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文章基于山东半岛岩溶洞穴(上小峰洞)一根长约41 cm的石笋SD1的铀系测年和稳定同位素组成分析,获得138. 0~125. 8 ka B. P.平均分辨率为30年的石笋δ18O 和δ13C时间序列,并据此讨论了倒数第二次冰消期区域气候和环境变化的特征及与全球变化的联系.在倒数第二次冰消期,上小峰洞石笋( SD1)δ18O的变化与中国南方石笋δ18O的变化具有类似的阶段变化特征,进一步确认了冰消期北大西洋气候对亚洲季风的重要影响.通过对山东石笋高分辨δ18O记录进行时间序列分析,发现该记录存在显著的约60年、 75年和1620年周期,表明太阳活动和北大西洋涛动与该地区气候变化有紧密的联系.同时,通过对比东亚季风区高分辨率石笋记录,认为在倒数第二次冰消期为"两步冰消"的变化特征.除此之外,上小峰洞石笋碳酸盐δ18O冰期和间冰期平均值的差异仅为0. 7‰,远小于内陆洞穴石笋碳酸盐δ18O冰期和间冰期平均值的差异(羊口洞约为1. 4‰,董哥洞约为2. 2‰,三宝洞约为2. 4‰).这一显著差异可能主要源于海岸线迁移造成的海陆格局的变化对区域季风降水及降水氧同位素组成的重要影响;并且冰期-间冰期海平面变化对近海环境记录、大陆架下垫面、海洋沉积物气候指标等都可能产生影响.  相似文献   
通过研究福建省建阳县虞墩剖面所采集的腕足动物化石,共获6属5种,2个未定种,其中Paracrurithyris pygmaea,Tethyochonetes quadrata和Acosarina minuta在虞墩剖面为首次报道。综合化石时代分布和区域对比,将该动物群的时代确定为晚二叠世长兴期,含该动物群的地层为大隆组,而非文笔山组或泉上组。通过对该腕足动物群的古生态分析,并结合该套地层的沉积特征,判断沉积环境为温暖条件下的浅海相。  相似文献   
基于微孔充填模型的页岩储层吸附动力学特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
填充率θ、特征能量E、特征系数n、微分吸附功A 、吸附热Q、吸附焓ΔH 及吸附熵ΔS 的变化关系。结果表明:特征系数n
取1较为适当;温度升高特征能量E 值略降,3组样品E 值范围4.14~5.63 kJ/mol;随着θ 的不断增加,A ,Q ,|ΔH |及|
ΔS |等参数值逐渐降低,各能量参数随吸附进行而发生较为规律的变化,无突变。结果认为,热力学参数一定程度上代表
了TOC 及Ro 等参数的综合效应,受单一因素干扰性不强。将计算的Q 及ΔS 等热力学参数与四川盆地志留系龙马溪组页岩的
相应参数进行了对比,进一步表明四川盆地该套龙马溪组页岩具有巨大的页岩气勘探和开发潜力。  相似文献   
甘肃北山地区岩浆岩及变质岩出露广泛,植被稀少,地势平缓,是无人机遥感开展地质填图试验的理想目标区。为解决传统地质填图方法受地形、环境限制和投入高及工作周期长等问题,选取北山长流水地区20 km2化探重点工作区为目标区,利用大疆精灵4专业版无人机采集图像,并采用Photoscan软件合成高分辨率正射影像以及三维模型,建立解译标志,对目标区域进行地质解译,获得比前人1:1万地质图更加精细的地质图。该方法较传统填图方法能够解译出地质体形态、岩脉产状、微小断裂等更详细的地质内容,并能提供划分岩脉期次的证据。  相似文献   
查文华  宋新龙  武腾飞 《岩土力学》2014,35(5):1334-1339
利用RMT-150B岩石力学试验系统和GD-65/150高低温环境箱,对经历不同温度后煤系泥岩的力学特性进行试验研究,分析不同温度下煤系泥岩的应力-应变全过程曲线、峰值应力、峰值应变、弹性模量、变形模量以及泊松比受温度的影响。研究结果表明,不同温度下泥岩的力学特性有差异。随温度的升高,其峰值应力、峰值应变有不同程度的降低,其峰值应力从25℃时的9.153 MPa下降到55℃时的8.271 MPa,降幅为9.6%;峰值应变从25℃时的11.002×10-3下降到55℃时的8.249×10-3,降幅达25.0%。弹性模量随温度的升高逐渐减小,变形模量随温度的升高而增大,泊松比随温度的升高逐渐减小,由此得到各参数变量随温度的变化关系。研究成果可为深井高温软岩巷道的围岩控制提供理论基础。  相似文献   
中国东南大陆晚侏罗世地层普遍缺失,仅零星见于个别地区,香港新界东北的荔枝庄组即为其一。荔枝庄组出露于香港世界地质公园沉积岩园区的荔枝庄地区,自下往上由火山岩—沉积岩—火山岩组合而成,沉积岩中发育大型包卷层理和滑塌构造等典型沉积构造,是香港地区最具代表性的晚侏罗世火山—沉积岩系。通过实测地层剖面研究,确定其成岩过程大体上可划分为早期普林尼式火山爆发、中期破火山口湖相沉积和晚期普林尼式火山爆发三个阶段,以湖相沉积作用为主、火山喷发作用为辅;受晚期火山岩浆活动的影响,沉积岩层普遍发生硅化或炭化。荔枝庄组独特的岩石组合与形成的古地理环境,为探讨中国东南大陆中生代火山活动—沉积作用方式与成岩过程,提供了难得的研究实例。  相似文献   
赣西北九岭南缘宜丰岩组是江南造山带的一个重要地层单元,但其沉积时限和区域地层对比关系尚不确定。本次1∶5万区调工作中,在万载—宜丰一带宜丰岩组地层中发现有呈夹层产出的变英安岩、变凝灰岩。SHRIMP锆石定年表明,变英安岩、变凝灰岩分别形成于835.0±7.8Ma和830.3±9.5Ma。结合宜丰岩组底部凝灰质砂岩最年轻的一组碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄852.9±2.6Ma,认为宜丰岩组沉积时限为~853 Ma至~830Ma,表明宜丰岩组主体形成于新元古代早期。锆石Hf同位素显示,εHf(t)变化范围较大,为-16.02~+12.04,总体以正值为主。最为接近亏损地幔成分的5个锆石颗粒的εHf(t)变化范围为+9.65~+12.04,具有最年轻的Hf二阶段模式年龄0.95~1.09Ga,与成岩年龄差距不大,表明源区中可能有新生地壳物质的加入。野外沉积学研究表明,宜丰岩组浊流沉积构造发育,主体属于半深海大陆斜坡沉积。区域上,宜丰岩组与溪口岩群、双桥山群、冷家溪群、西村岩组、南桥岩组、苍溪岩组沉积时限基本相当,沉积环境相似,应明确为华南"晋宁运动"不整合面之下的一套弧后盆地环境产物。  相似文献   
The 2015/16 El Nio developed from weak warm conditions in late 2014 and NINO3.4 reached 3℃ in November 2015. We describe the characteristics of the evolution of the 2015/16 El Nio using various data sets including SST, surface winds,outgoing longwave radiation and subsurface temperature from an ensemble operational ocean reanalyses, and place this event in the context of historical ENSO events since 1979. One salient feature about the 2015/16 El Nio was a large number of westerly wind bursts and downwelling oceanic Kelvin waves(DWKVs). Four DWKVs were observed in April-November 2015 that initiated and enhanced the eastern-central Pacific warming. Eastward zonal current anomalies associated with DWKVs advected the warm pool water eastward in spring/summer. An upwelling Kelvin wave(UWKV) emerged in early November 2015 leading to a rapid decline of the event. Another outstanding feature was that NINO4 reached a historical high(1.7℃), which was 1℃(0.8℃) higher than that of the 1982/83(1997/98) El Nio . Although NINO3 was comparable to that of the 1982/83 and 1997/98 El Nio , NINO1+2 was much weaker. Consistently, enhanced convection was displaced 20 degree westward, and the maximum D20 anomaly was about 1/3.1/2 of that in 1997 and 1982 near the west coast of South America.  相似文献   
The Chihsia Formation is one of the four sets of regional marine hydrocarbon source rocks from South China.In the past two decades,detailed geochemical and sedimentological studies have been carried out to investigate its origination,which have demonstrated that the high primary productivity plays a primary role in the deposition of sediments enriched in the organic matter.However,the mechanism of this high productivity and the path of the deposition and burial of the organic matter have always been a mystery.Based on the previous studies on the Shangsi Section in Guangyuan City,Sichuan Province,we proposed that the development of the equatorial upwelling due to the sea level rise is responsible for the relatively high productivity in the Chihsia Formation.The sea waters with high nutrient were transported by the sub-surface currents along the equator.High organic carbon flux was deposited on the deeper shelf,and then decomposed by bacteria,leading to the occurrence of anaerobic respiration.The metabolism of the microorganisms consumed the dissolved oxygen in waters,which was in favor of the preservation of the organic matter.This suggested geobiological model integrating with paleoclimatology,paleoceanography and geomicrobiology will help us to understand the causes of this particular sedimentary sequence.  相似文献   
The Institute of Atmospheric Physics Land Surface Model (IAP94) has been incorporated into the IAP two-level atmospheric general circulation model (IAP GCM). Global and regional climatology averaged over the last 25 years of 100 year integrations from the IAP GCM with and without IAP94 (“bucket” scheme) is compared. The simulated results are also compared with the reanalysis data. Major findings are:(1) The IAP GCM simulation without IAP94 has extensive regions of warmer than observed surface air tempera?tures, while the simulation with IAP94 very much improves the surface air temperature.(2) The IAP GCM simulation with IAP94 gives improvement of the simulated precipitation pattern and intensity, especially the precipitation of East Asian summer monsoon and its intraseasonal migration of the rainbelts.(3) In five selected typical regions, for most of the surface variables such as surface air temperature, precipitation, precipitation minus evaporation, net radiation, latent heat flux and sensible heat flux, the IAP GCM with IAP94 pro?vides better simulations.  相似文献   
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