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利用红细胞微核和核异常的遗传毒理学方法,研究UV-B辐射增强对泥鳅红细胞核的细胞遗传毒性效应,评价2种毒理学指标在UV-B辐射监测应用中的可行性。结果显示,随着UV-B辐射剂量的加大,泥鳅红细胞的微核细胞率持续上升,表现出明显的剂量-效应关系,微核细胞率与辐射剂量显著正相关。而泥鳅红细胞核异常率随着UV-B辐射剂量的加大无规律性的变化,没有表现出剂量-效应关系,核异常率与辐射剂量无相关性。脱离UV-B辐射处理6 d后泥鳅红细胞的微核细胞率不能够恢复正常的对照水平,而核异常细胞率随着时间的延长,逐渐得以恢复。结果指示泥鳅红细胞微核率是用于UV-B辐射监测的灵敏和可行的细胞遗传毒理学指标,而核异常率不能用于UV-B辐射的监测。  相似文献   
Gelatin from the sea cucumber(Paracaudina chinens var.) was hydrolyzed by bromelain and the hydrolysate was found to have a high free radical scavenging activity. The hydrolysate was fractionated through an ultrafiltration membrane with 5 kDa molecular weight cutoff(MWCO). The portion(less than 5 kDa) was further separated by Sephadex G-25. The active peak was col-lected and assayed for free radical scavenging activity. The scavenging rates for superoxide anion radicals(O2·-) and hydroxyl radi-cals(·OH) of the fraction with the highest activity were 29.02% and 75.41%,respectively. A rabbit liver mitochondrial free radical damage model was adopted to study the free radical scavenging activity of the fraction. The results showed that the sea cucumber gelatin hydrolysate can prevent the damage of rabbit liver and mitochondria.  相似文献   
Global warming and its climatic and environmental effects have mainly been investigated in terms of the absolute warming rate. Little attention has been paid to the contribution of absolute warming rate to variability on various time scales of surface air temperature(SAT), which may be a more direct index for measuring the ecoclimatic effect of warming trend. The present study analyzed the role of secular warming trend in the variations of global land SAT for 1901–2016. Less than one-third of annual SAT variations were contributed by the warming trend over large parts of the globe generally. The ratios were up to two-thirds over eastern South America, parts of South Africa and the regions around the southwestern Mediterranean and Sunda islands where the absolute warming rate was moderate but the endemic species were undergoing exceptional loss of habitat. The ratios also exhibited smallest seasonal difference over these regions. Therefore, the ratio of the warming trend to the SAT variations may be a better measure compared to the absolute warming rate for the local ecoclimate. We should also pay more attention to the regions with high ratio, not only the regions with the high absolute warming rate.  相似文献   
行程时间不确定性导致了可达性随时间的变化,相关研究表明忽略行程时间不确定性会高估可达性水平。既有可达性研究往往用行程时间可靠性表示行程时间不确定性,但未考虑不同可达性模型结果的差异以及行程时间可靠性价值。本文结合各OD之间的行程时间分布特征,构建方差型的行程时间可靠性来描述行程时间不确定性,并进一步将行程时间可靠性纳入到广义出行时间成本中,建立了时间距离模型、潜力模型、累计机会模型和高斯模型4种基于位置的可达性测算方法,以比较在不同测算方法下,行程时间不确定性对可达性的影响。深圳的案例研究表明:(1)忽略行程时间不确定性会使全区域的可达性至少被高估5.04%,最大被高估95.04%。潜力模型、时间距离模型、累计机会模型和高斯模型的高估幅度由低到高;(2)行程时间不确定性对可达性的影响存在阈值效应,阈值越高,可达性受影响的程度越小;(3)从空间分布来看,行程时间不确定性对可达性水平高和低的区域都有一定影响。若不考虑行程时间不确定性,可达性高的区域高估值大,而在可达性低的区域,可达性高估的百分比较大,高估百分比中位数的差异程度最大可达77.1%;(4)行程时间不确定性对潜力模型可达性分类的...  相似文献   
传统遥感影像变化检测方法依赖人工构建特征,算法设计复杂且精度不高;而将2幅不同时相影像叠加后输入神经网络的遥感影像变化检测方法会造成不同时相的特征相互影响,难以保持原始影像的高维特征,且模型鲁棒性较差。因此,本文提出一种基于改进DeepLabv3+孪生网络的遥感影像变化检测方法,以经典DeepLabv3+网络的编解码结构为基础对网络进行改进:(1)在编码阶段利用共享权值的孪生网络提取特征,通过2个输入端分别接收2幅遥感影像,以保留不同时相影像的高维特征;(2)在特征融合中用密集空洞空间金字塔池化模型代替空洞空间金字塔池化模型,通过密集连接的方式结合每个空洞卷积的输出,以提高对不同尺度目标分割的精度;(3)在解码阶段中针对不同层级特征图信息差异较大,难以融合的问题,引入基于注意力机制的特征对齐模型,引导不同层级的特征对齐并强化学习重要特征,以提升模型的鲁棒性。应用开源数据集CDD验证本文方法的有效性,并与UNet-EF、FC-Siam-conc、Siam-DeepLabv3+和N-Siam-DeepLabv3+网络对比试验。试验结果表明,本文方法在精确率、召回率、F1值和总体精度上达到8...  相似文献   
Interaction of dissolved aqueous species with natural organic matter (NOM) is thought to be important in sequestering some species and enhancing the transport of others, but little is known about these interactions on a molecular scale. This paper describes a combined experimental 133Cs and 35Cl nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and computational molecular dynamics (MD) modeling study of the interaction of Cs+ and Cl with Suwannee River NOM. The results provide a detailed picture of the molecular-scale structure and dynamics of these interactions. Individual NOM molecules are typically hundreds to thousands of Daltons in weight, and on the molecular scale their interaction with small dissolved species can be investigated in ways similar to those used to study the interaction of dissolved aqueous species with mineral surfaces. As for such surface interactions, understanding both the structural environments and the dynamics over a wide range of frequencies is essential. The NMR results show that Cs+ is associated with NOM at pH values from 3.4 ± 0.5 (unbuffered Suwannee River NOM solution) to 9.0 ± 0.5. The extent of interaction increases with decreasing CsCl concentration at constant pH. It also decreases with increasing pH at constant CsCl concentration due to pH-dependent negative structural charge development on the NOM caused by progressive deprotonation of carboxylic and phenolic groups. The presence of NOM has little effect on the 133Cs chemical shifts, demonstrating that its local coordination environment does not change significantly due to interaction with the NOM. Narrow, solution-like line widths indicate rapid exchange of Cs+ between the NOM and bulk solution at frequencies of >102 Hz. The MD simulations support these results and show that Cs+ is associated with the NOM principally as outer sphere complexes and that this interaction does not reduce the Cs+ diffusion coefficient sufficiently to cause NMR line broadening. The 35Cl NMR data and the MD results are consistent in demonstrating that there is no significant complexation between Cl and NOM in the pH range investigated, consistent with negative structural charge on the NOM.  相似文献   
区域地球化学数据既具有确定性的特征 ,又具有随机性的特征 ,从而地球化学异常的空间分布具有标度不变性的特征 ,即空间分形结构。本文运用元素含量 等值线面积模型、元素含量的周长与面积模型 ,查明区域地球化学异常分形结构 ,初步探讨了其形成机制 ,并讨论了元素含量与等值线面积的空间分形模型用于划分地球化学异常与背景的意义。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地吴旗地区长6储层孔隙结构特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
孔隙结构研究是油藏精细描述、储层综合评价的重要内容,采用铸体薄片、扫描电镜、铸体图像分析、高压压汞和恒速压汞等多种技术手段,对鄂尔多斯盆地吴旗地区长6储层的孔隙结构进行了深入分析和研究.鄂尔多斯盆地吴旗地区长6储层具有高孔低渗的特征,储层以原生剩余粒间孔为主,长石、岩屑及早期碳酸盐胶结物的溶解是形成次生孔隙的主要原因.中孔和小孔是油气的主要储集空间,细喉和中喉则是长6的基本渗流通道.铸体薄片、孔喉图像分析表明,吴旗长6储层具有复杂的孔喉分布特征,不同微相孔喉分布及孔隙结构特征是造成油井产能差异的重要因素.  相似文献   
区域成矿流体的形成与演化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
成矿流体是富含挥发份、碱金属的含矿卤水 ,其中碱金属来源于岩浆热液、变质热液、海水及通过水岩作用从岩石中萃取等 ;而挥发份来源于地幔、水岩作用与有机质分解作用。成矿流体中的硫也是多来源的 ,硫的活度与氧逸度有关 ,高温还原环境H2 S的活度降低 ;成矿流体的同位素分馏与水岩作用强度有关 ,控制同位素分馏的基本因素是温度及水岩比值。根据成矿流体的成分及物理化学性质 ,可以分类为高温硅钾卤水、中温碳酸盐卤水及低温硫酸盐型卤水。成矿流体没有固定的来源 ,在一定地质条件下 ,任何来源的热水流体都可以形成成矿流体。控制成矿流体形成的主要地质作用是岩浆作用、变质作用、地热增温作用及构造作用等。文中根据地质作用类型对区域地质流体进行划分 ,可分为岩浆作用区域成矿流体 (以高温硅钾卤水为主 ,可以有高温到中低温的流体分带 ) ,沉积作用区域成矿流体 (以中低温碳酸盐及硫酸盐型卤水为特征 ) ,大洋盆地区域成矿流体 (与岩浆岩区域成矿流体类似 ,有高温到低温的流体分带 )和变质作用区域成矿流体 (变质程度不同而有不同的流体类型混合 )。  相似文献   
新疆尼勒克县巴斯尔干地区有一套棕黄、褐红色砂砾岩,过去仅采获硅化木化石,根据岩性对比将其归属早白垩世.根据最近采获的植物化石资料,论证了该区巴斯尔干组地质年代为二叠纪乐平世.岩石地层单位称巴斯尔干组。  相似文献   
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