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二连盆地早白垩世断陷及基底构造的耦合性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基底构造在沉积盆地的形成与演化过程中扮演着重要的角色.本文利用地球物理资料和地表地质调查数据, 对二连盆地早白垩世断陷分布规律与基底构造特征及其关系进行了研究, 并分析了基底构造对富油凹陷的控制作用.结果表明, 二连盆地早白垩世68个断陷总体上自北东向南西呈弥散式分布, 这些断陷可分为南部断陷群与北部断陷群, 断陷群夹持在隆起之间, 总体上构成了正负相间的盆岭构造格局.基底构造控制着二连盆地早白垩世断陷分布, 表现为: 断陷群沿着深断裂分布; 坳陷对应着基底先存复向斜, 隆起对应着基底先存复背斜; 刚性的锡林浩特地块分割了断陷群.深断裂作为构造薄弱区在伸展变形过程中优先重新活动, 并控制着断陷的发育与分布; 盖层演化和基底构造之间具有良好的继承性; 基底流变性发生突变的区带对断陷的发育与分布也具有控制作用.盆地基底断裂带上叠的凹陷、基底断裂带交汇处上叠的凹陷和刚性基底上新生的凹陷在伸展变形过程中构造继承性好、沉降量大、优质烃源岩发育, 是富油凹陷发育的有利区域.  相似文献   
SeasonalandExtraseasonalPredictionsofSummerMonsoonPrecipitationbyGcms①ZengQingcun(曾庆存),YuanChongguang(袁重光),LiXu(李旭),ZhangRong...  相似文献   
胶州湾底栖生物动态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胶州湾底栖生物组成复杂,数量丰富,其中有些种为捕捞对象,如菲律宾蛤仔等开发潜力很大,有些种为鱼、虾类天然饵料,如多毛类的长吻沙蚕、索沙蚕,软体动物的金星碟铰蛤等。底栖生物对渔业资源的补充和开发利用以及增、养殖和海洋生态学的研究都具有重要意义。早在30年代,张玺教授等(1936)就对胶州湾的底栖生物进行了系统的研究。解放后,中国科学院海洋研究所在胶州湾进行了大量的调査研究(E.Φ.古丽娅诺娃、吴宝铃,1963),特别是刘瑞玉教授领导的底栖生物组在1980-1990年对胶州湾进行了长期的、连续的调査,积累了许多宝贵的资料,发表了很多文章(刘瑞玉等,1992a;刘瑞玉等,1992b;孙滨等,1992;孙道元,1990;吴耀泉等,1992),基本掌握了胶州湾底栖生物的全貌。作者自1991年5月至1994年2月在原来调查的基础上,在胶州湾6个不同底栖生物群落的分布区范围内设立了10个底栖生物监测取样站(图5),进行了3年调査。每年分春(5月)、夏(8月)、秋(11月)、冬(2月)四季在各站以取样面积为0.1㎡的表层采泥器取样2次,对胶州湾底梄生物的种类组成、数量变化及群落结构进行了研究。  相似文献   
The wind-induced responses of a large-scale membrane structure, Expo Boulevard, are evaluated in this study. To obtain the wind pressure distribution on the roof surface, a wind tunnel test is performed. A brief analysis of wind pressure on the membrane roof is conducted first and then an analysis of the wind-induced responses of the structure is carried out using a numerical integral method in the time domain. In the process of calculation, the geometrical nonlinearity is taken into account. Results indicate that mean, RSM and peak values of the structure responses increase nonlinearly while the approaching flow velocity increases. Strong nonlinear characteristics are observed in the displacement responses, whereas the responses of nodal stress and cable axial force show minimal nonlinear properties when the membrane structure is subjected to wind loads. Different values of the damping ratio only have a minimal impact on the RSM response of the structure because the background component is a dominant part of the total dynamic response and the resonant component is too small. As the damping ratio increases from 0.02 to 0.05, the RMS responses of vertical displacement, nodal stress and cable axial force decrease by 8.1%, 6.7% and 17.9%, respectively. Since the mean component plays a significant role in the wind-induced response, the values of the gust response factor are not high for Expo Boulevard.  相似文献   
介绍了张集矿立井基岩段水文地质和基岩地面预注浆的有关情况。根据井简实测资料,分析基岩裂隙的发育规律、裂隙层界面的浆波充填情况、实际浆液有效扩散半径及堵水效果。认为:立井基岩地面预注浆,不仅能成功地起到堵水的自的.从而缩短工期、降低造价、提高质量,而且还有利于井筒安全揭穿突出谋层,达到安全施工。  相似文献   
Post-collisional (23–8 Ma), potassium-rich (including ultrapotassic and potassic) mafic magmatic rocks occur within the north–south-trending Xuruco lake–Dangre Yongcuo lake (XDY) rift in the Lhasa terrane of the southern Tibetan Plateau, forming an approximately 130-km-long semi-continuous magmatic belt. They include both extrusive and intrusive facies. Major and trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data are presented for all of the known exposures within the XDY rift. The potassium-rich, mafic igneous rocks are characterized by high MgO (5.9–10.8 wt.%), K2O (4.81–10.68 wt.%), Ba (1,782–5,618 ppm) and Th (81.3–327.4 ppm) contents, and relatively high SiO2 (52.76–58.32 wt.%) and Al2O3 (11.10–13.67 wt.%). Initial Sr isotopic compositions are extremely radiogenic (0.712600–0.736157), combined with low (206Pb/204Pb) i (18.28–18.96) and (143Nd/144Nd) i (0.511781–0.512046). Chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns display relatively weak negative Eu anomalies. Primitive mantle-normalized incompatible trace element patterns exhibit strong enrichments in large ion lithophile elements relative to high-field-strength elements and display strongly negative Ta–Nb–Ti anomalies. The combined major and trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic characteristics of the K-rich igneous rocks suggest that the primitive magmas were produced by 1–10 % partial melting of an asthenospheric mantle source enriched by both fluids and partial melts derived from Indian passive continental margin sediments subducted into the shallow mantle as a consequence of the northward underthrusting of the Indian continental lithosphere beneath Tibet since the India–Asia collision at ~55 Ma. The best-fit model results indicate that a melt with trace element characteristics similar to those of the K-rich rocks could be generated by 8–10 % partial melting of a metasomatized mantle source in the south and 1–2 % melting in the north of the XDY rift. Trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic modeling indicate that the proportion of fluid derived from the subducted sediments, for which we use as a proxy the Higher Himalayan Crystalline Sequence (HHCS), in the mantle source region increases from north (rear-arc) to south (front-arc), ranging from 0 to 5 %, respectively. Correspondingly, the proportion of the melt derived from the subducted HHCS in the source increases from north (2 %) to south (15 %). The increasing proportion of the fluid and melt component in the mantle source from north to south, together with a southward decreasing trend in the age of the K-rich magmatism within the XDY rift, is inferred to reflect rollback of the subducted Indian lithospheric mantle slab during the period 25–8 Ma. Slab rollback may be linked to a decreasing convergence rate between India and Asia. As a consequence of slab rollback at 25 Ma beneath the Lhasa terrane, its geodynamic setting was transformed from a convergent (55–25 Ma) to an extensional (25–8 Ma) regime. The occurrence of K-rich magmatism during the period 25–8 Ma is a consequence of the decompression melting of an enriched mantle source, which may signal the onset of extension in the southern Tibetan Plateau and provide a petrological record of the extension process.  相似文献   
地震层析成像技术在岩体完整性测试中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地震波层析成像借鉴了医学上X射线断面扫描的基本原理,利用地震波穿过地质体后走时及能量的改变等物理信息,通过数学处理重建地质体内部图像,从而得到所研究地质体的岩性及构造分布。本文利用这种方法,在一个钻孔中利用电火花震源激了弹性波,在另一个钻孔布设多个检波点同时接收,拾取弹性波初至时间,将接收到的数据利用SIRT方法进行反演迭代计算,最终形成一个弹性波速度谱图,然后利用岩土体的弹性波速度差异推断岩体完整性分布。与其它测试方法比较,该方法分辨率高,空间位置准确,在工程物探、岩土工程勘察中具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   
通过对岩体的氡气测试,得到不同高程氡气脉冲值的硐深变化曲线,分析岩体卸荷强度和方式与其氡异常的相关性。岩体卸荷强度愈高,高氡异常值越高,异常深度范围越大,异常特征越明显。边坡集中卸荷拉裂部位、断层及错动带高氡异常,但边坡深部某些顺层断层或错动带异常特征不明显。结果显示卸荷强度和方式与氡气异常特征密切相关。  相似文献   
张前富 《中国岩溶》1986,(Z1):48-54
<正> 航片解译用于岩溶区水文地质普查已有很多成功经验,但也存在不少值得进一步解决的问题。为了摸索碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩相间分布的褶皱山区航片解译效果和标志,我们对1∶20万威信幅进行尝试性解译。  相似文献   
This paper, comparing the dynamic test results of mudstone (silty clay) with the static ones, verifies influence of cyclic loading and loading rates on the strength of mudstone. It is found that the dynamic strength is higher than the static strength. In the case of rapid loading (rising time of pressure is 10ms ), the unconfined compressive strength for this type of soil in dynamic test is 2.3 to 2.9 times as high as that in static tests, and the strength index, Cd , is about 2.8 times as great as Cs , but ∅ values are approximately equal to each other. Repeat loading (up to 3600 cycles) has no great influence on the strength of mudstone, and under the condition of unconfined loading, the fatigue strength of mudstone is somewhat lower than its statically strength.  相似文献   
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