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苏北王港近岸表层沉积物元素地球化学特征与环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对王港河河道及河口附近潮滩典型地貌部位表层沉积物粒度、常量和微量元素进行分析,结果表明:潮滩和河道近岸沉积物为粘土质粉砂,粒度分布频率曲线在平均高潮线附近的沉积物为双峰态外,其余为单峰态。互花米草滩沉积物中常量和微量元素(Al2O3,TiO2,CaO,Fe2O3,K2O,MgO,MnO和Cu,Rb,Pb,As,Zn)均表现出相对富积的特征,盐蒿滩次之,反映海岸带互花米草在削浪促淤的过程中,对重金属污染有效吸附作用比盐蒿潮滩滩大。SiO2化学性质比较稳定,对沉积地貌动力的响应比较显著,近岸高潮线附近和河道中主洪道沉积物SiO2含量明显偏高。河闸上游河道沉积物中烧失量、磷(P2O5)、硫(稳定态SO3)的含量最高,反映流域营养盐在水闸以上河段沉积物中富积,重金属元素Rb,Pb,As,Ba在河道沉积物中与地壳风度相比表现为富集。王港附近潮滩表层沉积物物质组成不仅与王港河、黄河及长江的物质来源有关,而且与古潮滩沉积再搬运、再沉积以及人类围垦及排放污染活动有关。As,S是该区主要的污染元素。  相似文献   
A hydro-dynamic model is established on basis of MIKE21 FM to simulate the hydro-dynamic characteristics of Xinghua Bay and investigate the influence of reclamation project on the tidal elevation and tidal currents. Tidal elevation data was obtained at the six tide gauge stations around the Xinghua Bay, and another six current stations were established to observe the tidal current velocity and direction. Validation shows that the model-simulated tidal elevation and tidal currents agree well with observations made at different stations. Predictions are made according to the reclamation project proposed in the regional marine planning of Hanjiang Industrial Park around the port in Putian City. The variations of hydro-dynamic factors, such as tide, current velocity and direction and tidal influx are obtained, and the adverse effect of reclamation on marine environment is discussed. It is shown that the tidal level inside the Xinghua Bay during high tide decreases after the reclamation project is completed. The tidal currents during flooding tide generally decrease in the southeast of the reclamation region, with the maximum decreasing amplitude reaching 0.44 m s-1. On the other hand, the tidal currents during flooding tide increase around the southeast and southwest corners of the reclamation region. The tidal currents during ebb tide increase around the southeast and southwest corners of the reclamation region, with the maximum increasing amplitude attaining 0.18 m s-1. The results in this paper can give some guidance for the marine environment management and the effective utilization of land in Putian.  相似文献   
根据铜厂铜矿床辉钼矿ReOs同位素模式年龄和黄铜矿RbSr同位素等时线年龄分别为889Ma和359Ma,并依据其地质特征和与铜厂岩体之间时空关系,认为早期铜矿化发生在889Ma左右,与铜厂岩体岩浆期后热液有关;晚期铜矿化则发生在359Ma左右,是伴随区域动力变质作用发生的;其矿质来源研究表明既有来自围岩的,又有来自岩体本身的;包裹体测温资料表明成矿温度集中在两个区间:高温大于300℃,低温150~200℃。该矿床为多期、复源、多种成矿作用叠加复合的产物。  相似文献   
位于晚侏罗世燕山冲断带前缘拗陷盆地群东段的辽西金岭寺羊山盆地和北票盆地,形成于同沉积期的板内挤压变形。两个盆地横断面均显示出北西翼岩层陡立或倒转而南东翼平缓、以及同期碎屑堆积北西翼厚而南西翼薄的特点,具有典型的不对称结构。分别位于两个盆地北西侧的雷家营子和风凰山逆冲断裂带控制了它们的形成和演化。砾石成分统计分析显示,晚侏罗世土城子时期碎屑物质主要来源于辽西的西北部,即“内蒙地轴”上,是响应逆冲推覆活动的产物。两条断裂带及其所控制的盆地,构成了背驮式盆地构造系统,清楚地反映出这一时期的逆冲推覆扩展总体上指向SE方向。辽西地区土城子期盆地的形成和沉积充填是区域地壳缩短或增厚的重要方式之一。  相似文献   
海洋Nd同位素演化及古洋流循环示踪研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海洋Nd同位素演化已经成为示踪陆源风化输入和洋流循环改变的最重要的手段之一,得到了越来越多的应用,并取得了许多重要的成果。海水的Nd同位素组成主要受陆源输入物质控制,热液输入几乎可以忽略。由于Nd在海洋中的停留时间(约500~1000a)略小于海水的平均混合时间(约1500a),且各洋盆有不同的Nd同位素风化输入,因此现代各大洋海水具有不同的Nd同位素组成。在陆源输入稳定的情况下,可以利用海水的Nd同位素组成和演化来示踪水体的混合或洋流循环的改变。目前主要依靠对海洋中水成铁锰结壳、海洋钙质有孔虫壳体、磷酸质鱼骨头或鱼牙齿化石以及沉积物中铁锰氧化物组分等的研究来恢复和反演古海水的Nd同位素组成和演化。4种分析材料各有其优缺点。其中,通过对水成铁锰结壳的Nd同位素分析,基本建立了各大洋新生代以来的主要洋流的Nd同位素组成的长尺度演化。通过有孔虫壳体、鱼化石碎片和沉积物中Fe-Mn氧化物组分可以进行高时间分辨率的古海水Nd同位素演化示踪。利用海水Nd同位素演化可以示踪古洋流通道的开启或闭合,以及获得水体交换的直接信息,为研究构造运动与气候变化之间的关系提供指示。同时,将海水Nd同位素演化与气候变化的指标结合起来,可以用于示踪各种气候条件下洋流循环的改变,将洋流循环的改变与气候变化联系起来,研究两者之间的成因关系。对表层水体的Nd同位素组成的研究则可以示踪不同气候条件下大陆陆源风化输入的改变。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地北部航磁反映的构造特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
丁燕云 《物探与化探》2000,24(3):197-202
依据航磁资料对鄂尔多斯盆地北部基底结构及起伏形态、基底大断裂对盆地发展的控制作用提出了一些看法,并据地球物理场特征加以描述.通过研究,认为伊盟南部和西部是深凹陷.同时,利用Parker法对重磁资料进行联合计算,对寒武-奥陶系的厚度及分布范围加以确定,为今后进行深层油气勘探提供了依据,还对盆地的构造发展及盖层的发育特点进行了探讨.  相似文献   
Labile organic carbon (LOC) is a fraction of soil organic carbon (SOC) with rapid turnover time and is affected by soil fertilization. This investigation characterized the SOC content, LOC content and LOC distribution in the treatment plots of surface soil erosion at five levels (0-, 5-, 10-, 20- and 30-cm erosion). The soil had received contrasting fertilizer treatments (i.e., chemical fertilizer or chemical fertilizer + manure) for 6 years. This study demonstrated that both SOC and various LOC fractions contents were higher in the plots with fertilizer + manure than in those with fertilizer alone under the same erosion conditions. The SOC and LOC contents de- creased as the erosion depth increased. Light fraction organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, easily oxidizable organic carbon (KMnO4-oxydizable organic carbon), and microbial biomass carbon were 27% 57%, 37%-7%, 20%-25%, and 29%-33% higher respectively in the fertilizer + manure plots, than in the fertilizer alone plots. Positive correlations (p 〈 0.05) between SOC content and different fractions contents were observed in all plots except the correlation between total SOC content and water-soluble organic carbon content in the different fertilization treatments. Obviously, fertilizer + manure treatments would be conducive to the accumulation of LOC and SOC in the Black soil of Northeast China.  相似文献   
植被变化对中国区域气候影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:39,自引:5,他引:39  
用高分辨率区域气候模式(RegCM-NCC)模拟了中国区域植被发生改变后引起的局地或区域气候变化。结果表明:大范围区域植被变化对区域降水、温度的影响非常显著,内蒙古地区土地荒漠化可导致中国北方大部分地区降水减少,尤其加剧了华北、西北地区的干旱,西北地区绿化有利于黄河流域降水增加,而长江流域和江南地区降水却有不同程度的减少,因此可在一定程度上减少这里的洪涝灾害;气温的变化比降水更显著,植被退化使当地气温明显升高,使中、低层大气变得干燥,近地层风速加大,而植树造林却使当地及周围地区冬偏暖、夏偏凉,大气变得湿润,近地层风速减小,有利于在一定程度上减少沙尘暴的发生。另外,植被变化对东亚冬、夏季风强度也有一定程度的影响,从而影响到中国东部地区降水的分布和冬季低温、冷害事件发生的强度。  相似文献   
Pei  XianZhi  Ding  SaPing  Zhang  GuoWei  Liu  HuiBin  Li  ZuoChen  Li  GaoYang  Liu  ZhanQing  Meng  Yong 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2007,50(2):264-276

Baihua meta-igneous complex consists mainly of pyroxenite-gabbro(diorite)-diorite-quartz diorite. They form a complete comagmatic evolutionary series. The geochemical characteristics of basic-intermediate basic igneous rocks indicate that they belong to a tholeiite suite. The REE distribution pattern is nearly flat type and LREE is slightly enriched type, and their primitive mantle-normalized and MORB-normalized trace element spider diagrams are generally similar; the LIL elements (LILE) Cs, Ba, Sr, Th and U are enriched, but Rb, K and the HFSEs Nb, P, Zr, Sm, Ti and Y are relatively depleted. All these show comagmatic evolution and origin characteristics. The tectonics environment discrimination of trace element reveals that these igneous complexes formed in an island-arc setting. The LA-ICP-MS single-zircons U-Pb age of Baihua basic igneous complex is 434.6±1.5 Ma (MSWD = 1.3), which proves that the formation time of the island-arc type magmatite in the northern zone of West Qinling is Late Ordovician or Early Silurian, also reveals that the timing of subduction of paleo-ocean basin represented by the Guanzizhen ophiolite and resulting island-arc-type magmatic activities is probably Middle-Late Ordovician to Early Silurian.

利用2003年秋季延安地区一次典型层状云系加密探空和实时雷达观测资料,设计了催化和对比探测方案,计算得出催化影响区及下风方可能采集到响应值的区域。按照设计方案进行催化和探测。云物理响应观测结果表明:PNS粒子探测系统检测到催化后30min,小云滴减少;大冰晶的浓度增加;催化前冰晶以片状为主,催化后可看到有霰坯;催化前大雪晶浓度很小,雪晶之间没有攀附;催化后雪晶浓度增加,且大雪晶增加很多,可明显看到几个雪团攀附在一起形成的较大雪团;雷达观测到催化前拟播撒区内云的回波强度较弱、范围较小,催化后云体明显增大,强中心增加了5~10dBz;催化约1h后影响区雨量均有增加,说明催化引入的人工冰晶,使冰晶凝结比水滴凝结更有利于过冷云水转化为降水,冰晶效应和雪晶攀附过程是这次层状云系降水系统中的主要过程。过冷水冻结释放的潜热,导致云内升速加大,使催化区云和降水得到发展。  相似文献   
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