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We found active faults in the fold and thrust belt between Tunglo town and the Tachia River in northwestern Taiwan. The surface rupture occurred in 1999 and 1935 nearby the study area, but no historical surface rupture is recorded in this area, suggesting that the seismic energy has been accumulated during the recent time. Deformed fluvial terraces aid in understanding late Quaternary tectonics in this tectonically active area. This area contains newly identified faults that we group as the Tunglo Fault System, which formed after the area's oldest fluvial terrace and appears at least 16 km long in roughly N–S orientation. Its progressive deformations are all recorded in associated terraces developed during the middle to late Quaternary. In the north, the system consists of two subparallel active faults, the Tunglo Fault and Tunglo East Fault, striking N–S and facing each other from opposite sides of the northward flowing Hsihu River, whose course may be controlled by interactions of above-mentioned two active faults. The northern part of the Tunglo Fault, to the west of the river, is a reverse fault with upthrown side on the west; conversely the Tunglo East Fault, to the east, is also a reverse fault, but with upthrown side on the east. Both faults are marked by a flexural scarp or eastward tilting of fluvial terraces. Considering a Quaternary syncline lies subparallel to the east of this fault system, the Tunglo Fault might be originated as a bending moment fault and the Tunglo East Fault as a flexural slip fault. However, they have developed as obvious reverse faults, which have progressive deformation under E–W compressive stress field of Taiwan. Farther south, a west-facing high scarp, the Tunglo South Fault, strikes NNE–SSW, oblique to the region's E–W direction of compression. Probably due to the strain partitioning, the Tunglo South Fault generates en echelon, elongated ridges and swales to accommodate right-lateral strike–slip displacement. Other structures in the area include eastward-striking portion of the Sanyi Fault, which has no evidence for late Quaternary surface rupture on this fault; perhaps slip on this part of Sanyi Fault ceased when the Tunglo Fault System became active.  相似文献   
The distribution coefficient (λMg) of Mg2+ ions between calcite and solution was found to be 0.012 ± 0.001 (10°C), 0.014 ± 0.001 (15°C), 0.019 ± 0.001 (25°C), 0.024 ± 0.001 (30°C), 0.027 ± 0.001 (35°C) and 0.040 + 0.003 (50°C). This indicates a remarkable dependence on temperature. The effect of the Mg2+/Ca2+ molar ratio in a parent solution on λMg for calcite is small, where the molar ratio lies in the range 0.04-2. However, the λMg value for aragonite tends to decrease with increasing Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio in the parent solution. The largest Mg content of calcite in the Ca(HCO3)2-Mg2+ → calcite system is around 2 mol% in the temperature range 10–50°C. Neither homogeneous nor heterogeneous distribution laws hold for aragonite precipitation, and the temperature effect on the coprecipitation of Mg2+ ions with aragonite is very small.  相似文献   
Hydrothermal vent animals were kept and displayed at atmospheric pressure with an artificial hydrothermal vent system in Enoshima Aquarium, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan. The artificial hydrothermal vent system was composed of a main rearing tank, a heating tank, a hot water outlet with added Na2S as the source of H2S, and added CO2 for chemosynthetic bacteria and pH regulation. When the need arises, a dissolved oxygen control unit and submersible heaters can be attached. We are now rearing hydrothermal vent crabs (Austinograea yunohana), hydrothermal vent galatheid crabs (Shinkaia crosnieri), vestimentiferan tubeworms (Lamellibrachia satsuma), hydrothermal vent shrimp (Opaepele spp.), hydrothermal vent barnacles (Ashinkailepas seepiophilia and Neoverruca sp.), and tonguefish (Symphurus sp.). In the artificial hydrothermal vent tank, shrimp and crabs have been observed to cluster close to the artificial hydrothermal vent. In particular, large (adult) crabs needed a heat source to live in the aquarium over a long term. Additionally, some species (A. yunohana, S. crosnieri, Opaepele sp. and Symphurus sp.) have spawned and hatched in captivity. It is likely higher water temperatures are needed for egg and larval development compared with temperatures for adult requirements.  相似文献   
We present in this study the effects of short‐term heating on organics in the Tagish Lake meteorite and how the difference in the heating conditions can modify the organic matter (OM) in a way that complicates the interpretation of a parent body's heating extent with common cosmothermometers. The kinetics of short‐term heating and its influence on the organic structure are not well understood, and any study of OM is further complicated by the complex alteration processes of the thermally metamorphosed carbonaceous chondrites—potential analogues of the target asteroid Ryugu of the Hayabusa2 mission—which had experienced posthydration, short‐duration local heating. In an attempt to understand the effects of short‐term heating on chondritic OM, we investigated the change in the OM contents of the experimentally heated Tagish Lake meteorite samples using Raman spectroscopy, scanning transmission X‐ray microscopy utilizing X‐ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy, and ultraperformance liquid chromatography fluorescence detection and quadrupole time of flight hybrid mass spectrometry. Our experiment suggests that graphitization of OM did not take place despite the samples being heated to 900 °C for 96 h, as the OM maturity trend was influenced by the heating conditions, kinetics, and the nature of the OM precursor, such as the presence of abundant oxygenated moieties. Although both the intensity of the 1s?σ* exciton cannot be used to accurately interpret the peak metamorphic temperature of the experimentally heated Tagish Lake sample, the Raman graphite band widths of the heated products significantly differ from that of chondritic OM modified by long‐term internal heating.  相似文献   
Past studies of the various separable carbonaceous fractions have been unable to account for all of C in primitive chondrites. In particular, up to 20–50% of the C is lost during acid leaching of bulk samples even after the C in carbonates and soluble organic matter is accounted for. To try to better characterize the nature of this “missing C,” we have compared the bulk infrared (IR) absorption spectra of a number of primitive chondrites with those of their previously reported insoluble organic matter (IOM). The aliphatic C–H stretching bands, in particular, allow us to compare the molecular structures of bulk C with that of IOM. The spectral differences between bulk C and IOM reflect “missing C” phases that were lost during acid leaching, although we cannot completely exclude the possibility that the OM was modified after demineralization. Comparing IR spectra of bulk meteorite powder and IOM suggests that the missing C varies in its molecular structure, and that mildly thermally metamorphosed type 3 chondrites tend to be richer in an aliphatic fraction with lower CH2/CH3 ratios, relative to IOM, compared to aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrites (CI/CM/CR). The missing C is most likely released from acid‐labile functional groups, such as esters, acetals, and amides, during demineralization, although it cannot be ruled out that some fraction of the missing C is in small grains that are difficult to recover from suspension, or in water‐soluble compounds trapped in phyllosilicates.  相似文献   
Carbonaceous materials in the sample catcher of the Hayabusa spacecraft were assigned as category 3 particles. We investigated the category 3 particles with a suite of in situ microanalytical methods. Possible contaminants collected from the cleanrooms of the spacecraft assembly and extraterrestrial sample curation center (ESCuC) were also analyzed in the same manner as category 3 particles for comparison. Our data were integrated with those of the preliminary examination team for category 3 particles. Possible origins for the category 3 particles include contamination before and after the operation of the Hayabusa spacecraft.  相似文献   
The number of harbour seals in Japan has been rebounding since protection began in the mid‐1980s. With the increase in seal numbers, increased conflict with fisheries has occurred through depredation and the belief that seals compete with fisheries for prey. However, competition can only be determined if the prey species and quantities seals consume over time are known. We studied the diet of harbour seals in Erimo, site of the largest population of harbour seals in Japan, from 2011 to 2012 and assessed the degree of prey overlap with local fisheries. We used both hard parts and DNA techniques to identify prey items in seal scats, and compared these results to local fisheries data. A total of 46 prey occurrences was detected by both methods, of which 17 matched between techniques at least to the family level. Hard parts methods identified five incidences of prey undetected by DNA methods in five scats (one incidence per scat). DNA methods identified 24 additional prey occurrences in 13 scats, for which no hard part evidence for that prey had been found. This more than doubled the total number of prey occurrences across the 15 scats compared. Overall, the most frequently occurring harbour seal prey were walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), sculpins and snailfishes. In contrast, the top three groups targeted by fisheries were codfishes, salmon and invertebrates. Many species common in the harbour seal's diet such as snailfishes and blennies were not targeted by fisheries. Fishes such as greenlings, sculpins, rockfishes and Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) were common in the diet of harbour seals, but made up a very small proportion of fisheries catches in Erimo. The importance of other prey species varied between seasons. Sculpins, greenlings and forage fishes were the top three prey groups for harbour seals in spring by percent modified frequency of occurrence, whereas the most important target groups by percentage mass caught by fisheries were codfishes, cephalopods and other invertebrates. Sculpins and rockfishes remained as important prey items for harbour seals in summer and autumn, in addition to codfishes, snailfishes and blennies. In contrast, the main groups caught by fisheries in summer were other fishes, particularly Japanese amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata) and various species of sharks and eels, and invertebrates. By autumn, Erimo fisheries had focussed on catching salmon. Salmon were taken by harbour seals as well during this period, but at a relatively lower frequency compared to other prey groups. The results of our study show that although harbour seals consumed several of the prey species targeted by fisheries, the relative importance of these species to seals and fisheries and the seasons in which they were targeted were different.  相似文献   
To better understand CFMIP/CMIP inter-model differences in rapid low cloud responses to CO2 increases and their associated effective radiative forcings, we examined the tropospheric adjustment of the lower tropospheric stability (LTS) in three general circulation models (GCMs): HadGEM2-A, MIROC3.2 medres, and MIROC5. MIROC3.2 medres showed a reduction in LTS over the sub-tropical ocean, in contrast to the other two models. This reduction was consistent with a temperature decrease in the mid-troposphere. The temperature decrease was mainly driven by instantaneous radiative forcing (RF) caused by an increase in CO2. Reductions in radiative and latent heating, due to clouds, and in adiabatic and advective heating, also contribute to the temperature decrease. The instantaneous RF in the mid-troposphere in MIROC3.2 medres is inconsistent with the results of line-by-line (LBL) calculations, and thus it is considered questionable. These results illustrate the importance of evaluating the vertical profile of instantaneous RF with LBL calculations; improved future model performance in this regard should help to increase our confidence in the tropospheric adjustment in GCMs.  相似文献   
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