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东帝汶海槽位于澳大利亚板块西北帝汶海与帝汶岛之间,晚中新世澳大利亚板块与东南亚班达岛弧碰撞引发了帝汶岛与帝汶海槽的构造变形,由于弧-陆碰撞过程的复杂性,帝汶海槽的变形时间与机制仍然存在较大争议。为约束帝汶海槽变形时间、探讨其演化过程,依据二维地震数据,对东帝汶海槽的断裂特征进行定量分析,并结合钻井与天然地震事件探讨弧-陆碰撞背景下帝汶海槽的构造演化模式。研究结果表明,晚中新世(约6 Ma)澳大利亚板块与班达岛弧碰撞,引发了帝汶岛的隆升与帝汶海槽的沉降,变形持续至晚上新世(约3 Ma),形成现今帝汶海槽形态。现今澳大利亚板块与班达岛弧之间的相对运动速率已逐渐减小趋于停止,未来二者可能会以一个整体继续向北运动。  相似文献   
中国叠生型铁矿床成矿特征探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
沈保丰  张阔 《矿床地质》2016,35(2):213-224
叠生成矿作用主要是指早期成矿作用被晚期成矿作用叠加、复合和改造。晚期成矿作用的性质常与早期成矿作用不同,也就是说,在早先己有矿床(或矿体、矿源层)的基础上,叠加复合了晚期成矿作用,即成矿时间上有先后、空间产出上有重叠、并对早先形成的矿床进行复杂的复合、叠加和改造,使成矿作用具有多样性、复杂性,并可形成大矿、富矿。铁矿床中叠生成矿作用广泛发育。按矿床或矿体产出和形成的地质特征,中国叠生型铁矿床可分为风化淋滤型、热液叠加改造型和热液叠加复合型3个亚类。风化淋滤型铁矿床在中国分布有限,规模不大,工业利用价值不大,因而中国的叠生型铁矿床主要是指热液叠加改造型和热液叠加复合型两个亚类。热液叠加改造型主要是指早期的铁矿床(或矿体、矿源层)经后期热液叠加改造,使早期的较贫铁矿床(或矿体、矿源层)成为较富铁矿床(或矿体),这是中国BIF型铁矿床中最重要的富铁矿类型,以鞍本地区弓长岭二矿区为典型代表。弓长岭二矿区铁矿,早期在新太古代形成条带状磁铁石英岩(2528 Ma,贫矿石),后期在古元古代,含矿热液交代改造贫铁矿形成富铁矿(1840 Ma)。热液叠加复合型主要是指后期脉型铁(或稀土元素等)矿床叠加在早期(沉积或其他成因)铁等矿床上而形成的矿床,如白云鄂博铁-铌-稀土元素矿床和黔西菱铁矿矿床。白云鄂博铁-铌-稀土元素矿床的形成与火成碳酸岩有关,在中元古代(1.3 Ga)左右,区内火成碳酸岩的侵位,在早期主要形成以岩浆熔离作用为主的铁-铌-稀土元素矿,晚期叠加了加里东期稀土-铌矿化热液脉。古陆边缘构造带或陆内活化带是形成叠生型铁矿床的有利构造空间,较大的地球化学块体,为形成多期、多成因的矿床提供物质来源,叠生型铁矿床的形成明显受构造的控制。叠生成矿是复杂地质过程的一种具体表现。热液叠加改造型和热液叠加复合型的叠生型铁矿床的形成是因中国独特的大地构造环境决定的。叠生成矿作用的研究,尚处在初步阶段。加强对叠生成矿作用的研究,了解其形成的地质背景、成矿机制、作用过程、控矿因素等,对发展矿床学研究,认识区域成矿特征和指导地质找矿具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a hybrid PML (H-PML) combining the normal absorption factor of convolutional PML (C-PML) with tangential absorption factor of Mutiaxial PML (M-PML). The H-PML boundary conditions can better suppress the numerical instability in some extreme models. and the computational speed of finite-element method and the dynamic range are greatly increased using this HPML. We use the finiteelement method with a hybrid PML to model the acoustic reflection of the interface when wireline and well logging while drilling (LWD), in a formation with a reflector outside the borehole. The simulation results suggests that the PS- and SP- reflected waves arrive at the same time when the inclination between the well and the outer interface is zero, and the difference in arrival times increases with increasing dip angle. When there are fractures outside the well, the reflection signal is clearer in the subsequent reflection waves and may be used to identify the fractured zone. The difference between the dominant wavelength and the model scale shows that LWD reflection logging data are of higher resolution and quality than wireline acoustic reflection logging.  相似文献   
In this study, nanoscale zero-valent iron (NZVI) particles were synthesized and utilized to integrate with surfactant and electrokinetics for the remediation of perchloroethylene (PCE). The average particle diameter and specific surface area of the lab-synthesized iron particles were 109.3 nm and 129.7 m2 g–1, respectively. Experiments were performed in a glass sandbox to simulate the transport and degradation of PCE in the aquifer. The results of the transport tests revealed that the PCE concentrations at the bottom layer was higher than those at the mid and upper layers, and that the surfactant Tween 80 showed its conspicuous mobilization for PCE in the aquifer. As the results of the degradation tests showed, NZVI activity could be promoted by electrokinetics that enhanced the remediation performance of PCE contaminated groundwater by the NZVI reactive barrier. Chlorinated byproducts were not detected during the degradation tests, that is, PCE was completely dechlorinated by NZVI in the reactive barrier. The information collected from this study will be useful for further application of the NZVI reactive barrier system to remediate the aquifers contaminated by the chlorinated solvents.  相似文献   
Hysteresis is a common feature exhibited in hydraulic properties of an unsaturated soil. The movement of wetting front and the hysteresis effect are important factors which impact the shear strength of the unsaturated soil and the mechanics of shallow landslides. These failures are mainly triggered by the deepening of the wetting front accompanied by a decrease in matric suction induced by infiltration. This research establishes a method for determining a stability analysis of unsaturated infinite soil slopes, integrating the influence of infiltration and the water retention curve hysteresis. Furthermore, the present stability analysis method including the infiltration model and the advanced Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion calculates the variations of the safety factor (FS) in accordance with different slope angle, depth and hydrological processes. The experimentally measured data on the effect of hysteresis are also carried out for comparison. Numerical analyses, employing both wetting and drying hydraulic behaviour of unsaturated soil, are performed to study the difference in soil‐water content as observed in the experiments. The simulating approximations also fully responded to the experimental data of sand box. The results suggest that the hysteresis behaviour affect the distribution of soil‐water content within the slope indeed. The hysteresis made the FS values a remarkable recovery during the period of non‐rainfall in a rainfall event. The appropriate hydraulic properties of soil (i.e. wetting or drying) should be used in accordance with the processes that unsaturated soil actually experience. This method will enable us to acquire more accurate matric suction head and the unsaturated soil‐shear strength as it changes with the hysteretic flow, in order to calculate into the stability analysis of shallow landslides. An advanced understanding of the process mechanism afforded by this method is critical to realizing a reliable and appropriate design for slope stabilization. It also offers some immediate reference information to the disaster reduction department of the government. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Kuo  Chun-Chao  Gan  Thian Yew  Wang  Jingwen 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(7):3561-3581
Climate Dynamics - A regional climate model, WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting model), was set-up and fine-tuned to simulate the possible impacts of climate change to the Mackenzie River Basin...  相似文献   
报告了中、美两国在喜马拉雅山区进行的第一次深反射地震试验的结果.试验剖面南起喜马拉雅山山脊南亚东县的帕里镇,向北穿过喜马拉雅山脊的荡拉,到达康马南的萨马达.剖面长约100km.共中心点(CMP)叠加剖面上显示出:1.在地壳中部有一强反射带,向北缓倾斜下去,延长达100km以上.它可能代表了一个活动的逆冲断裂或是一条巨大的拆离带,印度地壳整体或下地壳沿此拆离层俯冲到藏南之下.2.上部地壳的反射很丰富,显示了上地壳存在着大规模的叠瓦状结构.3.下地壳的反射同相轴呈现短而有规律的分布,显示了塑性流变特征.4.在测线南部莫霍反射明显,深度达72-75km.发现南部有双莫霍层的存在.5.试验中还取得莫霍层下面32,38,48s等双程走时的多条反射,向北倾斜,反射同相轴延续较长,信息丰富,反映了上地幔的成层结构和变形特征.这些结果对印度大陆地壳整体或其下地壳俯冲到藏南特提斯喜马拉雅地壳之下,并导致西藏南端地壳增厚的观点,给予了实质性的支持.  相似文献   
北京地区单双频地基GPS大气水汽遥测试验与研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
该文对北京地区单双频地基GPS大气水汽监测网布网依据、单频与双频地基GPS测量数据解算技术应用、GAMIT和Bernese地基GPS数据分析处理软件应用、远程遥控GPS数据采集与通讯系统、资料分析与数值同化应用等方面的工作进展进行简要介绍,重点讨论了单双频地基GPS大气水汽资料的解算技术及其应用效果。结果表明:在北京天气敏感区通过单双频地基GPS接收机合理组网布局,可构建并利用高分辨率电离层延迟订正技术将单频接收机的大气水汽监测精度提高到实用水平,为强降水天气预报提供有价值的产品。  相似文献   
A simple computational framework is developed to include shoals and shallow embayments (SSE) and their interaction with main channels in estuarine modeling. The scheme, treating SSE as temporary storage areas, accounts for the water and material exchanges between SSE and main channels as the tide rises and falls, and for the biogeochemical processes affecting nonconservative substances such as water-quality parameters in SSE. The scheme, because of its simple nature, can be easily incorporated into one-, two- or three-dimensional models of estuaries with substantial SSE. The concept and the model implementation of the scheme are explained using a vertical two-dimensional model of estuarine hydrodynamics and water quality. The model application to the tidal Rappahannock River, a western shore tributary of Chesapeake Bay, demonstrates the scheme is simple and physically reasonable, and the importance of SSE in estuarine modeling. The inclusion of SSE in a water-quality model not only provides a framework, for computing water-quality conditions therein but also accounts for the interaction between SSE and the main channel. It is shown that significant errors may result if the effects of SSE are not properly accounted for in modeling of an estuary with extensive SSE.  相似文献   
A real-time forecast (RTF) system using Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model version 2.2 is used to evaluate the diurnal variation of precipitation over South Korea in the summer (June to August) of 2007. The characteristics of the observed precipitation are also analyzed. The analysis and simulation period is divided into two sub-periods following the end of the changma, or East Asian monsoon, in 2007: Period_1 is from 1 June to 21 July, and Period_2 is from 22 July to 31 August. A 24-h precipitation cycle is observed over the entire period. The diurnal variation of precipitation over the South Korea shows that the nighttime maximum precipitation in Period_1 is affected by a largescale system; in contrast, the daytime maximum precipitation in Period_2 resulted from mesoscale convections is induced by thermal instability and moisture advection. The phases of the diurnal variation of simulated precipitation are consistent with those of the observed precipitation. The daytime rainfall amount of simulated precipitation in Period_2 is overestimated, and the convective rain process significantly affects the simulated total precipitation. The daytime overestimated precipitation is associated with overestimations of low-level temperature and moisture during the daytime in the model simulations as compared with the observations.  相似文献   
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