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The Three Gorges are considered to be critical to understand the formation of Yangtze River. Recent research results suggest that the Yangtze Three Gorges was created during the Quaternary but the exact time is debatable. Fe–Ti oxide minerals are seldom used to study sediment provenance, expecially using scanning electron microscopy(SEM), and energy dispersive spectrometer(EDS). In this study, the provenance of Quaternary sediments in Yichang area, which is located to the east of the Yangtze Three Gorges, was investigated by using SEM and EDS to research Fe–Ti oxides. The Panzhihua vanadium titanomagnetite and Emeishan basalt outcrop are located to the west of the Three Gorges. Further, the materials from them are observed in the Quaternary sediments of Yichang area. Fe–Ti oxide minerals from the Huangling granite are observed in the Yunchi and Shanxiyao Formations, which were formed before 0.75 Ma B.P., whereas Fe–Ti oxide minerals from the Huangling granite, Panzhihua vanadium titanomagnetite, and Emeishan basalt are observed in the riverbed and fifth-terrace sediments of the Yangtze River, which were formed after 0.73 Ma B.P.. Thus, we can infer that the Three Gorges formed after the deposition of the Shanxi Formation and before the fifth-terrace; i.e., 0.75–0.73 Ma B.P..  相似文献   
基于INPHO软件对无人机航摄数据进行正射影像快速制作,阐述了数字正射影像图的制作流程,并对影响最终成果质量的关键环节进行了方法改进,从而总结出了快速制作无人机高质量数字正射影像图的方法和技巧。  相似文献   
“现代摄影测量实习”是中国地质大学(北京)土地科学技术学院测绘工程专业的重要实习课程,直接关系到学生的测绘技能培养。本文以笔者的教学实践为基础,从教学内容、教学方法、实践过程等方面探讨“现代摄影测量实习”实践中的教学改革问题,以帮助测绘工程专业学生获得良好的现代摄影测量技能,提高其就业与科研核心竞争力。  相似文献   
2001-2015年中国植被覆盖人为影响的时空格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于MODIS-NDVI和气温、降水数据,使用基于变异系数的人为影响模型定量计算了2001-2015年中国植被覆盖人为影响,辅以趋势分析、Hurst指数等方法探讨了中国植被覆盖人为影响的时空变化特征及未来演变趋势。研究发现:① 2001-2015年,中国植被覆盖人为影响由南向北空间分异愈发明显,年均值为-0.0102,植被覆盖在人类活动影响下轻微减少,负影响面积占51.59%,略大于正影响面积。② 中国植被覆盖人为影响年际变化特征明显,整体呈负影响波动减少趋势,降速为0.5%/10a,其中正影响、负影响均呈增大趋势,正影响增速(0.3%/10a)远大于负影响(0.02%/10a)。③ 2001-2015年间,中国植被覆盖人为正影响重心向东北方向移动,负影响重心向西南方向移动,东北部植被覆盖在人为影响下不断改善,西南部人类活动对植被破坏程度不断增大。④ 中国植被覆盖人为影响主要呈负影响减少和正影响增大趋势,面积占比分别为28.14%和25.21%,生态环境趋于改善。⑤ Hurst指数分析表明,中国植被覆盖人为影响未来演变趋势的反向特征强于正向特征,主要呈人为负影响先减少后增大趋势,面积占比15.59%。  相似文献   
The forest litter is an essential reservoir of nutrients in forests, supplying a large part of absorbable base cations(BC) to topsoil, and facilitating plant growth within litter-soil system. To characterize elevational patterns of base cation concentrations in the forest litter and topsoil, and explore the effects of climate and tree species, we measured microclimate and collected the forest litter and topsoil(0-10 cm) samples across an elevational range of more than 2000 m(1243 ~ 3316 m a.s.l.),and analyzed the concentrations of BC in laboratory. Results showed that: 1) litter Ca concentration displayed a hump-shaped pattern along the elevational gradients, but litter K and Mg showed saddle-shaped patterns. Soil Ca concentration increased with elevation, while soil K and Mg had no significant changes. 2) Ca concentration in the forest litter under aspen(Populus davidiana) was significantly higher than that in all other species, but in topsoil, Ca concentration was higher under coniferous larch and fir(Larix chinensis and Abies fargesii). Litter K and Mg concentrations was higher under coniferous larch and fir, whereas there were nosignificant differences among tree species in the concentrations of K and Mg in topsoil. 3) Climatic factors including mean annual temperature(MAT), growing season precipitation(GSP) and non-growing season precipitation(NGSP) determined BC concentrations in the forest litter and topsoil. Soil C/N and C/P also influenced BC cycling between litter and soil. Observation along elevations within different tree species implies that above-ground tree species can redistribute below-ground cations, and this process is profoundly impacted by climate. Litter and soil Ca, K and Mg with different responses to environmental variables depend on their soluble capacity and mobile ability.  相似文献   
Rainfall can cause serious soil loss in the Loess Plateau hilly and gully region, but little focus has been placed on the extreme rainstorm effects on unpaved loess road soil erosion. A field survey method was used to investigate the erosional effects of the "7·26" heavy rainfall event on unpaved loess roads in the Jiuyuangou watershed of the Loess Plateau, China. The results showed that the average and maximum widths of the eroded gullies that formed on the unpaved roads were 0.65-1.48 m and 1.00-3.60 m, respectively. The average and maximum depths of theeroded gullies were 0.42-1.13 m and 0.75-4.30 m, respectively. The average width-to-depth ratio was 1.31, indicating that the widening effect was greater than the downcutting effect in the eroded gullies. In addition, the gully density ranged from 0.07 to 0.29 m m~(-2), and the road surface dissection degree ranged from 0.03 to 0.41 km~2 km~(-2). Eroded gullies generally developed at the slope toe of the cut bank side. The average eroded gully width and depth at turns in the road were 1.47-2.64 times and 1.30-3.47 times greater, respectively, than those in other road sections. The road erosion modulus increased from the upper section to the lower section of the roads. The average road erosion modulus of the study catchment was 235,000 t km~(-2). Turns in the road were associated with collapses, sinkholes and other gravitational erosion phenomena. The amount of road erosion under extreme rainfall conditions is mainly related to the interactions among road length, width, slope and soil bulk density. Our results provide a useful reference for developing further measures for preventing road erosion on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   
苹果手机零部件全球价值链的价值分配与中国角色演变   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
产品内分工已成为支配当代企业分工与产品生产的重要模式。研究智能手机生产网络价值分配格局,对辨析中国大陆企业在移动通讯产业价值链中所处地位与演进具有重要意义。论文利用2012—2017年苹果公司供应商数据,以其零部件价值含量与技术要求为测度标准,分析了苹果手机零部件全球价值链的分配特征以及中国大陆企业在其中的地位变化。发现:高价值环节的供应商主要以美国、日本、韩国为主,而中低价值环节则以中国台湾、日本和中国大陆供应商为主,且中国大陆与中国台湾在中间环节占据重要地位。处于价值链高端的供应商分支数量在中国大陆和美国缩减明显,日本、韩国较为稳定,中国台湾增加明显。在价值链的中低端环节,供应商分支趋向中国大陆集中。印度、巴西以及越南等地成为新的中低端价值环节转移承接地。近年来,中国大陆在苹果手机价值链的高端环节得到了提升,长三角、珠三角、京津冀、成渝、中原地区等地逐渐形成了苹果供应商分支的集聚区域,呈现出零部件生产的区域分工特征。长三角(上海-苏州为核心)与珠三角(深圳-东莞为核心),承接了价值链多个生产环节,是中国大陆嵌入苹果手机生产网络的主要阵地。成渝地区既承接了芯片类企业布局,也承接了价值链低端的组装代工和包装服务环节,呈现出在价值链两端双向承接的特征。环渤海、福建及湖南等地主要承接苹果手机价值链的中间环节,而中原地区主要以苹果手机组装与包装服务为主,承接价值链的低端环节。最后,论文从创新驱动、政府作用与外资等方面探讨了影响中国大陆地位提升的因素。  相似文献   
利用InSAR识别与监测黑方台黄土滑坡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对甘肃永靖县的黑方台地区滑坡不断对当地居民人身及财产安全构成重大威胁的现状,该文选取高分辨率的升降轨TerraSAR数据、3m分辨率的DEM数据和30m分辨率的SRTM DEM数据,利用InSAR技术对该地区的地表形变进行监测,主要结果如下:用Stacking技术获取了黑方台的形变速率图,识别出14处不稳定滑坡体;用SBAS-InSAR技术对典型滑坡体进行时间序列监测,将InSAR结果投影到滑坡方向与已有的GPS结果进行比较,最大较差为6mm,最大中误差为3mm。结果表明,InSAR技术用来识别与监测黄土滑坡方便可靠,并且精度较高。  相似文献   
追踪干旱—半干旱地区大型沙地的物源和风- 河流相互作用机制对于理解陆地景观格局演变、地表过程与地貌动态以及大气圈和岩石圈之间的联系至关重要。然而,目前科尔沁沙地的物源仍存在较大争议,且缺乏具有统计意义的锆石U- Pb年龄数据库。因此,本研究对科尔沁沙地地表风成沙进行多点取样,根据不同粒级(<63 μm和>63 μm)选取1500颗碎屑锆石进行U- Pb测年分析,并利用逆向蒙特卡罗模型对其物源进行定量约束。结果表明,从目视定性的角度看,科尔沁沙地的碎屑锆石U- Pb年龄谱特征非常相似。但定量重建结果显示沙地的物源整体上以中亚造山带的贡献为主(50. 5%~61. 3%),然而东南部体现出华北克拉通的绝对优势(~75. 8%)。科尔沁沙地的物源存在空间异质性,沙地西部和北部的锆石年龄谱极为相似,与南部锆石年龄特征显著不同。科尔沁沙地的碎屑锆石U- Pb年龄特征基本不受粒度分异的影响,但沙地东南部除外。本文认为,风与河流的协同作用及其由此导致的沉积分异和再循环作用解释了科尔沁沙地碎屑锆石的U- Pb年龄特征。结合区域构造演化历史,科尔沁沙地在~2. 5 Ga和~1. 85 Ga的U- Pb年龄峰值分别是前寒武纪华北克拉通的生长、拼合与碰撞过程中的两期构造事件的产物。此外,~1. 7 Ga的锆石年龄可能是对Columbia超大陆聚合与裂解的综合响应。古生代以来的锆石年龄峰值(500~400 Ma、300~250 Ma、130~110 Ma)记录了在古亚洲洋的俯冲闭合、蒙古- 鄂霍次克海俯冲碰撞和古太平洋的俯冲、回退的区域构造背景下多期区域构造- 岩浆事件。  相似文献   
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