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为了获取LAMOST焦面板上光纤的零位位置,提出了一种基于分离式标准靶标的高精度摄影测量方法。首先,根据Tsai摄像机标定参数模型介绍了CCD相机的标定原理。然后介绍了用光重心算法求取靶标发光点像面坐标及通过球面三角公式计算靶标发光点物面坐标。接着,利用最小二乘法导出了含标定参数的方程组。最后,介绍了标准靶标的放置方法以及提高光纤位置测量精度的靶标取法。实验结果表明:CCD相机的标定残差平均值为8.8μm;标定残差的标准差为5.3μm。测量方法简单易行,通过仔细分析,找出了残差偏大的原因,对后续进一步测量实验有重要指导意义。 相似文献
Sky surveys represent one of the most important efforts to improve developments in astrophysics,especially when using new photometric bands. We are performing the Stellar Abundance and Galactic Evolution(SAGE) survey with a self-designed SAGE photometric system, which is composed of eight photometric bands. The project mainly aims to study the stellar atmospheric parameters of ~0.5 billion stars in ~12 000 deg2 of the northern sky, which mainly focuses on Galactic astronomy, as well as some aspects of extragalactic astronomy. This work introduces the detailed data reduction process of the test field NGC 6791, including the data reduction of single-exposure images and stacked multi-exposure images, and properties of the final catalog. 相似文献
对紫金山天文台(简称紫台)自1954年至2011年共55 yr的手描黑子图进行了数字化.将紫台太阳黑子相对数(PRSN)和黑子群数(PGSN)与国际太阳影响数据分析中心(SIDC)中的对应数据(月平均太阳黑子相对数(IRSN)和月平均黑子群数(IGSN))进行对比研究,发现:(1)紫台黑子数据与SIDC黑子数据有很强的正相关性,说明紫台黑子数据的可靠性;(2) PRSN和IRSN、PGSN和IGSN的系统偏差分别处于7%左右、5%左右,紫台数据与SIDC数据在活动周的极小期的差异性显著大于极大期;(3)紫台的视宁度从1995年开始变差,直接导致了PRSN (PGSN)与IRSN (IGSN)的比值明显变大,表明视宁度的变化影响了紫台黑子的观测质量. 相似文献
Tian-Yi Chen Jian-Rong Shi Timothy CBeers Hong-Liang Yan Qi Gao Chun-Qian Li Hai-Ning Li Gang Zhao 《天文和天体物理学研究(英文版)》2021,(2):89-96
The abundance patterns of r-process-enhanced stars contain key information required to constrain the astrophysical site(s)of r-process nucleosynthesis,and to deepen our understanding of the chemical evolution of our Galaxy.To expand the sample of known r-process-enhanced stars,we have developed a method to search for candidates in the LAMOST medium-resolution(R7500)spectroscopic survey by matching the observed spectra to synthetic templates around the EuⅡline at 6645.1 A.We obtain a sample of 13 metal-poor(-2.35<[Fe/H]<-0.91)candidates from 12209 unique stars with 32774 mediumresolution spectra.These candidates will be further studied by high-resolution follow-up observations in the near future.We describe some extensions of this effort to include larger samples of stars,in particular at lower metallicity,using the strength of the BaⅡline at 6496.9 A. 相似文献
Although Type Ia supernovae(SNe Ia) play an important role in the study of cosmology, their progenitors are still poorly understood. Thermonuclear explosions from the helium double-detonation sub-Chandrasekhar mass model have been considered as an alternative method for producing SNe Ia. By adopting the assumption that a double detonation occurs when a He layer with a critical ignition mass accumulates on the surface of a carbon–oxygen white dwarf(CO WD), we perform detailed binary evolution calculations for the He double-detonation model, in which a He layer from a He star accumulates on a CO WD. According to these calculations, we obtain the initial parameter spaces for SNe Ia in the orbital period and secondary mass plane for various initial WD masses. We implement these results into a detailed binary population synthesis approach to calculate SN Ia birthrates and delay times. From this model,the SN Ia birthrate in our Galaxy is ~0.4- 1.6 × 10-3yr-1. This indicates that the double-detonation model only produces part of the SNe Ia. The delay times from this model are ~ 70- 710 Myr, which contribute to the young population of SNe Ia in the observations. We found that the CO WD + sdB star system CD-30 11223 could produce an SN Ia via the double-detonation model in its future evolution. 相似文献
天体物理环境中的硅酸盐尘粒 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
硅酸盐尘粒是宇宙尘埃的主要成分之一,它广泛存在于许多天体物理环境中,其特性随环境而变化。由于近年来观测数据的不断增加和红外光谱质量的逐步提高,宇宙空间中的硅酸盐尘粒正受到越来越多的关注.该文详细地介绍了在各种天体环境(星际空间、演化晚期恒星的星周尘埃包层、绕年轻恒星和主序星的星周尘埃盘、彗星的彗发和行星际空间)中的硅酸盐尘粒的观测特征,并分别对其物理和化学性质进行了综合比较.观测已经证实在星际尘埃演化的前身(演化晚期恒星的星周尘埃包层)和其遗迹(彗星)均有可观数量的结晶硅酸盐存在。但是至今还没有在其中间态(弥散星际介质)找到结晶硅酸盐存在的证据。这一尚未解决的难题突出了结晶态硅酸盐在天体物理研究中的重要意义。 相似文献
To explore the spatial-temporal distribution of the phytoplankton community and evaluate the combined effects of marine resource exploitation, net-collected phytoplankton and physical-chemical parameters were investigated in the Xiangshan Bay during the four seasons of 2010. A total of eight phyla, 97 genera, and 310 species were found, including 232 diatom species, 45 dinoflagellate species and 33 other taxa. The phytoplankton abundances presented a significant (P<0.001) seasonal difference with the average of 60.66×104 cells/m3. Diatoms (mainly consisting of Coscinodiscus jonesianus, Cerataulina pelagica, Skeleto n ema costatum, and genus Chaetoceros) dominated the phytoplankton assemblage in all seasons. We found great spatio-temporal variation in community composition based on the multidimensional scaling and similarity analysis. Canonical correspondence analysis show that temperature, nutrition, illumination, and salinity were the main variables associated with microalgal assemblage. Compared with the previous studies, an increase in phytoplankton abundance and change in the dominant species coincided with increased exploitation activities in this bay (e.g. operation of coastal power plants, intensive mariculture, tidal flat reclamation, and industrial and agricultural development). The present findings suggest that the government should exercise caution when deciding upon developmental patterns in the sea-related economy. 相似文献
HUANG Xin ZENG Zhigang CHEN Shuai YIN Xuebo WANG Xiaoyuan MA Yao YANG Baoju RONG Kunbo SHU Yunchao JIANG Tao 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2015,(2):277-283
Sediment samples obtained from the South Mid-Atlantic Ridge were studies by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer(GC-MS) for the abundance and distributions of total fatty acids(TFAs). Approximately 34 fatty acids were identified, with the chain-lengths ranging from C12 to C30. The total concentrations of TFAs(∑TFA) ranged from 7.15 to 30.09 μg g-1 dry sediment, and ∑TFA was weakly correlated with bitumen content(R2 = 0.69). The ∑TFA of samples around hydrothermal areas were significantly higher than that of samples away from hydrothermal areas, indicating intense primary production and large biomass in the hydrothermal areas, and suggesting a close relationship between hydrothermal activity and ∑TFA of samples. The characteristics of the TFA composition in the present study are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and lacking in polyunsaturated fatty acids, and the ratios between the concentrations of monounsaturated fatty acids and ΣTFAs in samples close to the hydrothermal areas, are about 0.8, but for samples far from the hydrothermal areas, they are only about 0.5. Several fatty acids(e.g., a/i C15:0 and C16:1ω7), which are signature biomarkers for sulfur-metabolizing bacteria, show the same distribution trend as ∑TFA of samples, further highlighting the close relationship between fatty acid content and hydrothermal activity and/or hydrothermal communities. The metabolic activities of hydrothermal communities, especially those of microorganisms, are likely the main source of fatty acids in samples. 相似文献
Urbanization in modern times led to a series of development strategies that brought new opportunities in China. Rapid urbanization caused severe stress to the ecosystems and the environment. Using the center-of-gravity(COG) method and parameters such as population, economy, and land, we studied the urbanization pattern in Songhua River Basin and its southern source sub-basin from 1990 to 2010. Urbanization was analyzed based on the COG position, eccentric distance, movement direction of COG, and distance of COG movement. Various characteristics of urbanization in the southern source sub-basin of the Songhua River were explained in relation to the whole Songhua River Basin. Urbanization in the southern source sub-basin of the Songhua River is balanced, relatively advanced, and stable compared to the whole Songhua River Basin. The average eccentric distance between the urbanization COGs in the Songhua River′s south source basin indicated rapid expansion of land urbanization during the span of this study. A basic pattern of urbanization COG in the whole Songhua Basin was observed, but there existed differences among the three aspects of urbanization process. Land urbanization is still in its active stage, so future studies should focus on analysis of such urbanization trends. 相似文献