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The role of sea surface temperature (SST) forcing in the development and predictability of tropical cyclone (TC) intensity is examined using a large set of idealized numerical experiments in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The results indicate that the onset time of rapid intensification of TC gradually decreases, and the peak intensity of TC gradually increases, with the increased magnitude of SST. The predictability limits of the maximum 10 m wind speed (MWS) and minimum sea level pressure (MSLP) are ~72 and ~84 hours, respectively. Comparisons of the analyses of variance for different simulation time confirm that the MWS and MSLP have strong signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) from 0-72 hours and a marked decrease beyond 72 hours. For the horizontal and vertical structures of wind speed, noticeable decreases in the magnitude of SNR can be seen as the simulation time increases, similar to that of the SLP or perturbation pressure. These results indicate that the SST as an external forcing signal plays an important role in TC intensity for up to 72 hours, and it is significantly weakened if the simulation time exceeds the predictability limits of TC intensity.  相似文献   
In this study,the clear sky hourly global and net solar irradiances at the surface determined using SUNFLUX,a simple parameterization scheme,for three stations(Gaize,Naqu,and Lhasa) on the Tibetan Plateau were evaluated against observation data.Our modeled results agree well with observations.The correlation coefficients between modeled and observed values were > 0.99 for all three stations.The relative error of modeled results,in average was < 7%,and the root-mean-square variance was < 27 W m 2.The solar irradiances in the radiation model were slightly overestimated compared with observation data;there were at least two likely causes.First,the radiative effects of aerosols were not included in the radiation model.Second,solar irradiances determined by thermopile pyranometers include a thermal offset error that causes solar radiation to be slightly underestimated.The solar radiation absorbed by the ozone and water vapor was estimated.The results show that monthly mean solar radiation absorbed by the ozone is < 2% of the global solar radiation(< 14 W m 2).Solar radiation absorbed by water vapor is stronger in summer than in winter.The maximum amount of monthly mean solar radiation absorbed by water vapor can be up to 13% of the global solar radiation(95 W m 2).This indicates that water vapor measurements with high precision are very important for precise determination of solar radiation.  相似文献   
利用甘肃省河西地区17个风塔观测资料和风向风速标准差法,计算了风塔处的下垫面粗糙度,并与中尺度数值模式ARPS中使用的粗糙度参数进行了比较分析。结果表明,数值模式中使用的粗糙度值和实况具有一定差异,其使用的粗糙度定义方案并不能准确地反映出下垫面粗糙度和非均一性特征。差异最大出现在草原下垫面上,可达375%,且差异程度随下垫面植被复杂程度增加。  相似文献   
为了了解区域云顶高度对过去气候变化的响应,基于卫星搭载的MODIS传感器提供的2000年3月至2018年2月MOD03_08_v6.0数据,分析了东亚地区云顶高度2000—2018年的时空变化特征,并探讨其长期变化的原因。研究发现,东亚地区云顶高度呈西南高东北低的特征。云顶高度在东亚地区以0.020 km/a的变率增长,其中大陆东部云顶高度的年际变率为0.035 km/a,东部海域年际变率为0.034 km/a。在东部海域地区云顶高度的变化同海表温度的变化相关性较高,相关系数为0.68,这表明云顶高度的变化受下垫面的影响。在东亚地区30°~40°N区域内,年平均云顶高度的增加较为明显。此外,夏季云顶高度在长江中下游盆地、塔里木盆地、吐鲁番盆地以及四川盆地东北部呈-0.03 km/a的减少趋势,这是由于更多低云的形成降低了云顶高度;冬季云顶高度在东亚地区40°N以北呈下降趋势,而在40°N以南呈增加趋势。  相似文献   
气溶胶粒子的吸湿增长对区域环境、气象与辐射收支都有巨大影响,精确的气溶胶吸湿特性观测对描述气溶胶吸湿增长特性,以及研究气溶胶对气候环境影响,拓展卫星气溶胶产品的应用有非常重要的意义。本研究提出一种基于常规气象观测(能见度、相对湿度)和空气质量观测(PM2.5浓度,即空气动力学当量直径小于等于2.5 μm的颗粒物浓度)相结合的气溶胶吸湿增长估算方法,在此基础上对浙江地区气溶胶吸湿特性的时空变化影响因素进行了探讨。研究发现,沿海的温州瓯海站的吸湿增长能力最高,长三角典型城市环境的杭州和睦小学站的吸湿增长能力次之,而地处较为洁净内陆的衢州实验学校站的吸湿增长能力最低。在时间变化中,同一站点不同湿度条件的吸湿增长变化趋势相同,温州瓯海站的吸湿性变化最为剧烈,杭州和睦小学站的吸湿性变化次之,衢州实验学校站变化较为平缓。本研究表明,浙江地区的气溶胶吸湿增长特性存在较大的时空差异,基于本方法能够在较大的时空范围内描述气溶胶的吸湿增长特性,为有限的精密观测提供重要补充。  相似文献   
聂颖  佘星源  张军  陈宝君 《气象科学》2020,40(4):554-559
降水对飞行的影响一直是航空气象关注的重点。本文选取2017年6月10日02:30—18:00的一次强降水过程的雨滴谱观测数据,分析了强降水时段雨强与能见度之间的相关关系发现,雨强与能见度呈明显的负相关关系。通过计算平均雨滴谱的各种特征参量,各种粒子对雨强的贡献情况,在雨强较小的区间主要为小粒子,而雨强越大,大粒子的贡献逐渐显现,在最大雨强的区间,出现了三峰形态,3种直径粒子的高浓度对强降水不同阶段的贡献各不相同,对航班飞行的影响也存在差异。使用雨滴参数计算了雨滴对飞机撞击力,分析各类飞机在强降水环境下的飞行受力均达到了10%的动力状况;受力方面各机型在低值区接近一致,有大型机在高值区迅速增加的情况;同样的雨强,小型机受到的力要远小于大型机;各机性在水平方向上的受力情况均较垂直方向大一个量级。  相似文献   
南亚高压上下高原时间及其与高原季风建立早晚的关系   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
本文利用1948—2013年NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,定义了南亚高压动态特征指数,讨论了南亚高压上下高原的时间以及与高原季风建立早晚的关系。研究表明,南亚高压北界位置在4月初开始北移,5月迅速北抬,最北可达到55°N,9月开始南撤,西伸脊点在5—10月移动较稳定,5—7月向西移动到青藏高原上空,8—10月向东移动撤离高原,11月—次年4月东西摆动剧烈。南亚高压初上高原大致为6月第3候(33候),而撤离约为10月第4候(58候)。南亚高压移上高原的时间较高原夏季风建立晚73 d左右。南亚高压撤离高原时间较高原冬季风建立约早5 d。高原夏季风的建立和南亚高压初上高原是青藏高原热力作用在不同阶段的结果,反映在了高原的高低层上。  相似文献   
FY2海面温度产品质量检验方法与误差分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王素娟  陆风  张鹏  张晓虎  崔鹏  王维和 《气象》2013,39(10):1331-1336
主要介绍了风云二号静止气象卫星海面温度产品的质量检验方法及检验流程,给出了FY2E业务海面温度产品和FY2F海面温度算法的质量检验结果,并从误差统计、反演算法、系统设计等方面分析了目前FY2海面温度产品与国外卫星海面温度产品差异大的原因。现场海面温度质量检验和分析场海面温度交叉检验各有优缺点。现场海面温度质量检验能够对FY2 SST产品给于客观的评价。国外分析场海面温度具有时效性好、全球覆盖且质量均一的优点,分析场海面温度交叉检验能满足FY2 SST质量检验的时效性,是对FY2 SST的相对检验。通过静止卫星海面温度产品质量检验信息可以为产品研发人员和相关用户提供参考。  相似文献   
The radon transport test, which is a widely used test case for atmospheric transport models, is carried out to evaluate the tracer advection schemes in the Grid-Point Atmospheric Model of IAP-LASG (GAMIL). Two of the three available schemes in the model are found to be associated with significant biases in the polar regions and in the upper part of the atmosphere, which implies potentially large errors in the simulation of ozone-like tracers. Theoretical analyses show that inconsistency exists between the advection schemes and the discrete continuity equation in the dynamical core of GAMIL and consequently leads to spurious sources and sinks in the tracer transport equation. The impact of this type of inconsistency is demonstrated by idealized tests and identified as the cause of the aforementioned biases. Other potential effects of this inconsistency are also discussed. Results of this study provide some hints for choosing suitable advection schemes in the GAMIL model. At least for the polax-region-concentrated atmospheric components and the closely correlated chemical species, the Flux-Form Semi-Lagrangian advection scheme produces more reasonable simulations of the large-scale transport processes without significantly increasing the computational expense.  相似文献   
基于DERF2.0的月平均温度概率订正预报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
章大全  陈丽娟 《大气科学》2016,40(5):1022-1032
国家气候中心第二代月动力延伸模式回算资料的分析表明,二代模式月平均温度预报与观测实况仍然存在较大偏差,模式预报有较大改进空间。本文采用非参数百分位映射法对模式月平均温度预报进行概率订正,该方法基于模式集合平均给出的确定性预报,结合模式回算资料各集合成员计算得到的模式概率密度分布,给出确定性预报在模式概率密度分布中的百分位值,并将百分位值投影到观测资料的概率密度分布中,得到模式预报的概率订正值。对订正前后模式预报的检验评估显示,该订正方案不仅有效降低了模式预报与实况的均方根误差(RMSE),对月平均温度距平分布的预报技巧也有所改善,不同超前时间模式预报的预测技巧评分(PS)和距平相关系数(ACC)均有提升,同时模式预报误差的大小对订正效果无明显影响。从分月的订正预报结果来看,对夏季各月的温度预测技巧的提升整体高于冬季各月。  相似文献   
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