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Digital terrain analysis(DTA) is one of the most important contents in the research of geographical information science(GIS). However, on the basis of the digital elevation model(DEM), many problems exist in the current research of DTA in geomorphological studies. For instance, the current DTA research appears to be focused more on morphology, phenomenon, and modern surface rather than mechanism, process, and underlying terrain. The current DTA research needs to be urgently transformed from the study of landform morphology to one focusing on landform process and mechanism. On this basis, this study summarizes the current research status of geomorphology-oriented DTA and systematically reviews and analyzes the research about the knowledge of geomorphological ontology, terrain modeling, terrain derivative calculation, and terrain analytical methods. With the help of DEM data, DTA research has the advantage of carrying out geomorphological studies from the perspective of surface morphology. However, the study of DTA has inherent defects in terms of data expression and analytic patterns. Thus, breakthroughs in basic theories and key technologies are necessary. Moreover, scholars need to realize that DTA research must be transformed from phenomenon to mechanism, from morphology to process, and from terrain to landform. At present, the research development of earth science has reached the critical stage in which the DTA research should focus more on geomorphological ontology. Consequently, this study proposes several prospects of geomorphology-oriented DTA from the aspects of value-added DEM data model, terrain derivatives and their spatial relations, and macro-terrain analysis. The study of DTA based on DEM is at a critical period along with the issue on whether the current GIS technology can truly support the development of geography. The research idea of geomorphology-oriented DTA is expected to be an important exploration and practice in the field of GIS.  相似文献   
运用势的叠加原理和镜像反映原理,导出了水平井任意分段模式下井筒与油藏渗流耦合产能计算模型,用该模型可以计算任意分段模式下来平井的产能,通过对比不同分段模式下的水平井产能,可以对分段进行优化,从而指导分段完井方案的制定.研究结果表明:当打开程度一定时,不同分段模式对产量影响不大;产量随着打开程度的提高而增加,但当打开程度大于40%时,产量增幅趋于平缓,因此,打开程度必须大于打开临界程度,这样既减小了因分段而牺牲的产量又达到了分段的目的;井筒摩阻对产量影响较大,在进行分段优化时,必须考虑井筒摩阻的影响,从而优选盲管段的位置.  相似文献   
魏泽权  熊敏 《贵州地质》2011,28(2):104-107,121
遵义锰矿是中国为数不多的晚二叠世沉积锰矿,通过对历年来遵义锰矿勘查成果总结分析,提出了遵义地区锰矿的成矿模式,指出了该区的成矿远景区,认为该区具有寻找到大型—特大型碳酸盐型锰矿的潜力。  相似文献   
袁志坚  熊亮 《探矿工程》2014,41(11):17-19
受现有钻探设备能力限制,大口径瓦斯抽排井工程通常采用“先导钻进+分级扩孔”施工方法。通过扩孔所需回转扭矩的计算分析,对常用大口径瓦斯抽排井扩孔分级的设计进行了探讨。  相似文献   
电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定大批量地质样品中的稀土和钴铪铟锰铌钽铊铬镉镓锗钒锡等金属元素,主要采用三酸或四酸溶解样品.由于地质样品组分复杂,稀土等金属元素含量低,各元素性质差异大,三酸或四酸溶样经常出现易挥发元素如钒铬镉镓锡的测定结果不稳定、镧铈镨钕等稀土元素溶解不完全的问题.本文在盐酸-硝酸-氢氟酸-高...  相似文献   
<正>Shale gas exploration have yielded remarkable achievements recently in China,and four national demonstration areas for shale gas exploration and production have been established respectively as FulingJiaoshiba,Changning-Weiyuan,Zhaotong and Yanchang.During recent few years,nearly 400 wells have been drilled including 143 exploratory wells(vertical wells)and  相似文献   
基于最小平方的Fourier地震数据重建方法最终转化为求解一个线性方程组, 其系数矩阵是Toeplitz矩阵,可以用共轭梯度法求解该线性方程组.共轭梯度法的迭代次数受系数矩阵病态程度的影响,地震数据的非规则采样程度越高,所形成的系数矩阵病态程度越高,就越难收敛和得到合理的计算结果.本文研究了基于Toeplitz矩阵的不同预条件的构造方法,以及对共轭梯度法收敛性的影响.通过预条件的使用,加快了共轭梯度法的迭代速度, 改进了共轭梯度算法的收敛性,提高了计算的效率.数值算例和实际地震数据重建试验证明了预条件共轭梯度法对计算效率有很大的提高.  相似文献   
林滨兰  熊英等 《岩矿测试》2002,21(3):230-232
根据陕西某汞锑选矿厂含铬废水成因及治理工艺特点,在GB7466-87标准方法的基础上,拟订了该矿区含铬废水中全铬及六价铬的测定方法。加标回收实验的回收率为99.9%-100.2%,对ρ(TCr)为216.5mg/L的样液测定10次,其RSD%为1.3,广泛适应该矿区实验室的分析测定。  相似文献   
空间碎片观测精度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分别用内符合精度和外符合精度两种精度指标对云南天文台SBG望远镜的观测数据进行判定,确定了其观测精度。得到高轨空间碎片的观测精度约为2″,和低轨空间碎片的观测精度约为7″,并对观测误差的来源作了一些初步的分析。  相似文献   
基于雷达干涉测量技术,利用ALOS-2、Sentinel-1卫星升降轨雷达影像,获得2019-10~12发生在菲律宾棉兰老岛的4次MW>6.0地震的同震形变场,并以此形变结果为约束,反演得到4次地震的断层运动模型。综合分析发现,此次地震序列由3条断裂的破裂引起,其中2019-10-16和2019-10-31的2次地震为同一发震断裂,2019-10-31地震断层破裂区域位于2019-10-16地震断层破裂的东北延伸段,最大滑动量约为1.1 m,约为2019-10-16地震最大滑动量的2倍。2019-10-29地震由一条独立断层破裂引起,断层最大滑动量约为2.0 m。2019-12-15地震由一条东北向倾斜断层破裂引起,断层最大滑动量约为3.0 m。此外,2019-10-16地震引起2019-10-29地震显著滑动区明显的正向库仑应力传输;而2019-10-29地震显著增加了2019-10-31地震震源区域的库仑应力;前3次地震对2019-12-15地震孕震断层的库仑应力传输总和为负值,说明静态库仑应力传输可能不是此次地震触发的主要诱因。  相似文献   
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