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We obtain the preliminary result of crustal deformation velocity field for the Chinese continent by analyzing GPS data from the Crustal Motion Observation Network of China (CMONOC), particularly the data from the regional networks of CMONOC observed in 1999 and 2001. We delineate 9 technically active blocks and 2 broadly distributed deformation zones out of a dense GPS velocity field, and derive block motion Euler poles for the blocks and their relative motion rates. Our result reveals that there are 3 categories of deformation patterns in the Chinese continent. The first category, associated with the interior of the Tibetan Plateau and the Tianshan orogenic belt, shows broadly distributed deformation within the regions. The third category, associated with the Tarim Basin and the region east of the north-south seismic belt of China, shows block-like motion, with deformation accommodated along the block boundaries only. The second category, mainly associated with the borderland of the Tibetan Plateau, such as the Qaidam, Qilian, Xining (in eastern Qinghai), and the Diamond-shaped (in western Sichuan and Yunnan) blocks, has the deformation pattern between the first and the third, i.e. these regions appear to deform block-like, but with smaller sizes and less strength for the blocks. Based on the analysis of the lithospheric structures and the deformation patterns of the regions above, we come to the inference that the deformation modes of the Chinese continental crust are mainly controlled by the crustal structure. The crust of the eastern China and the Tarim Basin is mechanically strong, and its deformation takes the form of relative motion between rigid blocks. On the other hand, the northward indentation of the Indian plate into the Asia continent has created the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the Tianshan Mountains, thickened their crust, and raised the temperature in the crust. The lower crust thus has become ductile, evidenced in low seismic velocity and high electric conductivity observed. The brittle part of the crust, driven by the visco-plastic flow of the lower crust, deforms extensively at all scales. The regions of the second category located at the borderland of the Tibetan Plateau are at the transition zone between the regions of the first and the third categories in terms of the crustal structure. Driven by the lateral boundary forces, their deformation style is also between the two, in the form of block motion and deformation with smaller blocks and less internal strength.  相似文献   
银山多金属矿床的形成经历了构造动力热液成矿及火山-岩浆热液成矿两个阶段。构造动力热液成矿奠定了银山矿床矿化的基本格局,火山-岩浆热液成矿作用叠加其上,形成了银山大型或特大型金铜多金属矿床。大量事实表明,两种成矿作用在时间上具同期性,构造动力热液成矿稍早些。在空间和成因上两者密切相关,它们构成了构造动力-火山岩浆同步一体的成矿体系。  相似文献   
通过地处上海某厂锅炉房濒危烟囱北侧仅5米处的实验楼基础施工,详尽介绍了施工过程中保护濒危烟囱的防护工程对策,以及采用信息化施工技术而取得的良好经济效益。  相似文献   
将巴颜喀拉地块和四川地块作为研究对象,用块体边界上的GPS位移作为输入数据,应用边界元法计算得到块体边界上的应力,再用求解出的边界应力计算块体内部的位移与应变.结果发现巴颜喀拉块体南北向为张应变作用;块体西侧张应变量较大,向东逐渐减小,到龙门山东侧应变几乎减弱为零.南北向张应变向东的迅速减弱,使得龙门山断层产生闭锁,闭锁使龙门山断裂聚集起巨大的应变能,应变能的大量积累可能是导致汶川地震发生的根本原因.  相似文献   
红辉沸石合成P型沸石试验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以广西资源红辉沸石为原料进行合成P型沸石的最佳工艺流程及相关技术参数研究,提出了工艺流程为红辉沸石(酸处理)→水热反应→晶化→洗涤、过滤→烘干→P型沸石产品,最佳工艺技术参数为硅铝摩尔比[n(SiO2)/n(Al2O3)]3-4,碱度4-5mol/L NaOH,晶化温度95-100℃,晶化时间6-8h。  相似文献   
高边坡稳定性研究现状及发展展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在分析研究国内外有关斜坡(尤其是高边坡)稳定性研究文献的基础上,对当前这一领域的研究现状作了简要评述,提出了今后的研究方向和复杂岩体高边坡稳定性研究的基本思路与方法。  相似文献   
本文通过笔者实际考察资料及国内外学者研究资料,综合分析了叠层石与沉积矿产关系的研究现状,探讨了叠层石和造叠层石底栖微生物群落对铁、铜、多金属、磷、锰等矿产的成矿作用。叠层石可以溉括为直接的和间接的两种成矿作用:①叠层石为容矿体,其本身就是一种矿石类型;②叠层石不含矿,其岩礁为矿的间隔体。后者是一种金属硫化物避开叠层石岩礁而在礁侧沉积成巨大的富矿模式。  相似文献   
塘坝子-葛仙山景点,地处举世瞩目的龙门山推覆-滑覆构造带上,已成为拟建中的“龙门山地质公园”的重要组成部分。其独特的石灰岩岩溶地貌和溶洞景观,是成都旅游区和彭县景区内宝贵的旅游景观配套资源,除旅游开发价值较高外,亦是离成都市区较近较理想的人防各战疏散基地,因而具有一定的资源综合开发潜力。对该景点的尽早开发,还可缓解邻区旅游热点的人满之患。  相似文献   
We present data for U and its decay series nuclides 230Th, 226Ra, 231Pa, and 210Po for 14 lavas from Kick’em Jenny (KEJ) submarine volcano to constrain the time-scales and processes of magmatism in the Southern Lesser Antilles, the arc having the globally lowest plate convergence rate. Although these samples are thought to have been erupted in the last century, most have (226Ra)/(210Po) within ±15% of unity. Ten out of 14 samples have significant 226Ra excesses over 230Th, with (226Ra)/(230Th) up to 2.97, while four samples are in 226Ra-230Th equilibrium within error. All KEJ samples have high (231Pa)/(235U), ranging from 1.56 to 2.64 and high 238U excesses (up to 43%), providing a global end-member of high 238U and high 231Pa excesses. Negative correlations between Sr, sensitive to plagioclase fractionation, and Ho/Sm, sensitive to amphibole fractionation, or K/Rb, sensitive to open system behavior, indicate that differentiation at KEJ lavas was dominated by amphibole fractionation and open-system assimilation. While (231Pa)/(235U) does not correlate with differentiation indices such as Ho/Sm, (230Th)/(238U) shows a slight negative correlation, likely due to assimilation of materials with slightly higher (230Th)/(238U). Samples with 226Ra excess have higher Sr/Th and Ba/Th than those in 226Ra-230Th equilibrium, forming rough positive correlations of (226Ra)/(230Th) with Sr/Th and Ba/Th similar to those observed in many arc settings. We interpret these correlations to reflect a time-dependent magma differentiation process at shallow crustal levels and not the process of recent fluid addition at the slab-wedge interface.The high 231Pa excesses require an in-growth melting process operating at low melting rates and small residual porosity; such a model will also produce significant 238U-230Th and 226Ra-230Th disequilibrium in erupted lavas, meaning that signatures of recent fluid addition from the slab are unlikely to be preserved in KEJ lavas. We instead propose that most of the 238U-230Th, 226Ra-230Th, and 235U-231Pa disequilibria in erupted KEJ lavas reflect the in-growth melting process in the mantle wedge (reflecting variations in U/Th, daughter-parent ratios, fO2, and thermal structure), followed by modification by magma differentiation at crustal depths. Such a conclusion reconciles the different temporal implications from different U-series parent-daughter pairs and relaxes the time constraint on mass transfer from slab to eruption occurring in less than a few thousand years imposed by models whereby 226Ra excess is derived from the slab.  相似文献   
尕尔穷铜金矿位于班公湖—怒江缝合带西段南缘的措勤—申扎火山岩浆弧内,为与侵入岩有关的矽卡岩型-破碎带型铜金(铁)矿床。在已有石英闪长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年的基础上,进一步对其进行锆石Hf同位素研究,同时对最新勘查成果显示具有一定成矿潜力的花岗斑岩进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年和Hf同位素研究,确定了两套侵入岩的形成顺序;结合前人总结的岩石地球化学特征,利用Hf同位素对其岩浆源区进行示踪。结果显示:花岗斑岩锆石206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值为(83.2±0.7)Ma,较石英闪长岩晚4 Ma左右,其初始176Hf/177Hf值为0.282 235~0.283 073,εHf(t)值为-17.2~12.5;石英闪长岩锆石初始176Hf/177Hf值为0.282 800~0.283 015,εHf(t)值为3.5~10.5。结合二者地球化学特征显示:石英闪长岩和花岗斑岩可能是同一岩浆系统不同分异阶段的产物,前者主要起源于具有幔源印记的初生地壳,而花岗斑岩具有和石英闪长岩相似的岩浆源区,但明显混入上地壳基底物质;暗示晚白垩世班怒带西段南缘内随着南羌塘—三江复合板片与冈底斯—念青唐古拉板片之间的弧-陆碰撞,先成的具有幔源印记的初生地壳重熔形成岩浆,随着碰撞的继续和岩浆的上涌分异,部分上地壳受挤压或热效应进一步重熔并参与岩浆系统中,由早至晚形成了由幔源特征向幔-壳混合源特征源区逐渐转变的花岗岩演化系列。尕尔穷铜金矿是起源于具有幔源印记的初生地壳的花岗岩的成矿专属性表现。  相似文献   
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