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在内蒙古额济纳旗黑大山地区地处北山锑矿成矿远景区,成矿地质条件十分有利,通过对该区开展区域化探工作,发现了规模较大的以Sb、As为主的综合化探异常,再辅以1:1万的地质、化探综合剖面测量及槽探工程揭露,找到2个锑矿化带(Ⅰ号、Ⅱ号矿化带).对该区找矿潜力进行评价,认为该区具有较大的找矿潜力.  相似文献   
四川盆地东北地区上二叠统层序地层特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用层序地层学的原理,在野外剖面沉积相、岩性、岩相和可容空间变化分析的基础上,对川东北地区宣汉县渡口镇羊鼓洞上二叠统剖面的层序地层进行研究,识别出3种类型6个层序界面,将上二叠统划分为1个Ⅱ层序和5个Ⅲ级层序,其中吴家坪组划分为3个Ⅲ级层序、长兴组划分为2个Ⅲ级层序。并在层序划分的基础上建立了川东北地区上二叠统的层序地层格架。将可容空间变化曲线与露头层序地层划分之间进行对比发现,二者之间存在着良好的对应关系。这不仅验证了层序划分的正确性,而且说明了Fischer图解旋回分析技术的实用性和客观性。  相似文献   
利用中尺度数值模式ARPS进行了理想场的数值模拟,分析研究了水汽和潜热释放对大气层结稳定度的影响以及其在背风波的发展和演变过程中的作用,研究发现,潜热释放对大气层结分布的影响要远大于水汽对大气层结分布的直接影响,如果没有潜热的释放,水汽对背风波的发展和演变的作用非常小,而潜热释放可以使湿层结稳定度急剧下降,迅速破坏原有的层结分布,使这个区域出现非拦截的强烈的垂直运动,波动的崩溃更加迅速和明显。但需要说明的是在试验中,将数值模式里控制潜热释放的参数设为:0、1/2、2的假定情况,则在实际的大气运动过程中是不可能存在的。  相似文献   
为了了解区域云顶高度对过去气候变化的响应,基于卫星搭载的MODIS传感器提供的2000年3月至2018年2月MOD03_08_v6.0数据,分析了东亚地区云顶高度2000—2018年的时空变化特征,并探讨其长期变化的原因。研究发现,东亚地区云顶高度呈西南高东北低的特征。云顶高度在东亚地区以0.020 km/a的变率增长,其中大陆东部云顶高度的年际变率为0.035 km/a,东部海域年际变率为0.034 km/a。在东部海域地区云顶高度的变化同海表温度的变化相关性较高,相关系数为0.68,这表明云顶高度的变化受下垫面的影响。在东亚地区30°~40°N区域内,年平均云顶高度的增加较为明显。此外,夏季云顶高度在长江中下游盆地、塔里木盆地、吐鲁番盆地以及四川盆地东北部呈-0.03 km/a的减少趋势,这是由于更多低云的形成降低了云顶高度;冬季云顶高度在东亚地区40°N以北呈下降趋势,而在40°N以南呈增加趋势。  相似文献   
A heavy rainfall event caused by a mesoscale convective system (MCS), which occurred over the Yellow River midstream area during 7–9 July 2016, was analyzed using observational, high-resolution satellite, NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, and numerical simulation data. This heavy rainfall event was caused by one mesoscale convective complex (MCC) and five MCSs successively. The MCC rainstorm occurred when southwesterly winds strengthened into a jet. The MCS rainstorms occurred when low-level wind fields weakened, but their easterly components in the lower and boundary layers increased continuously. Numerical analysis revealed that there were obvious differences between the MCC and MCS rainstorms, including their three-dimensional airflow structure, disturbances in wind fields and vapor distributions, and characteristics of energy conversion and propagation. Formation of the MCC was related to southerly conveyed water vapor and energy to the north, with obvious water vapor exchange between the free atmosphere and the boundary layer. Continuous regeneration and development of the MCSs mainly relied on maintenance of an upward extension of a positive water vapor disturbance. The MCC rainstorm was triggered by large range of convergent ascending motion caused by a southerly jet, and easterly disturbance within the boundary layer. While a southerly fluctuation and easterly disturbance in the boundary layer were important triggers of the MCS rainstorms. Maintenance and development of the MCC and MCSs were linked to secondary circulation, resulting from convergence of Ekman non-equilibrium flow in the boundary layer. Both intensity and motion of the convergence centers in MCC and MCS cases were different. Clearly, sub-synoptic scale systems in the middle troposphere played a leading role in determining precipitation distribution during this event. Although mesoscale systems triggered by the sub-synoptic scale system induced the heavy rainfall, small-scale disturbances within the boundary layer determined its intensity and location.  相似文献   
Using a statistical model for simulating tropical cyclone (TC) formation and a trajectory model for simulating TC tracks, the influence of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the peak-season (July-September) TC prevailing tracks in the western North Pacific basin is assessed based on 14 selected El Nino and 14 selected La Nina years during the period 1950-2007. It is found that the combination of statistical formation model and a trajectory model can simulate well the primary features of TC prevai...  相似文献   
几种再分析地表气温资料在中国区域的适用性评估   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
赵天保  符淙斌 《高原气象》2009,28(3):594-606
应用台站观测资料对ERA-40、NCEP/NCAR、NCEP/DOE和JRA-25等几种再分析地表(2m)气温资料在中国不同区域、不同年代和季节的气候均值、年际变化和变率特征及其气候趋势等所反映出来的适用性问题进行了系统评估.结果表明,几种再分析产品在全国大多数地区的气候变化研究中都具有一定的合理性,特别是1979年以后的资料可靠性更高一些.但相比而言,它们在冬季的可信度一般要高于夏季,东部地区的可信度一般要高于西部地区;ERA-40和JRA-25再分析产品的适用性要高于NCEP/NCAR和NCEP/DOE再分析产品;其中,JRA-25在均值、年际变化和变率特征的描述上具有更高的可靠性,而ERA-40在长期气候变化趋势(44年)的描述上则要明显优于NCEP/NCAR再分析产品.  相似文献   
梅雨锋对引发暴雨的中尺度对流系统发生发展影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
赵玉春 《大气科学》2011,35(1):81-94
针对梅雨锋(湿度锋)上或附近偏南暖湿气流一侧中尺度对流系统不断发生发展和长时间维持而引发长江流域暴雨的观测事实,利用中尺度数值预报模式WRF(V3.1.1)设计了一系列三维理想数值试验,研究了梅雨锋两侧自身水汽差异效应,探讨了基本气流和风垂直切变对梅雨锋上中尺度对流系统发生发展的影响,揭示了梅雨锋对中尺度对流系统的组织...  相似文献   
登陆台风卡努(0515)内核区环流结构特征分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
魏超时  赵坤  余晖 《大气科学》2011,35(1):68-80
本文采用地基雷达轨迹显示技术(Ground Based Velocity Track Display,简称GBVTD)反演的雷达风场资料,分析台风卡努(0515)在登陆期间近中心环流结构特征.轴对称环流结构分析表明,登陆前卡努轴对称切向风速最大值出现在眼墙区域2 km高度附近,最大风速半径随高度向外倾斜.轴对称径向入流...  相似文献   
以高能耗为主要特征的工业部门是大气污染物和温室气体的重要排放源.为推动协同管控,文中结合生态环境部在重庆市组织开展的试点工作,对工业企业NOx污染治理协同控制温室气体的效应进行了量化分析.结果表明,以末端治理为手段的NOx治理措施协同控制温室气体的效果为负,即工业企业去除1 t NOx会直接或间接增加CO2排放1.81...  相似文献   
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