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The X-ray CT based numerical analysis of fracture flow for core samples, recently developed by the authors, was applied to two granite core samples having either a mated artificial or a mated natural fracture at confining pressures of 5 to 50 MPa. A third-generation medical X-ray CT scanner was used to image the samples within a core holder consisting of an aluminum liner and a carbon fiber overwrap. Fracture models (i.e., aperture distributions) were obtained by the CT images, the resolution of which was coarser than the apertures, and a single-phase flow simulation was performed using a local cubic law-based fracture flow model. Numerical results were evaluated by a fracture porosity measurement and a solution displacement experiment using NaCl and NaI aqueous solutions. These numerical results coincided only qualitatively with the experimental results, primarily due to image noise from the aluminum liner of the core holder. Nevertheless, the numerical results revealed flow paths within the fractures and their changes with confining pressure, whereas the experimental results did not provide such results. Different stress-dependencies in the flow paths were observed between the two samples despite the similar stress-dependency in fracture porosity and permeability. The changes in total area of the flow paths with confining pressure coincided qualitatively with changes in breakthrough points in the solution displacement experiment. Although the data is limited, the results of the present study suggest the importance of analyzing fluid flows within naturally fractured core samples under in situ conditions in order to better understand the fracture flow characteristics in a specific field. As demonstrated herein, X-ray CT-based numerical analysis is effective for addressing this concern. Using a multi-phase flow model, as well as a core holder constructed of an engineered plastic, should provide a useful, non-destructive, and non-contaminative X-ray CT-based fracture flow analysis for core samples under in situ conditions in future studies.  相似文献   
The dissolution behavior of the barite (0 0 1) surface in pure water at 30 °C was investigated using in situ Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), to better understand the dissolution mechanism and the microtopographical changes that occur during the dissolution, such as steps and etch pits. The dissolution of the barite (0 0 1) surface started with the slow retreat of steps, after which, about 60 min later, the <hk0> steps of one unit cell layer or multi-layers became two-step fronts (fast “f” and slow “s” steps) with a half-unit cell layer showing different retreat rates. The “f” step had a fast retreat rate (≈(14 ± 1) × 10−2 nm/s) and tended to have a jagged step edge, whereas the “s” step (≈(1.8 ± 0.1) × 10−2 nm/s) had a relatively straight front. The formation of the “f” steps led to the formation of a new one-layer step, where the front of the “s” step was overtaken by that of the immediate underlying “f” step. The “f” steps also led to the decrease of the <hk0> steps and the increase in the percentage of stable steps parallel to the [0 1 0] direction during the dissolution.Etch pits, which could be observed after about 90 min, were of three types: triangular etch pits with a depth of a half-unit cell, shallow etch pits, and deep etch pits. The triangular etch pits were bounded by the step edges parallel to [0 1 0], [1 2 0], and [] and had opposite orientations in the upper half and lower half layers. Shallow etch pits that had a depth of two or more half-unit cell layers had any two consecutive pits pointing in the opposite direction of each other. The triangular etch pit appeared to grow by simultaneously removal of a row of ions parallel to each direction from the three step edges. At first, deep etch pits were elongated in the [0 1 0] direction with a curved outline and then gradually developed to an angular form bounded by the {1 0 0}, {3 1 0}, and (0 0 1) faces. The retreat rate of the (0 0 1) face was much slower than those of the {1 0 0} and {3 1 0} and tended to separate into two rates ((0.13 ± 0.01) × 10−2 nm/s for the deep etch pits derived from a screw dislocation and (0.07 ± 0.01) × 10−2 nm/s for those from other line defects).The changes in the dissolution rate of a barite (0 0 1) surface during the dissolution were estimated using the retreat rates and densities of the various steps as well as the growth rates, density, and areas of the lateral faces of the deep etch pits that were obtained from this AFM analysis. Our results showed that the dissolution rate of the barite (0 0 1) surface gradually increased and approached the bulk dissolution rate because of the change in the main factor determining the dissolution rate from the density of the steps to the growth and the density of the deep etch pits on the surface.  相似文献   
Using the in-plane rotation of polished thin section, the X-ray diffraction patterns exhibiting a high degree of randomness similar to powder pattern were obtained for 10 CO3 chondrites, which distinguished 130 reflections of olivine in the chondrules from that in the matrix, and showed systematic differences among subtypes based on the full width at half maximum intensity of two olivine 130 peaks. A lower petrologic subtype is characterized by sharp and strong peaks for forsteritic olivines in type I chondrules and by a weak and broad peak for ferroan matrices, and the higher petrologic subtypes are characterized by sharp and strong peaks for recrystallized matrices and a weakened or absent peak of magnesian olivines. The systematic change in the split peak of olivine 130 was linked with the mean diffusion length of Mg-Fe in olivine phenocrysts in type I chondrules. Fe-Ni diffusion in metals was considered to estimate the peak temperature of CO3.0, near the surface on the parent body. The peak metamorphic temperatures were estimated to be ~600–910 K using the onion-shell model when the cooling time was 106–108 yr on the parent body. A weak peak for ferroan olivine of CO3.0 suggests the amorphous silicate in matrices. The modal abundance of the amorphous Fe-silicate for subtype 3.0 (15% for Allan Hills [ALH] 77307 and 9% for Yamato [Y]-81020) was also evaluated from the deviation in trend of the relative peak ratios of the Fe-rich (≥Fa25) and Mg-rich (<Fa25) olivines for subtypes. The existence of martensites was suggested for ALH 77307. Amorphous silicate in matrices is a more resistant primordial component that produced the CO3 chondrites than martensite.  相似文献   
Large negative temperature anomalies due to cold air advection have been observed over the Eurasian continent in recent years. During the 2009/2010 winter, a large amount of snow accumulated across Central Asia and China, which along with a strong cold air outbreak, resulted in extremely high livestock mortality in Mongolia. The present study examined the surface inversion development over the Eurasian continent in terms of the cold air advection, accumulation, and breaking processes at ground level. Meteorological analyses shown trends toward earlier onsets of snow and subsequent cold air advection from the Arctic through western Siberia during the last decade, which is a possible driver of the persistent enhanced surface cooling observed in mid-winter in Mongolia. Cyclones are shown to be drivers of early snowfall onset at the beginning of winter and the subsequent migration of cold air from the Arctic, and are thus the key to understanding and predicting the frequency and intensity of persistent surface cooling, which is a substantial physical precursor for the cold disaster in Mongolia “dzud.”  相似文献   
To analyse the long‐term water balance of the Yellow River basin, a new hydrological model was developed and applied to the source area of the basin. The analysis involved 41 years (1960–2000) of daily observation data from 16 meteorological stations. The model is composed of the following three sub‐models: a heat balance model, a runoff formation model and a river‐routing network model. To understand the heat and water balances more precisely, the original model was modified as follows. First, the land surface was classified into five types (bare, grassland, forest, irrigation area and water surface) using a high‐resolution land‐use map. Potential evaporation was then calculated using land‐surface temperatures estimated by the heat balance model. The maximum evapotranspiration of each land surface was calculated from potential evaporation using functions of the leaf area index (LAI). Finally, actual evapotranspiration was estimated by regulating the maximum evapotranspiration using functions of soil moisture content. The river discharge estimated by the model agreed well with the observed data in most years. However, relatively large errors, which may have been caused by the overestimation of surface flow, appeared in some summer periods. The rapid decrease of river discharge in recent years in the source area of the Yellow River basin depended primarily on the decrease in precipitation. Furthermore, the results suggested that the long‐term water balance in the source area of the Yellow River basin is influenced by land‐use changes. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We describe deep radio imaging at 1.4 GHz of the 1.3-deg2 Subaru/ XMM–Newton Deep Field (SXDF), made with the Very Large Array in B and C configurations. We present a radio map of the entire field, and a catalogue of 505 sources covering 0.8 deg2 to a peak flux density limit of 100 μJy. Robust optical identifications are provided for 90 per cent of the sources, and suggested identifications are presented for all but 14 (of which seven are optically blank, and seven are close to bright contaminating objects). We show that the optical properties of the radio sources do not change with flux density, suggesting that active galactic nuclei (AGN) continue to contribute significantly at faint flux densities. We test this assertion by cross-correlating our radio catalogue with the X-ray source catalogue and conclude that radio-quiet AGN become a significant population at flux densities below 300 μJy, and may dominate the population responsible for the flattening of the radio source counts if a significant fraction of them are Compton-thick.  相似文献   
Deciduous forest covers vast areas of permafrost under severe dry climate in eastern Siberia. Understanding the water cycle in this forest ecosystem is quite important for climate projection. In this study, diurnal variations in isotopic compositions of atmospheric water vapour were observed in eastern Siberia with isotope analyses of precipitation, sap water of larch trees, soil water, and water in surface organic layer during the late summer periods of 2006, 2007, and 2008. In these years, the soil moisture content was considerably high due to unusually large amounts of summer rainfall and winter snowfall. The observed sap water δ18O ranged from ?17.9‰ to ?13.3‰, which was close to that of summer precipitation and soil water in the shallow layer, and represents that of transpired water vapour. On sunny days, as the air temperature and mixing ratio rose from predawn to morning, the atmospheric water vapour δ18O increased by 1‰ to 5‰ and then decreased by about 2‰ from morning to afternoon with the mixing ratio. On cloudy days, by contrast, the afternoon decrease in δ18O and the mixing ratio was not observed. These results show that water vapour that transpired from plants, with higher δ18O than the atmospheric water vapour, contributes to the increase in δ18O in the morning, whereas water vapour in the free atmosphere, with lower δ18O, contributes to the decrease in the afternoon on sunny days. The observed results reveal the significance of transpired water vapour, with relatively high δ18O, in the water cycle on a short diurnal time scale and confirm the importance of the recycling of precipitation through transpiration in continental forest environments such as the eastern Siberian taiga. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this study, genes of two distinct tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2) from Japanese puffer fish Fugu rubripes, Fugu TIMP-2a and TIMP-2b, were cloned. The open reading frames of Fugu TIMP-2a and TIMP-2b cDNAs are composed of 660 and 657 nucleotides and 220 and 219 amino acids, respectively. Both Fugu TIMP-2s contain 12 cysteine residues, which might form six disulfide bonds as in other animals’ TIMP-2s. Reverse-transcribed polymerase chain reaction analysis showed the mRNAs of Fugu TIMP-2a and TIMP-2b to be expressed in some tissues examined with different expression patterns. These findings suggest that the two distinct Fugu TIMP-2s might perform different functions in Fugu tissues.  相似文献   
Mt. Ishimaki is the Jurassic accretionary complex of the Chichibu Belt in Toyohashi City, near Nagoya in central Japan. The Ishimaki limestone is thought to be seamount-type limestone. The P1 elements of the conodonts Norigondolella navicula and Ancyrogondolella quadrata found in the limestone indicate it is of Norian age. The Sr isotopic compositions of 45 Ishimaki limestone samples ranged from 0.7055 to 0.7077. Eighteen of these samples had lower Sr isotopic compositions than the lowest Sr isotopic composition (0.7068) of seawater throughout the Phanerozoic. The Sr isotopic compositions in the limestone block are generally lower at the base of the block and higher at the top. The present Sr isotopic compositions of the Ishimaki limestone are unlikely to have been reduced by post-depositional alteration because most of the limestone samples had a low amount of Mn (<300 ppm) or high Sr/Mn ratios (>2) and the conodont elements had low (1–2) CAI (conodont alteration index) values. Additionally, there was little acid-insoluble residue. Thus, the low Sr isotopic compositions are thought to represent the strontium of the past ambient seawater. The low Sr isotopic compositions are in complete disagreement with the generally recognised range of seawater Sr isotopic compositions in the Norian stage of the Late Triassic (0.7075–0.7078) because the depositional environment of the Ishimaki limestone was closed or semi-closed from the Panthalassic Ocean. Therefore, the Sr isotopic composition of the limestone differs from that of the Panthalassic seawater. The low Sr isotopic compositions were probably affected by Sr inflows from mafic oceanic crust by hydrothermal fluid circulation or from hinterlands surrounded by mafic rocks by river water circulation.  相似文献   
This study presents full-length cDNA sequences of CYP1A1 and 1A2, in common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) from the North Pacific. Both CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 cDNAs had an open reading frame of 516 amino acid residues, and predicted molecular masses were 58.3 kDa and 58.1 kDa, respectively. The deduced full-length amino acid sequence of CYP1A1 revealed higher identities with those of sheep (86%) and pig (87%), and that of CYP1A2 was most closely related to human (82%) and monkey CYP1A2 (82%) among species from which CYP1A2 has been isolated so far. Differences in certain conserved and functional amino acid residues of CYP1A1 and 1A2 between common minke whale and other mammalian species indicate the possibility of their specific metabolic function. Concentrations of organochlorine compounds (OCs) including PCBs and DDTs analyzed in common minke whale liver showed no significant correlation with hepatic mRNA expression levels of CYP1A1 and CYP1A2, indicating no induction of these enzymes by such OCs.  相似文献   
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