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Case-based reasoning is an AI technique in which the previous solutions are stored for future use. People are used to guiding themselves according to those routes that are stored in their memories and have been used by them before. It is just based on people’s preference to familiar routes, which are gained through the study of the cognitive activities. We propose to apply the intelligent method based on the case reasoning to path planning. It is impossible for a case base to store all the solutions to all the shortest paths; therefore, part of them should be stored. However, which routes should be stored and which should not be? How do we adapt the cases that have already been stored and how do we acquire the shortest route based on them? All these issues need to be explained by integrating knowledge of the network on account of case-based reasoning techniques. This paper suggests the case-based reasoning in another point. This means finding some irreplaceable links on the basis of the complete analysis of the problems space, which are called the must_be_passed link between the source and destination. Merely compute the shortest path case from those best exit/entry nodes of the grids to the irreplaceable links, and then add them into the case base storing for future use. This method is based on case-based reasoning technique and completely considers the properties of the problem space. In addition to the use of knowledge of the natural grid in the route network, this method is more efficient than existing algorithms on computing efficiency.  相似文献   
A procedure for the monitoring an urban heat island (UHI) was developed and tested over a selected location in the Midwestern United States. Nine counties in central Indiana were selected and their UHI patterns were modeled. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) land surface temperature (LST) images taken in 2005 were used for the research. The images were sorted based on cloud cover over the study area. The resulting 94 day and night images were used for the modeling. The technique of process convolution was then applied to the images in order to characterize the UHIs. This process helped to characterize the LST data into a continuous surface and the UHI data into a series of Gaussian functions. The diurnal temperature profiles and UHI intensity attributes (minimum, maximum and magnitude) of the characterized images were analyzed for variations. Skin temperatures within any given image varied between 2–15 °C and 2–8 °C for the day and night images, respectively. The magnitude of the UHI varied from 1–5 °C and 1–3 °C over the daytime and nighttime images, respectively. Three dimensional (3-D) models of the day and night images were generated and visually explored for patterns through animation. A strong and clearly evident UHI was identified extending north of Marion County well into Hamilton County. This information coincides with the development and expansion of northern Marion County during the past few years in contrast to the southern part. To further explore these results, an Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) 2004 land use land cover (LULC) dataset was analyzed with respect to the characterized UHI. The areas with maximum heat signatures were found to have a strong correlation with impervious surfaces. The entire process of information extraction was automated in order to facilitate the mining of UHI patterns at a global scale. This research has proved to be promising approach for the modeling and mining of UHIs from large amount of remote sensing images. Furthermore, this research also aids in 3-D diachronic analysis.  相似文献   
通过对菲律宾南部MD06-3075和婆罗洲东北部MD98-2178两个深海钻孔的孢粉分析,结合氧同位素记录以及西太平洋地区已有的孢粉记录,得到末次冰期研究区域海洋孢粉中的红树林花粉和蕨类孢子含量比间冰期时要低,特别是在末次冰盛期。这可能体现了冰期时海平面较低,湿度较低等环境和气候条件。同时,西太平洋一系列海洋孢粉记录的对比发现,南海南部陆坡地区冰期时的红树林含量仍然较高,巽他陆架等地区冰期时的蕨类孢子含量则表现为明显高值。这些记录的差异可能说明了由于不同地区的地形分布特征不同,在冰期海平面下降时,导致陆架出露的幅度存在明显的差异。如果陆架较宽,则海平面波动会显著改变植被分布范围和孢粉传播距离等,从而对孢粉数据的气候、环境指示意义产生影响。因此,海洋孢粉数据解释时需要结合多种沉积记录指标以及地球物理调查等,提高海平面变化以及相应的沉积环境演化对孢粉搬运沉积的了解程度,增强海洋孢粉中古气候、古环境信息的有效提取。  相似文献   
This paper focused on the development of a framework for collective water resources management in China to meet the change of drought and flood. Based on the observational data of drought and flood from 1950 to 2009 and the precipitation from 1961 to 2010, using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) method, the evolutionary characteristic of drought and flood was analyzed. The results showed that drought and flood occurred frequently, simultaneous occurrences of drought and flood and the rapid shift between the two were increasing. The framework for collective strategies responding to drought and flood under this ever-changing environment was presented. A series of potential mitigation, prevention, and adaptation strategies were discussed. These included both planning and implementation side strategies. In regard to planning, the strategies for dealing with drought and flood should be shifted from crisis management to collective management, unifying normal and emergency management. Combination risk zoning of drought and flood should be conducted and collective emergency planning should be formulated. Moreover, the regulation capability of water conservancy projects group should be optimized to the highest possible level. In regard to implementation, based on the water resources collective management, rational water allocation for both normal and extreme value processes should be implemented. The water conservancy project groups for the extreme value process should work together, and the flood limit water level of reservoirs should be controlled dynamically.  相似文献   
李晓雪  马小平  刘岸果  朱瑞 《地震工程学报》2020,42(5):1232-1235,1269
夜间灯光数据具有反映人类活动的特点,其数据变化与电力设施运行情况、建筑物和其他发光物体息息相关,因此近年来被广泛应用于各类科学研究中。本文从夜间灯光数据特点出发,以夏河MS5.7地震灾区为研究区,利用多时相NPP-VIIRS夜间灯光数据,经过数据预处理后获得三种灯光指数,从而分析灾区的夜间灯光变化,为地震应急救援工作提供一种震后灾情信息获取的途径和方法,为甘肃县级尺度的地震应急工作提供另一种思路。  相似文献   
Zhou  Yiqing  Tang  Kaihao  Wang  Pengxia  Wang  Weiquan  Wang  Yan  Wang  Xiaoxue 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(10):1553-1563
Nitrogen cycle is critical to maintain a healthy coral reef ecosystem. Urea can provide a source of nitrogen for coral holobiont and is important for coral calcification through degradation by urease. Despite the involvement of coral-associated bacteria in nitrogen fixation, nitrification and denitrification are well recognized, to what extend urea degradation by bacteria contributing to the urea utilization by coral holobiont remains to be investigated. In this study, we demonstrate that the urea utilization is a common feature of Halomonas spp. that is a dominant genus in cultivable coral-associated bacteria. A urease operon was characterized by genome sequencing and gene knock-out technique in Halomonas meridiana SCSIO 43005, isolated from the gastric cavity of healthy scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis. H. meridiana showed high urease activity which was induced by urea and deletion of the urease operon reduced the capability to use urea as solo nitrogen source. Furthermore,approximately 1/3 coral-associated bacteria in the IMG/M database possess complete urease operons indicating the involvement of bacteria-derived ureases in coral holobiont. These results suggest that urease from coral-associated bacteria might be important player in the nitrogen cycling of coral reefs.  相似文献   
方解石是东胜地区直罗组含铀砂岩中重要的胶结物类型,同时碳酸盐化与铀成矿作用关系密切。通过方解石胶结物岩石学、矿物学、碳氧同位素分析,研究了含铀砂岩中方解石碳氧同位素组成、沉淀机制及铀成矿意义。研究表明,东胜地区砂岩类型为长石岩屑砂岩、岩屑砂岩和石英砂岩,粘土矿物主要由蒙皂石、伊利石、高岭石和绿泥石组成,方解石类型以含铁矿方解石为主,其次为铁方解石。方解石δ~(13)C_(PDB)为-15.7‰~-1.6‰,平均-9.08‰,δ~(18)O_(PDB)为-15.6‰~-10‰,平均-12.4‰,显示其形成与有机酸脱羧作用有关,碳来源为有机碳。碳氧同位素分析数据计算表明,与方解石平衡的水相氧同位素组成变化范围较宽,为-7.66%-9.71‰,推测较轻的同位素组成具有封存大气降水的特征,而较重同位素组成则反映成岩成矿过程中深部富含油气低温热流体的加入。综合分析认为,东胜地区直罗组砂岩中方解石是地表水和深部油气共同作用的结果:早期有机酸促使长石类骨架颗粒溶蚀,形成石英颗粒次生加大边,并伴随着自生高岭石沉淀;后期随着大量烃类注入砂岩中,成岩成矿环境由酸性向碱性转变,还原性增强,介质水中的CO_2与Ca~(2+)圾Fe~(2+)结合形成含铁为特征的方解石,沉淀在原生粒间孔和各类次生溶蚀孔隙中。整个过程都伴随有铀元素运移和沉淀,暗示东胜铀矿床是地表水和深部油气混合作用形成的。  相似文献   
Heavy metal and organic pollutants in sediments along the coastal zone of southeastern China have been investigated. Sediment samples are retrieved from three depositional environments: coast, estuary, and tide-affected river mouth. The relative abundance of heavy metal and organic pollutants is related to their geochemical properties as well as depositional environments and anthropogenic discharge. Based on a sequential extraction method, it is revealed that anthropogenic Pb, Cr, Cu, and Cd are mainly bound to Fe–Mn oxides, suggesting that adsorption and co-precipitation of Fe–Mn oxides are in the control of their transfer processes from water column to sediment. Heavy metal bound to carbonates is also an important pool especially for Cd, Mn, and Pb. The main organic pollutants found in the study area include petroleum-related alkanes, phthalic acid ester, organic silicon, chlorophenol, phenyl ether, and amine. The accumulation of heavy metals and organics in surficial sediments has a decrease tendency from estuarine environment to coastal environment and to tide-affected river mouth.  相似文献   
大伙房水库洪水预报误差分布规律分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以大伙房水库洪水预报误差资料为例,采用P-Ⅲ型分布、极大熵误差分布和P-范分布来分析对比洪水预报误差的分布规律,并提出采用粒子群优化算法进行参数的全局优化求解P-Ⅲ型分布、极大熵误差分布参数。分析结果表明:4阶最大熵误差分布、P-Ⅲ型分布拟合经验点据较好,而P-范分布拟合偏差较大。  相似文献   
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