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应用流体力学、流变学的理论,方法和施工实测数据,建立水下灌注理导管埋深,砼在灌注系统的流动阻力与导管内附加砼柱间的数学表达式,以指导水下灌注施工在最优灌注参数下进行。 相似文献
悬浮液进样—石墨炉原子吸收测定钒钛磁铁矿中痕量镓 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
研究了悬浮液进样_石墨炉原子吸收测定钒钛磁铁矿中痕量镓的分析方法。以Ni(Ⅱ)作为基体改进剂时,可直接用镓标准溶液进行校准。样品粒度<38μm、悬浮液中试样质量浓度在01~80g/L、含镓质量浓度不超过100μg/L时呈良好线性关系,检出限为24μg/L镓。用所拟方法测定了含镓量在16~42μg/g的标准矿样,结果与标准值相符,6次平行测定的相对标准偏差不超过9%,满足痕量分析的要求。 相似文献
Mingcai Yan Chunshu Wang Tiexin Gu Qinghua Chi Zhong Zhang 《Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research》1998,22(2):235-246
Unlike the situation for other elements, few reference materials certified for the platinum-group elements are currently available. Therefore, the GPt1-7 series of PGE geochemical CRMs, prepared by the IGGE, represent an important addition and comprise a range of matrix types, including a soil, stream sediment, Mg-rich ultramafic rock, Fe-rich ultramafic rock, platinoid ore depleted in Cu, Ni and Fe, and a chromitite. The concentration of PGE in these samples ranges over 4-5 orders of magnitude and the samples were shown to have good homogeneity as assessed by a variance test. Analytical methods based on different principles were used in sample certification, including several fire assay and wet chemical procedures used for decomposition and preconcentration. Certified values for the elements Pt, Pd, Os, Ru, Ir, Rh and Au were determined by AAS, catalytic colourimetry (COL), catalytic polarography (POL), atomic emission spectrometry (AES), ICP-MS and NAA. Recently, the GPt1-7 samples were approved as national primary CRMs by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision of China. 相似文献
为了利用雷电定位系统 (lightning location system,LLS) 资料统计人工观测雷暴日数,采用湖北省2007—2012年LLS监测资料,选取25个气象站为圆心,统计其不同监测半径 (r) 圆区域内LLS监测的雷电日数,并与人工观测雷暴日数进行比较。结果表明:r≤7 km时,LLS监测平均年雷电日数小于人工观测平均年雷暴日数;r≥8 km时, LLS监测平均年雷电日数大于人工观测平均年雷暴日数;r=22 km圆区域内年平均雷电日数可替代最大年雷暴日数。根据r=7 km,r=8 km圆区域内LLS监测的年雷电日数、年平均地闪密度资料,分别采用直接替代法、地闪密度法和该文提出的二元法计算年雷暴日数,结果显示:二元法效果最好。二元法计算的2007—2012年25个站平均年雷暴日数与人工观测相等,平均差异为7.4%;二元法计算的2013年年雷暴日数与人工观测相差0.8 d,平均差异为12.3%。 相似文献
For a Hamiltonian that can be separated into N+1(N\geq 2) integrable parts, four algorithms can be built for a symplectic integrator. This research compares these algorithms for the
first and second order integrators. We found that they have similar local truncation errors represented by error Hamiltonian
but rather different numerical stability. When the computation of the main part of the Hamiltonian, H
0, is not expensive, we recommend to use S
* type algorithm, which cuts the calculation of the H
0 system into several small time steps as Malhotra(1991) did. As to the order of the N+1 parts in one step calculation, we found that from the large to small would get a slower error accumulation.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
An empirical formula for suspended sediment delivery ratio of main river after confluence of debris flow 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In order to calculate the suspended sediment discharge of the flood debris flows into the main river,a small scale flume test was designed to simulate the process of confluence of Jiangjia Ravine and Xiangjiang River in Yunnan province,China.By test observation and data analysis,suspended sediment discharge of Debris flow after its entry into the main river was found to have a close relation with the bulk density,the confluence angle of the Debris flow and the main river,the ratio between per unit width discharge of Debris flow and main river.Based on the measured and simulated results,and statistical analysis,an empirical formula was proposed for the suspended SDR(Sediment Delivery Ratio) of the main river after the confluence of Debris flow.Compared with the observed results of Debris flow in 2009,the error between the data calculated by the empirical formula and the monitored data is only about 10%. 相似文献
通过对我国历史上箭竹开花及王朗自然保护区箭竹生长气象条件的研究认为,箭竹开花多在冬暖夏凉的年份;箭竹的生长量可由气象因素的变化来进行预测。研究结果可为保护大熊猫提供一定的气象依据。 相似文献
层序的测井、地震响应特征研究 总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3
在层序地层学研究中,关键是层序划分和对比。而层序划分、对比的关键是层序识别。层序的识别包括层序界面(层序的底界面、初始海泛面和最大海泛面)的识别和构成层序的体系域识别。这里,在众多前人研究成果的基础上,详细研究了层序的测井、地震响应特征,即层序界面和体系域在测井曲线上和地震剖面上的特征。其中,层序底界面在测井上表现为突变的钟型、箱型或侧积式曲线的底界;在地震剖面上表现为剥蚀、顶超、上超、下超;而体系域在测井曲线上的响应为:低水位体系域的海底扇以漏斗形中、高幅的前积式,或钟型中、低幅的后积式模式为特征,陆坡扇成钟型、正向齿形,自下而上幅度由中高幅→低幅,即具后积式测井模式,低水位楔的测井曲线表现为旋回性进积模式特征,其特征表现为锯齿状箱型。海侵体系域的测井曲线呈现向上变细、变深序列,并表现为钟型、正向齿形或齿化状,幅度由高幅变化为低幅,包络线具后积式特征。高水位体系域相应的测井曲线呈现中幅箱形或桶形,不同体系域在地震剖面上的响应特征明显不同。 相似文献
广西荣华锰矿位于三叠系百逢组,在该地层中发现的工业锰矿床尚未见报道。通过对该矿区大比例尺地质填图,并结合地质工程和测试分析等手段,对矿床地质背景、沉积环境、矿体和矿石特征、沉积演化等进行分析研究,推测荣华锰矿为沉积-淋滤锰帽型矿床,矿体顺层分布于靠近罗楼组碳酸盐岩的百逢组第一段泥岩、泥质粉砂岩中,严格受地层和构造控制。矿石主要由偏锰酸矿、软锰矿等组成,矿石品位偏低,伴生Co等金属元素。百逢组之下的碳酸盐岩和百逢组第一段浊积砾岩层可作为该类锰矿上下界线典型的找矿标志。中三叠世桂西北处于盆包台构造格局,中晚古生代富含锰的台地在三叠纪遭受风化剥蚀,成矿元素被带入弧后盆地。随着特提斯洋闭合,挤压作用使盆地面积变小,水位加深,氧化还原界面波动,在百逢组第一段锰元素初步富集。后右江盆地抬升露出水面遭受剥蚀,风化淋滤作用最终形成该区顺层分布的氧化锰矿床。桂西广泛出露百逢组地层,其第一段具有良好的找矿前景。 相似文献
云南点苍山冰川湖泊沉积物磁化率的影响因素及其环境意义 总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12
文章通过对点苍山海拔3820m冰水沉积剖面的粒度参数、磁化率、氧化铁含量和有机质含量的综合实验分析,并讨论了这些指标的相互关系及其环境意义。实验结果表明,磁化率的强度与粗砂组分的含量成正相关,而与粘土等细粒组分含量成负相关;同时与有机质含量成负相关,与氧化铁含量成正相关。矿物组分分析实验表明,沉积物主要磁性来源于磁化铁。根据以上结果,结合冰川湖泊流域面积小、高寒环境的特点,其磁化率的影响因素与一般湖泊不同,认为冰川湖泊沉积中,因为物源较近导致外源磁性矿物主要赋存于粒度较粗的碎屑颗粒中,而高寒的环境条件使得有机质对沉积物的磁性矿物起到了稀释的作用,而很难有积极的贡献。根据磁化率的环境意义,恢复了全新世以来点苍山的古气候,从中可以划分6个不同的气候阶段:11.5~10.6kaB.P.,10.6~8.9kaB.P.,8.9~5.5kaB.P.,5.5~3.3kaB.P.,3.3~0.8kaB.P.和0.8kaB.P.至今,代表了末次冰期结束以后湖泊从产生至消亡的全过程。根据与其他相关地区的对比,分析了西南季风演变的一些规律。 相似文献