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琼西抱板群变质沉积岩地球化学研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
琼西中元古代抱板群变质沉积岩可分为白云母石英片岩组和石英二云母片岩组,其原岩为砂岩质泥质沉积岩夹火山物质。白云母石英片岩组和石英二云母片岩组在地球化学成分上的差异是原始沉积化学分异作用的结果。对主元素、微量元素(含稀土元素)及Sm-Nd同位素的综合研究表明,海南岛存在古元古代或更早的古老基底,抱板群变质沉积岩一部分来源于成熟度较低的古老地壳物质,另一部分来源于含地幔火山物质较多的初生地壳,或与研究区大规模造山运动、构造-岩浆活动所伴生的地幔物质加入有关。初步研究显示,琼西抱板群变质沉积岩可能是造山带岛弧和活动大陆边缘区(扩张弧后或弧间盆地)大地构造环境下的沉积产物。  相似文献   
西北干旱区湖泊的近期变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文阐述了西北干旱地区湖泊变化的概况,论证了引起变化的原因,并分析了湖泊变化对湖区环境的影响:气候日益恶化,沙漠化面积扩大,林带消失、植被衰退,鱼类资源增殖受阻、产量下降。此外,还结合变化原因,提出了相应的治理建议。  相似文献   
太平煤矿深厚土层的水文地质工程地质性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据对太平煤矿3号煤区深厚土层的水文地质与工程地质勘测及室内外实验结果,分析了主要的水文地质与工程地质特征及其对3号煤开采的影响,对矿区防水煤岩柱留设高度进行了合理确定。  相似文献   
新疆哈勒尕提矽卡岩型铁铜矿的地质特征及找矿意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
章幼惠 《地质与勘探》2015,51(4):610-618
哈勒尕提铁铜床矿位于西天山博罗科努Au、Pb、Zn、Cu、Mo异常带中,矿区发现矽卡岩型铁铜和铅锌矿体15个。铜矿、铁矿已达中型,通过深部工程控制,初步查明全区(331+332+333)类资源量:铜金属量15.2959万t,铁矿石量1321.83万t,铅金属量2341 t,锌金属量12905 t;平均品位Cu1.09%、TFe 25.55%、Pb 1.03%、Zn 5.70%。伴生组分金属量:金2.64 t、银223 t、锌7.31万t。主矿体Ⅳ、Ⅵ体在空间上分布与大理岩小残留体的形态、产状有关,同时也是化探异常浓集中心、物探低缓磁异常分布交汇的部位以及矽卡岩最为发育的地段。主矿体赋存有明显的规律性。这些成矿的地质、物化探标志性特征,对该区寻找矽卡岩型矿床有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
云南省东北部拱王山第四纪冰川遗迹研究   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
况明生  李吉均 《冰川冻土》1997,19(4):366-372
云南省东北部的拱王山海拔3100m以上的山地发生过第四纪冰川作用,典型的冰川遗迹集中分布在轿子山峰附近和妖精塘-牛洞坪两个地区,遗存的冰川地貌主要有冰斗,冰蚀岩盆和侧碛堤。根据冰川地貌的组合特征,以及它们生成的先后顺序,将拱王山第四纪冰川作用划分为末次冰期的倒数第二期冰期。  相似文献   
REGIONALGEOLOGYTheMaolinggolddepositislocatedintheeasternpartofthenorthmarginofNorthChinaplatform.GaixianFormationofLiaoheGro...  相似文献   
C. De Jager 《Solar physics》1967,2(3):327-346
A hard solar X-ray burst was observed by J-P. Legrand on 18 September 1963, 13:56 UT, at balloon altitude. It lasted a few minutes; a steep increase was followed by an exponential decay. During its declining phase a weak radio burst was observed on 3 and 10 cm, not on longer wavelengths.Maximum radio intensity occurred two minutes after that of the X-ray burst. The X-ray and radio bursts ended almost simultaneously. Optically a small shortlived (some minutes) flare point occurred simultaneously with the X-ray burst in a magnetically interesting part of the active region of September 1963. The X-burst photons seem to have had an energy of about 0.5 MeV. The burst was therefore of a fairly rare type, since very few other bursts with similar photon energies have been detected up to now.It is suggested that a mass of gas, magnetically confined to a volume of about 5·1025 cm3 in the low corona, containing about 3·1035 electrons was accelerated to energies of about 0.5 MeV. The gas gradually expanded, partly also to higher levels. The gyro-synchrotron radiation, emitted by the plasma became observable after about two minutes. At the lower radio frequencies the radiation was absorbed by overlying undisturbed coronal matter. Quantitative computations justify this model. A detailed summary of the events, and some numerical data are given in the concluding Section 8 and in Table V.  相似文献   
目前,地理空间数据面临着由于数据量膨胀和计算量高速增长而引起算法效率低的问题,采用"分而治之"的数据分组策略提高运算效率已成为研究的热点。面向分布不均匀的线数据,本文提出了基于密度的线数据分组算法(简称LGAD)。首先,算法通过查找高密度区提取样本线段,保证了分组算法的起点落到高密区;其次,考虑线空间拓扑关系的复杂性,引用水平、垂直和夹角距离度量线段间距离,创建样本线段与其他线段的距离矩阵;最后,以距离矩阵和最优选择方法实现数据负载均衡分组。实验结果显示,对数据分组和分组后数据进行线段聚类的2个过程中,该算法体现了较好的时间优势,与串行计算相比,在分组数为2-12 时,平均比率达4.3,提高了应用的响应速度,具有较好的实际意义。  相似文献   
The Dachang antimony deposit in Qinglong,Guizhou Province,is strictly controlled by the “Dachang Layer” which is a complex altered rock occurring at unconformity between the Permian Emeishan basalt and the Maokou limestone.Based on the studies of the hanging-and foot-wall rocks,the trace elements and REE contents of the rocks and ores and heavy placer minerals in the basalt,this paper is focused on the relations between these data and the “Dachang Layer”and its hanging- and oot-wall rocks.The author pointed out that the “Dachang Layer” and basalt are the source-beds of antimony;ilmenite and magnetite are the major mineral carriers of antimony.In the processes of halmyrosis and burial metamorphism of the “Dachang Layer” an basalt,antimony was mobilized along with the mobilization of iron and was preliminarily concentrated in the“ Dachang Layer”.  相似文献   
研究抗差估计和稳健估计粗差探测IQR准则的粗差剔除算法以及缺值点插值的正交多项式最小二乘拟合方法。以中国3个CORS基准站从1999-03-01—2009-12-31日的单天解GPS高程时间序列为对象进行粗差探测与插补的试验。结果表明:抗差估计比IQR准则能更有效地探测和剔除粗差;三次样条插值当连续缺失历元超过5~10个时插值结果易发生扭曲;低次正交多项式拟合的结果稳定,一般选择2~3次拟合即可获得理想的效果,当连续缺失历元达3个月时,正交多项式拟合后的曲线与序列趋势仍基本一致。  相似文献   
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