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The ecology of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria were investigated during five cruises in Xiamen Harbor. The results demonstrated that number of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria were 2.1×102-7.5×106 cell/1 and 1.7×102-1.5×106 ceil/g dry and hetcrotrophic bacteria were 3.0× 104-5.9× 109 cell/1 and 2.53× 103-5.0× 103 cell/g dry in seawater and sediment respectively. The isolated strains which can degrade the petroleum belong to fifteen genera. Most, strains can only degsade one kind of hydro- carbon or petroleum. The results showed that the population and the species-composition of hydro carbon-degrading microorganisms were positively correlated with existing level of oil pollution and with water temperature, but independent of total microbtat count.  相似文献   
中太平洋铁锰结壳铅同位素研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
已有研究表明大洋中溶解的铅(Pb)来源于陆源物质,但是,对Pb进入大洋的途径争议很大。为此分析了取自中太平洋两块铁锰结壳样品的Pb同位素组成,获得了整个新生代的中太平洋Pb同位素演化历史。结果表明这两块结壳的Pb同位素随时间的演化曲线与中北太平洋沉积物岩心LL44-GPC3中风成碎屑的Pb同位素演化曲线相似。证实该区深水中的天然溶解铅主要来自风成粉尘,并且50Ma之前中太平洋中溶解Pb同位素组成主要取决于源自美洲的风成粉尘的输入,40Ma之后主要取决于源自亚洲的风成粉尘的输入。  相似文献   
-Among four species of Littorinid, Littorina scabra, L. brevicula, Nodiliitorina millegrana and N. pyramidalis pyramidalis, on the hard intertidal zone in the Jiulong Estuary, Fujian, L. scabra has the most extensive distribution both vertically and horizontally, and the highest anual average density. The uppermost limit of vertical distribution of N. pyramidalis pyramidalis is higher than the other three Littorinid. Desiccation is a main factor affecting the uppermost limit of vertical distribution of the Littorinid. The increasing wave action will raise the uppermost limit vertical distribution of Littorinid. With seasonal changes, the densities of the Littorinid also change in different tidal zonations. Difference in salinity is the main factor affecting the horizontal distribution of the Littorinid in the estuary.  相似文献   
The antarctic sea ice was investigated upon five occasions between January 4 and February 15, 2003. The investigations included: (1) estimation of sea ice distribution by ship-based observations between the middle Weddell Sea and the Prydz Bay; (2) estimation of sea ice distribution by aerial photography in the Prydz Bay; (3) direct measurements of fast ice thickness and snow cover, as well as ice core sampling in Nella Fjord; (4) estimation of melting sea ice distribution near the Zhongshan Station; and (5) observation of sea ice early freeze near the Zhongshan Station. On average, sea ice covered 14.4% of the study area. The highest sea ice concentration (80%) was observed in the Weddell Sea. First-year ice was dominant (99.7%-99.8%). Sea ice distributions in the Prydz Bay were more variable due to complex inshore topography, proximity of the Larsemann Hills, and/or grounded icebergs. The average thickness of landfast ice in NeUa Fjord was 169.5 cm. Wind-blown snow redistribution plays an important role in affecting the ice thickness in Nella Fjord. Preliminary freezing of sea ice near the Zhongshan Station follows the first two phases of the pancake cycle.  相似文献   
几种养殖鲍同工酶生化遗传的比较研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
柯才焕  陈晓佳  周时强  王志勇  王艺磊 《台湾海峡》2003,22(2):173-179,T002
运用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳对我国主要养殖鲍(皱纹盘鲍、盘鲍及九孔鲍)12种同工酶(LDH、ME、MDH、GPI、PGM、IDH、IDDH、SOD、EST、ODH、ADH、AAT)26个基因座位进行了分析.结果表明:EST、PGM可以作为区分三种(亚种)鲍的生化遗传标记;在所分析的位点中,未发现多态现象,表明三种养殖鲍杂合子缺失严重,其主要原因可能在于哑基因、近交与自然选择。  相似文献   
从海南岛三亚海区11种常见的肉食性腹足类中,筛选出2种能捕食嵌线螺Cymatium但不危害合浦珠母贝Pinctada martensii的物种;织锦芋螺Conus textile和方斑东风螺Bab-ylonia areolata。将这2种腹足类作为嵌线螺的生物防治物种,对防止嵌线螺危害合浦珠母贝具有良好作用,但在珍珠贝养殖生产中将织锦芋螺作为嵌线螺的生物防治物种时,需要解决防逃问题,若将方斑东风螺作为嵌线螺生物防治物种,则需解决其生存的饵料问题。  相似文献   
摄食水平和性别对稀有鮈鲫生长和能量收支的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
于1995年10月采集本所自繁有ju鲫(约1.03g/ind),在30℃水温下进行摄食-生长实验,研究了从饥饿到饱食5个摄食水平对不同性别稀有ju鲫的生长和能量收支的影响,结果表明,鱼体干物和能量含量不受摄食率和性别的影响,随着摄食率的增加,雌鱼的湿重,干重和能量特定生长率均呈双对数增加,雄鱼湿重特定生长率呈双对数增加,而干物质和能量特定生长率呈指增加,雄鱼生长速度及摄食率低于雌鱼,随着摄食率的增加,食物能损失于粪便中的比例均呈上升趋势,损失于排泄物中的比例变化不大,呈下降趋势,用于代谢的比例呈下降趋势,用于生长的比例呈上升趋势,除饥饿组外,在各个摄食水平,雌鱼食物能用于代谢的比例较雄鱼低,而用于生长的比例较雄鱼高。  相似文献   
本文分析了秦山核电站邻近水域生态零点调查四个航次的浮游植物样品,结果表明:调查区浮游植物的种数和细胞密度在时间尺度上均存在明显的季节变化趋势:夏大于秋大于春大于冬,并且与环境因子的变化密切相关,其中最主要的影响因子是温度、盐度和径流,而影响日变化的环境因子主要是潮汐。  相似文献   
麻痹性贝毒(Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning,PSP)毒素由石房蛤毒素(saxitoxin,STX)及其衍生物组成,目前己发现20余种,在赤潮研究、分子生物学和神经生物学基础研究、医药、军事防化等方面都有应用潜力[其结构、类型和应用见本集刊王云峰等(2003)“麻痹性贝毒毒素的应用研究进展”一文]。由于PSP毒素的稀有来源和国际社会对STX交易的禁止,限制了国内PSP毒素应用及研究的全面深入展开,因此本文作者对PSP毒素进行了制备,并采用不同方法对制备的PSP毒素进行了研究。 PSP毒素能够选择性地可逆抑制可兴奋膜的电压依赖钠离子通道的开放,从而阻止神经冲动的发生和传导,使神经、肌肉丧失兴奋性(Frace et al.,1986;Penzotti et al.,1998)。本文利用神经束膜下记录和全细胞膜片钳技术,报道了从塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense)中提取的PSP粗毒素对小鼠运动神经末梢膜电流和NG108-15细胞钠离子通道的作用研究结果,并与STX标准毒素的作用结果进行了比较。 NG108-15细胞是由小鼠神经母细胞瘤和大鼠胶质细胞瘤融合的杂交细胞,经分化剂分化后,显示诸+L1196如兴奋性、合成和释放乙酰胆碱、与培养肌细胞形成突触联系等多种神经细胞的基本特性(Hamprcht,1977)和Na+、K+、Ca2+等多种离子通道,已作为神经细胞模型被广泛应用于分析药物对离子通道作用的研究(Enomoto et al.,1992; Docherty et al.,1992;Shi et al.,1993;Hu et al.,1997a;Hu et al.,1997b);发育出具有Na+内流支持的锋电位(Hamprecht,1977),该电位是分析作用于膜钠离子通道药物的好材料。  相似文献   
遥感与GIS支持下的海洋渔业空间分布研究——以东海为例   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
基于海洋渔业多年来生产实践所表明的海洋渔场与海洋水文要素密切相关性,将研究区的遥感融合信息与生产数据进行GIS空间配准,同时建立了诸多要素数据的空间聚类模式,利用该模式提取了水文信息和中心渔场信息相关联的空间分布规律的隐伏信息,由此阐述了实现海洋渔业现代化,应用空间遥感融合信息和GIS支持下指导海洋渔业生产的渔情预报有着重要意义.  相似文献   
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