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郑微云  柴敏娟 《海洋学报》1981,3(3):472-476
乌贼是重要的海洋水产资源之一,对其视觉特性的研究在理论上和实践上显然都有一定的意义。视网膜电图(ERG)作为网膜的综合电活动是反映视觉特性的一个良好指标。乌贼的ERG的特性至今缺乏系统的研究。本文对其ERG的波形和适应特性作了较详细的描述。续文将报导对ERG的光谱敏感性的分析。  相似文献   
根据1992年6月-1994年6月国内外发表资料,评述海洋藻类活性物质研究的生物技术及最新成果。认为,海洋生物活性物质研究的重心正转向与海洋生物技术有关的研究。运用生物技术筛选、提取并生产藻类活性物质已经成为这一领域的主流。综合文献表明,藻类活性物质的生物技术正走向成熟,大量的活性物质被发现,光生物反应器将成为主要的下游生产技术,通过藻类基因工程生产药物已初现端倪。  相似文献   
钛胶海水提铀动力学研究Ⅱ——吸附机理的推断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海水提铀机理的研究,已逐渐受到重视,然而,至今研究还不是很深入,观点也各有差别.例如,Keen等[1]认为钛胶从海水中吸附铀是阳离子交换过程,即海水中的铀是UO22+离子的形式与钛胶进行交换;尾方升等[2]则倾向于阴离子吸着,即铀是以UO2(CO3)34-的形式被吸附.我们曾于1973年在海洋局系统的一次会议上提出阳离子给合交换的看法,并在后来的两次专业会议上予以补充发展.张正斌[3]认为是阳离子交换或一价阳离子失水络合.最近崔清晨[4]提出可能是UO2(OH)3-的络合吸附.根据几年来的工作,我们仍认为,钛胶从海水中的吸铀机理可能是一种阳离子形式的络合交换过程.  相似文献   
This paper studies the adsorption isotherm curves of four amino acids (glyucine,aspartic acid,glutamic acid and lysine)and the effects of existences of different concentrations of Cu(Ⅱ) on them.Both the adsorption isotherm of the amino acids on the kaolinite and that when the copper ion Cu(Ⅱ) exists belong to the Langmuir type.The slopes of these adsorption isotherm increase with the increasing concentrations of Cu(Ⅱ) added.It can be explained in terms of formation of the type(Ⅰ) ternary surface complexes in these systems.The regular pattern of the effects of copper ion Cu(Ⅱ) on the adsorption isotherm of amino acids on the kaolinite is identical with that of its effects on the exchange and adsorption percentage E(%)-pH on the kaolinite in the same system.  相似文献   
Problems with biogenic silica measurement in marginal seas   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Surface sediment samples from the Bohai, Yellow Sea, and the Pacific were used to assess biogenic silica (BSi) content and to study uncertainties in BSi measurements. The contents of BSi in the Bohai and Yellow Sea are all less than 1%. The dissolution of BSi in sediments from the Bohai and Yellow Sea is very important to maintain high levels of silicate in the water column. The non-biogenic silica from clay minerals has an obvious effect on BSi of sediment samples in the Bohai and Yellow Sea with low BSi and high clay minerals. The solid to solution ratio was found to have a great influence on BSi measurement, which can induce uncertainties up to 75%. The effect of loss by sorption and centrifugation is negligible. Interlaboratory comparison of techniques for BSi measurement by the wet alkaline extraction technique of Mortlock and Froelich [Deep-Sea Res. 36 (1989) 1415-1426] with clay correction was suggested to give no significant differences. However, differences in sediment compositions and reagent to sample ratio may limit the application of the wet alkaline extraction method.  相似文献   
一个简单食物链的能流实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食物链能量转换是生态系统的主要功能之一。海洋生物生产就是海洋食物链能量流动的一种表现形式。它把来自以藻类为主的植物性生产,通过被食-取食多级转换,形成了贝、虾、鱼等各级动物性生产,这就为人类提供了丰富的渔业资源。海岸带水域是我国目前海洋开发的主攻目标,揭示这个海区中食物链能流转移过程,对其经济生物生产力估算和开发前景预测有着重要意义。测定自然条件下海洋食物链能流是极其困难的。借助实验结果进而推算,就比较方便。本研究选择我国海岸带水域中属于不同营养级的4个经济种,构成一个简单的人工食物链,即金藻(…  相似文献   
In this paper, the irregular wave force on a cylindrical pier group is calculated by the method of spectrum analysis, and the coefficients of the group effect of piers in the pier group are given here. The calculated results, using P-M and Bretshneider's. (B's) spectra, are obtained for the cases of 2 piers, 3 piers and 4 piers. To compare these results with those obtained for regular waves, we can come to some significant conclusions. Under the action of the irregular wave, when the distance between the piers in the pier group increases, the coefficient of the group effect decreases and tends rapidly to the case of a single pier. In general, when the ratio of the distance between the piers to the diameter of the pier is greater than 4, the group effect can be neglected.  相似文献   
最近十几年来,海水物理化学中关于海水的化学热力学研究已较广泛地开展,并已有一些重要的研究结果报导。但是,关于海水中化学动力学的研究,至今却基本上仍属空白。然而这正是海洋中许多化学过程(特别像海水化学资源开发、海洋污染和防治等实践性比较强的领域中)要解决的关键问题。本文是我们从事这一方面研究工作的第一篇报导,讨论的内容是海洋中最重要的过程之一——无机离子交换过程。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheSMSRPSisstalledontheshipnavigatingovertheseaandreceivessatellitecloudmapsatanytimetoprovidereliablereal-timedataofmeteorologyandocean.Itisanimportantequipmentforsafeguardofshipnavigation.Chinahasthousandsofoceanicships.Butalmostallships,withonlyveryfewexception,arenotstalledbySMSRPS.Thecausesareasfollows:1.Thetechniqueisverycomplicated.2.Thedevelopmentcostisveryhigh.3.Ifweintroduceforeignequipment,thecostistooexpensive.4.Foreignequipmentanditssoftwarearecompletelyclo…  相似文献   
三疣梭子蟹雌雄隔离养殖技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在193亩池塘中开展三疣梭子蟹雌雄分养和雌雄混养对比试验。其中雌雄分养面积93亩,亩产商品蟹182公斤,平均壳宽12.6厘米,平均个体重230.1克,成活率40.2%。与雌雄混养相比,亩产量提高了53.6%,成活率提高了1.51倍。专家鉴定认为,梭子蟹雌雄分养,方式新颖,效果明显,技术水平属国内先进。  相似文献   
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