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2013年12月16日三峡库区巴东发生Ms5.1地震.根据eigen-6c2模型研究了巴东地区的8-638阶卫星重力异常, 结果表明: 该地区场源深度为10 km的地壳为局部重力低异常, 反映了该处物质密度较周围偏低, 形成低密度层.同时, 研究了该地区速度结构剖面, 结果表明: 巴东地区地壳5~9 km及10~15 km深处存在上下两个低速层, 上部低速层与水库渗水有关, 下部低速层与地幔热流体的上涌有关.低密度层和低速层的确定为韧性流变层的存在提供了证据.巴东地震是地壳深部能量的长期集聚与突发释放, 属构造地震.然而, 库水下渗引起的上部低速异常降低了断层活动的阈值, 震前库水载荷的变化对此次巴东地震的发生起到了触发作用.通过对比次声波和地震波, 我们得出次声波仪记录到的异常信号为本地次声波.   相似文献   
Single-crystal and powder electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic studies of natural amethyst quartz, before and after isochronal annealing between 573 and 1,173 K, have been made from 90 to 294 K. Single-crystal EPR spectra confirm the presence of two substitutional Fe3+ centers. Powder EPR spectra are characterized by two broad resonance signals at g = ~10.8 and 4.0 and a sharp signal at g = 2.002. The sharp signal is readily attributed to the well-established oxygen vacancy electron center E 1′. However, the two broad signals do not correspond to any known Fe3+ centers in the quartz lattice, but are most likely attributable to Fe3+ clusters on surfaces. The absolute numbers of spins of the Fe3+ species at g = ~10.8 have been calculated from powder EPR spectra measured at temperatures from 90 to 294 K. These results have been used to extract thermodynamic potentials, including Gibbs energy of activation ΔG, activation energy E a, entropy of activation ΔS and enthalpy of activation ΔH for the Fe3+ species in amethyst. In addition, magnetic susceptibilities (χ) have been calculated from EPR data at different temperatures. A linear relationship between magnetic susceptibility and temperature is consistent with the Curie–Weiss law. Knowledge about the stability and properties of Fe3+ species on the surfaces of quartz is important to better understanding of the reactivity, bioavailability and heath effects of iron in silica particles.  相似文献   
在西藏浪卡子县穷子地区进行的1∶10 000土壤地球化学测量工作中,采用变化系数对测区10种微量元素进行地球化学统计分析,得知Au元素具有较大的成矿潜力;运用统计学软件SPSS19对10种元素含量值进行相关性分析、R型聚类分析和R型因子分析,划分出As-Au-Sb、Pb-Mo-Zn、Bi-Ag和Cu-W等4组元素组合;采用异常下限值圈定单元素异常和组合异常,结果显示As-Au-Sb组合异常和W元素异常强度较高,三级浓度分带清晰,浓集中心连续,具有较好的找矿前景;高品位Au矿化蚀变带的圈定,为下一步找矿工作提供了理论依据,显示出较好的找矿潜力。  相似文献   
Twenty-eight polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) congeners were measured in surface sediments from Chaohu Lake to assess their characteristics, potential risk, and the correlation with lake trophic status. PCB levels ranged from 11.074 to 42.712 ng g?1 dry weight (d.w.) in the western lake and 2.017 to 20.189 ng g?1 d.w. in the eastern lake. The highest concentrations were found at the sites near the inlets of western lake tributary rivers where big cities and industrial centers are located. Congeners concentrations showed decreasing order of tetra-CB > tri-CB > deca-CB (PCB-209 detected) > penta-CB > hexa-CB > di-CB > hepta-CB > Octa-CB. It indicated that light and heavy Aroclor mixtures were simultaneously used surrounding the lake basin. PCB levels in the western lake are potentially dangerous to humans and the local fauna. There was a significant positive relationship between tetra-CB (one abundant PCB congener) concentration distribution and sediment grain size in the 16–64 μm fraction, whereas a negative correlation was found in the 4–8 μm fraction. Furthermore, PCB distributions were positively correlated with the total organic carbon of sediments and lake trophic status, especially in the more seriously polluted western lake zone. However, the correlation completely disappeared in eastern lake zone. It suggested that PCB contamination might be attributed to industrial wastewaters and domestic sewages from western lake basin, reaching the lake through rivers, rains and floods.  相似文献   
茶店桥地下河位于西南岩溶区,流域内"三水"转换迅速,地下水是当地的重要饮用水源。本文对流域内雨水、地表水、地下水中的SO_4~(2-)浓度进行了测试,利用氘(δD_(H_2O))、氧(δ~(18) O_(H_2O))同位素示踪地表水、地下水补给来源,用硫酸盐硫(δ~(34)S_(SO4))、氧(δ~(18) O_(SO4))同位素探讨了地表水、地下水中SO_4~(2-)的来源,并计算了地下河出口河水中不同SO_4~(2-)来源的贡献比例。结果表明:1不同水体中SO_4~(2-)浓度大小顺序为地表水地下水雨水,与邻近区域相比,茶店桥地下河流域雨水、地表水、地下水呈现富集SO_4~(2-)的特征。2地表水、地下水的主要补给来源为大气降水,硫酸不仅和HCO_3~-共同参与了流域内碳酸盐岩的溶解,也参与了雨水中含钙镁颗粒物的溶解。3地表水δ~(34)S_(SO4)、δ~(18) O_(SO4)值分别介于-12.98‰~-10.19‰和-0.54‰~+9.13‰之间,地下水δ~(34)S_(SO4)、δ~(18) O_(SO4)值分别介于-14.32‰~+16.58‰和+2.81‰~+14.35‰之间,SW02的SO_4~(2-)主要来源于大气降水,SW01、SW03、GW02、GW03、GW06主要来源于煤层,GW05主要来源于石膏,GW01、GW04为混合输入源。4地下河出口河水中大气降水带来的SO_4~(2-)贡献比例为13%,煤层硫化物氧化的贡献比例为40%,石膏溶解的贡献比例为47%。  相似文献   
新疆巴里坤矿区唯一含煤地层为下侏罗统八道湾组(J1b),根据煤层赋存状态可分为西区、中区与东区,通过对矿区大量钻孔数据和生产矿井实测资料的综合分析,基本查明矿区煤层气赋存状态为水平方向上从西到东呈阶梯状增长、垂直方向上随煤层埋深呈线性增长的赋存规律。矿区煤层气赋存受多种控气地质因素共同作用:稳定的沉积环境有利于成煤聚煤,为煤层气的生成提供了原始条件;后期的构造运动导致西部矿区煤层抬升露头,中东部矿区逆冲、压扭性断层发育,断层面的封闭性与构造煤的透气性共同导致煤层气在近断层处的应力集中带聚集形成气顶;地下水对游离态煤层气形成有效封堵,且随着煤层埋深煤层含气量有显著增大的趋势。上述控气地质因素共同造成巴里坤矿区煤层气赋存呈现西部逸散、中东部富集形成水力封堵-断层型煤层气藏。  相似文献   
山东新城金矿是胶东焦家-新城成矿带上重要的蚀变岩型金矿床。矿体主要赋存在焦家断裂带下盘靠近主裂面的黄铁绢英岩和黄铁绢英岩化碎裂岩内,严格受焦家断裂构造控制。矿石矿物主要有黄铁矿、黄铜矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿、自然金、银金矿和辉银矿等。区内围岩蚀变类型主要有黄铁绢英岩化、绢英岩化、绢云母化、硅化、钾化和碳酸盐化等,且矿化主要与黄铁绢英岩化和硅化关系密切。本次研究主要针对新城金矿床深部矿石中的流体包裹体进行了岩相学、显微测温、单个包裹体成分激光拉曼光谱及氢、氧同位素分析研究。研究表明:该矿床深部矿石中纯CO2包裹体数量有明显增加现象,同时发育含CO2包裹体和气液两相包裹体;成矿流体具有低盐度(w(NaCl))(2.06%~10.24%)、低密度(0.54~0.97 g/cm3)的特点;主成矿温度为260~300 ℃,成矿压力为65~113 MPa,成矿深度为6.51~8.82 km。成矿过程中流体经历了CO2-NaCl-H2O体系的不混溶作用。氢、氧同位素分析认为,成矿流体δDSMOW为-75.1‰~-61.4‰,δ18O为4.80‰~6.40‰,并将新城金矿床与典型“焦家式”金矿床成矿流体特征及来源进行对比,认为新城金矿成矿流体主要以幔源流体为主。综合研究表明,新城金矿床成因类型为幔源流体参与成矿的中温热液脉型金矿床。  相似文献   
项目组以专题研究为引领,利用遥感解译和地质填图→优选靶区→化探定性→物探定位→钻探验证等一套行之有效的找矿评价技术方法和流程,在甲基卡外围迅速找到了甲基卡隐伏稀有伟晶岩型锂矿床.新发现8条锂矿化伟晶岩脉,仅对其中X03脉钻探验证结果,显示为一条巨大的锂辉石稀有金属工业矿脉,新增氧化锂资源量64.31万吨,达到超大型锂矿床.与锂共生、伴生的铌、钽、铍、铷、铯等稀有金属及锡等品位可达到工业要求.总结本区的成矿规律和找矿标志可以用于指导其他靶区的优选,其成果对提升我国锂资源的保障程度具有重大的意义.  相似文献   
Organic metal-binding ligands represent an essential role in the bioavailability of trace elements since they govern the species and sizes of those elements in seawater. The distribution and properties of organic ligands in seawater as well as the factors influencing their complexation abilities were summarized in this paper. Most organic ligands exist in the low molecular weight fraction, and their concentration nearshore is often higher than that of open ocean while the vertical distribution varies in different areas. The complexation of trace elements and organic ligands is influenced by several factors such as molecular weight of organic ligands, salinity, pH, biological activities and redox conditions. Ligand with a lower molecular weight usually represents stronger complexation ability, whereas the opposite seems to be true sometimes due to the specific affinity between some elements and ligands. Increasing salinity lowers the electrostatic repulsion among adjacent functional groups of ligands and thus decreases their complexing rate, yet increasing pH promotes the ionization of organic ligands and results in the formation of more complexes. The utilization of phytoplankton and degradation of microorganism release more low molecular weight organic ligands while more high molecular weight ligands are released from marine organisms under heavy metal stress. Therefore, sufficient significance should be attached to characterizing the structure and molecular weight of organic ligands and exploring the interaction between trace elements and organic ligands and the influence of related marine factors on their behaviors, which will certainly help us to understand the global biogeochemical cycles and ecological significance of trace elements.  相似文献   
为了揭示地下水由江汉平原周缘向中心径流过程中的水质演化和复杂的水文地球化学作用,以江汉平原西部地区为例,通过数理统计、水化学、同位素地球化学、离子比值关系等方法,开展了江汉平原西部边缘地带浅层孔隙地下水的水文地球化学特征研究.结果表明:平原区孔隙水以HCO3-Ca·Mg型为主,丘岗区(丘陵和岗地)主要是HCO3-Ca·Mg型,少量为HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg型,还出现了HCO3·NO3-Ca·Mg型水,总溶解固体(total dis-solved solids,TDS)升高主要是由于碳酸盐岩的溶解;浅层孔隙水均来源于大气降水,蒸发作用对该地区孔隙水的影响较小;方解石、白云石和石膏的溶解主导研究区的水文地球化学过程,也是孔隙水中Ca2+、Mg2+的主要来源,Na+和K+的主要来源是阳离子交换吸附.  相似文献   
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