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Aenigmatite, sodic pyroxene and arfvedsonite occur as interstitial minerals in metaluminous to weakly peralkaline syenite patches in alkali dolerite, Morotu, Sakhalin. Aenigmatite is zoned from Ca, Al, Fe3+-rich cores to Ti, Na, Mn, Si-rich rims reflecting the main substitutions Fe2+Ti4+Fe3+, NaSiCaAl and Mn2+Fe2+. Aenigmatite replaces aegirine and ilmenite supporting the existence of a no-oxide field in — T space. In one case aenigmatite has apparently formed by reaction between ilmenite and arfvedsonite. Titanian aegirine (up to 3.0 wt% TiO2) and Fe-chlorite may replace aenigmatite. Sodic pyroxene occurs as zoned crystals with cores of aegirine-augite rimmed by aegirine and in turn by pale green aegirine containing 93 mol% NaFe3+Si2O6. Additional substitution of the type NaAlCaFe2+ is indicated by significant amounts (up to 6 mol%) of NaAlSi2O6. Arfvedsonite is zoned with rims enriched in Na, Fe and depleted in Ca which parallels the variation of these elements in the sodic pyroxenes.The high peralkalinity of the residual liquid from which the mafic phases formed resulted from the early crystallization of microperthite (which makes up the bulk of the syenites) leading to an increase in the Na2O/(Na2O+K2O) and (Na2O+K2O)/Al2O3 ratios of the remaining interstitial liquid which is also enriched in Ti, Fe, and Mn. Bulk composition of the melt, , temperature and volatile content were all important variables in determining the composition and stability of the peralkaline silicates. in the residual liquid appears to have been buffered by arfvedsonite-aegirine and later by the arfvedsonite-aenigmatite and aenigmatite-aegirine equilibria under conditions of a no-oxide field. An increase in , above that of the alkali buffer reactions, is inferred by an increase of Ti and Mn in aenigmatite rims. The latest postmagmatic vapour crystallization stage of the syenites is marked by extremely low which may have been facilitated by exsolution of a gas phase. Low is supported by the replacement of aenigmatite by titanian aegirine, and the formation of rare Ti-rich garnet with a very low (Ti4++Fe3+)/(Ti+Fe) ratio of 0.51, associated with leucoxene alteration of ilmenite.  相似文献   
A seasonal evolution of surface mixed layer in the western North Pacific around 24°N between 143°E and 150°E was observed by using an Argo float for more than 9 months, from December 2001 through August 2002. The result showed that the mixed layer deepened gradually in the first two months. It reached its maximum depth of about 130 m at the end of January, after which the mixed layer varied largely and sometimes the pycnocline below the mixed layer was much weakened until the summer mixed layer formed in late April. The thin surface mixed layer was maintained during the rest of the observation period. Heat budget analysis suggests that the vertical and horizontal temperature advections are the two most dominant terms in the heat balance in the upper layer on time scales from a few days to a month. The vertical motions that are possibly responsible for the vertical temperature advection are discussed.  相似文献   
Samples of polyethylene pellets were collected at 30 beaches from 17 countries and analyzed for organochlorine compounds. PCB concentrations in the pellets were highest on US coasts, followed by western Europe and Japan, and were lower in tropical Asia, southern Africa and Australia. This spatial pattern reflected regional differences in the usage of PCBs and was positively correlated with data from Mussel Watch, another monitoring approach. DDTs showed high concentrations on the US west coast and in Vietnam. In Vietnam, DDT was predominant over its metabolites (DDE and DDD), suggesting the principal source may be current usage of the pesticide for malaria control. High concentrations of pesticide HCHs were detected in the pellets from southern Africa, suggesting current usage of the pesticides in southern Africa. This study demonstrates the utility and feasibility of the International Pellet Watch approach to monitor POPs at a global scale.  相似文献   
Dynamics of fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) in ocean environments has received attention over the past few decades. Although it has appeared that in situ production of oceanic FDOM is mainly due to bacteria, the production and bio- and photodegradation processes of bacterial FDOM have not been elucidated. In this study, a culture experiment with bacteria was carried out to assess the production and biodegradation processes of bacterial FDOM. Photodegradation of bacterial FDOM and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was also examined by exposure to a solar simulator. Bacterial FDOM consists of six components which were determined by parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). Fluorescence intensities of protein-like FDOM increased with the bacterial biomass, but the increases of humic-like FDOM lagged behind the protein-like FDOM by 5–10 days. Exposure to simulated sunlight caused significant decreases in fluorescence intensities of all components; 52–94% of the initial intensities were lost during 24 h. While, the DOC concentration exhibited a small decrease through the experiment (1.9–11.1%). These results showed that photodegradability of bacteria derived DOC was much less than the fluorescence, indicating that the lifetime of bacteria-derived DOC is much longer than the length estimated by the fluorescence. The role of photobleached FDOM derived from bacteria may be significant in the biogeochemical cycle at the surface layer.  相似文献   
The zodiacal light is the dominant source of the mid-infrared sky brightness seen from Earth, and exozodiacal light is the dominant emission from planetary and debris systems around other stars. We observed the zodiacal light spectrum with the mid-infrared camera ISOCAM over the wavelength range 5-16 μm and a wide range of orientations relative to the Sun (solar elongations 68°-113°) and the ecliptic (plane to pole). The temperature in the ecliptic ranged from 269 K at solar elongation 68° to 244 K at 113°, and the polar temperature, characteristic of dust 1 AU from the Sun, is 274 K. The observed temperature is exactly as expected for large (>10 μm radius), low-albedo (<0.08), rapidly-rotating, gray particles 1 AU from the Sun. Smaller particles (<10 μm radius) radiate inefficiently in the infrared and are warmer than observed. We present theoretical models for a wide range of particle size distributions and compositions; it is evident that the zodiacal light is produced by particles in the 10-100 μm radius range. In addition to the continuum, we detect a weak excess in the 9-11 μm range, with an amplitude of 6% of the continuum. The shape of the feature can be matched by a mixture of silicates: amorphous forsterite/olivine provides most of the continuum and some of the 9-11 μm silicate feature, dirty crystalline olivine provides the red wing of the silicate feature (and a bump at 11.35 μm), and a hydrous silicate (montmorillonite) provides the blue wing of the silicate feature. The presence of hydrous silicate suggests the parent bodies of those particles were formed in the inner solar nebula. Large particles dominate the size distribution, but at least some small particles (radii ∼1 μm) are required to produce the silicate emission feature. The strength of the feature may vary spatially, with the strongest features being at the lowest solar elongations as well as at high ecliptic latitudes; if confirmed, this would imply that the dust properties change such that dust further from the Sun has a weaker silicate feature. To compare the properties of zodiacal dust to dust around other main sequence stars, we reanalyzed the exozodiacal light spectrum for β Pic to derive the shape of its silicate feature. The zodiacal and exozodiacal spectra are very different. The exozodiacal spectra are dominated by cold dust, with emission peaking in the far-infrared, while the zodiacal spectrum peaks around 20 μm. We removed the debris disk continuum from the spectra by fitting a blackbody with a different temperature for each aperture (ranging from 3.7″ to 27″); the resulting silicate spectra for β Pic are identical for all apertures, indicating that the silicate feature arises close to the star. The shape of the silicate feature from β Pic is nearly identical to that derived from the ISO spectrum of 51 Oph; both exozodiacal features are very different from that of the zodiacal light. The exozodiacal features are roughly triangular, peaking at 10.3 μm, while the zodiacal feature is more boxy, indicating a different mineralogy.  相似文献   
Takeshi Imamura  Yuko Ito 《Icarus》2011,211(1):498-503
A Hovmöller diagram analysis of the dust optical depth measured by the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer shows the occurrence of quasi-periodic westwardly-propagating disturbances with timescales of 10-20 sols during summer in the south polar region of Mars. Dust clouds emerge repeatedly around the region with a latitude of around 70-80°S and a longitude of 240-300°E, move westward at speeds of 3-6 m s−1, reach the region with a longitude of 60-120°E, and finally disappear. This longitude range coincides with elevated terrains in the south polar region, and in this region an increase of dust optical depth encircling the south pole is also observed. This implies that the quasi-periodic dust events will contribute to the enhancement of the atmospheric dust loading in this region. These dust events might be related to baroclinic instability caused by the thermal contrast across the CO2 cap edge, or the horizontal advection or vertical convection with radiative-dynamical feedback. The westward movement of the dust clouds suggests steady westward winds blowing in the near-surface layer, where the quasi-periodic dust lifting is expected to occur. Such a westward cap-edge flow will be created by the Coriolis force acting on the flow from the ice side to the regolith side.  相似文献   
We measured the concentration of non-sea-salt sulfate () in the Dome Fuji shallow ice core (Antarctica) from the surface to 40 m depth with the aim of dating the core with reference to the record of volcanic eruptions. Three huge spikes related to large-scale volcanic eruptions were detected at depths of 12.5, 29.9, and 38.8 m, correlated to the eruptions of Tambora (AD 1815), Kuwae (AD 1452) and an unknown event (AD 1259), respectively. We identified another nine spikes related to accurately dated eruption events. The shallow ice core was dated from AD 1260 to AD 2001 based on these 12 eruption events and the assumption of constant annual snow accumulation in the periods between eruption events. The results yield a maximum correction of ∼20 years compared with the dating proposed in a previous study. The annual accumulation varied within ±∼15% of the average water equivalent value over the study period (25.5 mm).  相似文献   
The response time (lag time) between rainfall input and run‐off output in headwater catchments is a key parameter for flood prediction. Lag times are expected to be controlled by run‐off processes, both on hillslopes and in channels. To demonstrate these effects on peak lag times within a 4.5‐km2 catchment, we measured stream water levels at up to 16 channel locations at 1‐min intervals and compared the lag times with topographic indices describing the length and gradient of the hillslope and channel flow path. We captured storm events with a total precipitation of 38–198 mm and maximum hourly precipitation intensity of 9–90 mm/hr. There were positive relationships between lag time and flow path length as well as the ratio of the flow path length and the square root of the gradient of channels for the most intense storms, demonstrating that channel flow paths generally defined the variation in lag times. Topographic analysis showed that hillslope flow path lengths were similar among locations, whereas channel flow path length increased almost one order of magnitude with a 100‐fold increase in catchment area. Thus, the relative importance of hillslope flow path decreased with increasing catchment area. Our results indicate that the variation in lag times is small when hillslopes are sufficiently wet; thus, catchment‐scale variation in lag times can be explained almost entirely by channel processes. Detailed topographic channel information can improve prediction of flood peak timing, whereas hillslopes can be treated as homogeneous during large flood events.  相似文献   
Shiba  Y.  Shimoda  C.  Maruyama  T.  Okumura  S.  Tomita  M.  Murasawa  A.  Ohtsuka  K.  Tomioka  H.  Hidaka  E. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,77(1):47-54
Several Leonid fireballs were successfully photographed by the Japanese Fireball Network and by other observers in Japan on 16 November, 1996. A totals of seven of these were simultaneously observed from two or more stations, from which the orbital and physical data were deduced. The radiant of these fireballs were very small, only 0.1°, similar to that of the 1991 Perseids. The 1996 Leonids showed a lower magnitude distribution index similar to those obtained in the 1961 and 1965 Leonids. All of these showers occurred before perihelion passage of the parent comet. We conclude that we have already encountered the elongated front part of the dust trail of the Leonid parent comet, where the trail is probably composed of larger dust particles. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of numerical modelling to investigate the regional occurrence of prehnite‐bearing metamorphic rocks at shallow levels in subduction zones. The modelling assumes a simple geometrical configuration in which the thermal structure in a prism is controlled by boundary conditions at the top and base of the prism. It is expected that the predominant metamorphic facies in a prism will change with decreasing age of the descending slab. The results of thermal modelling show that the facies boundary between pumpellyite–actinolite and prehnite–actinolite facies (including prehnite–pumpellyite facies) overlaps with an array of P–T conditions in the prism when the age of a descending slab is younger than 10 Myr. This implies that the change of the predominant metamorphic facies from pumpellyite–actinolite to prehnite–actinolite facies will switch drastically. The critical age of the switch depends on subduction parameters. In particular, the critical age of the descending slab is <5 Myr in the case of no shear heating, with a subduction rate of v=75–200 mm y?1 and subduction angle of θ=5–15°. For shear heating (constant shear stress=30 MPa) with a subduction rate of v=75 mm y?1 and subduction angle of θ=10° the critical age is 7 Myr. To test this switching behaviour in the development of prehnite–actinolite facies in the prism, petrologic data from the Cretaceous Shimanto Accretionary Complex (CSAC) in Kyushu, Japan were compiled. The regional occurrence and mineral assemblages of prehnite‐bearing metamorphic rocks suggest that the most of CSAC was metamorphosed under prehnite–actinolite facies. This conclusion is consistent with subduction of a young, hot slab, as has been proposed based on other geological observations. This suggests that the regional extent of the prehnite–actinolite facies metamorphic rocks may be a unique evidence for the subduction of a young, hot slab.  相似文献   
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