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丰台—野鸡坨断裂为唐山地区主要断裂之一,西侧为鸦鸿桥凹陷,东侧为唐山凸起,断裂两侧第四系厚度之差巨大。本文依据该断层两侧钻孔对其第四纪以来活动性进行初步的探讨。通过对丰台—野鸡坨断裂上下两盘PZK14和PZK20孔磁性地层学研究,并结合钻孔岩石地层,及浅部光释光和14C测年结果,建立第四纪地层格架。结果表明:两孔底部“泥包砾”为新近纪沉积;PZK14孔下更新统底界埋深为387 m,中更新统底界埋深为114 m,上更新统底界埋深为71 m,全新统底界埋深为6 m;PZK20孔下更新统底界埋深为155 m,中更新统底界埋深为73 m,上更新统底界为36 m,无全新世地层。丰台—野鸡坨断裂活动在早更新世时表现为逐渐增强的特点,活动速率由早期的5.4 cm/ka增加到13.9 cm/ka。中更新世断裂活动基本处于停滞状态,活动速率为1.0 cm/ka。晚更新世以后,断裂重新活动,且更加剧烈,活动速率达到了54.5 cm/ka。  相似文献   
Although hydrotalcite, or layered double hydroxides (LDHs), is not a common mineral, it is an important material that can be easily synthesized in laboratory. In this study, structural evolvement and BET surface area changes of heat treated Mg/AI-LDH is evaluated by XRD, TEM and N2-BET analyses. The results indicate that the magnesium-aluminum LDH with carbonate as interlayer anion, periclase-like oxides was formed at temperatures of 400-800℃. Meanwhile, 2-3 nanometer mesoporous were formed during decomposition of LDH. However, the heat treated samples still preserve the morphology of the original LDH plates. Periclase-like formed from LDH heat treatment may re-hydrolyze and recover the structure of LDH. However, crystallinity of the recovered LDH is lower than that of the original LDH. This heat treatment will result in formation of (Mg, Al)-oxide nano-crystals and nanopores among the nano-crystals. When heating temperature exceeds 1000, the periclase-like (Mg, Al)-oxide is transformed into a composite with periclase (MgO) and spinel phases. The periclase can be re-hydrolyzed and dissolved in HCl solution. After acid treatment, the sample with a high surface area is composed of spinel nano-crystals and nanopores among them. Our results will provide a new and economic way to synthesize mesoporous materials through pathways of phase transformation of precursor materials with different composition.  相似文献   
长江口水域多光谱遥感水深反演模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用Landsat-7 ETM 遥感影像反射率和实测水深值之间的相关性可以探测水深。该文介绍单波段、双波段比值和多波段3种线性回归模型以及动量BP人工神经网络水深反演模型。选择长江口北港河道上段作为研究区,利用上述模型,分两种情况进行水深反演:一是以河道全部历史样本建模;二是将河道按自然水深划分为浅水区和深水区分别建模。结果表明:神经网络模型预测精度高于线性回归模型;水深分区后线性回归和神经网络模型预测误差均有所减小。  相似文献   
当前我国地理基础教育领域正在进行着一场意义深远的课程改革。在这场改革中,推进信息技术与地理教学的整合成为其中的重要内容。地理教师应该也必须掌握将信息技术与地理教学进行整合的技能,从而实现地理教育的目标。本文就信息技术与地理教学整合的意义、原则以及整合中应注意的一些问题作论述。  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to investigate pollen-vegetation relationship in the Qilian Mountains. The eastern Qilian Mountains are located in the transitional zone of the Tibetan Plateau, the Loess Plateau and the arid region of Northwest China, which is one of the key areas of global environmental change. A total of 13 surface pollen samples from main vegetation have been collected. Pollen percentages were calculated in all samples. In order to reveal the relationship between pollen composition and the vegetation types from which the soil samples have been collected, Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) ordination method was employed on the pollen data. The results show that dominating vegetation types can be recognized by their pollen spectra: Picea crassifolia forest, alpine shrub and alpine meadow as well. Altitude and temperature determine the distribution of the surface pollen and the vegetation. The good agreement between modern vegetation and surface samples across this area provides a measure of the reliability of using pollen data to reconstruct paleoenvironment and paleovegetation patterns in this or other similar regions. However the loss of Betula pollen in forest needs further investigation. Pollen oxidation is the most important factor contributing to the damage of modern pollen in the study area. Pollen concentrations decrease with the increase of pH values of soils, and decrease sharply when the pH exceeds 7.6.  相似文献   
青藏高原清水河多年冻土区铁路路基沉降变形特征研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过埋设在青藏铁路路基中两个断面内的6条沉降观测管3 a来的地基沉降变形资料,研究了高原多年冻土区铁路路基的沉降变形特征,分析了填筑铁路路基对下伏多年冻土融化变形的影响。研究表明,由于受到填筑路基时赋存在路基填料内的热量的影响,铁路路基下伏多年冻土上限在施工初期会有一个明显的下移沉降,铁路路基也随之有一个较大幅度的工后下沉变动,随着时间的推移,路基下降速率会逐渐下降,但在短时间内不会停止下来,而且由于太阳辐射和路基边坡形状的影响,路基向阳面与背阴面的变形有较大的差别,且在近南北向展布的路基上表现最为明显。  相似文献   
模糊理论在公路边坡稳定性分析中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
边坡工程是一个复杂的系统工程。边坡的稳定与否直接关系到其防护工作的程度。因此,如何有效、合理地判断边坡的稳定性对整个工程的经济与社会效益极为重要。影响边坡稳定的因素众多,判断其稳定与否应考虑各因素的综合效果。论文运用模糊理论中的多因素综合评判模型对某高速公路边坡的稳定性进行研究。通过全面考虑影响因素,建立相应的评判因素集及单因素评判矩阵,运用专家评判法和判断矩阵法确定出各因素的权重。最后通过多层次模糊评判得到该边坡的稳定性评判结果。研究证明,该法在边坡稳定性分析评判中是切实可行的。  相似文献   
江苏的经济发展较快,对矿产资源的需求量亦大。多年来的无序开采,对生态环境造成很大的破坏和影响,出现了山体植被遭受破坏、土地被占用、环境受污染、诱发地面沉降、地面塌陷等一系列问题,已影响到国民经济的发展。随着省人大和省政府关于限制开山采石和保护环境等政策、法规出台和落实,近几年乱采滥挖现象基本得到了有效的遏制。人们的环保意识得到了加强,不少矿山已逐步开始对环境治理,且初见成效。文章介绍了江苏生态环境现状、存在的主要问题和治理对策,以期引起各级政府和广大民众在对矿产资源开采的同时更要注重环境保护。  相似文献   
吉林油田同位素吸水剖面测井采用~(113)In同位素追踪技术,根据同位素追踪过程解释基本可以判断配水层段吸水情况。但是在注水井存在沾污、大孔道以及串槽等影响时,吸水面积确定比较困难。在同位素测井中增加井温、流量参数,通过多参数综合解释,不仅可以对沾污影响进行合理校正,确定准确的小层吸水量,而且能够正确判断各级封隔器、配水器的工作情况,在地层存在大孔道的情况下,确定地层的吸水面积。吸水剖面综合解释方法在吉林油田已普遍应用,见到明显的效果。  相似文献   
针对航天INSAR主、辅影像数据的特点,提出了加大匹配窗口、加大锚点间隔的匹配策略,以提高匹配的可靠性和速度.在匹配过程中,综合利用轨道参数和强度影像金字塔进行粗匹配,并对强度影像采用相关系数与最小二乘相结合的双向匹配方案,实现了自动、快速、高可靠性和高精度的航天INSAR复影像匹配.最后总结了航天INSAR复影像匹配的特点.  相似文献   
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