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根据地质和同位素地球化学特征,建立了铜陵地区赋存于石炭系地层底部的块状硫化物矿床的成因模型;该类型矿床的形成主要与石炭纪海底热水活动有关,属喷流-沉积型(SEDEX)块状硫化物矿床;下伏古生代地层是重要的成矿金属源区,海水硫酸盐是硫化物成矿的主要硫源。成矿热流体循环的动力学数值模拟揭示。该类型矿床底盘岩石中的流体活动和热影响范围主要局限在主排泄通道两侧较小的区域内;温度场和流场决定以沉积岩为容矿岩石的喷流.沉积型块状硫化物矿床底盘岩石中的蚀变和矿化强度不如以火山岩为容矿岩石的块状硫化物矿床。伴随强大深部热流的张性同生断裂是控制喷流一沉积型块状硫化物矿床形成与分布的关键因素。海西期扬子板块北缘的张性构造体制为该时期喷流一沉积型块状硫化物矿床的形成提供了有利的地球动力学环境。  相似文献   
四川盆地中二叠统茅口组存在丰富的热液流体活动。在野外剖面和岩心观察的基础上,利用多种分析测试方法,对四川盆地东部茅口组碳酸盐岩中的热液活动特征进行了探讨。研究区茅口组热液活动包括2类,一类为硅质热液,表现为薄层硅质岩或硅质团块;另一类为碳酸盐型热液,表现为粗晶方解石和白云石充填在张性构造裂缝中或呈“雪片状”集合体,偶见少量黄铁矿、闪锌矿等金属硫化物伴生。硅质岩主量元素之间的关系表明硅质来源具有多样性,是热液硅与壳源硅的混合;黄铁矿、闪锌矿原位S同位素 δ34S 介于-3.91‰~-6.87‰之间,推测可能受到了微生物和基性岩浆岩的双重影响;方解石脉和具鞍状双晶的白云石脉普遍具有CaO高于标准计量、相对富Sr和U、贫REE和Ti、Ce/Ce*明显负异常、Eu/Eu*主体正异常、Y正异常等特征,表明碳酸盐脉为热液活动的产物,流体来源也呈现出火山活动相关流体与富钙地下水混合的特点。闪锌矿富集Ge和Cd,Zn/Cd及Zn/Fe值反映了中等成矿温度。硅质岩和碳酸盐流体包裹体均一温度变化范围较大,介于54.7~294.3 ℃之间,与稀土元素和微量元素比值所揭示的特征吻合。研究结果表明,穿层状硅质结核和团块的首次出现往往标志着茅口组热液活动的开始,而张性构造裂缝和碳酸盐型热液活动带来的围岩白云化作用则有效地改善了白云岩储集层的物性。  相似文献   
作为不同地质环境中普遍发育并能稳定存在的副矿物,磷灰石是卤素和REE、Sr、Y等微量元素的重要载体,对研究岩石成因、流体成分及演化等具有重要的指导意义。新疆西南天山高压-超高压变质带的榴辉岩及高压脉体中普遍发育磷灰石。磷灰石主要以矿物包体、粒间颗粒及脉体矿物的形式产出,本文主要以后两种粒径大于0.1mm的磷灰石为研究对象。电子探针分析结果表明,不同类型的磷灰石均为氟磷灰石,F含量变化范围为1.44%~3.56%,Cl含量则在0.09%以内变化,反映了与之平衡的流体盐度较低。LA-ICP-MS微区原位分析结果表明,磷灰石均相对富集Sr、Y和REE,亏损大离子亲石元素和高场强元素,稀土元素总量变化范围为10×10~(-6)~660×10~(-6),变化较大。根据稀土元素总量和分馏情况,可以把样品中的磷灰石分为稀土元素总量较低的轻稀土亏损型、稀土元素总量适中的平坦型和稀土元素总量较高的中稀土富集型3类。自形大颗粒的磷灰石具有从核部到边部稀土元素含量明显降低的成分环带,可能反映了磷灰石的生长过程,并暗示了流体成分的变化。  相似文献   
川东北地区下三叠统飞仙关组为浅海碳酸盐岩夹泥页岩与蒸发岩序列,而在碳酸盐岩台地边缘通常发育一些白云石化的鲕粒滩。这些鲕粒滩白云岩储集层是川东北地区主要的产气层,一些学者认为该套白云岩为大气淡水与海水的混合水白云石化成因,另外一些学者将其视为回流—渗透白云石化成因。飞仙关组鲕粒滩白云岩稳定同位素氧值一般为-6.73‰~-3.65‰(PDB),平均值为-4.89‰(PDB)(罗家寨地区为-10.81‰(PDB)),稳定同位素碳值一般为+0.57‰~+3.00‰(PDB)。对基质和孔洞中充填的鞍状白云石和亮晶白云石胶结物而言,稳定同位素87Sr/86Sr值为0.70735~0.70800。这些有关鲕粒滩白云岩的数据表明白云石化作用是在埋藏条件下进行的。在测定流体包裹体的均一化温度后,计算出白云石化流体稳定同位素氧成分(δ18O白云石-δ18O=[3.2×106 T-2]-1.5,来自 Friedman 和 ONeil(1977)),其平均值约为+4‰(SMOW)。根据流体稳定同位素氧、碳成分与海水蒸发时流体盐度的正相关性,计算出流体δD平均值约为+25‰(SMOW)。流体包裹体盐度测定表明,白云石化流体是一种超盐度卤水,其盐度是海水的数倍,白云石化的温度为90~130℃。由于下三叠统鲕粒滩白云岩的稳定同位素氧和碳成分与上二叠统生物礁白云岩的稳定同位素氧和碳成分类似,因此,它们的白云石化流体很可能是同一来源。然而,这一结论还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   
本文介绍的裂变径迹分析是一种分析盆地热演化史的新方法。裂变径迹分析法与有机质成熟度指标或包裹体测温技术相比,具有其独特的优点,即同时提供盆地的受热时间和温度的信息。  相似文献   
板内地震过程的三层次构造模式   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
地震的本质是一个能量长期积累和突发释放的地质过程。在板内地震特征分析的基础上,我们提出板内地震的三层次构造模式——软流圈上隆的深部构造、中地壳韧性流变层(低速高导层)及其上、下的强硬层组成的中部三明治构造和上地壳浅表脆性断裂构造。软流圈上隆使岩石圈减薄并为震源提供热能和机械能,提升地震三明治构造中韧性流变层的温度,且降低其粘度,相应地加大了高导层与高阻层的能干差,使得热能和机械能引起的应变能在两种不同流变性质介质边界附近强烈集中。三明治构造上面脆性断裂加速了应力集中,当活动断层达到三明治构造边界,即可触发地震的发生,引起应变能、热能的突然释放。基于以上模式,我们初步设计了对三层次构造信息的地震监测系统。  相似文献   
通过对若尔盖嫩哇火山岩产出层位、岩石学特征、地球化学特征及火山活动构造环境、火山岩形成年代的讨论,认为嫩哇火山岩受玛曲-然安大断裂之次级断层控制,属于造山带末期滞后的火山喷发构造环境,喷发时代属于早侏罗世,并厘定为下侏罗统郎木寺组。  相似文献   
地质雷达在湖南邵阳金江水库坝体隐患探测中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在金江水库坝体隐患探测中,使用地质雷达发现坝体的主要隐患来自坝体基岩的溶洞和因断裂、裂隙等渗漏通道在残坡积土层中所成的土洞。水库水位浸润线标高和残坡积土与基岩接触界面标高较接近,而使此高程的防渗能力更加薄弱,这也是此坝体的隐患之一。同时,根据地质雷达影像特征可探测灌浆工程的灌浆深度和水泥浆扩散半径,提出它可作为水利部门堤坝灌浆工程质量无损检测的一种新的技术手段。  相似文献   
Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) can endure long-term and deep submergence stress and cadmium toxicity, respectively. But we do not know whether they can endure cadmium plus waterlogging and what are the differences of ecophysiological responses and metal bio-accumulation of Bermuda grass subjected to normal condition, waterlogging, cadmium or cadmium-and-waterlogging treatments, respectively. Here, the four treatments on Bermuda grass are performed with four replications. Our objective is to determine the ecophysiological responses and endurance abilities, cadmium and zinc bio-concentration and translocation, and the metal uptake mechanisms of Bermuda grass subjected to the four treatments. Our results demonstrated different treatments showed different ecophysiological responses in Bermuda grass. The shoot weights of cadmium treatment were significantly lower than those of the other treatments when the values determined after treated 25 d. Cadmium had a certain promotion effect on the root growth at the early growth stage. SPAD values indicate the relative amounts of chlorophyll present in plant leaves. SPAD value of 35 d was higher than 25 d of cadmium treatment, indicating cadmium had negative effects on chlorophyll contents in the early stage, but the negative effects might be ameliorated as plants adapted to cadmium stress. Waterlogging induced the biomass decrease and accelerated cadmium translocation. The plant leaves had the highest cadmium contents exposed to cadmium-and-waterlogging treatment, while the root showed the highest cadmium contents suffered only cadmium stress. The bio-concentration factor of cadmium-and-waterlogging treatment was less than that of cadmium treatment, but the translocation factor of cadmium-and-waterlogging treatment was much greater than that of cadmium treatment, which indicated phytostabilization was the main phytoremediation process subjected to only cadmium stress, while phytoextraction was the main process when exposed to cadmium-and-waterlogging treatment. Bermuda grass was a cadmium hyperaccumulator and had strong adaptability to waterlogging, cadmium toxicity or both.  相似文献   
As soft rocks are likely to soften, slime and swell while contacting water, the existence of soft rocks is harmful for stability of surrounding rocks and supporting structures of tunnels. Through uniaxial and triaxial tests under dry condition and triaxial test with different moisture contents, the mechanical properties and failure modes of soft rocks were studied under conditions that the schistosity plane of the rock samples was vertical to, presented an oblique angle with, and paralleled to the loading direction. The results showed that peak strengths in natural and water-bearing states increased with increasing confining pressures, while those in water-bearing state were 40% lower than those in natural state. The samples were mainly subjected to ductile failure in both natural and water-bearing states while the samples in natural state exhibited a certain brittle failure characteristic in post-peak phase. With the increase of confining pressures, the post-peak curve gradually became gentle after certain brittle failure while the post-peak stresses had an insignificant change. In comparison, the samples in water-bearing state showed significant post-peak disparity, that is, exhibited strong ductile failure characteristic. Moreover, the fitting relationship between triaxial compressive strength and moisture of soft rocks can be expresses as σ 1 =  + B (A < 0, B > 0) while that between elasticity modulus and moisture can be expresses as E =  + B (A < 0, B > 0).  相似文献   
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