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Phlogopite-amphibole pyroxenite xenoliths contained in an Early Palaeozoic alkali subvolcanic lam-prophyre complex in Langao County, Shaanxi Province, are metasomatized mantle xenoliths, composed mainly of clinopyroxene, amphibole, phlogopite, apatite, pervoskite, ilmenite and sphene with well-developed subsolidus metamorphism-deformation textures, such as "triple points" and "cataclastic boundaries" . Minerological studies indicate that clinopyroxene is rich in SiO2 and MgO and poor in TiO2 and Al2O3, which is notably different from magmatogenic deep-seated megacrysts and phenocrysts formed in the range of mantle pressure. Amphibole and phlogopite have the compositional feature of mantle-derived amphibole and phlogopite. Sm-Nd isotope studies suggest that the metasomatized mantle beneath Langao County is the product of metasomatism of primitive mantle by melt (fluid) derived from the mantle plume, and the mantle metasomatism occurred 650 Ma ago. The process of mantle metasomatism changed from mantle me  相似文献   
基于地理信息系统的太阳直接辐射与冰川物质平衡的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
丁永建 《冰川冻土》1998,20(2):157-162
基于冰川微地形对冰川物质平衡重要影响的认识,在考虑朝向、坡度、地形遮蔽等因素的条件下,以地理信息系统为手段,对乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川冰面太阳可能直接辐射进行了理论计算.在此基础上,建立了计算冰面任意一点物质平衡的B=f(T,R)(气温-辐射)模型.比较了该模型与B=f(T)(气温)模型、B=f(P,T)(降水-气温)模型及B=f(Q)(能量平衡)模型之间的优缺点,表明该模型具有物理意义明确、计算精度较高、参数易于获得等优点,从而为计算冰川物质平衡提供了新的途径.  相似文献   
针对强震能否预测以及如何预测的科学难题,建立孕震断层多锁固段脆性破裂理论,发现强震孕育过程的指数规律:sf(k)=1.48ksc,其中sf(k)和sc分别为第k个锁固体断裂点与第一个锁固段膨胀起点对应的累加Be-nioff应变,可以利用锁固段在其变形膨胀点处开始发生的震群事件(加速性地震活动前兆)预测未来大震,并给出了强震四要素相关预测方法。通过对诸多历史强震(如邢台地震、海城地震、汶川地震、玉树地震等)的回溯性检验分析表明:强震可以预测,且其孕震过程都遵循着上述简单的共性力学规律。在此基础上,归纳出4种典型强震的孕震模式,即大震震级呈"大—小—大"型,大震震级呈连续上升型,锁固段快速连续破裂型与标准型。此外,根据相关强震预测理论方法,对有关抗震救灾未来研究的方向提出如下建议:建议加强活动断裂位置精确定位、性质判定的地震地质研究,并开展孕震区锁固段(闭锁区域)判识的地质与地球物理研究等。  相似文献   
The new type hot water sedimentary rock - magnetite-fluorite rock occurs as quasi-layers inflat parts of contact zones between rock body and strata in Bamiaushan of Changshan County,Zhejiang Province, China. The main mineral assemblage is fluorite magnetite cassiterite. The rockshows typical laminated structure and obvious mosaic texture. Its formation temperature is between123℃-160℃, averaging at 142℃. The major chemical composition of the rock includes CaF2, SiO2,Al2O3, FeO, and Fe2O3; the high-content microelement association includes W, Sn, Be, Rb, Sr, S, andCl; and the total content of REE is low (∑REE between 35.34x10-6-38.35x10-6), showing LREEenrichment type of distribution pattern. Diagenesis: driven by the tectonic stress, the formation waterheated in the deep strata had moved along the fissures or fractures in strata and had extractedcomponents from the strata on the way, and finally stagnated in the flat parts of contact zones betweenrock body and strata. With drop in temperature, magnetite and fluorite were separated from the hotwater and precipitated alternately, forming this hot water sedimentary rock with new typemineralogical composition, typical laminated structure, obvious mosaic texture and sub-horizontaloccurrence. The characteristics of the new type mineralogical composition, sedimentary tectonicenvironment and chemical composition are different from that of the well-known traditionalhydrothermai sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   
国家自然科学基金委员会“中国西部环境与生态科学研究计划”自2001年启动以来,有力地推动了西部区域环境演化、陆地生态过程和人类活动对环境的影响等方面的研究,积累了丰富的基础数据。国家自然科学基金委员会“中国西部环境与生态科学数据中心”承担“西部计划”项目数据产出的收集、管理、集成,并面向西部环境与生态科学的各个领域提供科学数据服务。“西部数据中心”的总体框架是以“西部计划”和地球系统科学发展的科学需求为导向,建成以数据共享、知识积累、合作交流和数据科学为主要内容的集成平台,为“西部计划”多学科的交叉研究和成果的综合集成及地球科学发展的长远目标服务。以共建共享的指导思想集成针对西部环境与生态现状与变化的基础背景数据、环境与生态观测数据、模型数据集、数据工具及数据文档;并以完全与开放的数据共享原则为用户提供推送式数据服务。目前,“西部数据中心”已完成了数据共享平台、知识积累平台与合作交流平台的开发和集成,初步形成了科学数据平台,整理并发布了大量的西部环境生态科学所需的关键数据集。  相似文献   
阿尔泰超高温变泥质麻粒岩的锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
仝来喜  陈义兵  徐义刚  周信  刘兆 《岩石学报》2013,29(10):3435-3445
最近我们通过岩相学观察和矿物温压计算,首次确定了在阿勒泰喀拉苏附近存在超高温变泥质麻粒岩,其矿物组合为石榴石+斜方辉石+夕线石+堇青石+尖晶石+黑云母+斜长石+石英等。斜方辉石成分具有高铝特点,其Al2O3含量高于8.0%,指示了其峰期变质作用达到了超高温(>900℃)的条件。P-T计算结果显示其峰期变质条件为:P=~8.0kb, T=~960℃。初步P-T估算结果表明了一个峰期后近等压冷却的逆时针P-T轨迹。我们对其中锆石进行了LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄测定,年龄结果主要分布于260~280Ma之间,具有峰值年龄271±5Ma,个别年龄为380~390Ma,继承锆石主要分布于450~500Ma之间。该年龄结果表明阿尔泰超高温变质事件发生于二叠纪,在时间上与二叠纪塔里木地幔柱活动的时间(~275Ma)高度一致,且也和该区广泛的二叠纪(260~280Ma) 后造山或非造山的基性岩和花岗岩侵入是同时的。因此,阿尔泰二叠纪超高温变泥质麻粒岩的形成,可能与由二叠纪塔里木地幔柱活动引起的岩浆底侵和下地壳伸展加热密切相关,这也与该超高温变泥质麻粒岩的逆时针P-T轨迹所反映的构造背景一致。  相似文献   
大兴安岭东南部油气资源勘查区重磁异常初步解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域重磁异常的初步解释表明,西拉木伦河以北的松辽盆地外围地区存在诸多中、新生代盆地,发育3条NW向深大断裂和近NEE向的弧形构造.1∶20万重力异常显示,本区中、新生代盆地边界具有较明显的梯度异常特征,1∶5万航磁异常可较为清晰地勾画中新生代火成岩的分布.重、磁、电剖面联合反演揭示,中生代地层厚度1~4km,古生界规模宏大,厚度可达4~6km,是本区寻找油气的重要层位;古生界含油气盆地基底为志留系及更老地层;大兴安岭NE向展布的花岗岩具有蘑菇状侵入特征.通过重、磁异常联合反演,消除火成岩影响,得出突泉和扎鲁特地区的中生代基底深度1.5~4km,古生代的基底深度为2~6km.  相似文献   
包气带土壤中氨氮污染迁移规律已成为近年来国内外学者研究的重点,目前在氨氮污染迁移规律研究中采用柱实验模拟以及软件模拟的方法较多,土壤生物技术则广泛应用于污染物降解领域,而在污染物迁移规律研究中应用较少。本文采用变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)技术、16S rRNA序列分析技术以及典范对应分析相结合,对华北平原3个典型氨氮污染区土壤表层至包气带剖面微环境的细菌垂直分布特征及群落结构进行研究。结合污染区土壤理化性质分析,认为包气带土壤剖面的细菌群落中存在着与氮循环、硫酸盐代谢等过程偶联的优势细菌类群,说明土壤微环境中细菌群落分布明显受氨态氮、硝态氮、亚硝态氮和硫酸盐的分布影响,进一步表明污染土壤优势菌群的群落结构信息是描述包气带土壤环境氨氮污染物迁移规律的重要参数。  相似文献   
Granitoids play an important role in deciphering both crustal growth and tectonic evolution of Earth. In the eastern end of the Yinshan–Yanshan belt of North China Craton, the Yiwulüshan massif is a typical region that presents the tectonic evolution features of this belt. Our field work on the host rocks has demonstrated two phases of opposite tectonics: compressional and extensional, however, the deformation is almost invisible in the intrusive rocks. To improve the understanding of the tectonic evolution of the Yiwulüshan massif and the Late Mesozoic tectonics of East Asia, a multidisciplinary study has been carried out. In this study, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and gravity modeling have been applied on these Jurassic plutons (Lüshan, Jishilazi and Guanyindong), which intrude into the Yiwulüshan massif. According to laboratory measurements and microscopic observations on thin sections, the AMS of the Yiwulüshan massif is characterized by secondary fabrics, indicating that the intensive post solidus deformation has reset the (primary) magmatic magnetic fabrics. A relatively gentle NW dipping magnetic foliation has been identified with two distinct groups of magnetic lineations of N34°E and N335°E orientations, namely LM1 and LM2, relatively. Gravity modeling reveals a southward thinning of the massif with a possible feeding zone rooted in the northern part of the massif. Integrating all results from structural observation, geochronological investigation, AMS measurement and gravity modeling, two tectonic phases have been identified in the Yiwulüshan massif, posterior to the Jurassic (180–160 Ma) magmatism in the Yinshan–Yanshan area. The early one concerns a Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (~ 141 Ma) compressional event with a top-to-the-south to southwest sense of shear. The second one shows an Early Cretaceous (~ 126 Ma) NW–SE ductile extensional shearing. At that time, sedimentary basins widened and Jurassic plutons started to be deformed under post solidus conditions. In fact, the NW–SE trend of the maximum stretching direction is a general feature of East Asian continent during Late Mesozoic.  相似文献   
壁板桩承载特性的近似三维分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
雷国辉  洪鑫  施建勇 《岩土力学》2004,25(4):590-594
为考虑壁板桩矩形横截面的非轴对称性,将桩体沿深度和横截面方向进行三维离散,利用Mindlin方程和静力平衡条件分别建立桩周土体和桩体的位移方程,并由此推导了联立求解壁板桩荷载位移关系的支配方程,分析了壁板桩的承载特性。结果表明,在桩土接触面滑移破坏之前,壁板桩的侧壁摩阻力在横截面上的分布并不是均匀的。壁板桩的长宽比对壁板桩的承载特性也有明显的影响。  相似文献   
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