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2000-2011 年三江源区植被覆盖时空变化特征   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
基于MODIS-NDVI 数据,辅以线性趋势分析、Hurst 指数及偏相关系数等方法,本文从三个尺度分析了近12 年三江源区植被覆盖时空变化特征、未来趋势及其驱动因素。结果表明:(1) 近12 年三江源区植被覆盖呈现增加趋势,增速为1.2%/10a,其中长江源区、黄河源区植被均呈增加趋势,而澜沧江源区植被呈下降趋势。(2) 三江源区植被覆盖具有显著的区域差异,且NDVI频度呈现“双峰”结构。(3) 近12 年三江源区植被覆盖呈增加趋势和减少趋势的面积分别占64.06%和35.94%,且表现为源区北部增加、南部减少的空间格局。(4) 三江源区植被变化的反向特征显著,植被变化由改善趋势转为退化趋势的区域主要分布在长江源区和黄河源区的北部,而由退化趋势转为改善趋势的区域主要分布在澜沧江源区。(5) 三江源区植被对降水和潜在蒸散的响应存在时滞现象,而对气温的响应不存在时滞现象。(6) 三江源区植被覆盖的增加主要归因于气候暖湿化以及生态保护工程的实施。  相似文献   
土壤厚度信息对土壤碳储量估算、水文-生态过程模拟等有着重要影响,但我国北方石质山区缺乏现势性好、分辨率高的土壤厚度分布数据及其快速获取方法。基于北方石质山区土壤厚度的分布特点,先将地貌信息和植被类型叠加生成制图单元,再根据每类单元的特征,针对性地选取地形参数和地表覆被参数作为指示土壤厚度空间分布的环境变量,结合少量土壤样点,依据模糊推理模型,构建了基于分层制图策略的土壤厚度空间推测方法。以河北省滦平县虎什哈流域为例,利用从ASTER GDEMs提取的地形变量和从我国环境减灾卫星影像(HJ-A)提取的地表覆被信息对土壤厚度进行了推测。结果表明,该方法精度较高,是利用免费地形和遥感数据进行低成本快速土壤制图的实用途径。  相似文献   

利用2019年5-6月江西省气象站、水文站降水数据与江西省雷达估测降水产品(QPE),采用多重网格变分分析方法(STMAS),开展1 km×1 km逐小时气象、水文、雷达雨量信息融合试验,并对试验结果进行了分析评估。结果表明:三种来源的观测降水具有相似的空间分布特征,其强降水落区、降水分布形态高度一致;与观测降水相比,不同融合试验结果具有一致的变化趋势,但均存在一定程度的低估,而融合了水文站降水的试验结果,其低估程度明显改善;独立检验结果显示,融合了水文站降水的试验结果在各降水量级的准确性均有明显改进,其相关系数提高了9.2%,均方根误差和平均绝对误差分别降低了14.3%和12.1%;进一步融合水文站降水后,对不同地形条件下的降水融合效果均有显著改善,海拔高度在800 m以上的地区,其相关系数提高8.8%,均方根误差降低14.1%。

基于带权点法向量的LiDAR数据屋顶检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于带权点法向量的LiDAR数据屋顶检测方法。通过利用点和其邻接点构成的面法向量进行峰值统计,检测屋顶面。检测过程中同时考虑每个点法向量的权值,从而确定每个点对面的贡献,一定程度上消除了噪声的影响,提高了小面积屋顶检测的准确程度。同时,采用多阈值进行屋顶面检测,能够检测大小不同的面。通过实验验证了本算法的有效性。  相似文献   
The sand-mud sedimentary record develops widely in the shore-shallow lacustrine, which can be a good oil and gas reservoir cap combination. It has important significance in petroleum geology. This paper takes the Kongdian Fm. of Eocene in Jiyang Depression as an example to study the formation mechanism and diagenetic system of the sand-mud sedimentary record in the shore-shallow lacustrine. The study indicated that sandstone-mudstone sedimentary strata at macroscopic level includes sand-mud duality, mudstone vein and sandstone lens in the Kongdian Fm. of Jiyang Depression, and there are some transitional clastic rocks at the microscopic level (Clastic particles, clay and carbonate cements are included in the transitional clastic rocks). The sandstone-mudstone sedimentary strata mainly formed in the material transformation of the shallow-water deltas and conjugate shock in the shore-shallow lacustrine. The thickness is mainly restricted by material source and water dynamic condition, and the sand-mud transitional clastic rocks are restricted by the dynamic mechanism and sedimentary differentiation of the lake water. The sandstone-mudstone sedimentary strata is composed of a closed diagenetic system. Early compaction-drainage and differential compaction, middle and late clay mineral transformation, structural water and organic acid emissions during the diagenetic process of mudstone influence the diagenesis of sandstone. The closed diagenetic system of sand-mud transitional clastic rocks is mainly related to the structural maturity of clastic rocks.  相似文献   
具有较低强度、较高脆性和良好水稳性的岩石相似材料是在物理模型实验中重现滑坡-碎屑流成坝与溃坝全过程的关键条件之一,然而目前却极少有合适的岩石相似材料能够用于该过程的物理模拟,因此,本文以重晶石和钙砂为骨料,以石膏和硅酸钠为胶结剂,以羧甲基纤维素钠和甘油为辅助添加剂,并拌合一定的水进行岩石相似材料的配比实验。采用控制变量法研究了骨胶比、重砂比、硅膏比、羧甲基纤维素钠含量和拌合水量5种因素对相似材料物理力学性质的影响,初步探究了硅酸钠控制岩石相似材料水稳性的机理。实验结果表明:骨胶比主要控制弹性模量;重砂比对内摩擦角有较大影响;硅膏比控制水稳系数;羧甲基纤维素钠含量控制内摩擦角;拌合水量控制黏聚力和单轴抗压强度。硅酸钠在提高材料水稳性方面起到化学胶结作用、填充作用和骨架作用,是控制相似材料水稳性的关键因素。结合实验结果和理论分析,本文配制的相似材料具备较低强度、较高脆性和良好的水稳性,为在1︰400~1︰800的实验尺度下实现滑坡-碎屑流成坝溃坝全过程物理模型实验奠定基础。  相似文献   
Secondary carbonates deposited inside caves have been considered as good archives of past climate variations at orbital, millennial to centennial, and de-cadal to annual timescales[1-3]. Change in δ 13C value is generally believed to reflect a change in the ratio of C4 to C3 plants, which have different photosynthetic pathways[4]. However, for given vegetation, the bio-genic CO2 production in soils can cause δ 13C to vary from ?12‰ to ?4‰[5]. Also, enhanced precipitation can lead to rapi…  相似文献   
基于中国1985~2007年30个省级行政区环境污染与经济增长面板数据,运用面板协整工具和动态最小二乘法(DOLS)对环境库兹涅茨曲线进行了实证检验。结果显示我国工业废气污染、工业废水污染和工业固体废弃物污染变量与经济增长变量之间存在长期协整关系,且变量间均呈现出显著的倒U形环境库兹涅茨曲线关系,而EKC转折点并没有出现在过低的水平上;其后基于检验结果探讨了我国环境-经济空间格局,部分东部发达省区已经越过或接近3种污染物EKC的转折点,然而我国大部分的中西部省区并未越过EKC转折点甚至距离较远。目前我国仍面临巨大的环境压力,在减排方面需要花费巨大的经济成本。我国环境经济政策的制定应根据各种不同情况因地因时制宜。  相似文献   
The well‐known Erzberg site represents the largest siderite (FeCO3) deposit in the world. It consists of various carbonates accounting for the formation of prominent CaCO3 (dominantly aragonite) precipitates filling vertical fractures of different width (centimetres to decimetres) and length (tens of metres). These commonly laminated precipitates are known as ‘erzbergite’. This study focuses on the growth dynamics and environmental dependencies of these vein fillings. Samples recovered on‐site and from mineral collections were analyzed, and these analyses were further complemented by modern water analyses from different Erzberg sections. Isotopic signatures support meteoric water infiltration and sulphide oxidation as the principal hydrogeochemical mechanism of (Ca, Mg and Fe) carbonate host rock dissolution, mobilization and vein mineralization. Clumped isotope measurements revealed cool formation temperatures of ca 0 to 10°C for the aragonite, i.e. reflecting the elevated altitude Alpine setting, but unexpectedly low for aragonite nucleation. The 238U–234U–230Th dating yielded ages from 285·1 ± 3·9 to 1·03 ± 0·04 kyr bp and all samples collected on‐site formed after the Last Glacial Maximum. The observed CaCO3 polymorphism is primarily controlled by the high aqueous Mg/Ca ratios resulting from dissolution of Mg‐rich host rocks, with Mg/Ca further evolving during prior CaCO3 precipitation and CO2 outgassing in the fissured aquifer. Aragonite represents the ‘normal’ mode of erzbergite formation and most of the calcite is of diagenetic (replacing aragonite) origin. The characteristic lamination (millimetre‐scale) is an original growth feature and mostly associated with the deposition of stained (Fe‐rich) detrital particle layers. Broader zonations (centimetre‐scale) are commonly of diagenetic origin. Petrographic observations and radiometric dating support an irregular nature for most of the layering. Open fractures resulting from fault tectonics or gravitational mass movements provide water flow routes and fresh chemical reaction surfaces of the host rock carbonates and accessory sulphides. If these prerequisites are considered, including the hydrogeochemical mechanism, modern water compositions, young U‐Th ages and calculated precipitation rates, it seems unlikely that the fractures had stayed open over extended time intervals. Therefore, it is most likely that they are geologically young.  相似文献   
伴随全球化的蔓延,快速城镇化地区的增长与收缩已成为地区发展转型研究中的国际性话题。改革开放以来,珠江三角洲在外来资本和廉价劳动力的双重推动下实现了农村城镇化发展,随之出现了大量的“城乡一体化(Desakota)”混杂空间。然而,2008年的金融危机对城市发展造成了巨大冲击,地区产权结构的不同导致了更新政策的差异,城市中出现增长与收缩并存的新空间现象。基于此,文章从区域农村城镇化的特殊条件出发,结合城乡二元土地产权结构的制度背景,探索珠江三角洲“Desakota”形成的内在因素,并提出理解城镇增长与收缩的分析框架。后危机时代,城市国有土地和集体土地与国家产业政策的匹配程度存在巨大差异,为不同地区带来了截然不同的发展机会。实证分析部分以东莞市为例,通过夜间灯光数据探索城市增长与收缩的空间分布特征,同时结合典型地区的案例分析,从产权视角切入分析地区出现差异化发展的机制。土地是决定地区发展方向的本质性因素,城市中产权明确且结构单一的国有土地有利于更新置换并实现再增长,而产权零散、用地混杂的集体土地往往因改造成本高而难以推动更新发展,地区出现“穿孔式”收缩。  相似文献   
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