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本文在前人资料的基础上,结合多年奇石开发利用和实地考察经验,介绍了清江观赏石的分类与特点,归纳总结了其形成的地质背景及岩性特征,并从铁质来源与填充、浓度变化和气候周期影响等几个方面分析了清江观赏石的颜色成因。  相似文献   
In this paper,the dispersion curves of the Rayleigh wave and Love wave were extracted from the seismic noise records of 25 broadband stations of the Fujian Seismic Network, and inverted for the lithosphere velocity structure. Furthermore,the velocity model was verified by the seismic explosion observations. Our results indicate that the resolution of the lithosphere velocity structure obtained by this method is good in the shallow part,but in the deep part,inversion accuracy for the wave velocity structure is low,which is caused mainly by the small inter-station distance chosen in the paper. Thus the wave dispersion curves have high accuracy in the short-period part,but the warp of the wave dispersion curve in long-period part is large. Considering the results from both the noise inversion and the traditional inversion,we finally present a new velocity model,and the theoretical travel time calculated with the new model matches the explosion travel time very well.  相似文献   
邢会斌  陈昇  徐康  王卫强 《海洋学报》2021,43(12):26-37
本文采用SODA3.4.2再分析数据和POP2海洋模式研究了季风转换期间(春季和秋季)热带印度洋经向热输运异常(Meridional Heat Transport Anomaly, MHTA)的年际变异特征。春季MHTA存在两个主要模态,即一致模态和辐合辐散模态:一致模态表现为热带印度洋上层一致的向北输运,受热带印度洋海温一致模相关的赤道反对称风场(赤道以北/南为东北风/西北风异常)调控;辐合辐散模态则呈现关于赤道对称的表层辐散次表层辐合特征,受控于赤道以南的热带西南印度洋和副热带东南印度洋海温偶极子。然而,秋季MHTA仅表现为辐合辐散模态,受到印度洋偶极子期间赤道东风和赤道外反气旋式风应力异常影响。此外,POP2敏感性试验也验证了印度洋海温模态影响下异常风场对MHTA的调控作用,即反对称的风引起一致向北的MHTA,赤道东风异常引起MHTA表层辐散、次表层辐合现象。因此,热带印度洋海气耦合模态年际变化对印度洋上层热量再分配有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
针对信宜井水位2018年8月中旬快速下降后又转折上升的异常变化特征,通过实地异常调查和以往的震例总结,建立水位与降雨量关系的多元回归方程,综合分析该井水位异常原因.初步判定水位快速下降后又大幅回升有多个影响因素,一是附近工地抽水与施工爆破可能导致了水位下降;二是水位大幅度回升并不只是由降雨造成,还有别的干扰因素.通过此次信宜井水位异常变化的调查,形成的分析过程和方法,有助于今后此类水位异常的判别.  相似文献   
Yin  Xin  Liu  Quansheng  Pan  Yucong  Huang  Xing  Wu  Jian  Wang  Xinyu 《Natural Resources Research》2021,30(2):1795-1815

Rockburst is a common dynamic geological hazard, severely restricting the development and utilization of underground space and resources. As the depth of excavation and mining increases, rockburst tends to occur frequently. Hence, it is necessary to carry out a study on rockburst prediction. Due to the nonlinear relationship between rockburst and its influencing factors, artificial intelligence was introduced. However, the collected data were typically imbalanced. Single algorithms trained by such data have low recognition for minority classes. In order to handle the problem, this paper employed stacking technique of ensemble learning to establish rockburst prediction models. In total, 246 sets of data were collected. In the preprocessing stage, three data mining techniques including principal component analysis, local outlier factor and expectation maximization algorithm were used for dimension reduction, outlier detection and outlier substitution, respectively. Then, the pre-processed data were split into a training set (75%) and a test set (25%) with stratified sampling. Based on the four classical single intelligent algorithms, namely k-nearest neighbors (KNN), support vector machine (SVM), deep neural network (DNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN), four ensemble models (KNN–RNN, SVM–RNN, DNN–RNN and KNN–SVM–DNN–RNN) were built by stacking technique of ensemble learning. The prediction performance of eight models was evaluated, and the differences between single models and ensemble models were analyzed. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis was conducted, revealing the importance of input variables on the models. Finally, the impact of class imbalance on the prediction accuracy and fitting effect of models was quantitatively discussed. The results showed that stacking technique of ensemble learning provides a new and promising way for rockburst prediction, which exhibits unique advantages especially when using imbalanced data.

广义岭估计的直接解法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
提出了广义岭估计的直接解法。该解法不需计算岭参数,可直接求得具有最小均方误差的解。并举例证实了该解法的优越性  相似文献   
贵州省望谟县望谟河流域地质条件复杂,地形落差大,汇流作用强,富有大量松散物质,发育有3条主沟。在强降雨条件下,各沟渠发育的小规模泥石流同时爆发流入主沟,最终汇流于望谟河内,导致流量增大,泥沙含量增多,易产生特大洪涝沟谷型泥石流灾害,对沿岸居民和下游的望谟县城存在极大的安全隐患。2011年6月6日特大洪涝泥石流灾害的爆发给当地居民的生命财产造成了严重的损失。为减少泥石流危害,基于流域内泥石流的形成条件和发育特点的调研,以雨量、次声、水位和影像为监测内容,合理布置了雨量计、物位计、次声警报仪和视频系统,构成了针对该流域的泥石流监测网,拟定了预警阈值并划分了预警等级,形成了集采集、解译、传输、分析、决策、控制和预警为一体的自动化监测预警系统。通过对异常数据、缺失数据、波状数据和噪音的优化处理,取得了有效的监测成果,实现了对流域内雨量、次声、水位、影像信息的实时动态监控,为望谟河泥石流预警预报提供一定保证。  相似文献   
济南泉域地下水位动态及其对降水响应的交叉小波分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用1988—2009年济南泉域8个地下水位动态观测点不同时段观测资料及1998—2009年降水数据,采用连续小波变换、交叉小波变换方法对济南泉域地下水位动态的多时间尺度特征、相互关系及其对降水的响应进行了分析。结果表明:①济南泉域地下水位动态存在显著的0.82~1.16 a的主振荡周期,低频部分仅在部分年份存在1.95~3.09 a的振荡周期;②含水岩组富水性对地下水位动态存在影响,研究区主径流方向上弱富水性地段地下水位动态时滞较强富水性地段长,强富水性地段4个观测孔地下水位波动时序基本一致;③地下水位动态对降水的响应滞后明显,为73.06~134.42 d,总体表现为地下水径流路径越长,响应越滞后;④基于地下水位动态与基于降水—地下水位动态交叉小波变换得到的观测点对水位动态的滞后时间多数一致,同一径流路径上局部点对滞后时间之和与全局点对有很好的对应关系。交叉小波分析可定量评价泉域地下水位动态及其与降水的相关关系。  相似文献   
利用玉树震后地质调查获取的地表破裂位移,参考余震精定位结论以及地震波和InSAR反演结果,构建了玉树Ms7.1地震发震断层模型.基于弹性-粘弹分层介质模型中平面矩形位错理论,考虑介质自重的影响,模拟了玉树地震同震形变和重力变化.图像显示,玉树绝对重力点刚好位于同震重力变化极值附近,变化量达到25.02 ×10-8 m·s-2.通过对震前重力变化以及对两台FG-5绝对重力仪的一致性进行讨论,认为实测玉树台27.2 ×10-8 m·s-2为同震重力变化,这与基于位错理论的同震模拟结果一致,是对位错理论近场变化的1次很好的验证.  相似文献   
天津轨道交通对地磁观测干扰的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
直流牵引城市轨道交通系统在运行过程中产生的磁场对我国大城市周边地磁台站的观测数据产生较为严重的干扰.城市轨道交通运行过程中产生泄露电流是产生干扰的重要原因.本文以真空中的线电流磁场计算模型为基础,通过简化的远场磁场干扰模型对天津地铁轨道交通干扰进行理论建模.该模型计算简洁高效.通过对模型的数值模拟,获得了干扰随距离衰减...  相似文献   
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