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1 Geological Evolution History andUranium mineralizationFrom geologic tectonic development history fOr4 billion years in Liaodong peninsula, three stagesare evident: Archean original crust craton stage,Palaeo -- Midproterozoic continental margin and con-t…  相似文献   
珊溪水库地震与构造地震波谱时-频特征的对比研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
基于2002~2006年浙江地震台网记录的数字化波形资料,利用时-频分析方法,研究了珊溪水库诱发地震和构造地震波谱的时-频特征,发现两者的P波波谱存在差异:1)水库诱发地震P波主频低于构造地震;2)水库诱发地震P波频率成分比构造地震丰富,能量密度频谱随频率轴展布较宽,且出现多个能量较强的频率段;3)水库诱发地震P波能量强度的峰值在整个波列中出现时间较构造地震早且能量衰减快。  相似文献   
本文应用ECOM模式,设计1个控制试验,研究理想河口环流和盐水入侵的动力过程.数值计算结果表明,盐水入侵产生盐度锋面,在锋面处底层存在着向陆的密度流,为保持断面上质量连续,上层的流速趋于增大;近口门附近底层流有偏南分量,表明有横向环流存在.在口门外因斜压和底形的作用,产生明显的上升流.盐水入侵在空间上具有不对称性,高盐水位于北岸的下层.在拦门沙上游出现上下2个相反方向的横向环流,而在口门处只出现1个顺时针方向的横向环流.从动力机制上分析了盐水入侵的空间不对称性和横向环流的产生.  相似文献   
The Gaogangshan Mo deposit, located in the northern part of the Lesser Xing'an Range (the eastern part of the Xing'an–Mongolia Orogenic Belt), is one of the newly discovered Mo deposits in northeast China. Ore bodies occur in the granite and are generally in vein and stockwork forms. Major metallic minerals in the ore include pyrite and molybdenite. The styles of mineralization are disseminated, veinlet–disseminated, and veinlet. The major types of wall–rock alteration are silicification–potassic alteration, phyllic alteration and propylitization. Fluid inclusion analyses indicate that the ore‐forming fluid during the major mineralization stage is an H2O–NaCl–CO2 system, with wide homogenization temperature and salinity ranges. The abundant CO2–rich and coexisting halite–bearing fluid inclusion assemblages in the main stage of mineralization highlight the significance of intensive fluid boiling for porphyry Mo mineralization. Comprehensive study of the ore‐forming conditions, geological features of the deposit, micro‐thermometric analysis of fluid inclusions and comparison of the Gaogangshan deposit with other typical porphyry deposits leads to the conclusion that the deposit is a porphyry type. We obtained a weighted mean age of the molybdenite deposit at Gaogangshan of 250.7 ± 1.8 Ma. The isotopic dating results indicate that the Gaogangshan deposit was formed in the Permo–Triassic, which is the earliest Mo–only deposit in northeast China. The formation of the Gaogangshan Mo deposit may be related to the extension and break–up of the Songnen Block and Jiamusi Block in the Permo–Triassic.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a time-domain fitting method for on-site calibration of the air-coil sensor. The air-coil sensor has been widely used in transient electromagnetic exploration. Due to limited bandwidth of the coil, the output signal is distorted, causing a phenomenon known as the transition process. To accurately measure the magnetic field from the output signals, the relationship between the coil induced electromotive force and the output voltage must be confirmed by on-site calibration, which requires high calibration accuracy and demands simple operation, portable equipment, and adaptability to the environment. Conventional frequency response methods, however, requires a uniform magnetic field with various frequencies to obtain the frequency response curve of the air-coil sensor. The time to acquire the signal correlates with the number of test frequencies, and the equipment used to generate a uniform magnetic field must be tailored to the shape of the air-coil sensor under test. This paper constructs a relationship between the calibration file and the zero-input response of the air-coil sensor and designs an optimization algorithm to suppress the soil eddy current effect. This on-site calibration method lifts the dependence on the uniform calibration field and reduces significantly the time required for calibration. The calibration source can be generated by cutting off the voltage source in parallel to the calibration coil, which greatly reduces the cost of the signal generator and provides a better solution for realizing the embedded self-test devices. Experimental results show that the proposed method effectively improves the calculation accuracy of the apparent resistivity.  相似文献   
贝壳堤是沿岸堤的一个分支,其在全球广泛分布,作为地学术语最早出现于1891年路易斯安那大学的地形图中,Chenier术语来源于墨西哥湾北部路易斯安那州平原的海堤,因上面长着高大橡树而得名.渤海湾西岸分布着5至6道、断续绵延数十至上百公里的贝壳堤,是大自然馈赠该地区的重要地质遗迹,不仅在研究海岸带古环境演化方面具有重要科学价值,而且在海岸带生态保护和修复方面亦具有重要现实意义.本文系统回顾了渤海湾贝壳堤研究的历史沿革和近年来在贝壳堤调查研究方面取得的新认识,在此基础上,提出了渤海湾贝壳堤保护建议:(1)积极推进贝壳堤博物馆和野外观测站建设,包括将天津市滨海新区青坨子核心区的裸露、半裸露贝壳堤点开辟为免费参观点,将天津市津南区巨葛庄在搬迁后残破的倪家大坟Ⅲ堤做进一步管护和开放;(2)改变河北省黄骅市后唐堡贝壳堤目前仅用栏杆围起来的被动保护局面,与附近学校联合,开辟为认识海洋的学生实习基地;(3)作为整个渤海湾(甚至全国)最后一处较为完整的自然存在的贝壳堤,建议提升山东省无棣县汪子岛保护区的地位,加强该处贝壳堤-泻湖盐沼系统的保护与科学研究.  相似文献   
王宏  陈永胜    田立柱  李建芬  裴艳东  王福  商志文  范昌福  姜兴钰  苏盛伟    王海峰   《地质通报》2011,30(09):1405-1411
讨论了早全新世晚期以来渤海湾西岸贝壳堤平原成堤、西北岸牡蛎礁平原(及毗邻浅海区)建礁过程的同时性特征和气候变化与这一特征之间的关系,以及堤、礁记录的相对海面变化。堤、礁大致同时发育,可分为6期,依次分别被寒冷事件5、4、3、2和1分隔。堤底板前、后缘高差大致对应3m的大潮差、礁顶板大致对应海平面。据二者分别重建了南部贝壳堤平原、北部牡蛎礁平原的相对海面变化:南部自7ka cal BP以来基本与现代海平面等高,小的波动在±1m之间,压实固结作用抵消了中全新世的相对高海面;北部中全新世的相对海平面位置因新构造和固结压实双重下沉作用的影响,已位于现代海平面2~3m以下。  相似文献   
本文以华北地区春季两个多雨年和两个少雨年为例,研究半干旱地区大范围持续性降雨对地面物理过程的影响。 根据地面边界层热通量和辐射通量的参数化公式以及地面水份倾向方程,计算分析了春季降雨异常增多后地面热状况、热量平衡各分量和水文状况的变化,发现降雨异常增多后,地面土壤温度和地面气温明显降低,土壤湿度和地面蒸发潜热明显增大,地面反照率也有所降低。值得指出的是,地面物理状况的变化相对于降雨异常过程有明显的时间上的后延现象,在空间场上有较好的配合关系。  相似文献   
利用铸体薄片、压汞曲线和测井等资料,对鄂尔多斯盆地盐池和姬塬地区长61油层组的储层孔隙类型、孔隙结构及物性特征进行对比分析,并对2个地区的储层特征差异性原因进行探讨。研究表明,盐池和姬塬地区储层主要为岩屑长石砂岩、长石岩屑砂岩,储集空间以粒间孔和长石溶孔为主,孔隙结构较差。盐池地区储层物性整体低于姬塬地区,前者孔隙度和渗透率分别为7. 8%和0. 22×10~(-3)μm~2,后者为10. 9%和0. 56×10~(-3)μm~2,面孔率分别为2. 10%和2. 97%,属于典型的低孔、低渗储层。两者储层特征差异主要受3个方面的因素影响:沉积作用决定了储层分布范围;局部高渗带砂体受成岩作用控制;构造作用对后期储层变化有一定的改造作用,盐池地区埋深较大,不利于原生孔隙保存。因此,在今后的石油勘探开发中,三角洲水下分流河道的绿泥石膜胶结带、次生溶孔发育区是姬塬地区勘探的有利目标;而局部构造高点、裂缝相对发育区、地层水低矿化度区是盐池地区寻找"甜点区"的另一方向。  相似文献   
对1966年3月8日邢台6.8级地震后的异常进行了逐项分析与讨论,发现有些震后异常与后续7.2级主震有比较可信的内在联系。本文在归纳邢台震后异常特征的基础上,提出了6条可能在同类条件下对预报后续地震具有普遍意义的意见。  相似文献   
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