other climate proxies, the bulk peat δ13C record was interpreted as an indicator of variation in the East Asian (EA) summer monsoon, and to a lesser extent, the Indian summer monsoon, during the last glacial period between ~49 and 10 cal ka BP. More negative bulk δ13C values reflect wetter and warmer conditions, and thus a strong EA summer monsoon. More positive values indicate drier and cooler conditions. A warm and wet period occurred between ~46 and 28 cal ka BP, implying a strengthening of the EA summer monsoon. A climate shift occurred at ~22 cal ka BP and the driest and coldest period appeared between ~19 and 16 cal ka BP, suggesting weakening of the EA summer monsoon. After ~12 cal ka BP, climate shifted towards wetter and warmer conditions again. It has been suggested that variations in orbitally induced solar insolation played a role in the last glacial climate of the study region. Several millennial—scale arid and cold phases characterized by C4 plants, or by more positive δ13C values during periods when C3 plants dominated, show agreement with the Greenland GISP2 ice core and the Chinese stalagmite records. Interactions between high northern latitude cold air advection and summer moisture transported across the tropical ocean, and the migration of the mean position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) would have favored these millennial–scale phases. Additionally, changes in heat transport to the North Atlantic would also have influenced climate in the region.  相似文献   
利用1990年以来江西省交通运输及相关统计数据,在分析和评价全省各地市客、货运量状况的基础上,运用地域非均衡系数、区域位势商指标,对江西省客、货流运输联系的空间演化特征及趋势进行了探讨。研究表明,全省在交通运输业快速发展的同时,客、货运输在空间分布上已由低水平的集中趋向均衡发展,客运的廊道效应初显,在京九铁路、浙赣铁路、昌九高速、赣粤高速沿线地区客流较为集中;货运重心南移,极化效应减弱,随着全省各地市的资源优势开始转为经济优势,货运地位出现有序演变。结合江西省经济发展所处阶段,对其运输化发展阶段进行了初步的分析和讨论。  相似文献   
收集整理大地电场观测的各类干扰及变化原因,通过详尽的调研和相关分析研究,提出其常规干扰变化的识别方法,以及为提高大地电场观测资料的质量而采取的干扰抑制技术,并针对各类干扰源的机理,改进和完善现有的大地电场观测技术,提高资料的稳定性和可靠性。  相似文献   
Characteristics of seismic activity before the M5.1 earthquake in Wen'an,Hebei Province on July 4,2006 are analyzed by relocation of small earthquakes in the China's capital area,and some results are obtained as follows:① The seismic activity of M L ≥3.0 in the middle part of the Hebei plain seismic belt displayed a feature of strengthening (lasting 43 months) quiescence (17 months) five years before the Wen'an earthquake.Simultaneously,the strain release curve showed a variation process of accelerating-flatting.② A seismogenic gap in a three-dimensional space,located at the depth of 15km ~ 20km,with 70km long in latitude direction and 90km long in longitude orientation,was formed by M≥2.0 earthquakes four years prior to the Wen'an earthquake.The initial rupture point of the Wen'an earthquake is situated at the bottom of the gap.③ The focal depths of earthquakes with M L ≥2.0 in the middle part of the Hebei plain seismic belt gradually increased from 10km to 30km during the period from April,2003 to October,2004.Meanwhile,the seismic activity obviously strengthened in the middle and lower crust (from 20km to 30km in depth).  相似文献   
自流井水温固体潮效应及其应变响应能力   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
井水温度观测是一项重要的地震前兆观测手段,旨在捕捉地震孕育过程中的应力-应变信息。水温固体潮效应作为地壳应力-应变信息的真实反映和地震前兆观测的干扰因素,具有重要的研究意义。本文首先依据对自流井中热状态的分析,认为自流井水温固体潮效应可能主要存在两种机制,即热传导机制和热对流机制;据此,推导出热传导机制中水温与固体潮体应变变化的定量关系;最后以流量相对较大的本溪自流井为例进行分析。结果表明,本溪井水温固体潮效应是热传导机制和热对流机制共同作用的结果,其中,热传导机制起主要作用。  相似文献   
空间对地观测研究是近年来国内外地震科学研究发展的重要方向。由于新的观测技术和理论的快速发展,地壳逸出氡和电离层异常耦合关系在地震前兆信息分析中有可能发挥重要作用。本文重点介绍了近年来国际上在强震地壳逸出氡和电离层异常耦合关系研究方面的主要进展,包括氡和电离层异常耦合关系的基本理论、观测依据和物理解释等,同时也介绍了在地震前兆研究中氡和电离层异常耦合关系的基本特点。研究认为,由于地面氡观测和卫星电离层观测均存在各自的优势和不足,因此利用空间对地观测技术来研究地壳逸出氡和电离层异常的耦合关系,可以全面提高对强震前兆异常信息的空间分析和可靠性判定能力,对全面发展地震监测预报技术具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
振动台控制系统设计时对物理系统进行了两个基本假设:伺服阀线性、台面和负载刚性。这样得到的控制系统频带较窄、时滞大,还有可能出现控制系统不稳定。本文通过系统建模,主要分析了伺服阀对振动台控制性能的影响:伺服阀频率特性限制了其控制精度。设计了前馈补偿环节、控制系统参数自整定算法修正系统控制性能,实例仿真结果表明:修正后的算法扩宽了系统频带,提高了地震记录的再现精度。  相似文献   
Most world natural heritage sites are designated partly by reason of their prominent aesthetic values in accordance with Article Ⅶ of World Natural Heritage Convention.In this paper, the aesthetic values of Kanas National Nature Reserve, which has potential for such designation, was analyzed quantitatively using scenic beauty estimation(SBE).The landscapes of 19 representative scenic spots in the Kanas National Nature Reserve in summer and autumn were selected as the objects of evaluation.The contributions of different landscape factors to the aesthetic value of the Kanas National Nature Reserve were revealed using a multivariate quantitative model.The main factors affecting the aesthetic value were waterscapes, vegetation, mountains, folk culture and the tourist environment.The t-test and F-test results are extremely significant.According to the results, some suggestions were given for conserving the landscapes in the Kanas National Nature Reserve.  相似文献   
Sea level changes coherently along the two coasts of Japan on the seasonal timescale. Archiving, validation, and interpretation of satellite oceanographic altimetry data and ocean general circulation model for the Earth Simulator results indicate that the variation propagates clockwise from Japan’s east coast through the Tsushima Strait into the Japan/East Sea (JES) and then northward along the west coast. In this study, we hypothesize and test numerically that the sea-level variability along the west coast of Japan is remotely forced by the Kuroshio Extension (KE) off the east coast. Topographic Rossby waves and boundary Kelvin waves facilitate the connection. Our 3D Princeton Ocean Model when forced by observed wind stress reproduces well the seasonal changes in the vicinity of JES. Two additional experiments were conducted to examine the relative roles of remote forcing and local forcing. The sea-level variability inside the JES was dramatically reduced when the Tsushima Strait is blocked in one experiment. The removal of the local forcing, in another experiment, has little effect on the JES variability. Both experiments support our hypothesis that the open-ocean forcing, possibly through the KE variability, is the leading forcing mechanism for sea-level change along the west coast of Japan.  相似文献   
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