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分析岩体和山体稳定性的主要问题也就是确定结构面及临空面之间的相对位置关系及组合方式。坐标投影作图法是一种以正投影为基础,以分析岩石工程中结构面的几何关系及由其切割出来的块体的稳定性为目的的图解方法。对于弯曲结构面,采用“以直代曲”的原理,将其简化为有限个小平面的集合体进行分析。以蛇蟠岛国际旅游度假村清风洞室群1号洞为例,采用坐标投影作图法对弯曲结构面进行分析,来解决弯曲结构面几何条件的描述和确定问题。  相似文献   
厦门大学白城湾为福建厦门岛南部、九龙江口外的一个小型海湾,水动力环境复杂。在海平面上升压力下,该区域的环境地质问题会进一步的突显。结合前人在此区域的研究成果,详细阐明海湾存在的环境地质问题,探讨有效合理防预整治措施,应对海平面上升而产生的影响,以期构建和谐的海湾环境。  相似文献   
南秦岭凤凰山地区元古代构造基底特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据在原划武当岩群中获得的 1 6 86± 4 5Ma (锆石U -Pb)同位素测年资料 ,结合岩石学、岩石地球化学及区域地层对比 ,从中解体出姚坪岩组。通过岩石学、岩石地球化学、构造特征、变质变形特征研究及形成环境探讨认为 :南秦岭凤凰山元古代武当岩群 (包括姚坪岩组、杨坪岩组 )变质火山岩系为古—中元古代时期多岛洋构造环境过渡基底建造 ;耀岭河岩组浅变质火山岩为本区Rodina事件的产物。该成果对南秦岭构造基底的组成、发展、演化研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
库车坳陷下侏罗统沉积特征及砂体展布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
库车坳陷位于塔里木盆地北部,北缘是南天山山前断裂带,南缘是塔北隆起,呈NEE向展布,东西长250km,南北宽20-60km,面积约21170km^2。下侏罗统自下而上发育阿合组、阳霞组。对吐格尔明、克孜勒努尔、库车河剖面及依南2井岩芯观察发现,阿合组和阳霞组按其岩性特征均可以划分为5个岩性段,各个岩性段在全具有对比性。还可分出4类和17个亚类岩相。阿合组细砂岩以上的粗碎屑岩含量为80%以上;阳霞组细砂岩以上的碎屑岩含量为50%-60%。砂岩厚度占总地层厚度的50%-60%以上,是油气勘探的重要目的层系。以吐格尔明剖面为代表的依南2井以东地区的阿合组和阳霞组岩矿特征基本相似,以克孜勒努尔地区为代表的依南2井以西地区有较大差异,即阳霞组长石含量几乎为零。两区共同点是以岩屑砂岩为主,成分成熟度低,结构成熟度中等,岩屑含量较高。从岩性组合、沉积构造、微观岩石成分、结构和砂体形态等方面的综合分析认为,辫状三角洲沉积体系是该区阿合组和阳霞组的主要沉积体系。阿合组砂体纵向上以多个辫状三角洲平原上的辫状分流河道砂岩加积复合为主,横向上指状镶嵌叠置呈东西向展布。阳霞组第3岩性段砂体纵向上以多个辫状三角洲前缘上的水下辫状分流河道砂岩加积复合为主,横向上指状镶嵌叠置也呈东西向展布。第2、4、5岩性段砂体以河道滞流砂岩侧砂为主,横向叠瓦状叠置呈东西向展布。  相似文献   
中国煤系高岭岩(土)资源成矿机理与开发利用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国含煤地层中高岭岩(土)分布广泛,成矿时代多,成因复杂,储量丰富,质地优良,是一种重要的自然资源和非金属矿产,具有极高的开发利用价值,在全世界独具特色。本文研究了中国煤系高岭岩(土)资源概况、研究简史;根据成分、结构、地质产状等特征,提出了中国煤系高岭岩(土)的成因类型;对生物和有机质在其形成中的作用进行了分析和探讨,并结合有机酸溶解矿物模拟实验对其成矿作用做了初步探索;最后对煤系高岭岩的某些关键性加工技术进行了简述。  相似文献   
东昆仑东段中更新世以来的成山作用及其动力转换   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
对东昆仑造山带东段第四纪构造及与地貌关系的分析表明,现代山盆相间的地貌格局成型于中更新世,且在中更新世以来发生了多次构造变形体制的转换。根据布青山北部查干额热格地区第四系剖面的构造、地层时代及地层与构造关系的分析表明,中更新世时期为伸展构造体制,昆仑山内部开始发生了差异隆升,布青山开始崛起。中更新世末应力体制发生急剧变化,由伸展体制转为收缩事件,又急速转为伸展构造体系,短暂的收缩事件造成了中更新世冲洪积层的褶皱,随后的伸展则导致了影响深刻的向北依次断落的阶地状正断层系统。晚更新世应力体系再度发生重大转换,伸展正断层体系被左旋走滑运动体系所代替,并一直延续至今。中更新世以来多次隆升构造变形体制的转换说明东昆仑地区的成山过程受控于多种动力背景,而非单一的挤压抬升。隆升构造变形体系的确定及其时代约束为深入刻划青藏高原东北缘隆升作用的动力过程提供了重要信息。  相似文献   
The oxygen isotopic composition of carbonate in lakes has been used as a useful indicator in Palaeolimnological research, and has made some important contributions to our understanding of lacustrine systems. For modern lakes in arid or cold areas, however, there are few data available to test the effect of lake salinity and temperature on the oxygen isotopic composition of various carbonate sources such as ostracod, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate (< 60 μm). Here we examined the oxygen isotopic composition of ostracods, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonates, as well as that of coexisting water from Lake Qinghai and the smaller surrounding lakes and ponds on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Our investigation highlights three key effects. First, the oxygen isotopic composition of ostracods, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate in the lakes and ponds shows a clear response to lake water δ18O values, and these vary with water salinity. The relationship between lake water δ18O and salinity is not only dominated by the evaporation/freshwater input ratios, but is also controlled by the distance to the mouth of the major rivers supplying to the lake. Second, the ostracod, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate show similar isotopic change trends in the study area, and oxygen isotopic differences between ostracods and authigenic carbonate may be explained by the different water temperatures and very small ‘vital offsets’ of ostracods. Finally, the effect of water depth on temperature leads to increasing δ18O values in carbonates as water depth increases, both in benthic ostracods living on the lake bottom, as well as in bulk carbonate precipitated at the water surface.For arid, high-altitude Lake Qinghai, our results suggest that variations in the δ18O values of carbonate in Lake Qinghai are mainly controlled by the oxygen-isotope ratio of the lake water changing with water salinity. As a secondary effect, increasing water depth leads to cooler bottom and surface water, which may result in more positive δ18O values of ostracod and bulk carbonate.  相似文献   
Three fluvial terraces in Porougong River in the middle reach of Shiquan River were identified, and the palynological records were investigated to decipher the paleoenvironmental changes in the west inland of the Tibetan Plateau. Three phases of uplift in the west inland of the Tibetan Plateau are suggested to be associated with the third, second, and first fluvial terraces (T3, T2, and T1) being formed at ca.126-25.1 ka B.P., 25.1-4.5 ka B.P., and 4.5-1.3 ka B.P., respectively. The differentiated uplift rate infers that the inland Tibetan Plateau shows an earlier uplift than the surroundings. Coincident with the phased uplift, three episodes of the changes in paleovegetation and paleoclimate since late Middle Pleistocene could be identified by the spore-pollen records, including the forests under the warm-wet climate featured by the assemblage of Picea + Pinus-Betula-Ulmus-Chenopodiaceae-Epheara in the third terrace, the forest-grassy vegetation under the semi-arid and semi-wet climate as shown by the Picea + Pinus-Chenopodiaceae-Epheara assemblage in the second terrace, and the grassland under the cold-dry climate indicated by the Chenopodiaceae-Artemisia-Ephedra assemblage in the first terrace. The association of the paleovegetation and paleoclimate changes with the phased uplift of the fluvial terraces has revealed the important impact of the Plateau uplift.  相似文献   
Three sediment cores were taken from the Pearl River estuary and adjacent northern South China Sea (SCS). These sediment cores span the time interval 1900–2000 AD. The stratigraphy of the concentration, the ratio of total organic carbon (TOC) to total nitrogen (TN) and stable isotope (δ13Corg) of organic carbon (OC) from three high-resolution sediment cores were analyzed. The stratigraphic profiles of OC concentration, TOC/TN ratios and δ13Corg for the near past 100 yrs indicate that terrestrial organic matter decreases from 68.3% to 27.4% of the TOC in the Pearl River estuary, while Dapeng Bay (offshore east of Hong Kong) apparently had throughout little terrestrial organic matter input. The highest deposited OC occurs at the Humen River mouth and the OC concentrations are higher in the outer estuary than in the inner shelf of the northern SCS. The deposited OC at the River mouth increased with time, which could be caused by the high precipitation of land-derived organic matter and the high input of terrestrial organic matter, which is likely related to the rapid urbanization and industrial development in the Pearl River Delta since the 1970s. The OC concentrations did not exhibit an obvious increase with time in most areas of the Pear River estuary and adjacent inner shelf of the SCS, but the algal-derived OC concentration inferred from the δ13Corg values increased with time especially from 1980 to 2000 in the outer Pearl River estuary and Dapeng Bay. This increase is presumably caused by enhanced primary marine productivity supported by higher anthropogenic nutrient inputs.  相似文献   
The western Dabie orogen (also known as the Hong'an block) forms the western part of the Dabie–Sulu HP–UHP belt, central China. Rocks of this orogen have been subjected to pervasive ductile deformation, and include numerous quartz schists and felsic mylonites cropping out in ductile shear zones. Quartz textures in these mylonites contain important clues for understanding the movement sense of late-collisional extrusion and exhumation of high-pressure–ultrahigh-pressure (HP–UHP) rocks from the lower crustal level to the upper crustal level during Middle Triassic and Early Jurassic. The orientation and distribution of quartz crystallographic axes were used to confirm the regional shear sense across the orogen. The asymmetry of c-axis patterns consistently indicates top-to-the-southeast thrusting across the orogen in early structural stages. Later stages of deformation show different senses of movement in northern and southern parts of the orogen, with top-to-the-northwest sinistral shearing recorded in rocks north of the Xinxian HP–UHP eclogite-facies belt, and top-to-the-southeast dextral shearing south of the same unit.Based on our study on quartz c-axis fabrics and marco- to micro-scale structures, simultaneous southeastward shearing within a large part of the orogen and normal faulting north of the Xinxian HP–UHP unit is explained by upward extrusion in early stages of deformation. The extrusion process has been attributed to syn- and late-collisional processes, accounting for some earlier deformation in the western Dabie orogen such as metamorphic sequences around the core of the Xinxian HP–UHP eclogite-facies unit. Much higher pressure of deformation is also indicated in the aligned glaucophane and omphacite from blueschist and eclogite in the field. An orogen-parallel eastward extrusion of the Xinxian HP–UHP eclogite-facies unit, however, occurred diachronously in later stages of deformation. Therefore, a tectonic model combining an early upward extrusion with a later eastward extrusion is presented. Two different stages and types of extrusion for exhumation of HP–UHP rocks are suitable to all of east central China. Geochronological data shows that the first, upward extrusion occurred during Middle Triassic, the second, eastward extrusion occurred during Late Triassic to Early Jurassic. These two extrusions are correlative with two stages of rapid exhumation of the Dabie HP–UHP rocks, respectively. These two-stage late-collisional (Middle Triassic to Early Jurassic) extrusion events bridge the gap between syn-collisional (Early to Middle Triassic) vertical extrusion and post-collisional (Cretaceous) eastward-directed lateral escape and provide vital clues to understanding the more detailed processes of exhumation of HP–UHP rocks.  相似文献   
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