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大气环流变化对云南5月雨量的影响及其预报   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:15  
严华生  张青 《高原气象》1994,13(2):217-223
本文分析了云南5月份降水与前期1-3月北半球100,500hPa高度场的关系,研究了影响云南5月份旱涝的大气环流系统及主要大气活动中心,探讨了遥相关场的波列结构,建立了基于环流演变物理概念的分析预报模式。  相似文献   
In order to accurately design a sand compaction pile (SCP) with low replacement area ratio, it is important to understand the mechanical interaction between the sand pile and clay ground and its mechanism during consolidation process in composite ground. In this article, therefore, a series of numerical analyses on composite ground improved by SCP with low replacement area ratio were carried out. The applicability of numerical analyses, in which an elasto-viscoplastic consolidation finite element method was applied, were confirmed by comparing the results obtained from a series of laboratory model tests with the composite ground improved by SCP. Through the results of the numerical analyses, mechanical behavior of the sand pile and clay in composite ground during consolidation is elucidated, together with a stress sharing mechanism between sand pile and clay.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionThemodernspacegeodesytechnology (GPSes pecially)israpidlydeveloping ,andisabletoprecise lymonitorongoingsurfacechangeprocessatun precedentedspatialandtemporalresolution .Soithasgraduallybecomethemostsuitabletooltoob servegeodynamicalphenomena[1 - 5] .Theearthquakepreparationandoccurrencearecloselyrelatedtofaultanditsmovement.Activefaultanditsquantitativeanalysisisstillthepredomi nantfieldofseismologicalresearch[6,7] .Faultdislo cationmaycausecrustaldeformationaroundit.Onthebas…  相似文献   
Steroid sex hormones, such as estradiol-17β (E2) and testosterone (T), are important regulators of sex change in fish. In this study, we examined the effects of E2 treatment on the dynamics of E2 and T during gonadal differentiation in the olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus using histology and radioimmunoassay (RIA). Flounder larvae were divided into five groups (G0-G4), and fed with 0 (control), 0.2, 2, 20 and 100 mg E2/kg feed from 35 to 110 day post hatching (dph). Fish growth in the G1 and G2 groups was not significantly different from that of the control group (P>0.05), while fish in the G3 and G4 groups were less active and showed growth depression and high mortality. The gonads of fish in the G3 and G4 groups were smaller and surrounded by hyperplastic connective tissue. The frequency of females in the G0-G4 groups was 54.5%, 75.0%, 100%, 100% and 93.3%, respectively. The RIA analyses of E2 and T showed that T levels decreased during gonadal differentiation, and increased slightly at the onset of ovarian differentiation, while E2 levels increased gradually and peaked at the onset of ovarian differentiation in the control group. In the E2-treated groups, T levels decreased before the onset of ovarian differentiation. E2 levels were high on the 48 dph, but declined to a lower level on the 54 dph, and then increased gradually during gonadal differentiation. And a sharp increase of E2 levels were observed in all E2-treated groups at the onset of ovarian differentiation. The data suggest that T and E2 play important roles during gonadal differentiation, and an E2 dose of 2 mg/kg feed could induce sex reversal in P. olivaceus.  相似文献   
南海西沙西科1井层序地层格架与礁生长单元特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
碳酸盐岩礁滩体系是南海海域重要的油气储层之一.南海西沙岛屿全取心的科学钻井——西科1井, 为南海碳酸盐岩礁滩体系的详细研究提供极好的条件.通过西科1井岩心的宏观描述及微观分析, 结合高分辨岩心扫描及大量分析测试结果, 对碳酸盐岩礁滩体系展开了精细研究.根据识别出的6个暴露面、2个淹没面, 将西科1井中中新世以来划分为9个三级层序.其中晚中新世黄流组和第四系乐东组为主要成礁期, 以海泛面和暴露面为标志, 将礁体归纳为淹没型生长单元和暴露型生长单元两大类, 暴露型又进一步细分为硬基底和软基底两类, 淹没型可细分为快速淹没和缓慢淹没两类.垂向上形成了极具特色的礁体组合, 即慢步礁(或淹没礁)、同步礁(加积礁)、快步礁(暴露礁).研究成果对于南海生物礁生长过程及碳酸盐岩礁滩储层勘探具有重要参考价值.   相似文献   
呼和浩特市白塔机场气象观测要素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用呼和浩特市白塔机场气象站1977--2010年月平均最高、最低气温,月降水量资料和1979--2010年月平均风速资料,分析了近34a气象要素变化特征。得出:呼和浩特白塔机场近34a来,(1)年平均气温、年降水量都没有明显的变化趋势,进入21世纪以来气候变率明显变大,气候不稳定性增加;(2)气温的年日较差明显增大,气候倾向率为0.4℃/10a;(3)年平均相对湿度在三个时段存在不同的变化特征;(4)年平均风速呈现出明显的减小趋势,平均每10a减小了0.3m·s^-1(5)四个要素中,气温年日较差由小变大的突变特征最为明显,1990年前后出现突变点;平均风速则存在由大转小的突变过程,突变时间点在1996年;年平均气温南低向高的突变过程较弱,且持续时间较短;年降水量和年平均相对湿度在近34a罩均不存在气候突变现象,气候状态相对稳定。呼和浩特机场气候与市区气候存在明显的差异.还需进一步深入分析。  相似文献   
旅大6构造是渤海海域新近发现的一个中型油田.该构造位于辽东低凸起中南段陡坡带,为层状构造油气藏,垂向上多层系含油,形成典型的“阶梯式”陡坡带复式油气藏.走滑作用对构造形成、储层发育、断层封堵、油气运移都有重要的作用.构造转折端对沉积卸载形成优质储层具有重要作用,奠定了旅大6构造是辽东低凸起中南段有利成藏区的物质基础;辽中一号断层与区域走滑断层同向,具有走滑压扭性质是控圈断层侧封的关键.南北区块以及东二下段、东三段油气丰度迥异,伸展断层的运移能力和控圈断层的封堵能力共同决定了旅大6构造南区东二下段油气的差异富集成藏.  相似文献   
经略大西洋是着眼未来、建设海洋强国的战略抉择,更是我国海洋战略从区域化走向全球化的未来趋势。文章阐述全球化时代国际海洋秩序的变革以及各国相应的海洋战略调整,分析大西洋的重要历史地位与现实战略意义,并从地理位置、海上贸易、航运安全和海洋资源开发等角度探讨大西洋对我国的战略价值;基于北极航道的逐步开通,进一步分析未来经略大西洋的契机;在此基础上开展我国对大西洋的战略考量,提出现阶段可以把经济与贸易合作、海洋秩序维护以及科考与资源开发保护作为我国战略的优先选项。  相似文献   
气候条件对候鸟物候期的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用呼和浩特市武川县气象站(1961—2009年)气象观测资料及物候期观测资料(1982—2009年),分析了该地区气候和两种候鸟物候期的趋势变化特征以及候鸟物候期对气候变化的响应关系。结果表明:(1)近49年来武川县年平均气温上升趋势极为明显,倾向率为0.46℃/10a;年平均风速呈极显著的下降趋势,总日照时数、年累积降水量的变化趋势不明显;(2)物候期变化趋势特征表现在家燕、豆雁的始见期推迟;绝见期均有显著提前;家燕、豆雁的始、绝见期间隔时间分别以16.2d/10a和18.7d/10a的速率极显著缩短;(3)家燕、豆雁的物候期变化敏感气候因子是5、6、7、8、9、10月和5—10月各时间段平均气温,其次是6、9月总日照时数。  相似文献   
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