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17 samples were collected from aeolian and lacustrine profiles within the environment sensitive zone of the Loess Plateau, and an experimental method was established which is suitable for pollen extraction from aeolian sediment. A comparative study of pollen dating was carried out using the accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)14C dating of known age samples, and then an experiment with the pollen concentrates was performed. The results indicate that pollen that has been deposited simultaneously with sediment in a stable environment can provide reliable ages. This technique will provide a way of improving the chronological framework for the Loess Plateau since the late Pleistocene. TheI4c dating was combined with field investigations, and from the geological record within this zone, evidence was extracted of four major monsoon precipitation changes during the transition from the late Pleistocene to Holocene. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49894170, 49725308), Chinese Academy of Sciences (Nos. KZ-951-A1-402& KZ-952-S1-419), and State Committee of Science and Technology of China.  相似文献   
对鄂尔多斯盆地中部气田天然气碳同位素资料按不同地区、不同层位进行了分析,认为奥陶系风化壳气藏甲烷碳同位素值与石炭-二叠系气藏的接近,在平面上变化趋势相似,而与风化壳之下奥陶系自生自储的油型气相差较大。奥陶系风化壳气藏的来源是以石炭-二叠系煤成气为主,定量计算表明,在中部气田的大部分地区,石炭-二叠系来源气的比例大于70%。  相似文献   
贵州关岭生物群中植物化石的发现及其意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
关岭生物群是近年来在我国贵州关岭地区瓦窑组中发现的一个十分重要的生物群 ,其中的植物化石经研究计有 Equisetites cf.arenaceus(Jaeger) Bronn.、Ctenozamitessarrani Zeiller。依据植物化石 C.sarrani常见于晚三叠世和 E.cf.arenaceus系似木贼属中较古老的类型 ,指出含植物化石的地层时代为晚三叠世卡尼期。瓦窑组系海相沉积 ,其中的植物化石无疑为异地埋藏 ,但从化石通常保存尚好来看 ,估计搬运的距离不会很远 ,它们可能是从距海岸不远的陆地被河流带到较平静的海湾或海槽而沉积下来的。此外 ,从该组植物茎干化石具清楚的年轮分析 ,推测卡尼期时 ,贵州关岭一带为非热带雨林地区 ,一年中气候不是四季如一 ,而是有明显的季节变化  相似文献   
进一步讨论了有关非线性不稳定的一些问题,其主要内容有: 1.考察了有代表性的三类发展方程,指出其对应的差分格式是否出现非线性计算不稳定,与原微分方程解的性质密切相关。 2.进一步讨论了带周期边条件的守恒型差分格式的非线性计算稳定性问题,总结了克服非线性不稳定的有效措施。 3.以非线性平流方程为例,着重分析了带非周期边条件的非守恒差分格式的非线性计算稳定性问题,给出了判别其计算稳定性的“综合分析判别法”。  相似文献   
球粒陨石金属相的 Ir、Os、Co等亲铁元素的浓度随氧化程度的升高而显著增大 ,其浓度以及铁纹石 Co含量和橄榄石 Fa值均反映了球粒陨石的氧化 -还原程度具有连续变化的特征。根据铁纹石 Co含量、橄榄石 Fa值、低 Ca辉石 Fs值、金属相的 Ir、Os、Co浓度以及其他球粒陨石分类参数 ,可能存在介于 E与 H、H与 L、L与 L L以及 L L与 C之间的球粒陨石过渡型 ,即E/H、H/L、L/L L和 LL/C化学群 ,从而将原有的 9个球粒陨石化学群增加到 1 3个。球粒陨石氧化 -还原程度的变化特征以及球粒陨石过渡型的发现都表明早期太阳星云的化学分馏作用具有连续变化的特点。  相似文献   
Dissolved pollutants in stormwater are a main contributor to water pollution in urban environments. However, many existing transport models are semi-empirical and only consider one-dimensional flows, which limit their predictive capacity. Combining the shallow water and the advection–diffusion equations, a two-dimensional physically based model is developed for dissolved pollutant transport by adopting the concept of a ‘control layer’. A series of laboratory experiments has been conducted to validate the proposed model, taking into account the effects of buildings and intermittent rainfalls. The predictions are found to be in good agreement with experimental observations, which supports the assumption that the depth of the control layer is constant. Based on the validated model, a parametric study is conducted, focusing on the characteristics of the pollutant distribution and transport rate over the depth. The hyetograph, including the intensity, duration and intermittency, of rainfall event has a significant influence on the pollutant transport rates. The depth of the control layer, rainfall intensity, surface roughness and area length are dominant factors that affect the dissolved pollutant transport. Finally, several perspectives of the new pollutant transport model are discussed. This study contributes to an in-depth understanding of the dissolved pollutant transport processes on impermeable surfaces and urban stormwater management.  相似文献   
The relative amplitude method(RAM) is more suitable for source inversion of low magnitude earthquakes because it avoids the modeling of short-period waveforms.We introduced an improved relative amplitude method(IRAM) which is more robust in practical cases.The IRAM uses a certain function to quantify the fitness between the observed and the predicted relative amplitudes among direct P wave,surface reflected pP and sP waves for a given focal mechanism.Using the IRAM,we got the fault-plane solutions of two ea...  相似文献   
青海共和盆地下白垩统烃源岩地球化学特征及其生油意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孟元林  侯创业 《岩石学报》1999,15(4):630-637
我国西北大部分地区在早白垩世处于挤压为主的构造环境,但共和地区处于伸展的构造环境,发育了巨厚的下白垩统湖相沉积。我们首次在共和盆地下白垩统发现了一套258.15m 厚的烃源岩。这一发现改变了以往西北白垩系烃源岩仅分布在祁连-秦岭以北的观点, 这对于研究我国西北地区白垩系烃源岩的分布和油气田的形成具有重大意义。共和盆地下白垩统从下到上分为万一段、万二段、万三段、万四段。万一段和万四段是炎热干旱气候条件下形成的红色沉积, 基本没有生烃能力。万二段烃源岩是一套炎热潮湿气候条件下形成的浅湖-半深湖相沉积, 烃源岩有机质丰度达到了中到好烃源岩的丰度标准, 干酪根类型以Ⅰ2 型为主。该烃源岩在K2 早期(90.01Ma) 进入生油门限, 开始生油, 从K2 晚期(74.11Ma) 以来,一直处于大量生油的成熟阶段。下白垩统万三段沉积时期, 水体时深时浅, 暗色泥岩和红色泥岩交替出现。暗色泥岩属于中等烃源岩, 其有机质类型主要为Ⅱ型。它在晚白垩世 (78.02Ma) 进入生油门限, 但一直到第四纪 (1.5Ma) 才进入大量生油的成熟阶段。共和盆地下白垩统烃源岩发育, 具有形成中小型油气田的可能性。  相似文献   
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