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程进  曾刚  张云伟 《地理科学》2012,(12):1417-1423
以产品生命周期理论和企业生命周期理论等为基础,对上海市金桥出口加工区生命周期演化进行了分析。出口加工区生命周期的分析应结合不同时期产品结构和企业结构的表现特征,根据产品结构和企业结构的演变特征,金桥出口加工区的生命周期历经了加工导向期、制造导向期和创新导向期3个时期。金桥出口加工区生命周期演化的本质是产品的更新换代和企业动态的集聚与消亡过程,是两大类因素共同作用的结果:生产成本上升、投资门槛增高等内部投资环境产生的推力因素;国际直接投资向高科技化和服务化转变、中西部出口加工区竞争力增强、本地开发区的产业联动等外部投资环境产生的拉力因素。反映出金桥出口加工区生命周期是投资主导型的演化过程。  相似文献   
In this paper, studies were conducted on the effect of borehole size on explosive energy loss in rock blasting. Since most industrial explosives are nonideal ones, the charge size and the confinement condition have significant impact on the detonation performance of these explosives. Analyses indicated that smaller boreholes will cause more loss of explosive energy than larger ones. This is especially true for most industrial explosives. The paper presents the analyses of energy loss for a number of different explosives with various borehole sizes. Based on these analyses recommendations and guidelines were given for borehole size determination in rock blasting operations.  相似文献   
可扩展编码从编码入手解决网络带宽自适应问题,同时一定程度上增强了视频流的抗误码性。在opnet仿真平台上搭建了基于可扩展编码的P2P网络视频仿真系统,对仿真系统中的资源发现型机制和流媒体的传输机制做了详细的阐述,并具体描述了仿真系统的搭建过程,最后给出了仿真分析和测试结果。  相似文献   
Nowadays there are some chronic serious environmental problems, such as eutrophication, blue tide and so on, in a complicated coastal zone or a semi-enclosed bay, because the water exchanges between an inner bay and an outer sea is weak compared with the supply of contaminant. Under this situation, a method to improve the water quality by 3-dimensional small unsymmetrical structures has been proposed by Komatsu et al. In this paper, several numerical simulations of the tidal current and concentration for various arrangements of bottom roughness in a semi-enclosed model bay are carfled out with a depth-averaged 2-D numerical model. The model is solved by the hybrid finite analytic method with nonstaggered grid. And the SIMPLES algorithm with Rhie and Chow' s momentum interpolation technique is used for the simulation. The effect of Komatsu' s method for water purification is examined by numerical simulation. The result of numerical experiment indicates that it is possible to generate a new tidal residual current and to activate a tidal exchange by bottom roughness arrangement only.  相似文献   
刘发刚  刘星  彭程  曾庆荣 《云南地质》2005,24(4):414-420
将金平县龙脖河口一带原划二叠纪的玄武岩组,三叠纪的个旧组、火把冲组,更正为元古代,并命名为龙脖河岩群。为研究该区的地层展布、大地构造环境、古地理、构造活动等提供了新资料。  相似文献   
从政策视角探讨我国地理信息标准化问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了发达国家标准化相关政策特点,概括介绍了我国现有标准化法律法规,归纳了我国地理信息标准化的主要成就,并从政策视角侧重分析我国地理信息国家标准、行业标准和标准体系研制3方面存在的问题。认为需要加强对标准化法律法规的实施力度,并研究提出进一步促进我国地理信息产业发展的标准化相关政策建议。  相似文献   
A three-component chemical evolution model of the Galaxy is presented, which we believe will cast a new light on the G-dwarf problem. The model is based on a scenario of the Galaxy consisting of three major evolutionary phases: halo, thick disk and thin disk, separated by two short interludes of rapid collapse. The evolution of different stellar populations are treated separately, the combination of which yields an overall metallicity distribution function for the solar neighbourhood. We tested three different models using the same set of basic equations: the “prompt initial enrichment” (PIE) model, the “proportional yield” (PPY) model and the “collapse” (CLP) model. Best-fit parameters are derived. The results show that the different populations have remarkably different IMFs, while mass exchange has only minimally affected the chemical evolution in the solar vicinity, so that the solar vicinity can be regarded as a closed system, at least in the late stage of the Galactic evolution.  相似文献   
余辰星  杨岗  陆舟  李东  周放 《海洋与湖沼》2014,45(3):513-521
为了解迁徙季节水鸟在不同滨海湿地中的结构组成和行为特征,于2010年3月、4月、9月、11月和2011年3月,在山口自然保护区及其周边地区对不同滨海湿地类型的水鸟展开调查。结果显示:迁徙季节天然湿地共记录到水鸟6目8科39种,人工湿地有6目9科50种。天然湿地比人工湿地的物种数少,整体数量上,春季人工湿地大于天然湿地,秋季则为天然湿地水鸟数量更多。鹬鸻类在不同滨海湿地类型中觅食行为比例差异显著,在天然湿地中觅食比例达到76.67%,而在人工湿地中则以休息和睡眠等非觅食行为为主。天然湿地是鹬鸻类的重要觅食地,而人工湿地则是鹭类和鹬鸻类的主要休息地。鹭类在两种滨海湿地类型中觅食个体的数量不随潮汐的涨落而相应增减。鹬鸻类随潮汐高度上升,在两种滨海湿地类型中觅食的个体数量减少。山口地区的滨海人工湿地是水鸟在高潮期间天然湿地良好的替代栖息地。  相似文献   
东山湾潮流动力特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东山湾是福建重要的天然良港.根据2008年8月的3个潮次11个测站实测潮流资料结合历史调查资料分析东山湾的潮流性质、运动形式、涨落潮流特性、余流等特征.结果表明,东山湾主要属于往复式的规则半日潮流,潮流作用较强,其口门处和湾内水道上的实测最大流速一般大于100cm/s.持续时间较长的风对东山湾的余流较大的影响,大潮期间湾内存在明显的反时针的水平余环流系统.  相似文献   
山东省刺参增养殖技术发展现状   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刺参是我国传统的名贵海产品,具有很高的食用和药用价值,价格高、市场容量大.为开发近海这一资源,原农牧渔业部曾于80年代初组织全国刺参增养殖技术攻关并取得重大成果.大水体刺参人工育苗(0.5cm)技术突破3000头/M2以上,地播增殖也有创新技术,为刺参增养殖生产奠定了基础.此后的近20年来,广大渔民和科技工作者的生产实践和科学试验使这项技术不断丰富与完善.参苗育成量逐年增多,仅长岛县年培育量就达6000-8000万头,育苗水平也大有提高,不少场家已达4000-5000头/M2,而且苗种的规格质量也更高(体长1cm以上).增养殖方式也从单一的潮下带地播增殖发展为多种养殖技术.  相似文献   
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