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地震-电成像联合探测试验——以淄博市活断层探测为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在城市浅部活断层探测中,地震和电成像是2种主要的地球物理勘探手段。它们既可独立开展工作,也可在地质构造复杂地段进行联合探测,以更合理地解释探测区域的地质构造。文中利用电阻率和地震纵波速度之间的简单关系,进行了地震-电成像联合反演的初步探索。结果表明,通过参考电成像图像的电阻率分布,可获得合理的准二维地震波叠加速度模型,最终获得探测区域合理的地震时/深剖面,深化对地质构造的认识和提供合理的解释  相似文献   
按新旧规范设计的多层住宅砖房地震易损性的对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用概率方法借助于拉丁超立方采样技术和非线性地震反应时程分析对按现行规范设计的多层住宅砖房的地震易损性进行分析,并与按上一代规范设计的多层住宅砖房的地震易损性分析结果[1]进行了比较,为进一步研究这类结构的地震安全性、未来地震的损失预测以及防震减灾对策奠定基础。  相似文献   
箭猪坡矿床位于羌塘-扬子克拉通滇黔桂被动陆缘南盘江—右江裂谷盆地南丹坳陷带的东南缘,属湘中—桂中北(坳陷)成矿带桂中北成矿亚带芒场-大厂成矿带.主要含矿地层为下泥盆统塘丁组灰黑色条带状及薄层状绢云母泥岩,矿区内NNW向的张扭性断裂,是矿床的主要控矿构造,矿脉的产状及形态,严格受其控制.在总结前人认识基础上,通过野外地质...  相似文献   
Atmospheric lead(Pb) and other trace metals can transport over long distance and deposit on remote alpine ecosystems. In this work, the soil profiles, litter and dominant mosses along a large altitude were collected on Ao Mountain, Central China, to obtain the spatial distributions of Pb in these materials, decipher the possible factors controlling the distribution, and quantitatively distinguish the natural versus anthropogenic sources of Pb through the Pb isotopic tracing and biomonitoring. The results show that soil Pb concentrations(mg/kg) decreased significantly with depth, and they were markedly higher in the O(42.6± 2.7) and A(36.4 ± 2.2) horizons than in the litter(7.20 ± 1.9) and mosses(28.0 ± 3.9). The Pb enrichment in the surface soils(O and A horizons),litter and mosses existed in the relatively high altitudes, which was attributed to the influences from atmospheric wet deposition, plants, soil physicochemical properties and human activity. ThePb isotopic ratios identified the Pb sources as originating mainly from Chinese coal combustion,mining and smelting. Atmospheric Pb from southeastern, southwestern and northwestern regions could be deposited in the alpine ecosystem by long distance atmospheric transport. The anthropogenic Pb reached over 50% in the O and A horizons, and over 70% in the litter and mosses, which corresponded to the concentrations of 26.9, 17.7, 5.92 and 21.2 mg/kg, respectively. The results indicate that the mutual effects of climate and regional human activity could increase the Pb accumulation in remote alpine ecosystems.  相似文献   
自原国土资源部等四部委发布《找矿突破战略行动纲要(2011—2020年)》,山东加强了对蒙阴金刚石原生矿深部及外围的勘查,深部及外围找矿工作取得丰硕成果,并在金刚石找矿方法和综合研究方面取得改进和新认识。本文总结了10年来山东省第七地质矿产勘查院金刚石找矿成果,蒙阴常马庄和西峪金刚石原生矿深部钻探控制至1000m,新增金刚石矿物量550万ct,改进了金刚石原生矿重砂矿物组合和粒级,完善了金刚石找矿方法和选矿方法,对金刚石成矿理论取得新认识,并在深部新发现含金刚石的金伯利岩管,在蒙阴金刚石原生矿外围发现了含金刚石的煌斑岩,查明了费县朱田大井头岩管为含金刚石的钾镁煌斑岩岩管。编制了《矿产地质勘查规范金刚石》,填补了我国没有《金刚石矿勘查规范》的空白,对我国今后的金刚石矿勘查具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   
南极冰芯记录着过去气温、降水等气候环境参数以及影响其变化的太阳活动、火山作用等各种因子变化,是研究古气候、古环境变化及其影响机制的良好载体.东南极LGB69冰芯高分辨率的地球化学分析表明:①该冰芯的水当量年平均积累率高达259 mm/a,利用δ18O和Na+季节性变化和火山喷发标志层,通过数年层的方法确定其沉积时间为290 a(1712-2001年)±2 a;②该冰芯δ18O与邻近的戴维斯站气温距平5年滑动平均值(1968-2001年)之间具有良好的正相关关系,是有效的气温代用指标,1712-2001年该地区气温是一个波动变暖的过程,划分为4个阶段,小冰期结束于1914年,20世纪5年滑动平均气温距平年平均值较小冰期末次冷阶段升高0.30C;③Morlet小波分析表明,1712-2001年该冰芯δ18O(气温)和积累率(降水量)均存在约11年、约22年和约60年的共同周期,多重时间周期的嵌套表明其对气候变化非常敏感.上述研究结果为进一步重建南极气候冷暖、降水序列变化,以及研究太阳活动、火山作用等因子对气候变化影响的内在规律奠定了基础.  相似文献   
养殖贝类是最有效的生物固碳方式之一,其碳汇功能作为海洋生态系统功能的一部分,兼具生态和经济属性,碳汇价格的核算可为海水贝类养殖产业补贴提供数据参考,提高碳汇养殖产业的生产积极性,对海洋GEP核算等提供一定借鉴。目前碳汇价格研究较为缺乏,碳汇价格受限于碳汇计量方法的不完善,因此文章基于碳储量变化原理,对养殖环境中的养殖贝类固碳基础公式进行改进,补充了附着贝类固碳与生物沉积物固碳两个计算参数,以此为切入点选取并改进海洋牧场碳汇定价方法,以东方云溪海洋牧场作为研究区进行案例计算,结果为:海湾扇贝、栉孔扇贝与褶牡蛎的碳汇价格分别为165元/t、185元/t和272元/t;使用改进后的碳汇计量方法得到的养殖贝类单位个体固碳量较高,其中生物沉积固碳对提高单位个体固碳量的作用最为突出,约占贝类自身固碳的91%,主要与养殖海域的水文条件有关;较高的固碳量形成了较低的碳汇价格,固碳量与成本收益因素共同影响养殖贝类的碳汇价格;长远来看,碳汇价格会随着固碳计量的愈加完善而降低。  相似文献   
游志勇  汤熙翔  肖湘 《台湾海峡》2007,26(4):555-561
通过自行改进的高压培养罐及高压设备,对深海沉积物进行可培养微生物的筛选,获得6株具有较强耐受压力的细菌.16SrDNA的测序结果表明这些细菌分别属于6个不同的菌属.压力生长试验的结果表明这6株细菌在40MPa的条件下仍然具有较强的生长能力,属于兼性嗜压菌.对不同压力下生长的细菌做显微镜检,结果显示,除了一株芽孢杆菌在40MPa下的菌体形态发生了明显的变化外,其它5株细菌在压力条件下的菌体的分裂均没有受到明显的影响.  相似文献   
The variational assimilation theory is generally based on unbiased observations. In practice, however, almost all observations suffer from biases arising from observational instruments, radiative transfer operator, precondition of data, and so on. Therefore, a bias correction scheme is indispensable. The current scheme for radiance bias correction in the GRAPES 3DVar system is an offline scheme. It is actually a static correction for the radiance bias before the process of cost function minimization. In consideration of its effects on forecast results, this kind of scheme has some shortcomings. Thus, this study provides a variational bias correction (VarBC) scheme for the GRAPES 3DVar system following Dee’s idea. In the VarBC scheme, the observation operator is modified and a new control variable is defined by taking the predictor coefficients as the control parameters. According to the feature of the GRAPES-3DVAR, an incremental formulation is applied and the original bias correction scheme is maintained in the actual process of observations. The VarBC is designed to co-exist with the original scheme, because it is a dynamic revision to the observational operator on the basis of the old method, i.e., it adjusts the model state vector along with the control parameters to an unbiased state in the process of minimization and the assimilation system remains consistent with available information automatically. Preliminary experimental results show that the mean departures of background-minus-observation and analysis-minus-observation are reduced as expected. In a case study of the heavy rainfall that happened in South China on 11–13 June 2008, the 500-hPa geopotential height is better simulated using the analyzed field from the VarBC as the initial condition.  相似文献   
龚辉  姜挺  江刚武  张锐  贾博 《测绘学报》2012,41(3):0-416
基于测绘和地理信息产业发展背景,针对日益增长的数据融合、实时共享、深度处理和个性化的需求,对数字城市中测绘服务特征进行分析,重点介绍符合云计算模型的开放式计算环境、多路径数据更新、多源数据一体化集成、全尺度城市编码、自适应空间数据处理和动态在线制图等理论、方法与关键技术。在此基础上,研制开发了开放式空间基础信息平台,并成功应用于数字深圳的建设中。  相似文献   
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