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利用以色列特拉维夫大学二维面对称分档云模式(two-dimensional slab-symmetric detailed spectral bin microphysical model of Tel Aviv University),对2016年9月4日16:00(北京时)前后我国华东地区的一次暖性浅对流云降水过程进行模拟,模式模拟的强回波中心高度和最大回波强度范围与观测基本一致。并在此基础上进行了小于1 μm的吸湿性核的播撒减雨试验,分别考虑了不同播撒时间、不同播撒高度以及不同播撒剂量的敏感性测试。结果表明:在云的发展阶段早期播撒能起到更好的减雨效果,播撒时间越早对大粒子生长过程的抑制作用越强,随着播撒时间向后推移,受抑制作用最显著的粒径段向小粒径端偏移;在云中心过饱和度大的区域下方进行播撒,减雨效果更加明显,当播撒剂量为350 cm-3时,地面累积降水量减少率可达23.3%;另外,随着播撒剂量的增加,减雨效果更加显著,甚至能达到消雨的效果。因此,在暖性浅对流云中合理地播撒小于1 μm的吸湿性核能达到较好的减雨或消雨效果。  相似文献   
利用LA-ICP-MS测试技术对浙西地区中生代晚期寿昌盆地典型剖面建德群9件凝灰岩和安山岩样品的锆石进行了同位素测年分析。结果显示:建德群锆石206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值范围在134~115Ma之间,属于早白垩世中—晚期;其所属的劳村组、黄尖组、寿昌组和横山组的锆石年龄分别是134~125Ma、125~118Ma、125~121Ma和121~115Ma,各自对应于欧特里夫期—巴雷姆期、阿普特期早—中期、阿普特期早期、阿普特期中期。由此认为,黄尖组的时代与寿昌组+横山组大致相当,前者与后两者横向可能为同时异相,并非上下关系;在寿昌和丽水两个盆地的寿昌组近乎同时,其上为时代大致相当的横山组与馆头组。  相似文献   
Summary A lack of information for surface water vapor pressure (WVP) represents a major impediment to model-assisted ecosystem analysis for understanding plant-environment interactions or for projecting biospheric responses to global climate change. This paper reports on a generic algorithm that captures global variation in monthly WVP. The algorithm solves WVP in terms of reduction from saturation WVP as a negative exponential function of potential evapotranspiration; the reduction rate per unit potential evapotranspiration in turn varies with monthly precipitation and a series of variables that distinguish local climate regimes. Data input to the algorithm is limited to monthly air temperature and precipitation, plus latitude, longitude and elevation. The algorithm is specified through regression fitting to monthly climate normal data from 852 stations around the world. It accounts for 96% of the variance in the WVP data, with a root mean square error of 0.17 kPa, or 12% of the data mean. The algorithm closely reproduces five-year sequential monthly WVP data for each of five selected United States locations representitative of diverse climate regimes: the average error generally falls within ±12% of the data mean, and the absolute error within ±0.2 kPa. Its projections also compare favorably against the WVP output from the General Circulation Models for temperature and precipitation conditions under the scenario of a doubled atmospheric carbon-dioxide concentration: the two fall within ±10% of each other for 75% of a total 264 data cases, or within ±20% for 94% of the cases. These statistics suggest that the spatially-based algorithm is useful for projecting temporal variation in WVP, and for extrapolative applications beyond the fluctuation range of present climate. Received March 4, 1999  相似文献   
提出和介绍了利用GMS-4红外云图资料定量测量淮河流域汛期降水的CT-TRC(cloudtoptemperaturerainfullcurve,云顶温度-降水量曲线)方法及实现步骤,并结合个例进行了分析。  相似文献   
基于江西79个气象站1961-2010年逐日气温和降水观测资料,采用滑动t检验和Mann-kendell法对鄱阳湖流域年平均气温进行突变检验分析,利用线性回归方法分别对鄱阳湖流域气温、降水量、降水日数、降水强度等要素的变化趋势进行了分析。结果表明:(1)1961-2010年鄱阳湖流域年平均气温为18.0℃,升温趋势明显,升温率达0.16℃/(10 a),在1996年出现显著突变。冬季升温趋势最明显,夏季气温虽呈上升趋势,但不显著。(2)流域平均年降水量为1643 mm,呈略增多趋势。20世纪60-80年代和21世纪00年代降水量偏少,90年代降水量相对偏多。最大年降水量出现在1975年,为2149.6 mm;最小年降水量出现在1963年,为1111.6 mm。(3)流域年降水日数总体呈现下降趋势,下降率约为6.9 d/(10 a)。其中,小雨日数下降最为显著,下降率约为7.1 d/(10 a);中雨日数呈略下降趋势;大雨和暴雨日数呈现略增加趋势。(4)流域年降水强度总体呈现上升趋势,每10 a上升约0.52 mm/d,说明流域降水集中度增大,强降水事件增多。  相似文献   
根据1957与1982年两个时期的地形冈并结合1995与2008年的遥感卫星影像提取城镇建设用地专题信息。利用ArcGIS建立广佛都市区城镇建设用地数据库.采用分形维度的计锋方法,对广佛都市区城市蔓延的情况进行测度和分析。结果表明广佛都市区三个发展阶段城镇建设用地面积增长速度并不均匀,具有加速发展的特点。四个测度年份的分形维数分别为1.6454,1.6285,1.5586和1.5270,均在1-2之间.分形维数呈递降趋势,总体下降了0.1184,城市发展模式由紧凑型逐渐向松散型演变,存在城市蔓延情况,而且城市发展模式以年均0.14%的速度从紧凑型向松散型演变。广佛都市区城市蔓延的地域分异较为明硅,具有较强的空间集聚性和中心向心件,广州和佛山毗邻地区以及中心城区是城市蔓延的活跃区和集中区,1982—1995年问研究区内蔓延速度比1995.2008年间要快。通过深入分析发现,经济快速发展、城市人口的持续增长、交通道路网络的建设是广佛都市区快速扩张和城市蔓延的基本动力因素之一,开发区土地扩张,进一步加剧了无序扩张和城市蔓延。  相似文献   
小白洋淀水-沉积物系统多环芳烃的分布、来源与生态风险   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
以端村小白洋淀为研究对象,利用GC-MS测定了6个样点水、悬浮物和沉积物中15种优控多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量,分析了其组成与来源特征,探讨了不同多环芳烃单体的生态风险,结果表明:(1)15种优控多环芳烃的总含量(PAH15),水相为40.1-74.0ng/L,算术均值51.0ng/L;悬浮物为2438.0-5927.0ng/g,算术均值4528ng/g;沉积物为466.9-1366.4ng/g,算术均值为755.6ng/g;与国内外有关研究相比,污染较轻,(2)三相中均以2、3环PAHs为主,其比例均高于80%;并且,从水相、悬浮物相到沉积物相,2环PAHs依次降低,3环、4环依次升高,高环检出率和含量也依次升高,(3)沉积物中多环芳烃的来源以生物质燃料(秸秆、薪材)和煤的燃烧为主,以液体化石燃料(汽油、柴油和原油)的燃烧为辅,(4)沉积物中的芴(FLO)、菲(PHE)含量在潜在生态风险效应区间低值(ERL)与中值(ERM)之间,其生态风险几率介于10%-50%之间;其他PAHs单体的含量均低于ERL,其生态风险几率均低于10%.  相似文献   
A case of a snowstorm at the Great Wall Station was studied using data of NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) analysis, in situ observations and surface weather charts. The storm occurred on August 29th,2006, and brought high winds and poor horizontal visibility to the region.It was found that the storm occurred under the synoptic situation of a high in the south and a low in the north. A low-level easterly jet from the Antarctic continent significantly decreased the air temperature and humidity.Warm air advection at high level brought sufficient vapor from lower latitudes for the snowstorm to develop.The dynamic factors relating to strong snowfall and even the developmentof a snowstorm were deep cyclonic vorticity at middle and low levels,the configuration of divergence at high level and convergence at low level, and strong verticaluplift. There was an inversion layer in the low-level atmosphere during the later phase of the storm.This vertical structure of cold air at low levels and warm air at high levels may have been important to the longevity of the snowstorm.  相似文献   
依据随州三里岗ML4.7地震序列的地震监测和宏观调查所获得的基础资料,对此次地震序列的时空强特征及地震成因机理进行了分析。为使地震资料准确可靠,对混淆在序列中的爆破波形与地震波形进行了鉴别和剔除。结合这些基础资料和震源机制解结果。分析认为随州地震序列在成因上与该地区存在的北东和北西向两组断裂构造有关,但主发震构造是北西向断裂。  相似文献   
Earthworms are the important constituents in the decayed food web and the main ecological conditioners in the process of decomposition and nutrient mineralization. The transformation of organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) in the broad-leaved litters ingested by earthworms was researched by means of a laboratory experiment. Experimental samples were collected from broad-leaved Korea Pine mixed forest in Liangshui National Natural Reserve (47°10′50″N, 128°53′20″E) in the northeastern Xiao Hinggan Mountains of Northeast China. The contents of organic C and total N in earthworms, leaf litters and earthworm faeces were analyzed. Results show that the organic C content was in the fol- lowing order: leaf litters>faeces>earthworms, while total N content was contrary to that of the organic C. The organic C contents in the different leaf litters were in the following order: Tilia amurensis>Betula costata>Acer mono, whereas the total N contents in the different leaf litters were: Betula costata>Tilia amurensis>Acer mono. The contents of organic C and total N in the faeces from the different leaf litters were almost consistent with the contents of the leaf litters. After the leaf litters were ingested by earthworms, the organic C, which was transformed to increase earthworms' weights, ac- counted for 3.90%-13.31% of the total ingestion by earthworms, while that in the earthworm faeces accounted for 6.14%-13.70%. The transformed organic C through the other metabolism (e.g., respiration) of earthworms accounted for 75.04%-89.92%. The ingested organic C by earthworms was mostly used for metabolic activities. The N ingested by earthworms was less than organic C. It is estimated that 37.08% of total N was transformed to increase the earthworm's weight, 19.97% into earthworm faeces and 47.86% for the consumption of the earthworm's activities. The earthworms not only increased the content of organic C and total N in the soil, but also decreased the values of C/N in the soil and leaf litters. Earthworms play a major role in the leaf litters' decomposition and transformation.  相似文献   
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