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对水中泥沙、气泡群、鱼群等随即分布散射体群的声学回波统计特性进行了研究,建立了一种基于回波能量统计特征的水下散射体数量密度评估模型。对该模型进行了介绍与推导,并通过仿真试验证明了其对水下散射体数量密度评估的有效性。  相似文献   
Understanding the effects of simulated warming on photosynthetic performance of aquatic plants may provide strong supports for predicting future dynamics of wetland ecosystems in the context of climate change. The plateau wetlands located in Yunnan province are highly sensitive to climate warming due to their high altitude and cold temperature. Here, we conducted a temperaturecontrolled experiment using two temperature manipulations (ambient temperature as the control and 2°C higher than ambient temperature as the warmed treatment) to determine the photosynthetic characteristics of two lakeside dominant species (Scirpus validus Vahl and Typha orientalis C. Presl.) in Dianchi Lake. Net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), and transpiration rate of S. validus that grew under warmed treatment were all significantly higher than those under the control. Gs and Ci of T. orientalis showed similar patterns as S. validus did. For the response curves of Pn to photosynthetic active radiation (Pn-PAR) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Pn-Ci), S. validus had higher Pn values under elevated temperatures than the control, while Pn-PAR and Pn-Ci curves of T. orientalis did not separate clearly under two temperature scenarios. Both S. validus and T. orientalis had higher maximum net photosynthetic rate, light saturation point, dark respiration rate, the maximum rate of RuBP carboxylation (Vcmax), maximum electron transport rate driving RuBP regeneration (Jmax), the ratio of Vcmax to Jmax, triosephosphate utilization, and 1, 5-bishosphate carboxylase ribulose content under warmed treatment than those under the control. This study provides a preliminary step for predicting the future primary production and vegetation dynamics of plateau wetlands in Yunnan province.  相似文献   
Determining the location of the Cretaceous-Paleogene(K-Pg) boundary in terrestrial strata is highly significant for studying the evolution of terrestrial ecosystems at the end of the Cretaceous(especially the extinction of non-avian dinosaurs). At present, research on terrestrial K-Pg boundaries worldwide is concentrated in the middle and high latitudes, such as North America and Northeast China. Although many studies have also been carried out in the Nanxiong Basin, located at low latitudes(which has become the standard for dividing and comparing the continental K-Pg stratigraphy in China), many researchers have proposed four possible boundaries from different perspectives. Therefore, the exact location remains to be determined. In this study, the total mercury(Hg) content, environmental magnetism, geochemistry, and other parameters for the samples collected near the four boundaries were determined and compared with existing records. Results indicated that: 1) The total Hg content significantly increased in the upper part of the Zhenshui Formation and Pingling part of the Shanghu Formation with sharp fluctuations. As per latest dating results of Deccan Traps, the significantly high Hg value was attributed to the Deccan Traps eruption. Boundary 1 was located in the middle of the Hg anomaly interval, which was consistent with the relationship between the global K-Pg boundary and time of volcanic eruption. 2) The reconstructed paleoclimate evolution curve revealed that the red sediments in the basin recorded the late Maastrichtian warming event(66.2 Ma). Regarding the relationship between the four boundaries and this warming event, only boundary 1 was found to be closest to the real K-Pg boundary of the Nanxiong Basin.  相似文献   
梅冥相 《古地理学报》2021,23(1):105-124
多样化的产出环境和30×108年的分布历史表明,鲕粒成因一直是一个谜一样的沉积学难题,争论的关键问题是其究竟是有机(微生物)成因还是无机成因.来自于华北地台寒武系苗岭统徐庄组鲕粒滩相灰岩顶部的方解石巨鲕表现出同心状、放射—同心状和泥晶质的沉积组构,在鲕粒核心和鲕粒皮层中保存着精美的葛万菌(Girvanella)化石所主...  相似文献   
川东北地区不同构造带地层水化学特征与油气保存的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
判断油气藏保存条件的优劣,除了盖层和断层封闭性之外,还有油气水的化学特征,如地层水的交替或油气散失。通过对川东北地区地层水的水型、矿化度、水性系数等参数的综合分析认为,川东北宣汉—达县地区与通江—南江—巴中地区的地层水具有矿化度高和氯镁系数越大,变质系数、脱硫系数和碳酸盐平衡系数就越小的特点。矿化度、水性系数及水型的变化具有很好的一致性,表明该区存在有利于油气保存的水文地质条件。  相似文献   
分析了赤道东北太平洋海域沉积物中Ba、Ti、Al和有机碳(Corg)的含量。研究表明,研究区沉积物中钡为0.198%~0.792%;采用标准陆源物质扣除法获得的生物钡(Babio)的含量为0.162%~0.764%,占沉积物中总钡含量的81.6%~96.5%,平均为88.7%,其在沉积物中的分布表现为上部一致,下部变化较大;有机碳(Corg)的含量为0.18%~0.58%,并表现为随沉积物深度的增加而降低。沉积物中Babio/Ti的比值表现为东区高于西区,且向高纬度降低的特点,而沉积物中Corg/Ti和Babio/Ti则表现为负相关关系,表明研究区沉积物中钡可能和上层海洋生产力的相关性不明显。  相似文献   
旅游业为海岛带来可观经济效益的同时, 人类活动也导致水体生态环境恶化, 如水体富营养化加剧、赤潮频发等。文章通过对珠江口东南部典型海岛——庙湾岛和外伶仃岛周边水域丰水期和枯水期现场环境数据与浮游植物分布特征的对比研究, 分析珠江径流等自然因素以及人类活动对河口天然海岛周边水体生态的潜在影响。枯水期外伶仃岛和庙湾岛周边水域海水分别镜检鉴定出76种和74种浮游植物, 两个海岛浮游植物平均细胞密度分别为2.62×104个·L-1和2.08×104个·L-1; 丰水期则分别鉴定出38种和47种浮游植物, 平均细胞密度分别为52.91×104个·L-1和170.57× 104个·L-1。在外伶仃岛和庙湾岛, 丰水期中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema coatatum)均为绝对优势种, 而枯水期两个岛的最主要优势种分别为窄隙角毛藻(Chaetoceros affinis)和新月筒柱藻(Cylindrotheca closterium), 物种多样性指数均明显高于丰水期。两个海岛微型浮游植物相对于其他两个粒级常占据优势地位, 但在丰水期, 小型浮游植物贡献明显上升, 其中外伶仃岛相对于枯水期由16.32%升至26.75%, 庙湾岛则由12.12%升高至24.78%。两个海岛在丰水期和枯水期均仅检出聚球藻(Synechococcus, Syn)和真核微微型藻类(eukaryotic, Euk)两大微微型浮游植物类群, 两者细胞密度分别为~107个·L-1及~108个·L-1量级。与环境因子的对比分析表明, 两个海岛浮游植物的区域分布与季节变化受多种因素影响, 其季节性差异主要受径流影响强度、影响范围以及相应的盐度、营养盐等环境因素的季节变化所调控。丰水期岛屿屏蔽效应对浮游植物丰度的区域分布特征有显著影响, 无论小型浮游植物还是微微型浮游植物均发现存在迎流面出现丰度高值分布的现象, 但对群落结构的分布影响不明显; 在枯水期, 水体环境很可能主要受人类活动与水体垂直混合扰动的综合影响, 总体上浮游植物分布的区域差异较小。  相似文献   
Liu  Chunla  Wu  Liping  Xu  Mei  Zeng  Fanchao  Jiao  Lipeng 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(12):2076-2092
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Since 2007, the Chinese government has initiated the building of national eco-cultural protection areas (NECPAs), thereby embarking on a significant...  相似文献   
贻贝粉酶解液提取复合氨基酸   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
叶眉  高昕 《海洋科学》1996,20(1):56-60
报道了以脱脂后的贻贝粉为原料,采用酶解法从其酶解液中分离提取复合氨基酸的工艺。其收率为20%,纯度约为90%。其中必需氨基酸(不计色氨酸)约占复合氨基酸总量的55%,其氨基酸模式与FAO/WHO组织确定的模式及人乳模式进行了对照,通过适量添加个别氨基酸可使其配比接近人乳模式。  相似文献   
1949—2009年登陆和影响浙江的热带气旋分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱业  丁骏  卢美  王晶  王勤 《海洋预报》2012,29(2):8-13
通过对1949—2009年61年间登陆和影响浙江的热带气旋的时空分布特征、主要影响路径等的分析,发现在7—9月份登陆浙江的热带气旋占登陆总数的92.5%,7—9月份影响浙江的热带气旋占影响总数的82%。影响浙江的热带气旋中登陆福建或在台湾海峡消失的热带气旋占的比重最多。虽然西北太平洋上热带气旋生成个数近年来大幅减少,但登陆浙江的强台风有明显增多的趋势。随着气候的变暖,海水温度的增高,热带气旋生成的时间提早,结束的时间偏迟。另外通过对热带气旋影响时各海岛、沿海和内陆站的大风、暴雨的分析,发现热带气旋影响期间容易引起大风天气的是大陈和嵊山站;容易引起暴雨天气的是温岭、临海和温州站。本文还分析了验潮站最大增水超过1m、2m、3m的时空分布特征。  相似文献   
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