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Dry intrusion plays an important role in the explosive development of cyclones and the evolution of cold fronts. Characteristics of dry intrusion during a rainfall event that occurred in northern China are analyzed in detail in this paper. The IM (ingredients-based methodology) developed by Doswell et al. in 1996 and Wetzel and Martin in 2001 is utilized. All the physical representations of dry intrusion defined in the past studies, such as low relative humidity, cold advection, and high potential vorticity (on either isobaric or isentropic surfaces), are combined into a simple and convenient physical parameter to characterize dry intrusion. This is a new attempt to extend the IM that was primarily applied to research on heavy rainfall to the study of dry intrusion. The new dry intrusion parameter is used to analyze the isentropic evolution of dry intrusion during the rainfall event. The results show that this parameter can better quantify the intensity of dry intrusion and diagnose its evolution shown in satellite infrared and water vapor imageries.It is found that dry intrusion maintains during the rainfall period. The intensity of precipitation increases with the increasing dry intrusion, which has pushed the rainy region southeastward. From the results on the isentropic surface and the corresponding isobaric surface,it is inferred that the analyses of dry intrusion on both surfaces are consistent with each other. The isentropic analysis of dry intrusion reveals that cold and dry air at the upper level overruns that in the lower troposphere where moist and warm air is located.Thus, potential instability is built up in the vertical direction, which favors the occurrence of precipitation.In practice,we may identify dry intrusion regions by tracking strong signals of the dry intrusion parameter,and further identify the instability near the dry intrusion regions.This will aid in improving the accuracy of precipitation forecast.  相似文献   
一次人工增雨作业云回波个例分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据雷达连续观测所获取的降水回波资料,对2000年7月29日人工增雨作业前后的天气背景、雷达回波演变等特征进行分析,得到了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   
The study presented herein investigated the main characteristics of carbon monoxideintraseasonal variability and evaluated its possible impact factors using the upper troposphere and lowerstratosphere (UT/LS) Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) observations over Tibetan Plateau and itsadjacent areas in summer (June to August) of 2005 and 2006. Observations show a persistent constituentextreme extending up into the UT/LS throughout summer, as well as a temporally reversed phase variationbetween the carbon monoxide and ozone in UT/LS. The intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) of carbonmonoxide during summer are investigated by using methods of wavelet and band pass filter analysis. It isfound that ISOs over the Tibetan Plateau have periods of 10 to 20 days and 30 to 60 days. The formermainly appeared in upper troposphere while the latter in lower stratosphere. Further analysis shows thatthese two periods of ISOs in UT/LS are mainly in phase to the activities of convection over the south of theplateau and the variation of South Asia High, respectively. The above two factors and their dynamicalcoupling may be responsible for the tracer ISOs at different levels.  相似文献   
杨占兴  贾雁杰 《世界地质》2014,33(4):959-964
在明确小平岛地质背景的基础上,分析地热地质条件并判断地热资源类型,结合已有两眼井S1、S2数据资料,采用热储法对其地热资源进行潜力评估。结果表明,大连市小平岛地区为深层传导型地热资源,该区桥头组及长岭子组上部为良好地热盖层,长岭子组下部及南关岭组上部(2 100~3 300 m)为该区热储层,热储体面积为7.3 km2。单井涌水量可达600~800 m3/d,水温可达50℃~60℃,地热资源量约为4.88×1011kcal,折合标准煤为6.97×107t,可开采的地热资源量约为7.32×1010kcal。  相似文献   
滑坡碎屑流对拦挡结构的直接冲击常产生较高的峰值冲击力和冲击能量,导致结构发生破坏而失效;而导引结构通过改变碎屑流的运动路径,可减缓其冲击效应,提高结构抗冲击能力。文章运用三维离散元模拟软件,结合室内休止角试验的结果,校准数值模拟参数,以三种不同导引结构(凹型圆弧、直线型、凸型圆弧)为变量进行数值模拟分析。研究结果表明:凹型圆弧结构B1可以有效地将碎屑流颗粒的冲击力进行转化,结构所受的法向力最小,切向力最大,对颗粒的导引作用最大。经过三种不同导引结构后,颗粒与滑槽之间的碰撞和摩擦是导致颗粒动能减小的主要原因;而三种不同导引结构对颗粒动能的耗散效果无显著差异。导引结构的作用对于颗粒堆积体积分布有显著的影响,主要影响区是靠近坡脚处,对导引结构之后的堆积区域的颗粒体积分布影响不显著。通过对冲击效应和堆积特性的研究,得到凹型圆弧结构形式最优,可以为碎屑流的防护工程抗冲击设计提供参考。  相似文献   
通过对样本区域农村居民点布局及土地利用特点的研究 ,从丘陵山地区的自然环境条件和社会经济发展水平的实际出发 ,提出两种土地整理模式 :一是农林综合开发整理模式 ,即居民点闲置土地的复垦利用与抛荒地利用结合 ,与山地区退耕还林等生态建设工程结合 ,进行退宅还林 ;二是新村建设整理模式 ,即由政府对新村统一规划 ,供给道路等基础设施 ,引导农民集中建房的“政府引导型”农村居民点整理模式 ,并对重庆市渝北区新春村的新村建设的运作和效益进行了实证分析。  相似文献   
中国内陆热带地区近40年气候变化特征   总被引:14,自引:19,他引:14  
用西双版纳6个气象站40余年观测资料,探讨中国内陆热带地区气候变化特征及趋势。结果表明:西双版纳地区的平均气温、平均最低气温、平均最高气温总体上呈逐年增暖的趋势,其中平均气温上升率0.016 5~0.033 4℃/a,平均最低气温上升率0.008 6~0.038 7℃/a,平均最高气温上升率-0.001 4~0.018 6℃/a;降水长期变化特征则较复杂,规律不如气温明显,但总体趋势减少,年降水量变化主要决定于雨季降水量变化;相对湿度呈现逐年降低趋势。说明该地区气候向干热型转变。  相似文献   
红壤丘陵区农业开发中的生态环境效应及其调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章以江西余江县为例。通过实验研究,历史资料对比分析及邻近参照等方法。研究红壤区农业开发中的生态环境效应。农业开发引起的微观环境效应在于改变土壤水分及其运动状况,加速土壤物质迁移及降低土壤肥力质量;区域性效应是植被减少,农业面源污染,水土流失扩大及气候异常;全球性影响除区域集聚效应外,则是农业活动中产生的温室气体对全球气候的影响等,采取的调控对策主要是:保持合理开发,适当减轻土地压力,优化农业开发模式,更新农业耕作技术。强化环境整治与生态建设。  相似文献   
拟建黑山峡水库不必要性的研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
我国是个贫水大国, 北方严重缺水。黄河的水资源也同样如此, 一方面开发利用过度, 另一方面上游来水量持续减少, 造成了目前黄河水资源配置中的关键矛盾是水资源总量不足, 拟建大柳树灌区属严重缺水区, 需借"南水北调"西线调水解决, 而年分配量仅2亿m3, 对开发40.0~66.67万hm2耕地是"杯水车薪"; 此外, 黑山峡水库原规划设计的功能和作用已被上、下游水库替代, 显而易见, 没有理由兴建黑山峡水库。  相似文献   
良好的密闭性能是盐穴储气库安全运营的基本前提,但地质赋存条件复杂、建库实践不足、理论体系不完备等均会导致盐腔遭遇各类泄漏风险。根据国内外的工程实践及事故统计,再结合盐穴储库特有的工程地质条件和运行工况,总结出三大泄漏因素(地质因素、工程因素、人为失误)和4种泄漏类型。地下盐穴储气库潜在的泄漏类型有夹层密闭性不足引起的气体近水平漏失、盖层被突破失效致使气体上窜、井筒完整性不足致使气体逃逸、夹层与断层连通致使气体流向断层。最终,依据各自的泄漏特征提出了相应的预防处置措施,以防止气体泄漏事故的发生和大范围的蔓延。由于我国盐穴储库的发展暂时处于上升期,研究结果对深部盐穴储气库的安全建设具有一定的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   
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