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Zabuye Salt Lake in Tibet, China is a carbonate-type salt lake, which has some unique characteristics that make it different from other types of salt lakes. The lake is at the latter period in its evolution and contains liquid and solid resources. Its brine is rich in Li, B, K and other useful minor elements that are of great economic value. We studied the concentration behavior of these elements and the crystallization paths of salts during isothermal evaporation of brine at 15°C and 25°C. The crystallization sequence of the primary salts from the brine at 25°C is halite (NaCl) → aphthitalite (3K2SO4·Na2SO4) → zabuyelite (Li2CO3)→ trona (Na2CO3·NaHCO3·2H2O) → thermonatrite (Na2CO3·H2O) → sylvite (KCl), while the sequence is halite (NaCl) → sylvite (KCl) → trona (Na2CO3·NaHCO3·2H2O) → zabuyelite (Li2CO3) → thermonatrite (Na2CO3·H2O) → aphthitalite (3K2SO4·Na2SO4) at 15°C. They are in accordance with the metastable phase diagram of the Na+, K+-Cl?, CO32?, SO42?-H2O quinary system at 25°C, except for Na2CO3·7H2O which is replaced by trona and thermonatrite. In the 25°C experiment, zabuyelite (Li2CO3) was precipitated in the early stage because Li2CO3 is supersaturated in the brine at 25°C, in contrast with that at 15°C, it precipitated in the later stage. Potash was precipitated in the middle and late stages in both experiments, while boron was concentrated in the early and middle stages and precipitated in the late stage.  相似文献   
基于ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android离线编辑关键技术应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,传统的外业调绘模式逐渐向内外业一体化模式转变。本文以地理国情内外业一体化系统为依托,重点研究了ESRI的离线编辑关键技术,介绍了基于ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android实现的离线编辑功能,以面修形算法为例,在细粒度的几何编辑基础上实现了常见的外业编辑业务。  相似文献   
集安群片麻岩中石榴子石和黑云母接触带两侧边缘广泛发育Fe-Mg交换反应所形成的扩散环带,但晶体内部各自保持变质峰期的成分,中温带石榴子石可保留生长环带。经微区化学成分详细研究后,正确运用Grt-Bt温度计获得进变质阶段,变质高峰期和修期后Fe-Mg交换反应停止时的温度条件。按石榴子石和斜长石的微区钙含量变化确定了峰期和退变质阶段压力。据此建立起逆时针形式的变质作用p-T-t轨迹,反映该区早元古代陆壳内裂陷带的闭合过程。  相似文献   
采用化学组分分析、物相分析、粒度筛析、X射线面扫描分析、矿物分离分析并结合数理统计分析等综合分析技术对微细粒浸染型金矿进行工艺矿物学研究,较为快速、准确地查明该金精矿金的赋存状态.几种分析方法互为补充,结果吻合.  相似文献   
针对现有时空数据模型研究中存在的诸多不足,特别是基于事件的时空模型缺乏以空间对象个体为单位的时空变化贯穿式表达能力等缺点,提出一种基于事件的双序列时空数据模型,将状态变化与空间对象的变化用双重序列表达,用序列存储对象的变化解决了现有时空数据模型基于空间对象个体时空变化信息表达能力弱的问题。实验表明,该模型可有效用于时空数据管理。  相似文献   
精细化风暴潮预报是目前风暴潮预报重点发展方向之一,本文首次建立起了一个覆盖整个中国沿海地区的精细化台风风暴潮数值模型,克服了以往分区域数值模型的不足,该模型在中国沿海地区的分辨率达到300m左右。模型采用了并行计算,并对2012年和2013年灾害性台风风暴潮过程进行了数值检验,计算精度和计算所用时间都能够满足业务化运行的要求。本文同时还根据中国气象局、美国国家气象局等5家主要台风预报机构给出的24h台风预报,对2013年度灾害性台风风暴潮过程进行了24h数值预报检验,检验结果表明:根据中国气象局台风登陆前24h预报可以得到更准确的风暴潮预报结果,其预报结果优于其他各家预报结果。该结论可以为今后的台风风暴潮预报中台风路径的选取提供重要的参考。  相似文献   
Based on lab-culture experiments analyzing limitation and combination of iron and phosphorus on the growth of Cryptomonas sp. (Cryptophyceae), and the study of accumulation and release of Fe-bound P in sediment cores collected from the marine region of the Pearl River Estuary, China, reasons for the high frequency of phytoplankton bloom therein are discussed. Results show that the combined effect of Fe and P can obviously accelerate algal development, and the optimum culture conditions maintaining maximum growth rate are 0.05 μM Fe and 50 μM P. Cellular contents of Fe and P is consistent and the P:Fe molar ratio is 159:1. The optimum range of the P:Fe molar ratio in culture experiments for cell incubation is 500–1400. The vertical trends of total Fe and total P variations in sediments are parallel. Fe-bound P is the main species of inorganic sedimentary P. Through continuous leaching with agitation, 34–80% of exchangeable P and 4–23% of exchangeable Fe are concurrently released from the surficial sediments. This is a possible way by which nutrients are made available to phytoplankton. These factors might be responsible for a high frequency of harmful algal blooms in the Pearl River Estuary.  相似文献   
正Production of lithium carbonate from brines has become the dominate trend in the world from the beginning of this century.Dangxiongcuo,a carbonate-type salt lake,is located in the interior of the Tibetan Plateau,China.As a salt lake deposit,rich in Li,B,K and other useful trace  相似文献   
The prime objective of this work is to provide a reference to predict the peak shear strength of rock fractures. The paper studied some shear properties of rock fractures and proposed an empirical formula for the peak shear strength of rock fractures based on 3D morphology parameters. The rock fractures were induced in cylindrical sandstone and marble specimens by means of indirect tension. A rock direct shear apparatus (RDS-200) was adopted to conduct direct shear tests on five groups of rock fractures under different levels of normal load. Before the direct shear test, 3D morphology parameters of rock fracture surfaces were obtained using a 3D optical scanner. By analyses of direct shear test data, the relationships between peak shear strength, peak shear displacement, peak dilatancy angle, residual friction coefficient and peak normal stress were found. According to the evolution trends of peak shear strength and peak dilatancy angle along with the normal stress, an empirical formula was proposed to predict the peak shear strength of rock fractures in both sliding and cutting failure modes considering the 3D morphology parameters of rock fracture surfaces. The empirical formula could be commonly used for different types (sandstone and marble) and grain sizes (powder-grained, fine-grained, medium-grained and coarse-grained) of rock fractures.  相似文献   
结合倾斜摄影技术的地质灾害监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向广东省地质灾害隐患的灾前预警、灾中评估与灾后重建等灾害防治与救灾抢险工作的需求,基于md4-1000四旋翼无人机系统,探索研究了基于倾斜摄影技术的地质灾害监测技术流程和方法,并对其模型精度进行考察。经试验表明,无人机可以在一定范围内快速获取高空间分辨率、多个角度的航空影像,而基于实景三维进行地质灾害预警与监测,可以通过无人机倾斜摄影获取的影像经过空三加密和绝对定向建立实景三维模型和真正射影像,可以减少人工实地勘察的工作量,提高工作效率。同时通过实景三维模型可以直观反映地质灾害隐患点的地形地貌信息,为地质灾害隐患点预警提供有力的依据。通过实测数据表明,整个项目的模型高程精度优于0.5 m,平面精度优于0.2 m。  相似文献   
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