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系统总结和介绍了20世纪90年代以来作者所开展的有关人类活动对东亚和中国气候影响的一系列研究活动.其中包括温室气体辐射强迫及其气候效应,大气微量气体的全球增温潜能,对流层和平流层气溶胶的辐射气候效应,气候系统外部因子对中国气候影响的总体评估,人类活动对中国和东亚地区未来气候变化的影响,以及20世纪和21世纪东亚及中国的气候变化.同时给出了一系列研究成果,这些研究成果对于正确认识和准确预测东亚地区以及中国气候变化具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   
冰雹天气过程的综合分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
选取发生在邯郸辖区内的5次冰雹天气过程,应用常规观测资料并结合雷达回波资料,从天气形势、物理量场和雷达回波演变特征等几方面进行了综合分析。结果表明:冰雹天气出现在对流性不稳定层结条件下,中高层干冷低层暖湿,地面有中尺度辐合切变线配合,0℃层、-20℃层和强垂直风切变的高度适宜。多普勒雷达能很好地监测中尺度天气系统的发展演变过程,回波强度和回波顶高度的变化、速度对和逆风区的出现、1 h降水累积值和垂直积分液态水含量的急剧增加等都对冰雹的出现具有指示意义。  相似文献   
实现地面气象要素自动观测是近年来我国气象观测领域的发展趋势,观测自动化给地面观测业务和观测数据的应用推广带来较大改变。本文研究了基于自动观测的天气现象代码表WMO4680,分析得出WMO4680简化了视程障碍和降水阵性的代码分类,比WMO4677编码更适合自动观测设备的特点。结合我国业务天气现象电码编制原则,设计实现了现在天气现象电码和过去天气现象电码的自动编制。根据我国目前可自动化观测的要素数目,经过流程设计和当前最新业务改革内容,可以实现46个天气电码的自动编报。  相似文献   
Two Large-insert genomic bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries of Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri were constructed to promote our genetic and genomic research. High-quality megabase-sized DNA was isolated from the adductor muscle of the scallop and partially digested by BamH I and Mbo I, respectively. The BamH I library consisted of 53 760 clones while the Mbo I library consisted of 7 680clones. Approximately 96 % of the clones in BamH I library contained nuclear DNA inserts in average size of 100 kb, providing a coverage of 5.3 haploid genome equivalents. Similarly, the Mbo I library with an average insert of 145 kb and no insert-empty clones, thus providing a genome coverage of 1.1 haploid genome equivalents.  相似文献   
An estimation of internal soliton forces on a pile in the ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Internal soliton forces on oil-platform piles in the ocean are estimated with the Morison Formula. Different from sur- face wave forces, which change only in magnitude along a pile, internal soliton forces can be distributed over the entire pile in the water and they change not only in magnitude but also in direction with depth. Our calculations show that the maximum total force caused by a soliton with its associated current of 2.1 m s-1 is nearly equal to the maximum total force exerted by a surface wave with a wavelength of 300 m and a wave-height of 18 m. The total internal soliton force is large enough to affect the operations of marine oil platforms and other facilities. Therefore, the influence of internal solitons should not be neglected in the design of oil platforms.  相似文献   
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山东是我国地方性甲状腺肿(简称地甲病)流行较广泛的省份之一,受害人口约2000万人,对人体健康危害很大。地质环境中碘元素的缺乏或过量是形成地甲病的主要因素。山东省内流行的地甲病可分为低碘型和高碘型两种。山东低碘型地申病区主要分布在鲁西隆起区和鲁东隆起区内的山地丘陵区中,重病区(患病率>10%)一般分布在山地地貌单元中,轻病区(患病率3—10%)一般分布在丘陵地貌单元中。低碘地甲病的发生与岩性、土壤、地下水、地质构造、地貌等地质环境因子存在着密切的关系。  相似文献   
Nineteen volcanic and magmatic rock samples were collectecd from the Jinding leadzinc deposit and its surrounding areas in Yunnan.The ICP and AES analyses,feferred to the previous results,show that the metal minerals and altered rocks in the Jinding lead-zinc deposit display a decreasing trend of ∑REE from the early to late stages of mineralization,and similarities in REE distribution patterns,indicating that the ore fluids are characterized by high LREE enrichment,markedly negative δCe anomaly and slight δEu anomaly.These REE distribution paterns exhibit striking similarities to those of the Pliocene trachyte in the study area,both of which are similar in ∑REE,LREE/HREE ratio,δEu and δCe.The ore fluids besides the basin fluids in the deposit are also closely related to those associated with Pliocene trachyte magmas.  相似文献   
Antimony (Sb) emissions to the environment are increasing, and there is a dearth of knowledge regarding Sb fate and behavior in natural systems. In natural systems, the presence of competitive anions may compete with Sb for adsorption sites on mineral surfaces, hence increasing its potential bioavailability. Accordingly, the adsorption of Sb(III) on kaolinite was investigated in the presence of competitive anions. Kinetic studies suggest that adsorption reaction of Sb(III) on kaolinite is rapid initially and becoming slow after 12 h both in binary Sb(III)–kaolinite system and in ternary Sb(III)-competitive anion–kaolinite system. The presence of PO4 3? has a much stronger and more obvious promotive effect on the adsorption of Sb(III) on kaolinite compared with the other two anions. The adsorption data of Sb(III) on kaolinite in the absence and presence of competitive anions at three temperatures were successfully modeled using Langmuir (r 2 > 0.95) and Freundlich (r 2 > 0.95) isotherms. Accompanied the adsorption of Sb(III) on kaolinite, significant oxidation of Sb(III) to Sb(V) had occurred under the experimental conditions used in this study. The presence of kaolinite which has a larger specific surface area could increase the contact area between the adsorbed Sb(III) and oxygen in the bulk solution, which promoted the oxidation rate of Sb(III) to Sb(V).  相似文献   
富蕴断裂带位于阿尔泰山南侧,横切阿尔泰山褶皱带南缘及额尔齐斯深断裂,是一条呈北北西向展布的右旋走滑断裂带。沿断裂带发育一系列错断水系、错断冲积扇、挤压脊、走滑拉分盆地等反映右旋走滑活动的典型构造地貌标志。本研究在高分辨率遥感图像和数字高程模型分析的基础上,结合野外实地构造地貌测量,对沿富蕴断裂带发育的系统错断水系特征进行了详细分析研究。研究结果表明,沿富蕴断裂带发育不同级别的错断水系,大致可划分为6级:1931年地震形成的冲沟;90m左右断距的错断水系;150m左右断距的错断水系;500m左右断距的错断水系;1500m左右断距的错断水系;2000m以上断距的错断水系。同时,结合研究区及邻区的第四纪冰川资料讨论了不同级别水系可能形成时间:恰尔沟三级支流可能形成时间为末次冰期Ⅲ阶段末期,约20ka;恰尔沟二级支流可能形成时间为末次冰期Ⅰ阶段末期,约120ka;恰尔沟一级支流可能形成于该地区冰川广泛消融的倒数第2次冰期的Ⅱ阶段末期,约为250ka;恰尔沟、水磨沟、白杨沟、乌铁布拉克河、卡布尔特河等可能形成于倒数第3次冰期Ⅱ阶段末期,约为360ka。最后,我们估算出富蕴断裂带晚第四纪以来的平均右旋走滑速率为1.46~4.99mm/a。  相似文献   
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