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塔河地区奥陶系油田水分布与运动学特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
塔河油田是我国最大的陆上整装碳酸盐岩油田,其油田水分布与运动特征反映了油气运移规律。该区奥陶系油田水现今总体矿化度高,南北向存在从低到高再到低的3个矿化带,各带内平面分割性强,纵向层间差异大。塔河油田奥陶系的流体经历了多期次活动,奥陶系储层共捕获了4~5期盐水包裹体,其均一温度范围集中在60~80℃,90~105℃,110~140℃和145~170℃,盐度集中在0.5%~4%、5%~10%、10%~13%、14%~18%、>18%,反映出奥陶系储层曾经历过了4~5期热流体活动,对照埋藏史与油气运移史,高盐度流体活动与油气运移具有良好的匹配关系,油田水化学指标(油田水变质系数、碳酸盐岩平衡系数等)反映出塔河油区现今保存条件良好。井剖面包裹体纵向温度、盐度纵向不规则变化表明流体的活动以侧向运移为主。流体势分析说明运移方向不仅包括塔河东、南面是烃源岩方向,而且具有高流体势的西面也可能是油气来源方向。  相似文献   
三维地质建模与找矿靶区优选是当前国际地学研究的热点和难点。利用三维可视化技术和数学建模方法,通过自主研发GeoCube三维矿产资源预测与评价软件,实现了栾川钼矿区三维地学信息定量化提取与集成。在此基础上,开展多种数学建模方法集成对比及其网格单元划分的不确定性分析,认为证据权法具有稳健的三维空间集成分析特征,其三维环境中的预测远景靶区为该区深部找矿定位、定量研究提供了科学依据。研究成果为中国老矿山深部成矿定量预测技术方法研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
The Tahe Oilfield is a complex petroleum reservoir of Ordovician carbonate formation and made up of spatially overlapping fracture-cavity units. The oilfield is controlled by a cave system resulting from structure-karst cyclic sedimentation. Due to significant heterogeneity of the reservoir, the distribution of oil and water is complicated. Horizontally, a fresh water zone due to meteoric water can be found in the north part of the Akekule uplift. A marginal freshening zone caused by water released from mudstone compaction is found at the bottom of the southern slope. Located in a crossformational flow discharge zone caused by centripetal and the centrifugal flows, the main part of the Tahe Oilfield, featuring high salinity and concentrations of CI^- and K^++Na^+, is favorable for accumulation of hydrocarbon. Three types of formation water in the Tahe Ordovician reservoir are identified: (1) residual water at the bottom of the cave after oil and gas displacement, (2) residual water in fractures/pores around the cave after oil and gas displacement, and (3) interlayer water below reservoirs. The cave system is the main reservoir space, which consists of the main cave, branch caves and depressions between caves. Taking Cave System S48 in the Ordovician reservoir as an example, the paper analyzes the fluid distribution and exploitation performance in the cave system. Owing to evaporation of groundwater during cross-formational flow, the central part of the main cave, where oil layers are thick and there is a high degree of displacement, is characterized by high salinity and Br^- concentration. With high potential and a long stable production period, most wells in the central part of the main cave have a long water-free oil production period. Even after water breakthrough, the water content has a slow or stepwise increase and the hydrochemistral characteristics of the produced water in the central part of the main cave are uniform. From the center to the edge of the main cave, displacement and enri  相似文献   
The northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is currently the leading edge of uplift and expansion of the plateau. Over the years, a lot of research has been carried out on the deformation and evolution of the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and many ideas have been put forward, but there are also many disputes. The Altyn Tagh Fault constitutes the northern boundary of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and there are two active faults on the north side of the Altyn Tagh Fault, named Sanweishan Fault with NEE strike and Nanjieshan Fault with EW strike. Especially, studies on the geometric and kinematic parameters of Sanweishan Fault since the Late Quaternary, which is nearly parallel with the Altyn Tagn Fault, are of great significance for understanding the deformation transfer and distribution in the northwestward extension of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Therefore, interpretation of the fault landforms and statistical analysis of the horizontal displacement on the Sanweishan Fault and its newly discovered western extension are carried out in this paper. We believe that the Sanweishan Fault is an important branch of the eastern section of the Altyn Tagh fault zone. It is located at the front edge of the northwestern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and is a left-lateral strike-slip and thrust active fault. Based on the interpretation of satellite imagery and microgeomorphology field investigation of Sanweishan main fault and its western segments, it's been found that the Sanweishan main fault constitutes the contact boundary between the Sanweishan Mountain and the alluvial fans. In the bedrock interior and on the north side of the Mogao Grottoes, there are also some branch faults distributed nearly parallel to the main fault. The main fault is about 150km long, striking 65°, mainly dipping SE with dip angles from 50° to 70°. The main fault can be divided into three segments in the spatial geometric distribution:the western segment(Xizhuigou-Dongshuigou, I), which is about 35km long, the middle segment(Dongshuigou-Shigongkouzi, Ⅱ), about 65km long, and the east segment(Shigongkouzi-Shuangta, Ⅲ), about 50km long. The above three segments are arranged in the left or right stepovers. In the west of Mingshashan, it's been found that the fault scarps are distributed near Danghe Reservoir and Yangguan Town in the west of Minshashan Mountain, and we thought those scarps are the westward extension of the main Sanweishan Fault. Along the main fault and its western extension, the different levels of water system(including gullies and rills)and ridges have been offset synchronously, forming a series of fault micro-geomorphology. The scale of the offset water system is proportional to the horizontal displacement. The frequency statistical analysis of the horizontal displacement shows that the displacement has obvious grouping characteristics, which are divided into 6 groups, and the corresponding peaks are 3.4m, 6.7m, 11.4m, 15m, 22m and 26m, respectively. Among them, 3.4m represents the coseismic displacement of the latest ancient earthquake event, and the larger displacement peak represents the accumulation of coseismic displacements of multi-paleoearthquake events. This kind of displacement characterized by approximately equal interval increase indicates that the Sanweishan Fault has experienced multiple characteristic earthquakes since the Late Quaternary and has the possibility of occurrence of earthquakes greater than magnitude 7. The distribution of displacement and structural transformation of the end of the fault indicate that Sanweishan Fault is an "Altyn Tagh Fault"in its infancy. The activities of Sanweishan Fault and its accompanying mountain uplift are the result of the transpression of the northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, representing one of the growth patterns of the northern margin of the plateau.  相似文献   
How the Altyn Tagh fault(ATF) extends eastwards is one of the key questions in the study of the growth of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Detailed fieldwork at the easternmost part of the ATF shows that the ATF extends eastward and bypasses the Kuantan Mountain; it does not stop at the Kuantan Mountain, but connects with the northern Heishan fault in the east. The ATF does not enter the Alxa Block but extends eastward along the southern Alxa Block to the Jintanan Mountain. The Heishan fault is not ...  相似文献   
本文首次对博洛金矿床容矿围岩-博洛黑云母花岗岩进行锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄测定,获得两组年龄441.9±6.6 Ma和452.2±3.9 Ma,表明博洛花岗杂岩体应属于早古生代晚期岩浆活动的产物.其主量元素特征表现为高硅(SiO2=75.90×10-2~76.43×10-2)、富钾(K2O/Na2O=1.52~1.72)、富碱((K2O+Na2O)=8.03×10-2~8.22×10-2,碱度率AR=3.99~4.13)、低钙(CaO=0.77×10-2~0.97×10-2)、弱过铝质(A/CNK=1.02~1.05)的特点;稀土元素∑REE=(160.56~91.28)×10-6,δEu=0.19~0.41,稀土元素分布型式为具有明显负铕异常"燕型"曲线.微量元素除P、Ti相对原始地幔略有亏损外,其它微量元素都表现出不同程度富集,蛛网图曲线总体为右倾的趋势.(87Sr/86Sr)i=0.70986~0.70891,说明其岩浆来源应主要是壳源,但受到幔源物质的混染;(143Nd/144Nd)i=0.512138~0.512115,平均0.512127,εNd(t)变化在+1.4~+1.2,平均+1.3,为正值,具有幔源的特点.这些特征表明博洛黑云母花岗岩为壳幔相互作用的产物,并有新生地幔物质加入,产于造山后环境.博洛金矿床的形成时代为早侏罗世,博洛花岗杂岩仅仅为金矿床的容矿围岩,为矿床提供容矿空间,与金矿床成因关系不密切.  相似文献   
对海南岛屯昌花岗闪长岩中的闪长质淬冷包体进行了较详细的研究。岩石和岩石地球化学特征均显示包体是由来自地幔的高温镁铁质岩浆注入地壳长英质岩浆混合而成,是深部壳幔岩浆混合作用的岩石学记录。它表明海南岛自中晚侏罗世以来发生的岩石圈伸展—减薄—双峰式构造岩浆作用于白垩纪达到了鼎盛阶段。  相似文献   
利用观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,对冷锋型和蒙古气旋型两类沙尘天气过程的典型个例进行对比分析。结果表明:斜压强迫在两类过程中均较为显著,冷锋型沙尘天气过程中,随高度降低高空槽明显加深;蒙古气旋型则在对流层低层(850 hPa)、中层(500 hPa)形成切断低压。冷锋型沙尘天气过程高空锋区位置较蒙古气旋型偏南,且南压更为明显;冷锋型沙尘天气过程沙尘天气区位置也较蒙古气旋型偏南,且主要向东南方向扩展。冷锋型地面高、低压强度对比明显大于蒙古气旋型,且地面风速与能见度的反相关性高于蒙古气旋型,锋后降温也较蒙古气旋型显著。冷锋型锋前上升运动中心位于700 hPa,锋后下沉运动中心位于600 hPa。蒙古气旋型气旋中心及其附近300 hPa以下均有强的上升运动。冷锋型锋面附近正涡度随高度增高而增大,蒙古气旋型气旋中心及其附近为正涡度。最后给出了冷锋型和蒙古气旋型沙尘天气过程的天气学概念模型。  相似文献   
基于SRTM DEM数据,以青藏高原东缘龙门山地区为研究区域,本文通过条带状剖面分析、古地形面(残余面)恢复以及弹性挠曲模拟等研究手段,计算了青藏高原东缘龙门山地区晚新生代地壳均衡隆升与地表剥蚀之间的定量关系,探讨了龙门山地区表面剥蚀作用与均衡隆升作用之间的地表响应过程,从而为研究青藏高原东缘龙门山地区晚新生代以来的剥蚀—成山作用的隆升机制提供定量依据。研究表明:(1)晚新生代以来龙门山的地表剥蚀量为(0.74~1.14)×105km3;(2)大量的地表剥蚀作用驱动了青藏高原东缘龙门山的地壳均衡反弹,使龙门山隆升了近2 km;(3)龙门山地区地表剥蚀量和均衡隆升量具有空间匹配性,岷山断块及龙门山中、南段的均衡隆升量高于青藏高原东缘其它区域,反映了晚新生代以来龙门山地区在不同分段内差异化的构造地貌形态及与剥蚀—隆升相关的地表过程。(4)龙门山的隆升是多期、多种隆升机制叠加的产物,其隆升过程具有历史性和复合性。均衡隆升和剥蚀作用在相似的时间尺度上和空间尺度上控制着龙门山地貌的形成,约束了青藏高原东缘龙门山的隆升机制。  相似文献   
为查明夏垫断裂东北段的空间位置、性质及其活动性,由大厂八百户起向东北方向,经过三河齐心庄至北京马坊镇,以可控震源激发方式,完成高分辨率浅层地震勘探测线7条,长约22 km.各地震反射时间剖面波组特征变化明显,断裂特征清晰,获取了准确的断点定位及断裂发育特征,展现了自八百户经齐心庄至马坊镇延伸约20 km范围内夏垫断裂的...  相似文献   
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