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沉积物磷原位钝化技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水体磷含量是湖泊富营养化最主要的限制因子之一.伴随着湖泊流域工农业发展,外源污染物的长期输入致使沉积物中蓄积了大量的磷及其他污染物.湖泊沉积物一方面是水体磷重要的汇,但另一方面还是水体磷重要的源.在单纯控制湖泊外源污染条件下,沉积物磷的释放仍可导致水体持续富营养化,湖水水质得到明显改善通常需要数十年,因此控制湖泊沉积物内源污染释放是快速恢复湖泊水质必不可少的措施.沉积物内源污染控制技术包括生物修复、环保疏浚以及原位钝化技术.受水深等环境条件限制,生物修复技术和环保疏浚在深水、亚深水型湖泊难以实施.沉积物磷原位钝化技术具有生态、经济、快速和效果稳定等特点,在控制湖泊底泥内源污染中可望发挥重要作用,尤其适合于深水、亚深水型湖泊内源污染控制.系统阐述了不同沉积物原位钝化剂的钝化原理,对比分析了铝盐、铁盐、钙盐和粘度矿物作为磷钝化剂的优缺点和应用条件,概述了国内外沉积物原位钝化技术的应用现状,在此基础上提出了沉积物原位钝化技术未来的重点研究方向:一是研究发展新型钝化剂;二是因地制宜,探索适合不同类型湖泊的底泥原位钝化技术体系;三是加强底泥原位钝化技术与其他技术的联合应用研究与示范;四是加强钝化剂负面影响评价,建立科学的应用技术方案.  相似文献   
2020年,长江三峡地区年平均气温17.2℃,接近常年;年平均降水量1530.8毫米,偏多29%,为1961年以来第二多,仅次于1998年.6月,7月降水量及年平均暴雨日数均为1961年以来第二多.平均风速较常年偏大;相对湿度略偏高;各月均无酸雨出现,近十余年酸雨强度呈现明显减弱趋势.2020年,三峡地区夏季暴雨洪涝灾...  相似文献   
介绍该县堆积面滑坡和层面滑坡两种典型滑坡的发育特征,分析其形成条件和机理.在此基础上,利用分形分维理论,分析研究区水系特征对滑坡分布和发育特征的影响.  相似文献   
介绍“中国大陆构造环境监测网络”VLBI站坐标解算的方法和过程.采用1994-2009年共50次观测数据解算台站及基线的年变化率,得到了台站的坐标及基线的年变化,并给出了VLBI站坐标解算的统计分析结果.  相似文献   
利用双多普勒雷达分析对流云垂直运动结构试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对流云是我国南方地区主要的降水云系, 含有丰富的云水资源, 是南方人工增雨作业的主要对象。为了研究江淮地区对流云发生发展规律, 利用双多普勒雷达反演技术分析了发生在2004年7月31日的一块对流云不同发展阶段的垂直运动结构。对流云在发展阶段以上升气流为主, 底层辐合明显, 结构紧密; 成熟阶段的上升与下沉气流势力相当, 且比发展阶段强盛, 强回波位置下移, 结构较发展阶段松散; 减弱阶段上升和下沉速度均减小, 水平辐散增强。结果表明:反演的不同阶段对流云垂直运动结构合理, 可以利用双多普勒雷达反演技术进行对流云三维运动结构研究。  相似文献   
"2004.6"湘西北低空急流暴雨的中尺度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规观测,T213、雷达和MM5中尺度模式输出资料对2004年6月23-24日湘西北地区的暴雨和大暴雨进行了天气动力学和中尺度分析.结果表明这场暴雨是在有利的天气背景条件下产生的,造成强降水的雨团在时空尺度上具有中尺度系统的特征,中尺度辐合线和低空急流为降水发生提供了有利的触发条件.  相似文献   
Two land surface schemes, one the standard Biosphere / Atmosphere Transfer Scheme Version le (B0Z) and the other B1Z based on B0Z and heterogeneously-treated by ‘combined approach’ , were coupled to the meso-scale model MM4, respectively. Through the calculations of equations from the companion paper, parameters representing land surface heterogeneity and suitable for the coupling models were found out. Three cases were simulated for heavy rainfalls during 36 hours, and the sensitivity of short-term weath-er modeling to the land surface heterogeneity was tested. Through the analysis of the simulations of the three heavy rainfalls, it was demonstrated that B1Z, compared with B0Z, could more realistically reflect the features of the land surface heterogeneity, therefore could more realistically reproduce the circulation and precipitation amount in the heavy rainfall processes of the three cases. This shows that even short-term weather is sensitive to the land surface heterogeneity, which is more obvious with time passing, and whose influence is more pronounced in the lower layer and gradually extends to the middle and upper layer. Through the analysis of these simulations with B1Z, it is suggested that the bulk effect of smaller-scale fluxes (i.e., the momentum, water vapor and sensible heat fluxes) near the significantly-heterogeneous Land surface is to change the larger-scale (i.e., meso-scale) circulation, and then to influence the development of the low-level jets and precipitation. And also, the complexity of the land-atmosphere interaction was shown in these simulations.  相似文献   
僧帽牡蛎二倍体和三倍体卵母细胞发育的超微结构比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用电子显微镜技术观察僧帽牡蛎二倍体和三倍体初级卵母细胞发育过程中细胞和细胞器的超微结构变化,结果表明:二倍体和三倍体卵母细胞发育差异明显。在卵黄形成期,二倍体卵母细胞呈椭圆形,细胞核呈伪足状突起,核仁呈颗粒状聚合体,细胞器多发达,合成卵黄粒我,细胞膜外有生绒毛,卵母细胞生物合成旺盛、代谢活动强;而三倍体卵母细胞大都呈不规则形状,该仁小、致密,细胞器少且不发达,卵黄粒少,细胞膜外无微绒毛,卵母细胞生物合成及代谢弱。  相似文献   
This paper describes a new framework for detection and tracking of underwater pipeline,which includes software system and hardware system.It is designed for vision system of AUV based on monocular CCD camera.First,the real-time data flow from image capture card is pre-processed and pipeline features are extracted for navigation.The region saturation degree is advanced to remove false edge point group after Sobel operation.An appropriate way is proposed to clear the disturbance around the peak point in the process of Hough transform.Second,the continuity of pipeline layout is taken into account to improve the efficiency of line extraction.Once the line information has been obtained,the reference zone is predicted by Kalman filter.It denotes the possible appearance position of the pipeline in the image.Kalman filter is used to estimate this position in next frame so that the information of pipeline of each frame can be known in advance.Results obtained on real optic vision data in tank experiment are displayed and discussed.They show that the proposed system can detect and track the underwater pipeline online,and is effective and feasible.  相似文献   
四川盆地二叠系和三叠系的接触关系以及长兴组岩溶成因的认识,地质界一直存在较大分歧。通过野外露头、钻井、岩心、成像测井、C-O同位素等资料研究发现,普光气田长兴组发育大规模溶沟、溶洞、囊状溶洞、岩溶角砾岩;P/T界线附近长兴组溶蚀灰岩碳同位素发生严重负偏移;长兴组顶见不整合面,成像测井岩溶相带划分明显;长兴组顶部存在地层缺失。综合分析认为,普光气田长兴组发生过表生岩溶作用,长兴阶晚期重大海退事件是引起表生岩溶的主要因素。长兴组长期接受表生岩溶作用的改造,除形成台地边缘礁滩相储集层外,在礁滩欠发育的台地内部和台地前缘上斜坡等区带,是寻找不整合岩溶储集层的有利地区。  相似文献   
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