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Five deterministic methods of spatial interpolation of monthly rainfall were compared over the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeast Brazil. The methods were the inverse distance weight (IDW), nearest neighbor (NRN), triangulation with linear interpolation (TLI), natural neighbor (NN), and spline tension (SPT). A set of 110 weather stations was used to test the methods. The selection of stations had two criteria: time series longer than 20 years and period of data from 1960 to 2009. The methods were evaluated using cross-validation, linear regression between values observed and interpolated, root mean square error (RMSE), coefficient of determination (r 2), coefficient of variation (CV, %), and the Willmott index of agreement (d). The results from different methods are influenced by the meteorological systems and their seasonality, as well as by the interaction with the topography. The methods presented higher precision (r 2) and accuracy (d, RMSE) during the summer and transition to autumn, in comparison with the winter or spring months. The SPT had the highest precision and accuracy in relation to other methods, in addition to having a good representation of the spatial patterns expected for rainfall over the complex terrain of the state and its high spatial variability.  相似文献   
Measurements of the broadband global solar radiation (R S) and total ultraviolet radiation (the sum of UV-A and UV-B) were conducted from 2005 to 2010 at 9 sites in arid and semi-arid regions of China. These data were used to determine the temporal variability of UV and UV/R S and their dependence on the water vapor content and clearness index. The dependence of UV/R S on aerosol optical depth (AOD) and water vapor content was also investigated. In addition, a simple and efficient empirically model suited for all-weather conditions was developed to estimate UV from R s. The annual average daily UV level in arid and semi-arid areas is 0.61 and 0.59 MJ m?2 d?1, respectively. The highest value (0.66?±?0.25 MJ m?2 d?1) was recorded at an arid area at Linze. The lowest value (0.53?±?0.22 MJ m?2 d?1) was recorded at a semi-arid area at Ansai. The highest daily value of UV radiation was measured in May, whereas the lowest value was measured in December. The monthly variation of the UV/R s ratio ranged from 0.41 in Aksu to 0.35 in Qira. The monthly mean value of UV/R s gradually increased from November and then decreased in August. A small decreasing trend of UV/R s was observed in the arid and semi-arid regions due to recently increasing amounts of fine aerosol. A simple and efficient empirically model suit for all-weather condition was developed to estimate UV from R s. The slope a and intercept b of the regression line between the estimated and measured values were close to 1 and zero, respectively. The relative error between the estimated and measured values was less than 11.5%. Application of the model to data collected from different locations in this region also resulted in reasonable estimates of UV.  相似文献   
陶玫  夏文梅 《气象科学》2000,20(2):216-223
本文主要分析南京地区7-8月发生午后雷阵雨天气,气候与其相关的革些参数的特征,以及大尺度的天气形势条件,用南京单站资料分析位热不稳定度和不稳定能量,从物理场判定南京是否处于产生雷阵雨的潜在不稳定区内,从相关资料中建立南京地区7 ̄8月午后雷阵雨天气的概率预报方程。e  相似文献   
State-of-the-art climate models have long-standing intrinsic biases that limit their simulation and projection capabilities.Significantly weak ENSO asymmetry and weakly nonlinear air–sea interaction over the tropical Pacific was found in CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 5) climate models compared with observation. The results suggest that a weak nonlinear air–sea interaction may play a role in the weak ENSO asymmetry. Moreover, a weak nonlinearity in air–sea interaction in the models may be associated with the biases in the mean climate—the cold biases in the equatorial central Pacific. The excessive cold tongue bias pushes the deep convection far west to the western Pacific warm pool region and suppresses its development in the central equatorial Pacific. The deep convection has difficulties in further moving to the eastern equatorial Pacific, especially during extreme El Ni o events, which confines the westerly wind anomaly to the western Pacific. This weakens the eastern Pacific El Ni o events, especially the extreme El Ni o events, and thus leads to the weakened ENSO asymmetry in climate models. An accurate mean state structure(especially a realistic cold tongue and deep convection) is critical to reproducing ENSO events in climate models. Our evaluation also revealed that ENSO statistics in CMIP5 climate models are slightly improved compared with those of CMIP3. The weak ENSO asymmetry in CMIP5 is closer to the observation. It is more evident in CMIP5 that strong ENSO activities are usually accompanied by strong ENSO asymmetry, and the diversity of ENSO amplitude is reduced.  相似文献   
初探绿色GDP核算方法及实证分析 --以山西省大同市为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
传统GDP未将资源、环境要素纳入国民经济核算体系,不能准确地表现经济发展与资源、环境之间的相互关系。因此用传统GDP衡量一个国家经济发展程度,存在明显不足。绿色GDP是指国家或地区在扣除自然资源及环境污染损耗后新创造的真实国民财富的总量,它能较准确地反映一个国家或地区国民收入水平的状况。文章依据狭义绿色GDP涵义,以山西省大同市为例,结合当地生态资源环境现状,构建资源环境账户虚数指标体系,探讨了绿色GDP的核算方法,并估算了该市2002年的绿色GDP。结果表明:2002年大同市的自然资源损耗为63.86亿元,占GDP的29.29%;环境污染损耗22.18亿元,占GDP的10.18%;绿色GDP为131.33亿元,仅占当年GDP的60.24%,说明该地区经济发展中资源与环境问题十分突出,亟待解决。建议科学、适度、合理地开发利用各类资源,树立市场经济的资源价值观;严格控制污染物排放,加强环境保护治理。  相似文献   
红壤丘陵区农业开发中的生态环境效应及其调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章以江西余江县为例。通过实验研究,历史资料对比分析及邻近参照等方法。研究红壤区农业开发中的生态环境效应。农业开发引起的微观环境效应在于改变土壤水分及其运动状况,加速土壤物质迁移及降低土壤肥力质量;区域性效应是植被减少,农业面源污染,水土流失扩大及气候异常;全球性影响除区域集聚效应外,则是农业活动中产生的温室气体对全球气候的影响等,采取的调控对策主要是:保持合理开发,适当减轻土地压力,优化农业开发模式,更新农业耕作技术。强化环境整治与生态建设。  相似文献   
廖圣东  廖其芳  李岩  何敬廉 《热带地理》2001,21(4):346-349,359
研究了在GSI支持下,Radarsat SNB-SAR数据用于广东省大范围水稻种植面积调查的方法与应用。首先,对SAR数据预处理,包括辐射校正、Frost滤波和几何精校正等;然后对预处理影像的后向散射值进行信息定量判断,结合GIS的辅助分析,剔除不可能是水稻信息的像元;最后对剔除非水稻信息后的影像进行最大似然法的有监分类,获取各区域水稻分布的影像并统计面积。结果表明,该方法对于大范围的水稻种植面积调查具有实用、快速的特点,其精度在平原地区具有较高的可靠性,山区因为地形的复杂性等原因尚需进一步研究以提高精度。  相似文献   
衡阳南岳区农村居民点用地合理布局分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
城镇化水平的快速推进和社会主义新农村建设的开展给建设用地供给和耕地保护形成了巨大的压力。农 村居民点用地普遍散乱、粗放的现象为挖掘现有建设用地潜力,少占耕地提供了可能。以衡阳南岳区为例,应用GIS 空间分析与景观指数分析等方法,在分析社会经济、自然地理和生产环境三方面的主要因素对南岳区农村居民点 用地布局的影响后,提出引导南岳区农村居民点合理布局的对策与建议。  相似文献   
IntroductionEothrocytesedimentahonrateusSR)isanimportantindexofhemorheology.Atpresent,itisdifficulttoachieveaccuracyandcomparabilityinclinicalprachceandresearchbecauseoflackofaunifiedstandardofthereferencevalue(Wintrobe)ofhealthyPeople'sESRinChina.ManyresearchershavemeaSUredthelocalreferencevaluesofESR(Wintrobe)l'-:'l.Bymeansofcorrelationandregressionanalysis,researchontherelationshipbetweenthereferencevalue(Wintrobe)ofESRandgeographicalfactorsshowedthathlereareceylonregularPatternsbet…  相似文献   
严小冬  宋燕  夏阳  龙园  杨春艳 《气象》2017,43(9):1064-1072
利用贵州省81站1964—2013年秋季(9—11月)雨日数及美国国家环境预报中心/大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)再分析资料,借助Morlet小波、合成分析等相关诊断方法,对贵州省秋季雨日数时空特征及其与大气环流的关系进行了分析。结果表明:贵州省秋季雨日数分布由东南部向西北部逐渐增多,一般在30.0~52.3 d。近50年秋季全省平均雨日数为40.5 d,总体呈减少趋势,每10年雨日数减少1.9 d。秋季雨日数突变发生在1987年前后,1964—1987年为偏多时段,1988—2013年为偏少时段,其中1997年以后减少趋势最为明显。近50年贵州秋季雨日序列存在准5 a和2~3 a的振荡周期,其中准5 a振荡最为显著。当贵州秋季雨日异常偏多时,南海上空的水汽通量在贵州地区辐合抬升,来自低纬地区的暖湿空气输送更加活跃,东亚大槽偏强,低纬度地区槽脊略有加深,贵州处于印缅槽前,偏南气流强盛,从而有利于冷、暖空气在贵州地区交汇,形成阴雨天气,造成贵州秋季雨日数异常偏多;反之亦然。  相似文献   
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